10 popular junk foods that are technically healthy

Do you often enjoy junk food and then feel guilty about it later? We have some good news. Not all packaged and easy-to-make snacks out there are unhealthy! From air-popped popcorn to baked sweet potato fries, plenty of tasty options won’t wreck your health as much as you imagine. So, don’t feel bad about satisfying your cravings occasionally. Here are a few suggestions for a quick bite to satisfy those hunger pangs.

Popcorn is a favorite snack for many, especially when watching a movie. It’s a good source of fiber, which can keep you full and satisfied. It also has antioxidants called polyphenols, which are shown to reduce inflammation and protect against cancer and heart disease. When choosing popcorn, buy plain, air-popped varieties or make them at home. Air-popped varieties are healthy, low-calorie, and great fiber alternatives.

Dark chocolate
Chocolate is often associated with indulgence and guilt, but dark chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa does have health benefits. It’s rich in antioxidants called flavanols, which are shown to improve heart health and reduce inflammation. Researchers have found that dark chocolate with a high amount of cocoa (at least 70%) can improve blood pressure, reduce heart disease risk, and improve brain blood flow. Dark chocolate also contains iron, magnesium, and copper, which are important for overall health.

Nuts are often considered a high-calorie and unhealthy snack. However, they’re a good source of protein, fiber, and healthy fats that can help keep you feeling full and satisfied. Almonds, walnuts, and pistachios are rich in polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, which have been shown to improve heart health and reduce inflammation. Nuts are also a good source of vitamin E, which benefits skin and eye health. But remember, always pick unsalted or unsweetened varieties.

Sweet potato fries
French fries may be a classic junk food, but sweet potato fries are a healthy alternative. Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamins A and C, fiber, and antioxidants that can help protect against cancer and heart disease. They’re also a good source of complex carbs, which provide sustained energy and help regulate blood sugar levels. Since sweet potatoes have a lower glycemic index, they’re less likely to cause spikes in blood glucose than regular potato fries.

Guacamole is a delicious dip often considered unhealthy due to its high fat content. However, the fat in guacamole comes from avocados, a good source of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. These are good fats that help improve heart health and reduce inflammation. Avocados are also rich in fiber, potassium, and vitamins C and K. They have been shown to lower cholesterol levels, improve digestion, and reduce the risk of many chronic diseases, including heart disease and cancer.

Greek yogurt
Greek yogurt is a healthier alternative to other yogurts because it’s high in protein and low in sugar. It’s made by straining regular yogurt to remove excess liquid and concentrate the protein. This process also removes some lactose, making it easier for those with lactose intolerance to digest. Greek yogurt is a good source of calcium, important for bone health, and probiotics, essential for a healthy gut and robust immune system. Enjoy it as is, or add fresh fruit and a tiny amount of honey for a healthier and more satisfying snack!

Salsa is a flavorful sauce often enjoyed with chips or as a topping for tacos. While chips aren’t the healthiest option, salsa is a suitable choice low in calories, vitamins, and antioxidants. It’s typically made with fresh vegetables like tomatoes, onions, and peppers. These veggies are rich in vitamins A and C and antioxidants that can protect against cancer and heart disease. Salsa sauce is also a good source of fiber and can help keep you full and satisfied.

Edamame is a popular snack often enjoyed at Japanese restaurants. It’s made from soybeans that are still in their pods and can be steamed or boiled and seasoned with salt. Edamame is a good source of protein, fiber, and vitamins C and K. It’s also rich in isoflavones. These antioxidants can reduce inflammation and protect against certain cancers. Edamame can be enjoyed individually as a snack or added to salads and stir-fries for a healthy and flavorful twist.

Hummus is a delicious dip made from chickpeas, tahini, and other healthy ingredients. It’s rich in protein, fiber, and healthy fats that can help keep you feeling full and satisfied. Chickpeas are a good source of plant-based protein and fiber, which can improve digestion and reduce the risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Hummus can be enjoyed as a dip with raw vegetables or whole-grain crackers or as a spread on sandwiches and wraps.

