3 tips to choose the right birth control options

It is a fact that human beings have had a long-tied history with birth control options to avert pregnancy. Prior to the modern era when the markets became flooded with sundry birth control options, couples relied on dicey behavioral contraceptive methods such as withdrawal and abstinence. However, with the evolution of sophisticated contraceptive methods, preventing pregnancy has relatively become easier. While birth control does give women a control over their bodies, it may often have adverse health implications such as weight gain. What’s more, the overwhelming number of birth control options may make choosing the right birth control option slightly tricky. Here are some of the tips that can help you choose the best out of the lot.

Know your individual needs
Before choosing the right birth control options, it is essential that you are honest with yourself and weigh your needs and requirements carefully. If you are looking for a small-time solution, you could consult your doctor and choose a sustainable hormonal method without any pressing side effects. Similarly, if you are seeking a long-acting resolution, you can consider getting an implant, intrauterine device, or injections. Additionally, it is important that you take your lifestyle into account before choosing a particular birth control option. Women who can completely trust themselves to take a pill at the same time daily can expect to benefit from the pill.

Consider the risks
While most birth control options are safe for everyday use, they may not agree with every woman’s physiology. It is, therefore, recommended that you seek medical supervision while considering contraceptive methods. These should usually be decided by taking your health history, allergies, intolerances, and sensitivities into account. Often women with estrogen sensitivity, high blood pressure, migraine, cancer, severe diabetes, a blood clot, stroke, and heart ailments should steer clear from the use of birth control options that contain estrogen. Similarly, women who are over the age of 35 and smoke regularly should consider a healthcare professional to prevent the risks of any adversities.

Take the side effects into account
While oral contraceptives are designed to agree with everybody, it becomes essential to discontinue the pill if you experience side effects. Some of the most common side effects of hormonal contraceptive pills include a steep decline in libido, instant weight gain, and sporadic mood changes. Similarly, women who use progestin-only birth control options may experience side effects like erratic spotting and unpredictable light flow without a normal period. Other potential risks and side effects of birth control include weight gain, heavy flow, crampier periods, infections, etc.


