5 reasons why the top of your foot hurts

Any pain is undesirable. Pain in your feet is the worst. You are left uncomfortable all through the day, you can’t put on your favorite sneakers, and what’s more apparent is that you can’t walk all that well.

This article is to help you find out why your foot might be in pain, in particular, the top portion of your foot (the area of your foot that corresponds to the region of the shoe which houses the laces). Below are 5 reasons why the top of your foot might hurt.

Stress Fracture
Don’t get intimidated already! This is not some massive-five-weeks-off-in-a-cast fracture. It’s not at all scary and can be healed pretty quick if you visit a physician as soon as possible. If you happen to experience sudden pain in the region right behind your toes, this is probably because the metatarsal bones are fractured. Metatarsal is a scientific term referring to the bones that lead to your toes, so there are five of them. Imagine the five of your toes extended up to the ankle region, this family of five bones is called the metatarsal bone family. Symptoms for this are excessive swelling and sharp pain upon touch.

Extensor Tendonitis
Again, this is a fancy term which refers to the inflammation of the tendons (tissues which connect a muscle to a bone) in the middle to upper portion of your foot. Increased tightness of your calf muscle is the culprit of this condition. Stretching your calf muscle will solve the problem. Wearing a shoe with a heel thickness of an inch should take the stress off of your tendons. Don’t worry about going out of style. You’ve got Simon Cowell and Tom Cruise for a company who happen to be fans of the heeled shoes.

Tarsal Coalition
Due to excessive growth of certain bones in your foot, there is decreased or no motion of the joints. Over time, the joints become stressed and you might experience acute pain. Symptoms include pain near your ankle and muscle spasm (sudden contraction) on the affected leg.

Too Much Activity
Although this is pretty obvious, many people look at this possibility. That pain you’re having is probably because you have walked or stood a lot the past week. Try reducing the strain on your feet and see if that makes a difference.

Tight Footwear
This is a common cause of foot pain. Tying the shoe laces too tight or wearing that tight pair of shoes (because you’re reluctant to buy a new pair) could result in unnecessary stress on your tendons which lead to discomfort.

So, those are five common reasons why the top of your foot might be hurting. If you feel that the pain persists for a week or so, it’s best that you consult an orthopedist. That’s the fastest way to restore your feet back to their best condition.


