Diets that may ease symptoms of IBS

Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS is a common problem that affects a substantial number of sufferers daily. Though common among several people, it is a health condition that still remains a mystery as it does not have a definitive diagnosis or treatment.

Symptoms of ibs may vary ranging from stomach pain, cramps, constipation to gas or diarrhea. IBS can get triggered by several factors including particular foods and toxic or acidic drinks. While every patient has a personal trigger and tendency regarding the food item that worsens the symptoms, many food items are considered helpful in soothing the condition.

When symptoms of IBS persist, choosing what to eat and what to avoid can be a big hassle. Therefore, the diet for ibs should be such that doesn’t flare up your condition any further. It is always a good idea to limit fat and dairy products in your diet. You can choose to include enough drinking fluids at room temperature. You can also have a portion of broth, non-acidic juice, sports drinks, coconut water, cucumber soup, and the like.

In case you have recently experienced symptoms, your diet for Ibs must include low-fiber foods including applesauce, barley, carrots, cucumbers, avocados, crackers, cream of rice, etc. Including peppermint and fennel in some form can greatly help ease your condition. Apart from eating foods that are lighter on your stomach, your diet for ibs should be regulated.

Often, ibs is triggered not essentially because of a certain type of food but due to irregular eating hours. Many experts recommend a diet for ibs that includes smaller portions of meals spread throughout the day. You can also divide your usual three meals into 5- 6 small meals at scheduled times. It is also recommended that you maintain a diary to track trigger food items and ibs attacks. This can also help you avoid potential foods that worsen your case. Highly gas-forming diets are usually held responsible for ibs symptoms. These should best be eliminated from your diet.

Irritable bowel syndrome is a condition that is reflected differently in different patients. While a high fiber diet may help someone with constipation, it may cause bloating and discomfort in others. Low-fiber diet is further known to worsen your case if you experience frequent episodes of gas and diarrhea. You could also try a gluten-free diet or simply opt for an elimination diet. Therefore, you must incorporate a diet for ibs that has been made keeping in account your unique situation.