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  • 10 must-have features in any refrigerator
    We have come a long way from the days when refrigerators were primarily used for storing perishable food items. These days, refrigerators are not merely just for storing food and other frozen items, but also act as a photo frame on which you may place your precious memories, your shopping list, your to-do notes, and much more.Changing technology has definitely brought in a positive change in the way consumers look at refrigerators. 10 must-have features in a refrigerator All refrigerators are equipped with the newest features that were not present in the previous models. Here are the 10 must-have features that make any refrigerator convenient and easier to use:
    • Adjustable shelves Of course, shelves were adjustable even in earlier models, but new models have adjustable elevated shelves that can accommodate any tall food item, a designated pizza box shelf in a freezer, and pull out shelves to access any item without any hindrance.
    • LED light LED lights are essential for refrigerators and freezers as they consume less energy and reduce overall maintenance cost. Moreover, LED lights are pleasant to the eyes too. All the best refrigerators use LED lights since they are environment-friendly and last long
    • Wi-Fi savvy When we have smart TVs, then why not smart refrigerators? Samsung has come up with an app that syncs with a few Samsung models like the Chef Collection refrigerator and a compatible Samsung Galaxy series phones. This Wi-Fi feature helps the buyer control the power usage; one can even program the fridge to adjust the temperature from the smartphone app.
    • Flexibility Some of the best refrigerators have come up with the technology that gives flexible options to the consumers. One can rearrange and organize the space according to the storage required. Some brands have taken this technology to another level by switching the refrigerator into a freezer. This option is one of the must-have features in any refrigerator.
    • Wide Spaces Any buyer who is looking to buy a new refrigerator will always want more space than his previous refrigerator. So the wider space factor is one of the must-have features in any refrigerator. Total storage in some of the best refrigerators start from 10 cubic feet and can go to 34.3 cubic feet.
    • Humidity control Any refrigerator that can maintain humidity levels intact works best. Though basic models maintain optimum humidity throughout, newer models are equipped with selective humidity controls. Crisper drawers are introduced to keep humidity intact in case of certain foods.
    • Digital temperature Maintaining accurate temperature is important. While this feature may be missing in the older models, nevertheless newer models have a digital temperature that maintains the perfect temperature settings inside the refrigerator.
    • Smudge-free body We do not like to wipe fingerprints every time a child touches the refrigerator. For that reason, now some of the best refrigerators have come up with a faux stainless body which looks just like a steel body. It is one of the must-have features in any refrigerator as it helps to retain the shine on the outer body.
    • Counter Depth Buyers prefer a refrigerator that fits along with the kitchen countertop level rather than standing out. Of course, to meet these demands of the consumers, makers in an attempt to give to sleek look to a refrigerator, have to cut on the space factor.
    • Water dispenser Water and ice dispensers are great for everyone especially since you do not have to open the entire refrigerator and can have it through the dispenser. All the best refrigerators have these features customized for their buyers. Refrigerators these days have become super stylish and have adapted themselves the way buyers want.
  • 5 points to look for when buying electric barbecue grills
    Almost all aspects of human life have seen a great amount of development. Nowadays, cooking food is much easier and can be prepared in innumerable ways. One of the most preferred processes of cooking is grilling. The taste and aroma of grilled food are outstanding and is a crowd favorite. An essential device required for this type of cooking process is a grill and these come in various types such as charcoal grills, gas grills, etc. Another grill which is in demand is the electric barbecue grill. Most people face difficulties in choosing the perfect electric grill as the market is filled with a plethora of grills from various companies. Choosing one from among such a huge list will surely make this a tiring task. So, for your convenience, here is a brief about what an ideal electric grill must possess. Things to look for in the best electric barbecue grill Approximate temperatures up to 600 degrees Fahrenheit Though it is a true fact that meat can be safely cooked at low temperatures; however, the mentioned temperature is indeed the golden standard for roasting steaks as well as other substantial meats properly. So, while purchasing electric barbecue grills, you need to consider this temperature factor for sure. Removable cooking grates or plates It is very much awkward to struggle with cleaning an oversized grill which does not possess any removable plates. Thus, the ones comprising removable plates are much convenient to clean in a simpler and quicker manner. Therefore, ensure to check whether the electric barbecue grill that you are willing to buy contains removable plates or not. Built-in temperature gauge Generally, electric grills with a cover have a temperature gauge which is built in the lid. Grills with a temperature gauge will assist you in knowing when the food is ready to be cooked. Some of them also possess a "go" light which makes the user aware as soon as the grill reaches the set temperature. Enough power for recovering heat quickly Usually, people tend to lift the lid of any covered grill for turning meat as well as for checking whether it is done or not. During this time, a small amount of heat escapes. When choosing from a wide range of electric barbecue grills, do check if it has enough power for recovering heat quickly. Adequate length of cord Some of the best things about using electric barbecue grills are easy lighting, low fuel cost, faster warm-up times than charcoal, etc. However, if the cord length is not adequate, then you will face a problem in placing it. Thus, you must check whether the length of the grill's cord is appropriate for you to work comfortably. With the above-mentioned tips, you can choose the right electric barbecue grill for your kitchen.
  • Points to ponder upon when buying silver bars
    When it comes to investing in silver, silver bars are the most traditional method of doing so. Silver has been used as a form of money for more than four thousand years. For investors who want to buy silver bullion, silver bars continue to be a global standard. Mints and refiners find it easier to produce a silver bar than the much smaller fabricated rounds and coins, which for investors amounts to more value for money. Consumers who are smart have also started investing in silver as an investment to hedge against inflation and to protect future wealth. There are a few things that you have to keep in mind while buying silver bars:
    • Knowing the value of a branded silver bar as opposed to a regular generic silver bar definitely matters, when it comes to pricing. Certain brands cost more to purchase, although the purity of the silver makes the bars worth the same amount per ounce. Some designs are only made by specific manufactures of silver bars. Also the reputation of the companies and the availability of products need to be kept in mind.
    • It is advisable to buy silver bars from reputed mints and mines as this will ensure the lasting effect of the bars. The resale value is always higher when the bars are marked with the recognized manufacture, purity and weight.
    • Avoid purchasing off weight bars as these are difficult to resell. These are the olden silver bars that poured, weighed and then marked with whatever the scale read.
    • Bars that come with serial numbers do not fetch more money when you resell it; hence avoid paying more for serialized bars.
    • It is better to preserve the silver bars (more than 10 ounces) in the plastic covers that they come in as this will prevent the silver from getting tarnished.
    • Do not invest in the larger bars unless they give you some form of savings. Investing in smaller bars are better for trade in options.
  • Buying cameras in deals
    We all get a bit over enthusiastic when it comes to great deals that the brands put up during occasions such as Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter etc. However, to think about it a little, one must carefully look as to why the branded cameras are being sold as hot camera deals' and sales. Why deals? There could be various reasons as to why there is a deal put out. It could be either a marketing strategy to sell products, or it could be the company trying to get rid of old stock of cameras which did not make a huge entry in the market. All in all, it is could be a great experience shopping in such hot deals. If you are a budding photographer, then these deals would excite you. You may want to consider checking out online deals and nearby stores for some real great offers. You could land a great deal for a camera that you have been eagerly waiting to have all these years. Some of the best cameras and camcorders and even camera lenses would be up for sale and deals during festival seasons which would make the occasion more merrier. Black Friday is one of such occasions where one can look up for smartest and hot deals to pick some really cool gadgets like cameras and other electronics. The advantage of buying during the time of such deals is that such deals do not get rolled out every day at such drop dead prices, and not everybody will be able to buy it as the stock might be very limited. Do your research However, before you pick up electronics from such deals, be sure to do your research carefully. There are hot deals on cameras where you can also buy a combo of lenses along with the frame. A tripod and camera bag might come in for free during such deals. A bag is a necessity in order to maintain camera's safety and storage. There can be many other accessories like camera skin and short/wide lenses apart from a default 18/55 lens that could come in for help later on when you are confident about growing as a professional photographer. There are micro and macro lenses which is used in wild-life photography which could be indispensable to an ardent wildlife photographer. In the end, buying cameras and camcorders during when offered in deals is not a bad idea. However, one needs to err on the side of caution and do proper research about features, prices and deals before closing in on one.