Frozen berries
Berries are a sweet and satisfying treat that can be pretty healthy. Strawberries and raspberries are particularly good sources of antioxidants and fiber. They can help protect against cancer and heart disease, improve digestion, and regulate blood sugar. Freezing doesn’t significantly lower the nutritional value of fresh fruits, so feel free to munch on some frozen berries when hunger strikes.

It’s important to remember that while these junk foods may be healthier than their traditional counterparts, they should still be had in moderation. A food plan rich in whole, unprocessed foods is the best way to maintain optimal health. Incorporating these healthier junk food options into your nutrition plan can be a great way to satisfy cravings without sacrificing your health goals.


  • 3 places to order meat packages online

    Remember when we used to actually stop by the butcher's to choose the best meat for our cooks? Well, these days, you can get premium-quality and exotic meats delivered to your doorstep. All you need to do is choose the meat you like from a brand of your choice, and that's that. Not sure where to start? 

    Here are three of the best places to order meat online:

    Rastelli's, based out of New Jersey, is one of the best meat distributors and has over 60 products in its catalog. Their products are completely free of antibiotics, steroids, and hormones and are full of healthy essential nutrients. They also offer different types of meat such as beef, seafood, poultry, and pork. To ensure that their meats stay fresh for longer, they blast-freeze their products. They also vacuum-seal their products to ensure long shelf life. And most of their products can be kept in a freezer for up to a year! Orders are shipped within five business days of placing the order and can be delivered to both residential and business locations. Unfortunately, they only ship to the continental US and not to Hawaii, Alaska, or Canada.

    Fossil Farms 
    If you're looking for a place where you can find the best wild meats, you must check out Fossil Farms. This brand offers a wide selection of meats, including ox, boar, and bison. They also have a wide range of exotic meats, such as kangaroo and camel. All of their meats are farm-raised and natural, which also makes it a healthy choice. They also offer home delivery services, and orders are shipped and delivered between Monday to Thursday. They ship anywhere in the US, but this comes with a shipping charge starting at $16.00 and a surcharge based on the order's weight.

    Carnivore Club 
    Carnivore Club is another premium brand that offers online subscription-based meat delivery services. To access their products and plans, all you need to do is sign up for their service and choose a plan of your choice. The best part, though, is that they have some of the best artisanal meats on the market and are well known for the charcuterie boards that feature cured meats. You can also opt to order individual products through their website if you do not want to settle for a subscription plan. Some of their popular products include the Spanish smoked ham, the South African Biltong, and the Italian Salumi.

