4 risk factors of fatty liver disease you should know about

Fatty liver disease is caused due to an accumulation of fat in the liver. This may occur due to an excess consumption of alcohol, hepatitis C, obesity, an excess of iron in the body, and diabetes. It is estimated that nearly 30% of Americans suffer from some form of fatty liver disease. Fatty liver disease is one of the major causes of chronic liver disease globally. It is known to affect mostly heavy drinkers.

There are two types of fatty liver disease: alcoholic liver disease and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) does not have any permanent effects on the body. However, it can progress to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. This can further progress to cirrhosis or liver cancer. There are no clear symptoms of fatty liver disease. However, certain risk factors indicate a high probability of developing fatty liver disease. Here are a few risk factors for fatty liver disease:

  • Overeating: Binge eating or overeating is one of the first signs of fatty liver disease. If someone has frequent cravings for sugar or tends to feel hungry all the time, it might indicate a high probability of liver disease. Consuming too many calories or processed sugar-based foods may increase the risk factor. It is necessary to be mindful of what is being eaten and the frequency of meals.
  • Excess visceral fat: Visceral fat is the kind of fat that is stored in the stomach. This is what gives an enlarged gut, or a pot belly. Obesity and being overweight leads to excess visceral fat in the body. Processing fat is one of the main functions of the liver. An excess of visceral fat may make it difficult for the liver to process the additional fat. This will increase the risk of fatty liver disease.
  • High cholesterol in the blood: High cholesterol indicates the presence of high levels of fat in the bloodstream. These can be either in the form of triglycerides or LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol). When the diet has a high percentage of saturated and trans fat, it leads to a high production of fat in the blood by the liver. Thus, the possibility of a fatty liver increases.
  • Diabetes: It is recommended that a person with diabetes should undergo tests to check for fatty liver disease. Although there might not be any clear indicators of NAFLD in diabetics, it has been found that many people who have type-2 diabetes also suffer from NAFLD. NAFLD only becomes apparent after an imaging test such as an MRI.


  • 11 Most-Selling Costco Products to Buy
    Costco is one of the largest warehouse clubs that offer the best option for families who are always looking for economical ways to buy household essentials and other products. You can become a member at Costco Wholesale so that you get access to many special offers, coupon codes, and gift vouchers. Before you become a member, it is essential to know the various categories of products available at Costco. A lot of products are sold through Costco's private label, Kirkland Signature. Read on to know more about the most-selling products and product categories at Costco.
    • Auto and tires
    • Baby and kids toys
    • Clothing, jewelry, and accessories
    • Electronics and computers
    • Furniture
    • For the home
    • Home development
    • Food and household
    • Floral
    • Health, beauty, and personal care
    • Gifts and tickets for events
    • Office
    • Patio and outdoor
    • Sport and fitness
    • Pet supplies
    • Funeral
    • Featured department
    11 most-selling Costco products
    • Bacon: This is a kitchen essential across all home. Kirkland Signature bacon is tasty and is available in gluten-free packs as well. It costs less than other brands and you can save about $1.50 per pound on Kirkland Signature bacon. If regularly have bacon in your diet, you can add it to your monthly shopping list and get it from Costco.
    • Maple syrup: This is another most-selling Costco product. You can get organic maple syrup at only 56 cents per ounce and this is one of the lowest prices for maple syrup you will find.
    • Frozen pizza: If you are a Costco member, you will a pack of 4 pizzas at a very low price from the Costco warehouse store.
    • Kirkland batteries: It is one of the best-selling Costco products. If you have to buy a number of battery packs at a time, you will get a discount and will have to far less than the actual price.
    • Nuts: These are one of the healthiest and best snacks. Costco provides best quality nuts; you can get 30 packs of nuts for only $20.
    • Medicines: These are also available for a very low cost at Costco. Whether you are a Costco member or not, you will get medicines at good discounts from Costco.
    • Cooking spray: It costs only 15 cents per ounce at Costco, which is quite lower than anywhere else.
    • Half sheet cake: This is another most-selling product from Costco. You will get this cake at only $10, which is approximately half the price of a cake of the same size at another store.
    • Gas: The price of gas at Costco is generally cheaper than other brands or competitors.
    • Canned tuna: It is one of the best options here because you can get 16 cans of Kirkland Signature canned tuna at only $35.
    • Baby formula: Kirkland Signature baby formula costs only 50 cents an ounce, which is quite a money-saver.
  • Here’s how to identify insect bites quickly
    Insect bites can be quite annoying; the itchy burning sensation over the bitten areas of the skin can cause a lot of discomforts. The appearance of rashes, bumps or blisters can also be an ungainly sight. Identifying insect bites quickly and getting the right remedy on time becomes necessary to avoid the discomfort from aggravating further. Immediate first aid or medical attention will also prevent any further infection and acute symptoms from occurring. In case you have been by bitten by an insect, and you have no idea what bit you, here are is a list of few common symptoms of insect bites that may help you in insect bite identification and take the appropriate remedial measures.
