Treatment options for Atrial Fibrillation

Atrial Fibrillation is a condition is which the heat beats in an arrhythmic pattern i.e. patients have a quivering or fluttering sensation in the heart. Atrial Fibrillation is also commonly called AFib or AF. Almost 27 percent of Americans suffer from this condition and almost twenty percent of the cases of stroke are due to AFib. This condition is mainly caused due to thickening of blood i.e. increase in the blood pressure which in turn can be caused due to high levels of cholesterol or high levels of sugar in the blood.

AFib treatments for individuals depend on how long the individual has had AFib, how severe the symptoms are and the basic cause of AFib. Atrial Fibrillation drugs and other treatments basically target to reset the rhythm of the heart beat or control the levels of blood clot. Also, the treatment prescribed by the doctor will offer depends on other factors too. Other factors include other diseases or disorders, previous medication record, whether the patient will be able to consume the Atrial Fibrillation drugs to reset the heart beat or not, etc.

Resetting the heart beat- The ideal way to treat AFib is to correct the heart rhythm. This can be done using a procedure called Cardioversion. Cardioversion can be conducted in two kinds of procedures.

Electrical Cardioversion – This procedure is brief and involves delivering an electric shock to the heart through paddles placed on the chest. The shock momentarily stops the electrical activity of the heart. It is hoped that when the heart resumes again, the rhythm will be back to normal.

Cardioversion with drugs – In this form of Cardioversion, AFib drugs called anti-arrhythmics are provided to the patient to help the heart get back to its normal rhythm. The doctor refers intravenous or oral Atrial fibrillation medications based on the condition of the patient’s heart. This process is carried out in the hospital with continuous monitoring of the heart rhythm.
Before any Cardioversion treatment is carried out, blood thinning medications are usually given for several weeks in order to reduce risks of blood clots.

Maintaining normal rhythm of the heart- After the Cardioversion treatments, the doctor prescribes anti-arrhythmic medications. This is done so that atrial fibrillation episodes in the future can be avoided. These drugs may have certain side effects like fatigue, nausea or dizziness. However, even with medication, there always remains a chance of another AFib episode. There are also medications available for AFib stroke treatments.

Heart rate control – Control of heart rate can be achieved with various kinds of medications. For example, medication may be able to control heart rate at rest. However, it might not work that well during activity. So, a lot of patients sometimes require alternative or additional medications like beta blockers or calcium channel blockers. However, beta blockers may cause severe side effects like low blood pressure and worsening of heart condition; the same can occur for calcium beta blockers.