  • Common eye ailments of the retina and their symptoms
    The eye, like any other organ of the body, is prone to may diseases: some degenerative and some as a consequence of another disease. The eye has a two-part lid with long lashes. The frequent closing and opening of the eyes in conjunction with tears keeps the eye clear and lubricated. They close as a reflex action to prevent entry of foreign articles. Some of the common conditions affecting the eye have symptoms of more serious conditions, which can cause a total loss of vision if neglected. It would be prudent to take any symptom which persists unabated for more than three days seriously and consult an eye specialist or ophthalmologist. Quite complex surgical procedures are often undertaken in the eye. Eye Strain Like any other organ, the eyes also get strained with continuous use. Anyone who works continuously on a computer, reads for hours together without a break, or long-distance drivers have all experienced this. As a rule, overnight sleep should set it right. The soreness persisting beyond a few days certainly warrants consulting an ophthalmologist. Red Eye The external wall of the eye, sclera, is highly vascular. Any irritation leads to the engorgement of the vessels on the sclera, the white of eye. If the entire eyeball is persistently red, it indicates an infection or allergy. Conjunctivitis can also cause this. Besides photophobia, sand in the eye sensation, and scum formation in the corners are also common. In severe cases, the lids may be stuck together in the mornings. If over-the-counter eye drops and rest do not aid in getting rid of the problem, consult an ophthalmologist. Night Blindness Only low light and vision in darkness are affected. This indeed has serious implications for everybody who has to drive in night and low-light conditions. Cataract, lack of vitamin A, near sightedness and keratoconus are the common reasons for this and these are treatable. Rarely is it congenital or the consequence of certain retinal degenerative diseases, in which case they are incurable and one has to learn to live with the condition. Cross Eye or Strabismus This is the condition of the eyes not being aligned. When one is looking at something, the eye will be looking elsewhere. This needs to be corrected by an ophthalmologist. Many of the eye disease symptoms are common, with the initial ones being more serious. Early diagnosis of these makes the prognosis much better, while delays can prove to be very costly in more than one sense. It is better to err on the side of caution in these matters.
  • How to look for great deals on curtains
    The way you decorate a room can bring new life to your home and redefine your style. Curtains for example are a great way to add the refreshing element to your home and having said that, they are inevitable for every home for safety and comfort reasons. Back in the 1960's our good old grandmothers had great tailoring skills and they would decorate their homes with hand made curtains and other upholstery in a jiffy; clearly, that's not the case now. Unfortunately, the prices of these curtains have also soared so high that as customers, we either end up buying half-heartedly, cursing ourselves for the money spent or we just walk away and compromise on a low quality curtain. How does one look for elegant curtains on sale? Before we answer this question, it is imperative to understand how one should choose curtains and not compromise at it! Curtains are a great option as a window covering in your home for a number of reasons, out of which two are the most crucial:
    • Controls sound - If you have hardwood floors and tiles around your home then you know how much noise they make. The soft fabric of curtains absorbs some of this noise, creating a quieter home for you and your family.
    • Energy savers - Do you want to be warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer without battling to keep your utility bills low? Curtains may be the solution. They let in just the right amount of sun and have great insulation qualities.
    Coming to the best curtain deals: Follow them online To get elegant curtains for sale, it is best to keep an eye on the most sought after websites that deal with home furnishings. www.touchofclass.com and www.dhgate.com are probably the most popular ones, with the latter claiming to be a wholesale dealer. Subscribe for their newsletters and offers. Follow their social media channels and stay as a loyal customer. Sometimes, these companies are known to handpick their loyal customers and offer special discounts. Newly opened stores Just at the wink of an eye, bunch of boutiques are inaugurated. Most of them extend inaugural offers which are far too attractive. It is also wise to capitalize on such situation because they tend to give a lot of importance to trendy designs with great customer care team. There's a huge possibility that they might put elegant curtains for sale. You never know. Mix and match it Have you always been eyeing those curtains that have the royal look and are out of your budget? Fret not! You can always buy different designs for home with the living room taking up your most preferred curtain and the other rooms slightly deviating in terms of design and looks but still within the concept. This helps you to have the best of both the worlds. Why not? You deserve it.
  • Jordan shoes and the art of choosing good running shoes
    There are a number of brands present today to cater to various footwear needs that we have. One of the best brands that create men's shoes and sports shoes includes the range at Jordan Shoes. These are well-engineered pieces designed for maximum comfort and optimum performance. So what are the things that one must look for while selecting athletic and running shoes? Here is our quick list for you to follow! Your shoes need not be a multitasker: • While many people may go on and on about the virtue of clothes and shoes that can multitask, any good footwear brand like Jordan's shoes will tell you that your athletic shoes should be a pair that does not multitask. That's right - you must choose a pair that will be reserved only for your heavy duty physical pursuits, and that too only in one area. • For example, your gym trainers cannot moonlight as your sports shoes while you are playing baseball - you will necessarily need to segregate the two. • And because most of these shoes are built with a certain engineered goodness and contours in the sole, we would also recommend that you only use them on the field or the gym floor, depending on the kind of shoes they are, so that the contours do not get chipped on the pavement or some stray pebbles. Knowing your foot to select the shoe: • This is another pre-requisite that many of us skip. Do not merely go for the trendy new arrivals section. Take your feet out and try on various kinds of shoes