A brief history of car tires

The first tires were made of bands of leather and in time with steel and even wood. Craftsmen who work on tires were called as the wheelwrights.

Air-filled car tires was a major step forward in the industry as its shock absorbent levels were very high, though the solid rubber tires were preferred as they were durable. In 1898 Goodyear tire and Rubber Company was founded and was considered the first firm in this industry. For the next half-century, car tires had an inner tube which had compressed air and an outer tube which protected the inner tube.

Michelin introduced the first steel belted car tires into the market and these aided in longer life and better steering control. The tire was protected by a steel fabric that runs around the circumference of the tire.

The first patent on a wheel came up in the mid-1800’s; it was not until the early 1900’s did synthetic tires came along. And since then, the technology that goes into tires have only grown. The tires of this day and age have superior grip, performance, and durability. They have greater shock absorption, superior traction, and brilliant sustenance.

In the past few years many new modern concepts of tires have come up, one such amazing idea is the shape shifting tire, the usage of an e-membrane which adapts to driving methods and terrain have been introduced. A tire that uses the heat generation during the drive to make energy and transfers it to the battery of the car was also put up a few years ago. And perhaps one of the most important concepts, tires that adapt to the weather.

The next few decades will certainly see great leaps forward in this industry that shall benefit every user around the world.


  • Bed bugs problems and treatment
    Bed bugs are these small, almost like a mustard seed like oval, brownish insects which survive on the blood of humans or animals. Nymphs (immature bed bugs) usually shed five times of their skin to reach adulthood and they require copious amounts of blood before each shedding. They can't fly but can move around the floor, ceiling, and walls at a very fast speed. They are probably known has the bed bugs because they are most seen in residential homes or commercial office inside the soft furnishes of sofas, near the window rails and around bed mattresses. They can develop up to three or more generations in a year depending upon their living. The active time for the bed bugs is few hours before sunrise, and they are hardly seen during the day. Feeding can happen from two minutes to five minutes (sometimes we can feel the itch almost at the end). Bed bug problems Bed bugs don't transmit diseases but create greater troubles for the human skin. One of the obvious signs of bed bug trouble is the bed bug bites which mostly occur during the night. Human skin turns to reddish/brown after the bite, and one can experience bad odor emanating from them too Bugs and eggs can be noticed inside the bed linens, seams, tufts of the mattresses, coat racks, desks, and even dressers. People also begin to get sensitive to bedbug saliva as they develop lesions akin to flea bites or mosquito bites. They won't be able to see the bug but just rather feel the insect bite. One could even notice bed bugs bites in rows “ this is probably because of disturbed feeding process of the bugs and they later get back to the same position to feed themselves. While the bites are usually painless, if an individual becomes their host for many days, the host could slowly acquire moderate to intense allergies as well. Treatment for bites and control infestation Most bed bug bites would settle within a week or two with the following solutions: Creams like cortisone can provide relief from the itchiness. If an infection is because of bedbug bite, then an oral antibiotic is also a solution. Antihistamines are the other option to provide relief from allergic reactions. During the day, they usually hide and it is not so easy to find them. Moreover, it is not just one or two in number. The only way to get rid of bedbugs is by using bed bug sprays or get a professional pest control service done on and around the affected areas.
  • Ways to reduce high blood pressure
    High blood pressure is usually an outcome of an unhealthy lifestyle, and you can easily avoid it by remaining slightly careful towards your health. It is very important to maintain a disciplined routine to have your pressure levels within the ideal range specified in high blood pressure charts. Here some ways to reduce your high blood pressure: Regular exercise Being overweight or obese leads to an increase in your blood pressure. You can overcome this problem by reducing your weight and spending a few hours at the gym. Everyone knows the mantra – physical exercise is the key to good health. You can reduce or keep your blood pressure at safer levels by engaging in regular physical activities like walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, etc. Proper diet chart To maintain pressure levels according to the range explained in high blood pressure charts, a healthy diet is a must. You can monitor your food item, amount of food which you are taking for your breakfast, lunch or dinner and the time of these meals by keeping a food diary. Eliminate fast food or packed food items, which will aggravate your problems. Take low-sodium foods, and you will get a visible result in your blood pressure levels. Dried hibiscus is also very helpful to reduce your high blood pressure. Also, include fish oil in your diet and have coconut water. The potassium and magnesium levels present in green coconut water will control your muscle function. As a result, your blood pressure will be in check, and high blood pressure charts will reflect a normal reading. Stay relaxed You must try to keep away your anxiety, stress, and tiredness. For this, you can dedicate few hours of your day to yoga and meditation. So if you want to regain your lost fitness and bring your blood pressure levels to normal, then the above steps are bound to be effective. You must remember that your health is entirely in your hands and with the help of a systematic high blood pressure treatment, you will get rid of the risks of blood pressure.
  • 5 Best Products To Keep Your Wooden Floor Clean

    Wooden floors have become a necessity for beautiful homes. People prefer wooden floorings as they add a sense of warmth to the house. However, it also increases the chances of accidents, especially when floors are contaminated. Effective cleaning should remove contamination and reduce the risk of slips. Best wood floor cleaning products help to keep the floor free of contamination. It also works effectively to give a new look. In fact, there are different types of floor cleaners available in the market today. You can choose from gentle and harsh floor cleaners depending on your requirement. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the product before using it on a wooden floor.