  • Poor credit loans
    Having poor credit diminishes one's ability to procure a loan and also renting an apartment or landing a job etc. People with poor credit have low credit scores. A credit score is a number that lenders (banks and credit cards etc.) use to identify the risk element of lending money to you. The standard credit score is called FICO score, named after the Fair Issacs Corporation which created this.
    • Credit score usually range from 300 to 850; the higher your score the better is your credit. Credit scores are determined by factors such as:
    • Payment history - Lenders see how consistent you have been in previous loan repayments.
    • Outstanding amount - Those carrying a lot of debt are considered risky and is less likely to pay back new loans.
    • Length of credit history - If you've been a long time borrower and a responsible one, the higher the score.
    • Types of credit in use - Credit cards, personal loans, mortgages etc are the kind of credit a person may already have.
    • New credit - Your credit score may lower if you apply for too many loans within a short span of time.
    The obvious solution to having poor credit is to improve your credit score. This automatically qualifies you to apply for a wide variety of loans. Improving one's credit score, albeit being the optimal solution, takes time. In the meantime, those with poor credit can seek loans from:
    • Credit unions - As credit unions are smaller entities compared to brick and mortar banks, they look into overall situation while assessing your loan eligibility. Credit unions usually have lower fees.
    • Online lenders - Borrowing from an online lender lets you compare rates and fees from multiple sources thereby letting you make the best choice. The requirements to qualify for a loan from an online lender is also few as compared to others.
    • Peer to peer lenders - These are actually lending networks and they are currently growing in a exponential rate. These networks offer varying interest rates as compared to the traditional banks.
    • Friends and family - Having a poor credit score means many major lending institutions will not offer you a loan. Borrowing from friends and family has almost nil requirements and fees!
    In the long run, it's advised to build one's credit to reach an acceptable score. To do that, always ensure that your bills are paid in time. Revolving debt like credit cards have an higher impact on your credit rating, always have a clean balance on your credit cards. However poor your credit score is, it can be fixed by taking conscious decisions regarding your finance.
  • Common symptoms of oral HPV cancer
    One of the most common sexually transmitted infections, the human papillomavirus (HPV) holds the probability of affecting every individual that is sexually active. One of the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI), there are more than 100 different types of HPV and another 40 subtypes. An HPV can affect one's genital area or throat. It usually spreads through skin-to-skin contact. Engaging in oral sex is one of the most common ways of contracting HPV of the mouth and throat. HPV can be cured; however, certain types of HPV, commonly known as high-risk HPV, can lead to certain types of cancer. One such type is oral HPV cancer. The oral HPV cancer symptoms are limited or even absent in a few cases. This usually leads to patients ignoring the condition as there are no bodily changes that hint toward the development of cancer. Negligence and delay in the treatment process are, therefore, strongly associated with this condition. Warts in the mouth or throat are the only direct HPV cancer symptoms that can encourage the patient to get the necessary treatment. A mouth and throat HPV can often lead to oropharyngeal cancer. Strong symptoms start showing when the infection transforms into cancer. The cells are usually formed in the middle of the throat, tonsils, tongue, or pharynx walls. Timely treatment is crucial in the treatment of any type of cancer. Below are a few early signs and symptoms that should encourage patients to consult a doctor and get tested for a throat and mouth HPV cancer:
    • Development of an ulcer or a sore in the mouth that does not heal for 2-3 weeks, sometimes even longer. It is one of the most common symptoms for HPV mouth and throat cancer.
    • A significant change in the color of the patient's tongue due to an imparity in the soft tissues of the mouth. These tissues can adopt a red, black, or white discoloration.
    • The tonsils could swell leading to a difficulty in swallowing. The patient can feel a large amount of pain and a stinging sensation of something being stuck while trying to swallow.
    • Asymmetrical swelling in both the tonsils is a symptom of mouth and throat HPV cancer.
    • Along with pain while swallowing, the patient can also feel intense pain while chewing in further stages of this condition.
    • Some of the persistent and common HPV cancer symptoms are a sore throat, swelling or lump in the mouth, numbness in the lips or mouth, and coughing.
  • Low blood sugar – Causes, symptoms and treatment
    Low blood sugar, which is also called hypoglycemia, is a result of your body being unable to fuel all the cells in your body, due to low sugar in the blood. Also called as insulin reaction or insulin shock; this can be anything below 70 mg/dL or 3.8 mmol. Causes of low blood sugar A drop in blood sugar can be caused due to many factors. These include:
    • The glucose in your body gets used up too quickly
    • The production of glucose by the body is too low
    • Glucose is released too slowly into the bloodstream
    • If there is too much insulin in the bloodstream.
    • Excess consumption of alcohol