by Jordan shoes, before your decide what kind will suit your feet the most. • We would even recommend that you should try on shoes at the end of the day or after a particularly intense bout of running or walking. When you try on shoes while your feet are swollen and looking for comfort, you will actually be able to gauge which shoes are the most comfortable. This will help you in selecting the best shoes from the range. • Also, you should bring your own socks when you go to a store to try on shoes as this will help you in realizing what kind of shoes will suit your activities and feet the most. • Furthermore, the wet foot test is another one that will help you in understanding the shape of your foot so that you can find a pair of shoes with the right kind of edges to support all kinds of movement for your particular shape. Replacing your shoes: • Buying trainers and sports shoes may be an expensive affair, but the truth of the matter is that you will need to replace them frequently so that you do not run the risk of getting injured in a worn out pair that will not support your foot well. • You can use coupons for well-known brands like Jordan's shoes so that you get the best possible deals whether you are shopping online or offline!
  • Home warranties – Benefits, policies, and companies to consider
    Household appliances and systems have become an integral part of the modern lifestyle. But regardless of how carefully one uses them, regular use over an extended period of time can cause wear and tear. This can, in turn, lead to huge repair costs. To avoid this, many people choose to invest in home warranties that cover expenses and replacements in some cases. Here are some benefits of having a home warranty and policies one can consider. What is a home warranty? A home warranty is different from home insurance. The latter covers the house against unforeseen circumstances like fire, theft, or damage due to other natural calamities. On the other hand, a home warranty focuses on home appliances like dishwashers, cooktops, ovens, refrigerators, washers, and systems, including heaters, ductwork, air conditioning, plumbing, and electrical systems. Any unexpected breakdowns in the system or faulty functioning can be covered in these policies. While both provide financial security to the policyholders, warranties help save money on more regular expenses. How do home warranties work? The warranties are usually renewed annually, and the terms may differ from one policy to another. Home warranties mainly provide discounts on repairs. Policyholders can contact their insurance company when they want to repair a system malfunction. First, the company sends a professional to inspect the problem, who confirms whether the issue fits into one's purchased policy. Once approved, a technician or expert is sent to the policyholder's house to carry out the repairs or replacement. At times, the repair expenses may be more than the insured amount. In this case, the individual has to shell out the additional costs from their own pockets. One can opt out of a company's home warranty plan after a year or the end of the premium payment and switch to better options. Benefits of a home warranty Financial support and peace of mind The policy gives discounted repairs and ensures that the policyholders do not have to pay the entire cost. Knowing that the repairs will be taken care of by a professional can also bring peace of mind to homeowners, especially those who do not have the time, expertise, or resources to handle them. Budgeting The chance of a homeowner facing unexpected costs is less if one has a home warranty. Usually, policyholders know the deductibles, service fees, and other costs associated with repairs upfront, making it easier to manage their other finances and budget monthly expenses. Flexibility The companies allow homeowners to customize their policies as per their needs. If one wants to cover only the appliances, one can customize the policy accordingly. One also doesn't need to be the owner of the house to insure their self-owned appliances. Similarly, one can also choose comprehensive packages for added protection. Convenience Homeowners do not need to go through the hassle of finding a trusted professional to fix their products, making this a more convenient, time- and money-saving option. Having said that, there are certain limitations to this. For example, some home warranties may not cover the roof, flooring, wall paint, foundation, and other structural aspects of one's home. Additionally, the warranties may come with a service fee, from $50 up to $125 or more, wherein one has to pay for the inspection visits. Home warranties plans and companies to consider American Home Shield The company offers varied plans with a wide network of certified contractors and technicians. Currently, it covers 23 major home appliances and systems. One can opt for a combination warranty or individual appliances or systems. As additional benefits, the company also gives one an option to insure leaky roofs and garage refrigerators. American Home Shield's plans start at nearly $70. The company doesn't require the homeowners to show previous maintenance records to get one's appliances covered. Unlike many companies, American Home Shield also insures and repairs or replaces poorly maintained appliances or systems. Besides that, the company provides 30 days of workmanship guarantee. Choice Home Warranty The company, with its wide reach almost across the country, provides two warranty options for homebuyers and sellers. The company responds within four hours of raising a repair request. It also has tied up with over 25,000 contractors to meet the rising demands. Because of its widespread network, homeowners may not have the liberty to choose their preferred contractor. Choice Home's average workmanship guarantee is 60 to 90 days for parts. However, its service may cost $85 for a flat fee. Liberty Home Guard Liberty Home Guard provides home warranty plans starting from $58.33 monthly or $699.99 annually. Apart from their three basic policies, including only appliances, systems, and combination plans, Liberty Home Guard also provides a warranty against roof leaks and pest and termite control. Home Warranty of America Another known company, Home Warranty of America, provides cover for one's home products and a money-back guarantee on their repair services of up to 30 days. Their warranty plans have a basic structure and include a combination of appliances and systems. Their premium plan, on the other hand, which costs about $59.92 monthly, insures air conditioner units as well. One can also opt for their add-on services of pools if necessary. However, it's best to confirm the cost of one's premium with the company's local office since they may vary depending on one's state and type of home.
  • Range Of Laptops Options To Choose From