    • Brown recluse spider: These usually hide in closets and attic. Recluse spider bite signs include severe wounds and infection since their venom is toxic. Among the 10 signs of a spider bite, the bite of the recluse spider causes the following: a reddish patch of skin immediately after the bite; this turns to painful white blisters; occasional there is the formation of ulcers.
    • Ticks: Mostly found outdoors, tick attach themselves to the skin and bite. Their bites do not usually do not cause any serious harm, but some ticks might carry Lyme disease, or Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Clear signs of tick bites include skin rashes that are circular, fever, fatigue, and headaches.
    • Black widow spider: Black widow spiders are found in tree stumps or wood piles. Their bite is venomous. Here is are some symptoms that you will commonly find in black widow spider bite identification bites: red fang marks on the bitten areas, the appearance of a red tender bump, nausea, muscle cramps, and a rise in blood pressure. If you spot these signs of a spider bite, get immediate medical attention to avoid extreme symptoms such as seizure.
    • Bedbug: What do bed bug bites look like? Itchy red bumps appear in clusters or a line. If you want to see how these signs look like, check out photos of bed bug bites available on online. If you suspect you have been bitten by bed bugs, look these pictures; bed bug bites photos will show you that the bites have a swollen red area with a dark bump in the center.
    • Fire ants: Fire ants are mostly found outdoors. They tend to bite only when provoked or when they sense danger near their mounds. They attach themselves to the skin and sting. Their bites are often toxic. The bites lead to red lesions accompanied by itching and burning sensation. There might be the occurrence of pus-filled blisters as well.
  • Ashley Furniture – Your one-stop furniture outlet
    When one is looking to redesign their home, it becomes a task. Who wants to run about a hundred stores to pick up furniture and interior design? Well, now you won’t have to. Every now and then, a store comes along that simply has everything you could possibly need, and the Ashley Furniture Outlet store is one such stop. Not only do you get local pricing depending on where you are in the country, you also get the best prices in your area. So, what’s special about this new friendly furniture outlet store? Here’s everything you should know. Passion in the field No one wants a furniture outlet store that doesn’t really care about what you put in your home, and Ashley Furniture outlet understands that. For more than 70 years, they’ve been perfecting furniture in more ways than one- everything from sophisticated to an edgy chic feel; you’ll find what you need at an Ashley outlet. If you think all this means prices you cannot fathom, then you’re far from what the outlet stands for. The outlet firmly functions on the policy that the customer is the ultimate boss, and they’re answerable only to you. You can purchase a house full of furniture, or a simple bedside table, you’ll know you’re getting the best possible value. More than value, you’re getting immense versatility on the way that you finance your expenses, which really makes all the difference. Dedicated design What sets Ashley Furniture Outlet apart from a lot of other generic home interior design outlets is it’s sheer dedication to design. You’re going to find design inspirations from all over the world. This is because the design team has done quite the job of traveling across oceans and taking design ideas from all over. Of course, some parts are manufactured abroad, but they’re all assembled in the country. Quality testing isn’t compromised in any way, which means when you get your product, you’ll be ready to have it around for years to come. Widespread stores With more than 15 stores across the country, you’ll find it easy to get a store nearest to you. New York, New Jersey, Florida, Texas, Arizona, Minnesota and a few other states, all have Ashley Furniture outlets. Of course, shopping online is just as easier. You can also apply for an Ashley Furniture credit card, which gets you a range of benefits on your purchases and discounts.
  • What all you should know about Anna Linens?
    Like life, your home might seem dull and monotonous if you don't change your upholstery now and then. Since investing in new furniture every year is incredibly expensive and not feasible. Anna Linens is here to help you out with its beautiful range of home textiles like curtains, sofa covers, table cloths, curtains, towels and more. But that's not all. Anna Linens provide you with the best quality home decor items within your budget, and you might benefit from some awesome discounts too. From comfortable mattresses to kitchen appliances and from beautiful vases for your living room to bathroom sets, Anna has it all. Look for diversity So your coffee maker has stopped working and you just can't enjoy your morning coffee. And your kid has accidentally broken the beautiful, expensive vase you had taken out to impress your guests in the living room. What to buy and what not and from where? What a bliss it is to find everything at one place, one stop, right? All you need for your home Your home will look visually appealing when your living room, kitchen, bedrooms, and bathrooms- all look great and feel comfy. So why not shop for everything you need for each room from Anna's? For your bedroom You can find a bed in any size here. From super small or a small single cot for your small kid to the grand king for your luxurious self! Mattresses are super comfortable to let you sleep in peace. After all, you don't want a hard sleeping mattress to disturb your peace. For your washroom Choose from the newest and modernized bathroom equipment varieties. The fixtures are reliable and the bath textiles like towels and rugs are plush. You can count on Anna's for this. Kitchen appliances New appliances are made to make your life easier. And at Anna Linens, you can find the latest kitchen appliances that can help you prepare food faster and easier than ever before. Redesign your home Well, once in a while, a change is definitely good for your environment. You can find artistic wall arts and beautiful vases at Anna Linens too. Please have a look at the beautiful handmade flowers as well. The window and shower curtains have different designs that change according to the seasons. You can also find here the best and most quirky covers for your cushion and cushion pillows. Have your doormats worn out? No worries, at Anna's you can find the one that perfectly suits your home decor! Also, pick shoe racks to organize your footwear neatly. Why Anna's? Affordable Anna Linens understands your needs. Here you can choose from a vast range of home accessories and that too within your budget or with discounts. Home delivery options are easy won't pinch your pocket much. Helpful staff Sometimes due to lack of communication, you don't get things even when they are there on the shelves. The staff at Anna is always at your service. You name it and they bring it to your notice from one end to another. Anna's location The business has a prominent social media presence. Just one search on your mobile and it's on the top. Anna's has a chain of outlets; hence, you can choose the one best suited to your location.