  • 3 exercises to reduce your back pain
    Back pain may be caused due to many reasons including degenerative diseases, accidents, injuries fatigue and more. These factors may lead to long term or short term back pain. While resting for some time can offer back pain relief in a way that you don't put any pressure on the spine, a little bit of exercise can help in achieving a great solution. This is only possible because the back is a complex of muscles, the spine, ligaments and tendons—all of which enable one to move. So, restricting motion altogether may lead to further spasms and cramps. Here are a few exercises that you can do for back pain relief. Stretch the legs No back pain treatment is complete with stretches that can help the entire body unwind and stretch the aching muscles. These stretches can also assist in removing stiffness and are great for back pain relief. You can lie back on a mat and stretch your legs as you flex your toes. Bring your knees back up towards your abdomen before you repeat the stretch. Do this a few times a day and gradually increase the number of sets you practice the same. Neck and shoulder stretch Another method of back pain relief is with the help of stretches that will flex your neck and shoulders. You can sit upright and bring your head downwards, as close to the chest as possible. This exercise should help you feel the stretch in the nape or the back of the neck. The relief will spread through the rest of your back, eventually. Hip stretch Another good form of exercise for back pain treatment is the hip stretch. For this, you will need to stand with your feet apart. Make sure that the distance between the two feet is the same as your shoulders. Then, take a step back with one foot and bend forward with the other leg straight. You should feel the pull and stretch in the outer hip. Conclusion All the above exercises should be carried out with great caution, and one should do them slowly. Wear comfortable clothing so that you can move quickly and let your body breathe at the same time. As soon as you feel any sharp pain, you must stop the exercises immediately.
  • Peripheral neuropathy – Causes, symptoms, and treatment
    One of the important jobs of the central nervous system is to pass on the signals that come out of an organ. This is the epicenter, based on which the brain reacts. Imagine the nervous system sending out a wrong signal or a lesser signal. That is peripheral neuropathy for you. It is a disorder that occurs when these nerves malfunction due to an injury or an accident. As a result of this, the signal might get disrupted. They can send signals of pain when there's nothing causing pain, or they might not be sending the signal, even if something is causing you an injury. Causes of peripheral neuropathy: Peripheral neuropathy can be due to a single factor or due to a combination of multiple factors. These can include an injury, an infection, an inherited disorder, or an illness. These can also occur in persons who are overweight and have a high blood pressure. It is common with old age and affects people who have diabetes. The major factors that cause peripheral neuropathy symptoms include: - Diabetes - Alcoholism - Vitamin deficiency and poor nutrition - Hereditary and acquired neuropathies from external factors like environment, illness, accident, or trauma - Cancer and chemotherapy - Infections like Lyme disease, AIDS or shingles - Auto-immune diseases - Bone marrow disorders - Kidney or thyroid disease - Idiopathic Neuropathies where no cause can be determined Symptoms of peripheral neuropathy: There are three major types of peripheral nerves: - Sensory nerves, which connect to your skin, - Motor nerves which connect to your ligaments, and - Muscles and the autonomic nerves that connect to your internal organs. Peripheral neuropathy has a tendency to affect either one nerve group or all three of them. Some of the major peripheral neuropathy symptoms include: Tingling: You can experience a tingling sensation in your hands and foot. They can occur for a fraction of a second or in some cases they may prolong for a longer duration. Tightening: You might experience a sense of tightening in your muscles like how you wear your socks or a thick glove. Pain: You may experience a sharp stabbing pain randomly or connected in a particular region. Numbness: You can experience numbness in certain areas, which may not be prone to any sense of touch. Heaviness: Sometimes your body may feel heavy and you may be unable to perform any activity. In some extreme cases, you may be unable to move. Less control: You may not have control over things and may be prone to dropping things. Blood pressure: Drop in blood pressure may be felt when you experience peripheral neuropathy. Constipation: You may experience irritable bowel syndrome and constipation. In some cases, you may not have any control over bowel movements, thereby leading to diarrhea. Excessive sweating: Prolonged and excessive sweating should not be overlooked. Treatment of peripheral neuropathy: There are a variety of medications and treatments available for treating peripheral neuropathy symptoms. Do consult with your doctor at the first signs of such symptoms. In case you continue to feel a prolonged effect, seek medical attention immediately.
  • 10 kitchen appliances that promote good health
    There is no dearth of kitchen appliances in the market. All types of kitchen appliances have found their place on the shelves of every appliance store. Where there are buyers, there are appliances for the kitchen. Sometimes, we are all geared up to try something new and realization dawns that we do not have a proper appliance for making this recipe better. That’s where the right kitchen appliance comes into the picture. Kitchen appliances that promote good health It is important to filter through so many appliances for the kitchen that actually promote your family's health. Here are some of the appliances that help us lead a healthy lifestyle and are worth a try. Magic bullet The Magic Bullet works great for smoothies and is a fast and high-speed blender. It saves space as well. Why just smoothies and juices, the Magic Bullet can also be used for making salad dressing or grinding the right spices in minimal quantity. Garlic press Sure, the smell of garlic is enough to drive everyone away, but one cannot deny the benefits of the same. If peeling, chopping, or dicing garlic irritates you since the process can be quite messy and leave you with smelly hands, try investing in a garlic press. It not only chops, but gives it a fresh flavor by crushing and extracting the juice. Remember, a garlic a day helps to keep the cold away since it possesses anti-bacterial properties. Crockpot Also known as a slow cooker, the crockpot is an ideal investment if you want to retain nutritional properties while cooking. One pot meal or a potluck meal can easily be slow cooked in a crockpot. Crockpots are designed in such a way that maintains nutrition without burning the food. Digital kitchen scale For those who prefer measuring their servings before eating, a digital kitchen scale can come to their rescue. Some foods that cannot be measured with cups can be easily measured with the help of a digital kitchen scale. Rice cooker Why just rice, a simple rice cooker can also be used for cooking healthier varieties of food like quinoa, steamed vegetables, and other healthy grains like beans and chickpeas. Make your innovative recipes using a steamed rice cooker. Herb Saver Herbs are an excellent replacement for salt. Keeping herbs fresh forever can be a challenge. A herb saver is one of smallest appliances for kitchen, which can save your unused fresh herbs and keep them fresh for longer periods in the refrigerator. At a mere USD 23, this appliance is a steal. Salad dressing shaker With this multi-purpose salad dressing shaker, one can experiment with unlimited dressings. Make your own dressing with all healthy ingredients, spices, and even save it in the refrigerator to keep it fresh. Gourmet oil mister Appliances in kitchens need not be bulky or expensive, but how healthy and useful they are is what matters. One such appliance is the Gourmet oil mister, wherein one can mix the oil with the required herbs and just drizzle on your salad or bread as per your need. Fruit infuser Instead of splurging on aerated and sugary drinks, fruit infuser water bottles are a welcome and healthy way of living smart. Chop and mix the fruits of your choice, and sip it on. It is a wholesome and natural alternative to sugar-loaded drinks. Immersion blender Handheld immersion blenders come in very handy for sauces, smoothies, and pureeing. It is easy to handle and use considering its portability. Make way for healthy smoothies and sauces with this powerful four-speed blender. All the appliances that promote your family's health aren't very inexpensive. So, you do not have to wait for a kitchen appliance sale to purchase them. As they say, all good things in life are not expensive.