  • An Overview of Dupuytren’s Disease
    Dupuytren's disease is a deformity in which the fibrous tissue beneath the palm and fingers, known as fascia thickens and tightens especially at old age. Here the patient develops knots under the skin which forms a thick cord and brings the finger inward. The patient is unable to straighten it, and the resulting condition is known as "Dupuytren's contracture." It interferes with the functioning of the hand and the person suffering from it faces difficulty in performing daily activities. In most of the cases, the patient’s ring finger gets affected by Dupuytren's disease. Symptoms of Dupuytren's disease The primary sign of Dupuytren's disease is shortening of palmar fascia or palmar aponeurosis tissue. The symptoms develop gradually and in the beginning, the patients feel a tender lump under the skin. Eventually tough bands of tissue form below the epidermis which makes it difficult to stretch the fingers. The patient shows the presence of unusual dimples or lumps which looks like a small callus. In 50 percent of the cases, both hands get affected, and there are also reports of "Dupuytren's contracture" in the toes of certain individuals. Cause of Dupuytren's disease The exact cause of Dupuytren's disease is still not known in the medical world. However, studies point to a connection between open wound (including surgery) in hand with the development of this disease. Risk factors There are certain conditions which increase the chance of developing Dupuytren's contracture. These include the following.
    • You are a male aged above 40 years.
    • You have a northern European (English, Irish, or Scottish) or Scandinavian (Swedish, Norwegian, and Finnish) ancestry.
    • You have a family history of Dupuytren's disease.
    • You have diabetes or had a seizure.
    • You are an alcoholic.
    Diagnosis The doctor diagnoses Dupuytren's contracture after physically examining the hand. If he notices the presence of dimples, thickened skin, bent finger, or pitted marks, then he may advise you to perform the "tabletop test." Here the patient places his hand flatly over the table top. If the finger bent on the table, then the doctor suspects the Dupuytren's disease. Treatment At present, there is no permanent cure for Dupuytren's disease. However, there are surgical and non-surgical treatments available to improve the motility of fingers. In most of the cases, therapy helps to remove the cords from the fingers. Doctors may recommend needle aponeurotomy, enzymatic injections, or surgical removal of knots to improve the condition. Dupuytren's disease poses a problem for aged people in performing their life activities. If the disease progresses slowly, and do not cause any pain, the doctor may advise you home remedies like swearing gloves and stretching exercises to manage it.
  • Natural food items that eliminate bloating
    Stomach bloating is a condition that is characterized by the stomach being filled with gas. It is sometimes known as flatulence and can cause a lot of discomfort. Although it might be associated with stomach infections, it is not always the case. The bloating could be escalated by a variety of factors that an individual can submit him or herself into. Treating this condition requires strong anti-acids that will neutralize the gas and make you feel better than before. Opting for foods to stop bloating are the best option since besides just stopping the bloating, you will also get nutrients to help you make your body healthy. Check out some of the food items that can help you stop bloating Kiwi fruit This is a South Asian fruit that is normally used in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. It is known to work by stopping the reactions that produce gas. This way you will be able to feel good with the first few bites of the fruit. Kiwi fruit can be found easily in any fruit mart and is very beneficial when it comes to eliminating flatulence. Peppermint tea For decades, the product has been used to treat digestion problems and stomach pains. It is known to make people feel better whenever they take this tea. The bloating disappears and you feel fresh and sound. To ensure that you have the best outcomes, you should use it regularly and in large quantities. Turmeric This spice is known to heal stomach upsets and pains. It can also be used in the treatment of stomach bloating. You must use it in the right dosages for it to work efficiently. It has anti-inflammatory effects that will make sure your stomach heals from the disease. Whether it is indigestion or stomach bloating, they can all be eliminated with turmeric. Turmeric is clean, and efficient in functioning. If you have diarrhea, make sure that it is treated first before looking at any remedy for bloating. Foods to stop bloating are many, but this one is a must-have. Bananas Bananas, if eaten routinely, they cleanse your stomach and intestine, thereby keeping you free from gas. So the next time you go fruit-shopping, ensure you pick up some bananas as well, which falls in the category of foods to stop bloating. The bottom line is that you can combine these kinds of foods so that you get enhanced results. In case you have excessive bloating problems, get a scan to determine what the problem could be. Knowing the perfect causative agents is what will aid in the right treatment of stomach bloating.
  • Finding the right small business phone system for your needs
    Have you just started your business? Are you looking to set up a new office? We are sure an office phone system is on your to-do list. Small business phone systems are offered in an assortment of arrangements, presenting an ever-growing series of structures and advantages. Most current phone systems for small business these days work on IP (Internet Protocol) systems—the same system used to link personnel, devices, and data resources. The question is how will you find the right phone system for your business? And what could be the top way to install it? Here are a few key things you must look for when you are assessing and installing a small business phone system at your new office. Know what your workers need: A small business phone system can offer your staff the tools that are essential to be more effectual. Does your staff need easy access to video communications or mobile? Does your team need a single number that rings on multiple devices at the same time? Structures and abilities to look for:
    • Option of using the computer as a phone
    • Capacity to use tablets or smartphones to make and receive calls
    • A virtual assistant
    • The web or video conferencing facility
    • Facility to call out and use the intercom
    • Ability to send out mass messages with options for notifications through SMS, or E-mail
    • IM systems and presence technology, which helps you know who is available within your business so that you can reach them whenever you need to.
    Cut down on your IT expenses: Most small business phone systems using IP can combine vital infrastructures and collaboration proficiencies into one server resolution. This helps to cut down the intricacies in IT, thereby reducing interaction expenses. Be ready for transformation: Some of the best phone solutions for a small business can alter the way your staff works and conducts business transactions every day. For example, with a video system, you can interact with your consumers, staff, contractors to improve crucial relations anywhere in the world. Lastly, check with your resident facility provider to know, which small business phone system will meet your company's business goals.
  • Psoriatic Arthritis- Symptoms you should be wary about