  • Knowing which foods to have and avoid after dentures
    Affordable dentures might be easy in your pocket and look as good as your original teeth, but unfortunately, they are not always so. You cannot expect them to function as good as your teeth and hence you have to go an extra mile to take care of them. While you have these dentures on you, you need to take some precautions, and you have to take care of the food you are consuming. You cannot eat anything and everything because when you do so, you are doing injustice to your dentures. After all, these are foreign particles and needs time to adjust to your body so a little bit of care can work wonders with your new set of teeth. Here’s a list of food you can consume while you have got dentures:
    • Breakfast options: You can have scrambled eggs, bagels, smoothies or grits for breakfast. All of these are soft and quite tasty options for breakfast. Make sure you use nutritional ingredients while making them, for example, use yogurt, fruits, and veggies while preparing your smoothies.
    • Lunch options: You can have ground beef or pulled pork or non-sticky spreads peanut butter or pasta with meat balls for lunch. Beef and pork are soft meats that are easy on your affordable dentures and are nutritional as well.
    • Snack options: You can have blueberries, boiled veggies, popcorn, olive salad or muffins for snacks. These are all quite filling and nutritional.
    • Dinner options: You can have seafood or steak for dinner. These are all non-sticky meat options with high protein value.
    Foods that you have to avoid
    • Any food that is too hard may cause your affordable dentures trouble because you will face difficulty chewing it.
    • Food that is too sticky may stick to your dentures, and you will face problem cleaning it.
    • Stop having caffeine and colas when you have dentures because these foods are not good for your teeth.
    • Don’t have too many sweets as desserts are known to cause trouble to your teeth.
    Have a stress free munching habit with your dentures to keep them clean and healthy. With this eating routine, you can also ensure a long life for your affordable dentures.
  • How to reap the best out of an annuity?
    Based on the type of payout of the benefits, annuities are classified as immediate income and deferred income (that includes fixed payment, variable payment, equity indexed) annuities. Although annuities provide tax benefits, there are a lot of costs involved in it when compared to traditional investment plans. Once the investment type is chosen, it is important to consider other aspects of investing in annuities to earn the best income.
    • Expenses involved in an annuity are surrender fees, commissions and monthly fees.
    • Payment for purchase of an annuity can be done through single or series payments or through social securities.
    • Costs involved on early withdrawal may include annuitization, systematic withdrawal or lump sum amount.
    The benefits payout options is also another aspect that needs to be looked into to earn maximum income. These can be broadly categorized into three types:
    • Guaranteed period payment: The return of the principal (initial investment) and the interest will be paid back by the insurer within an agreed period of time. It may be paid back in series or as a lump-sum amount. Here, the investor can be sure of getting back all the benefits within a certain time or while he is alive and the insurer does not retain back any of the earnings of the investor in case of his death.
    • Lifetime payment: The principal and the interest earned based on the initial set rate will be paid on a monthly basis to the investor until he is alive. While an early death may not earn maximum benefits, a longer life means earning beyond the growth of the actual investment.
    • Survivor payments: The investment and earnings is transferred to a joint applicant or a nominee even after the investor has died. This will help in financially aiding the survivor (spouse, children or other nominee) in the absence of the investor. The payouts may last longer in this case and thus earnings will be higher.
    Apart from providing benefits of tax deferral, fixed payment annuities also offer a slightly higher rate of growth due to the following reasons:
    • The surrender charges usually reduce with increase in number of years as compared to IRS.
    • Maturity is usually between one to ten years and mostly there will be automatic renewal unless voluntarily withdrawn.
    • Rate of interest will be updated with the current rates at the time of renewal.
    After making a comparative analysis, deferred income annuities seem to offer a guaranteed retirement income. These annuities pay around 3-4% higher than a standard 10 year treasury bond. Also, some tax rules allow consumers to invest 25% or up to $125,000 into an annuity. But this required IRA withdrawals to begin after completing 70.5 years of age and income to be withdrawn by the age of 85. These are often called as qualified retirement plans and are regulated by ERISA. Any qualified plan must provide annuities in the form of SLA (Single Life Annuity) and a QJSA (Qualified Joint & Survivor Annuity).