    • Sometimes, a tumor in the pancreas can cause insulin to be produced in excess, this is called insulinoma
    • Lack of certain hormones like the growth hormones, thyroid hormones or cortisol
    • Heart, liver or kidney failure
    Certain infections like sepsis which affects the whole body Symptoms of low blood sugar The symptoms that you might face if you have low blood sugar are:
    • Heart palpitation or rapid heart beat
    • Sudden mood swings
    • Fatigue
    • Anxiety or nervousness
    • Change in color and paleness of skin
    • Headaches
    • Hunger pangs
    • Weakness
    • Excess Sweating
    • Insomnia or difficulty falling asleep
    • Blurry vision
    • Dizziness
    • Tingling feeling all over your skin
    • Inability to think or concentrate clearly
    • Loss of consciousness
    • Seizures
    • Coma
    How to prevent low blood sugar Here are a few ways to help you prevent low blood sugar: Eat nuts - Nuts contain unsaturated fats that slow down the body's ability to absorb sugar, especially nuts like almonds, walnuts, and pistachios. Make sure to have around six almonds or walnuts the first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Eat whole grains - Whole grains like oat, barley and rye are all rich in fiber and contain a soluble fiber called as beta-glucan. Beta-glucan prevents your blood from running out of glucose too fast.however, whole grains also contain carbohydrates so make sure you don't consume too much of it as carbohydrates will raise your blood sugar level Eat vegetables - Vegetables are a good source of fiber. Non-starchy vegetables like broccoli, cucumber, and carrots can help keep your blood sugar levels in check. Vegetables like spinach and kale are rich in iron and phosphorous which is also good for your blood sugar levels, so include this in your diet too. Never skip meals - Make sure you have all your meals through the day and not skip any. Your breakfast is the most important meal of the day, don't skip it. Your lunch keeps you going through the day so fill your plate up with protein and energy filled foods. At dinner, you can have a smaller meal. Apart from these three meals, you should have tinier bites in between to regulate the glucose level in your body. Exercise - It is very important to follow a consistent exercise regime. This helps regulate your blood sugar levels and contributes to the overall wellness of your body. Incorporate at least 30 minutes of physical exercise on a daily basis.
  • Know the Common Signs of Huntington Disease
    Huntington disease is a progressive brain disorder, which causes gradual deterioration of the nerve cells in the brain. The disease causes changes in the central area of the brain, affecting one’s functional abilities such as movement, mood, and rational thinking. People with Huntington disease usually begin experiencing symptoms in their 30s and 40s. However, the disease may appear later in life too. In case, where the disease develops before the age of 20, it is called juvenile Huntington’s disease. The symptoms of this are different and the condition progresses at a fast speed. Huntington disease symptoms The Huntington’s disease primarily causes movement, psychiatric and cognitive disorders, which begin with a plethora of early signs and symptoms. The early symptoms of the disease include: Physical changes
    • Excessive restlessness
    • Slight changes in coordination that affect body balance
    • Minor twitching in fingers and toes
    • Changes in handwriting
    • Slowing or stiffness
    • A minor difficulty with everyday physical activities such as driving
    Behavioral changes
    • Short-term memory loss
    • Decreased ability to focus
    • Decreased ability to organize daily tasks or deal with new situations
    • Impulsiveness
    • Spells of depression, irritability, and apathy
    Advanced symptoms of Huntington disease As the disease progresses, the symptoms become more severe and begin to interfere with everyday life. The physical, emotional and intellectual symptoms become more prominent. In most cases, the patient develops involuntary movements such as jerks or twitching of the arms, legs, and neck. Apart from that, people feel emotionally burdened or experience trouble in speaking or swallowing. They may also develop obsessive-compulsive disorder- a condition that triggers intermittent, disturbing thoughts and repetitive behaviors. In addition to the above symptoms, weight loss is a common sign in people suffering from the Huntington disease. Juvenile Huntington disease symptoms The symptoms of juvenile Huntington’s disease may be slightly different from those in adults. The common signs of the disease are as follows: Behavioral changes
    • Inability to remember previously learned academic lessons or physical skills
    • Inability to concentrate
    • A significant drop in overall school performance
    • Behavioral issues
    Physical changes
    • Development of rigid muscles that affect the gait and posture
    • Changes in fine motor skills
    • Seizures or tremors
    • Slight involuntary movements
    In case you witness any changes in your movement or emotional state of mind, it is imperative to immediately get medical help. There are several medications that can help to control the fidgety movements. Your doctor will analyze the symptoms to prepare the best line of treatment for the condition.
  • Things you must know about the best mattress for back pain