    When it comes to buying laptops in the market, a range of options are available which can either be explored at the nearby retail stores or you can ideally shop online on platforms like Amazon and Best Buy.

    Below listed are some of the best laptops which are easily available in the market and are widely popular currently.

    • Dell Inspiron 13 50002 –in 1
      Dell Inspiron is among the 8th Generation laptops which operate on Intel Core i5 8250U processor. The laptop has a screen size of 13.3 inches and has a maximum screen resolution of 1920x1080 pixels. The laptop has an 8GB RAM with a 1000GB mechanical hard drive. The laptop has 1 USB 2.0 Port and 2 USB 3.0 Ports which makes the laptop compatible with a range of devices. The Dell Inspiron item model i5379-5043GRY-PUS operates on Windows 10. The average battery life of this laptop is 7 hours which makes it a worthy product to be used for important presentations and official meetings in which important details are to be discussed. The laptop operates on lithium polymer battery and comes usually in gray color.
    • Acer Aspire R 15 Convertible Laptop
      This is one of the other laptops which can be purchased from the nearest store. You can also purchase the same online from any of the online portals which deal in electronic products. This laptop is available on Amazon for approximately $799. This is a 7th generation Intel Core i7-7500U processor. The laptop is 15.6” HD screen. The laptop comes in multi-touch widescreen and has 12GB DDR4 memory. Acer Aspire has up to 9-hour battery life. The laptop has 1 USB 2.0 port and 2 3.0 USB ports which can be used for multiple purposes. Acer Aspire comes in Steel Gray color and has a lithium polymer battery which ensures that the laptop performs comprehensively well in critical situations also. The laptop, when purchased from an online web portal, can be home delivered within 3-5 business working days in any city or town in the country. It also comes with a 30-day return policy in which the laptop can be returned in case you find it unsatisfactory on any account.
    • ASUS VivoBook F510UA FHD Laptop
      This is one of the other laptops which can be purchased from any of the online web portals which deal with laptops and computers. It is readily available on Amazon and can be home delivered within 3-5 working business days to any location within the country. A distinct advantage of purchasing the same from an online web portal is that you are likely to get a discount of around 15% which is not available if the same is purchased from any retail store. The laptop operates on 8th Generation Intel Core i5-8250U 1.6 GHz processor and has a 15.6” widescreen which offers an 80% screen to body ratio. The screen is anti-glare full HD display and comes with ASUS splendid software enhancement feature. The 8GB DDR4 RAM laptop has an ergonomic chiclet keyboard and has fingerprint sensor too. The laptop has a range of connectivity options which include USB 3.1 Type-C, USB 3.0, USB 2.0 and HDMI ports.
    • Acer VivoBook
      Acer VivoBook is one of the laptops in the market which operates on a faster 802.11ac Wi-Fi which keeps the connection steady even when the laptop is being used in any congested location which has low connectivity options. This VivoBook series laptop operates on Windows 10 Home and is light in weight considering the fact that it weighs only 3.7 pounds. The laptop is gray in color and offers an ambient look in any kind of scenario, even when used for a personal or professional purpose. Operating on Lithium-ion battery, this laptop is useful for students and professionals alike considering the sturdy outlook of the same.

    Check out the range of laptops from the above-listed ones and make an intelligent choice.