    Psoriatic arthritis is a condition which causes pain and inflammation around the joints. It generally affects the individuals who are already suffering from psoriasis which is a condition of the skin where red and scaly rashes occur. Psoriasis is known to leave its mark on the elbows, knees, buttocks, scalp and back. But you should note that in some individuals, the skin condition never occurs while others have their arthritic symptoms before psoriasis. How to understand whether you have psoriatic arthritis? Psoriatic arthritis can affect people of all age, both men, and women. In most cases, people with psoriasis suffer from other variants of arthritis such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis even though they have no connection with psoriasis. Some of the most common signs of psoriatic arthritis are: • Pain and inflammation near the joints. It also causes stiffness in the joints. • It also causes swelling in the toes and fingers known as dactylitis. This is mainly triggered by inflammation in the tendons and joints. • The individuals can also cause pain in the buttock, stiffness in the back and neck. It is due by the inflammation in spine known as spondylitis. • It also causes inflammation in the area where the Achilles tendon connects to the bone, including the pain and swelling in the heels. • Sometimes, psoriatic arthritis also causes pain all over the body where tendons attach to the bone called enthesitis. It mostly affects chest, knee, and hip. • With psoriatic arthritis, you will see pitting, thickening of the nails. • It often leads to fatigue which is caused by the emotional effects of the disease and activity of the disease. People who have been suffering from psoriatic arthritis for a long time get fatigued faster than who are recently affected with the disease. There are no specific locations of the joints which can be affected by psoriatic arthritis. It may trigger in any of the 78 joints of the human body. But it is true that some joints are more likely to be affected than the others. Approximately, 25 percent people with psoriatic arthritis suffer from pain, inflammation, and stiffness in the neck and back. What are the other effects of psoriatic arthritis? Psoriatic arthritis doesn't really affect the major organs like liver or lungs. But it often causes redness in the eye, and if you are suffering from this, it is crucial not to ignore the symptom and consult without an expert without any delay. The symptoms of the psoriatic arthritis are typically caused by a condition known as uveitis. It is also known as iritis which is the inflammation of the front part of the eye. This can damage the eyesight to a significant extent if left untreated. You should consult with your doctor as he can help you recognize the signs psoriatic arthritis. People with psoriatic arthritis also have a greater chance of developing cardiac disease. Your doctor will also educate you on what you should do if these symptoms occur.
  • Which foods to avoid for losing belly fat?
    Any waistline measuring beyond 40 inches in men and 35 inches in women is alarming. This could be the onset of obesity, which can be extremely hard to tackle. Therefore, here is a list of foods to be avoided if you want to stay fit and find ways to lose belly fat.
    • Don't eat sugar, in any form: Sugar affects the metabolic health of the liver as it gets burdened with fructose which will turn into fat that will mostly get accumulated in both, belly and liver. It is found that liquid sugar (in processed juices) increases the risk of obesity in children by 60%. Hence, it is best to avoid sugary beverages like soda, punches, sweetened tea, etc. and high-sugar foods like cakes, candies, muffins, frozen yogurt, etc. to lose belly fat.
    • Reduce intake of carbs: Carb restriction (refined carbs found in white bread, pasta, etc.) cuts the appetite and hence helps to lose weight. Low-carb diets specifically target the belly fat in the abdomen, around the organs and liver thereby decreasing the unhealthy and disease promoting intestinal fat.
    • Consume alcohol in moderate amounts: Along with inflammation and liver problems, high alcohol intake suppresses fat burning. Furthermore, the excess calories from the alcohol itself will be stored as belly fat causing what is commonly referred as a beer belly.
    • Eliminate trans fats from your food: These are often listed as partially hydrogenated fats, which are created from unsaturated fats and used to extend the shelf lives of packaged foods, margarine, sandwich spreads, baked products, etc. Trans-fats have been found to cause internal swelling, insulin resistance, heart disease, etc. along with producing excess abdominal fat.
    • Avoid low-protein diets: Sufficient dietary protein keeps you feeling full, satisfied and increases your metabolism rate thereby reducing the calorie intake. So, if you want to lose belly fat, then you need to stop eating low protein diets that contain neuropeptide Y (NPY), a hormone which increases the appetite thereby causing you to gain belly fat in the course of time.
    • Do not eat foods that are low in fiber: Intake of soluble fiber makes you feel full, stabilizes the hunger hormones and reduces calorie absorption from food thereby decreases the accumulation of belly fat. While whole grains that contain high-fiber are found to reduce abdominal fat and refined grains increase abdominal fat. Also, these foods act as roughage allowing easy digestion of food and egestion promoting intestinal health.
  • Six important things to consider while shopping for freezerless refrigerators
    People need numerous essentials to run their households, especially appliances. The fridge is one of the most important machines that people have in their houses. There are several varieties of refrigerators available in the market. One of the favorite types in this category is the freezerless refrigerator. This range offers the convenience of a full-sized refrigerator without the hassle and mess of a built-in freezer. Freezerless refrigerators provide several advantages, especially in those households where there are space constraints. The following are some of the things to consider while buying freezerless refrigerators.
    • Separate freezer and fridge Some people like to have a separate freezer in their house. Thus, they do not need a refrigerator with built-in freezer. Freezerless refrigerators, therefore, make a convenient option for them. The freezerless refrigerators are easily made to fit into places intended for other conventional appliances.
    • Varieties available Freezerless refrigerators are available in several styles, designs, colors, and sizes. This means that there is something made to suit everybody's personal needs and tastes. You get a fridge within your budget as well with so many options to choose from. Some manufacturers design similar looking standalone freezers to go with these freezerless refrigerators. Thus, people can keep both the units side by side without disturbing the aesthetic appeal of the room.
    • Energy efficient There are several features to consider when you look for freezerless refrigerators. The first being the energy consumption level of these fridges. Always go for the one which is the most energy-efficient of all. You do not want the cost to add up and end up paying more than required on your utility bills.
    • Buy as per requirement It may not always be a good decision to buy the biggest refrigerator on display. It is better to understand your storage requirement and buy according to the same. If you buy a big fridge and there are fewer items to stock in there, then it would be a sheer waste of money.
    • Buy as per interior space Always buy a refrigerator that would fit perfectly in the area where it is intended to. Thus, measure the space in your house where you would keep the appliance and then buy the fridge accordingly.
    • Best deals It goes without saying that you must look for the best deals in the market. Check out the stores which are offering discounts on freezerless refrigerators and pick the one offering the maximum discount. Doing your research online is a clever move since there would be no one to influence your choice. You can buy from online stores as well to get more discounts.