    Backache is a common health problem which occurs when the spine doesn’t get adequate support and comfort. If you suffer from the symptoms of back pain, you must consider getting a good mattress which provides proper back support. Here are some tips which will help you determine the best mattress for back pain. The firmness of the mattress is the most important thing when looking for a good mattress. Make sure that the mattress you sleep on is firm. A soft mattress isn’t the best mattress for back pain. While soft and sagging mattresses make the surface uneven, the mattress, however, mustn’t be too hard. Too much firm mattress exerts more pressure on the body and can cause pain and aggravate the symptoms of fibromyalgia. The actual firmness of the mattress can’t be defined. The requirement of every individual varies depending on the severity of back pain. Therefore, it is essential that you consider the firmness of the mattress. Some people try flipping and rotating which proves effective to relieve back pain and related problems in the short run. In a similar way, you can even rotate or flip your mattress from head to foot or flip it in clockwise manner or upside down. Doing so prevents the sagging of the mattress in one specific section. When you sleep on a sagged mattress, it causes the body to sink in the mattress. The spinal joints are affected by this, and the problem can intensify into sciatica. The best mattress for back pain is the one that delivers maximum support and comfort. It is wise to check the documentation from the manufacturer to know if your mattress is compatible with flipping or not. The actual life of the mattress can’t be predicted. It all depends on the usage of the mattress. If you get up with some backache symptoms, it is high time to realize that you must change your existing mattress. Make sure you have the good quality mattress which keeps a healthy position of your spine and prevents the occurrence of any kind of back pain. On an average, the mattresses must be replaced after every seven to ten years after use. The latex mattress is known to be the best mattress for back pain. This mattress has high rating for providing relief to people with chronic back pain. The springy mechanism of the latex mattress delivers proper support and comfort to the spine. The spongy nature of the latex mattress allows the easy contouring of the body curves. It provides equal support to all body parts such as hips, shoulder, and neck. The body remains in complete contact with the mattress which ensures the correct spine alignment. The latex mattress is the best possible choice for people who suffer from orthopedic problems. High-grade mattresses are made of pocket springs which are also known as pocketed coils. Thousands of pocketed springs are placed inside the fabric of the mattress. The springs provide support to all the contours of the body. You must buy mattresses which contain about 1000-2000 springs. If you are someone who sleeps on your back, make sure the mattress you sleep on is firm enough. Avoid sleeping on too stiff and too soft mattress as they can cause the inappropriate alignment of the spine. Firmness is an important consideration which must be looked upon. Sleeping on an old or soft mattress can aggravate the symptoms of back pain and even result in chronic pain. Therefore, it is mandatory to have the best mattress for back pain. Sleep on the right mattress and you will have a peaceful night’s sleep. What's more, you will wake up next morning more relaxed.
  • Facts you should know about automatic blinds
    Most homeowners are of the opinion that automatic blinds offer a lot of convenience and flexibility. You do not have to go near the window for pulling or lifting the blinds and these are remote control blinds and can be operated easily with the device. The compact motors are the ones that automate the blinds and they are hidden in the roller tube. This is a recent technological advancement and it is also a highly affordable option. Excellent options to secure security and privacy Advanced versions such as automatic or electric blinds are highly beneficial when you have high windows in your home. They come in handy for media window rooms with centralized monitoring and you can use these products for multiple rooms with security panels. One of the remarkable aspects is that remote-controlled blinds are perfect for your privacy and security. Amazing range of features There are motorized blinds available in the markets that are equipped with remote automatic timers and other highly beneficial features. You can opt for specific features you want, like raise and lower only or tilt only or raise only or tilt features. Another benefit is that you can identify your kind of blinds and they can be battery operated or motorized with options for a blackout, light filter or sunscreen features. In addition to the remote control, you also have the freedom to choose a sun-sensor timer and there is also an option of building interface control. Another optional feature is the wall switches and you can find many more options to choose from based on your needs. Unique models for different types of uses You can find motorized horizontal or vertical blinds where head rails hold the motors. When it comes to horizontal types, you can find 2 slats aluminum blinds. The installation of these types of blinds is a bit complicated compared to the battery operated device. If you would like to install it by yourself, you must follow the instructions in a careful manner. It is always advisable to seek the help of an experienced professional installer. Can you imagine the benefits of using automatic or electrical blinds? If you ask an existing user, you can learn many more things other than these benefits. When you are busy with important tasks, you are least interested in going near the windows and adjust them. These modern blinds can be adjusted from distance and the remote control allows you to sit wherever you want and operate the blinds. People are always looking for the most advanced blinds available in the market and the electric or automatic versions can certainly be described as one of the most sophisticated products available in the market.