  • Best retirement plans that you should know
    Everybody needs to plan for their retirement income in order to have a secure future. It is always better to start saving early for a financially-stable retirement. Following are the 10 best retirement plans you may check out:
    • Rollover Individual Retirement Arrangement (IRA) Having a rollover IRA helps you transfer your retirement income investments from one account to another in case you change a job or when you want to invest in a better value-added option for retirement planning.
    • 401(k) One of the 10 best retirement plans, 401(k) helps you save over time and takes a contribution from your employer too, thereby making it an option for safe investments for retirees. It has rules and regulations, which ensure that your contribution sums up to an average retirement income for you.
    • Defined Benefit Plan Depending upon factors such as employment length and history of salary, the company administers portfolio management for the employer. This is entirely an employer-sponsored plan.
    • Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) While private sector employees have various options for retirement income investments, the TSP is intended to give Federal employees and members of the uniformed services an opportunity to save up for retirement planning.
    • Solo Roth 401(k) Solo Roth 401 (k) is a safe investment for retirees who have been self-employed throughout their working life. Since they cannot take advantage of the conventional Roth plans, this is a great idea for them to earn some retirement income.
    • Traditional IRA If you are looking for an option that helps you save up for retirement by giving you tax advantages at the same time, then traditional IRA is ideal for you. Depending on each individual case, the deductibles made to the account are partial or full.
    • Roth IRA Roth IRAs are an excellent option for people who think that they will be liable to pay higher taxes nearing their retirement as compared to their current tax contributions. It is one of the 10 best retirement saving plans that you may opt for. The other three options to opt for retirement investment planning are:
    • 457(b)
    • HR 10 Plans
    • Health Savings Account
    All the above-mentioned options come with different pros and cons and you can pick the best option depending on your financial condition and age. It is highly advisable to engage in retirement income planning so that your future is secure and you don’t have to worry about any expenditures when you retire.
  • Here’s a list of myths and facts about refurbished computers
    While the idea of buying refurbished electronic gadgets is not new, doubts still exist in the mind of potential buyers as to whether or not they should go for it. The many myths associated with refurbished computers often come in the way of making a good decision for the layman. So here are some common myths that you may have heard about refurbished PCs and laptops, along with the truths that debunk the myths: Myth #1: Refurbished computers are only for those who do not need to use it much Fact: While there is no harm in getting one for a child, schools, or for secondary use, the truth is that recycled computers can be used by everybody. Such computers can work quite well, whether it is for a commercial establishment or used by someone who needs it for extensive regular work. In fact, many businesses prefer to buy such devices and have no issues for a long time. Myth#2: All such computers have issues in performance as they have been used for extended periods Fact: Actually, most refurbished computers pass through stringent quality standards and all damaged parts are replaced by the manufacturer, so these are almost at par with brand new models. It is also not true that such devices run poorly since tests for performance are conducted before they are put up for resale. People have used such computers without lags or the need for repairs for extended periods. Myth#3: There is no warranty for refurbished computers Fact: If you are buying refurbished computers from an authorized refurbisher or the original manufacturer, your device will come with a warranty, usually for a one-year period. You can also check the type of warranty being provided and go for one that covers part replacements, as well as others which are sometimes available for a nominal annual fee. There will always be multiple points of view and opinions on things, whether it is an electronic device like refurbished computers or on something else. Finding the facts for yourself rather than just going by what people say is the best way to go about it. What’s important is that you buy your system from a reliable seller.
  • 8 ways to take care of atopic dermatitis in kids
    The most common type of eczema that affects infants and children younger than two years is atopic dermatitis. It is a relapsing type of disorder caused by either hereditary or immunological factors. The symptoms can vary from mild, itchy red rash to small, oozing blisters. There can be episodes of acute flare-ups followed by remission. The condition improves as the child grows older and may resolve completely by the time the child reaches puberty. Atopic dermatitis treatment consists of a long-term care plan to improve a patient’s skin hydration, reduce inflammation and enhance the quality of life for the child. An atopic dermatitis treatment can include a variety of measures to control the symptoms.
    • It is important to keep the skin hydrated at all times and prevent it from drying. Emollients make a protective barrier and minimize the effects of irritants and dehydrating agents. Complete emollient therapy with an emollient moisturizer and bath substitute is recommended for an effective control of symptoms. A good emollient therapy can be an effective atopic dermatitis treatment and can help reduce frequent flare-ups.
    • Avoid hot water for baths as it can cause dry skin. Use mild unscented soaps with a neutral pH level. A bath should be immediately followed by an application of a topical emollient. Always pat the skin dry, never rub with a towel.
    • Sedative antihistamines can be used at bed time to control the itchiness and redness.
    • Environmental factors like dust mites, which are known to exacerbate the symptoms should be avoided. The child should wear pure cotton clothes and avoid synthetic fabrics.
    • Topical corticosteroids are required for treating flare-ups. However, they should be applied in small amounts to the eczematous areas.
    • Sometimes, secondary skin infection can develop in an eczematous skin. A topical antibiotic ointment or oral antibiotics may be prescribed for a short duration of time.
    • A mild bleach bath for 5-10 minutes may help prevent skin thickening and pigmentation.
    • Psoralen and UV light therapy can be used for severe atopic dermatitis treatment.
    Regular follow-ups are mandatory to ascertain whether the treatment is working effectively. In the case of frequent exacerbations, follow up with your pediatrician to ascertain if the medication needs to be changed.