    Here are the best cleaning products that work very efficiently and are formulated especially for wood floors. So understand the value of the product and use it to keep your wooden floor shining and stain-free.

    Pine-Sol Original Multi-Surface Cleaner
    Pine-Sol Original Multi-Surface Cleaner is a multipurpose floor cleaner that proves its excellence on wooden flooring. The cleaner can be used on any surface irrespective of a floor and gives ultimate shine, making it the best cleaning product among the others. It also doesn’t leave any residue. Pine-Sol Original is well-known for effectively killing bacteria and germs, thereby maintaining a hygienic environment around the home. It is suitable for home, restaurant, and schools. The cleaner also gives a nice pine fragrance, which enhances the ambiance of the place. It is available at about $7.19 at local stores or any online sites.

    Bona Hardwood Floor Cleaner
    Cleaning hardwood floor becomes easy with the Bona Hardwood Floor Cleaner Refill. This is the best cleaning product for the wooden floor as it is a water-based solution which erases the grime and dirt from the surface. It is one of the best wood floor cleaning products, it is best for un-waxed or polyurethane finished wood floors as well. The product has been formulated with a tough stain remover that makes cleaning effective. At the same time, it ensures that the floor is bacteria and odor-free. One of the rarest Greenguard Gold cleaners, this one has been clinically tested. It is safe to use. Get the Bona product to maintain the shine and radiance of your wooden floor.

    Fabuloso All-Purpose Cleaner
    The cleaning product has been formulated with unutilized PH value to suit all kinds of floors. For people who like lavender fragrance, this perfumed cleaner is just right. It is a great way to keep your surroundings fresh and clean. The liquid-based solution is priced at $6 that is even available in variant sizes that are scented in different fragrances. Just a few cups of solution can work on the entire floor and the product is labeled in English as well as Spanish to ensure you use it the right way. The one-step cleaning product gives the perfect finish after its very first use, making it the best for the wooden floor.

    Mrs. Meyers Multi-Surface Floor Concentrate
    Another multi-use product that can clean wood floor, tiles and fixtures. The brand is well known for its finest cleaning and professional look in an eco-friendly manner. It is both a cleaner disinfectant that is formulated with the natural ingredients and is the complete chemical free product. The lemon scented floor cleaner is certified as a biodegradable product and can remove stains, grease without leaving any residue. In order to use the cleaner one has to dilute it with water and then work a little to get an everlasting shine to the floor.

    Black Diamond Wood & Laminate Floor Cleaner
    An easy-to-use cleaning product that works the best on the wooden floor, this one is ideal for laminated or engineered flooring. This is a ready-to-use product that can be directly sprayed on the floor and then just needs to be wiped with a mop. A complete hygienic cleaner, this one is available at a price of $10. It is completely biodegradable and non-toxic. It is one of the most recommended cleaning products in the country. The cleaner easily removes tough stains and grease without damaging the finish of the wooden floor.

  • Pros and cons of counter depth refrigerators
    We all know how important refrigerators are in our daily lives. And given the importance, they are also gaining popularity in the interior decoration department. Architects are getting more requests for designing the kitchen in a way that it can accommodate a counter depth refrigerator. These refrigerators can make a kitchen look nicely made and aligned; however, there are pros and cons attached to them as well. Before moving to the pros and cons, lets discuss what counter depths refrigerators are, how they are different from traditional refrigerators. Counter depth refrigerators are ideally the ones that do not protrude and are in the same alignment as the cupboards next to it. But you will still find some of them protruding by an inch. They are still not the same as your standard refrigerators as the later are not meant to fit the size of your kitchen counter. Purpose, in the end, of both types is the same. That is, of storage, preserving, and cooling of food and drinks. There are known benefits/pros of counter depth refrigerator: - The alignment is the winning feature of every counter depth refrigerator. They are more in demand because of their blend-in purpose in the kitchen. It can make a kitchen look less clustered and more spacious. - They might not be as deep as standard refrigerators, but the wider size covers up for the lost space inside. - They are great substitute for an expensive built-in refrigerator. - Because of the decreased depth, things inside the fridge are more accessible and you can get your hands on them with lot of ease without adjusting the things at the back, how you do in a traditional refrigerator. Some disadvantages/cons of the same are: - Yes, you do get the ease of putting in and taking things out of the refrigerator, but you face the need to make space for the entire refrigerator if your house (or kitchen) isn't very spacious. - You will face short drawers/compartments and crispers. - The freezer compartment will be easier to access but will hold lesser stuff than a traditional refrigerator would hold. - The cost of a counter depth refrigerator is higher than a traditional refrigerator. Every problem has a solution and the pros and cons in the end depend on your needs and priorities. You can always work on the problem and read more about both the option before buying either one of them.
  • How oil heating costs have changed the home heating market
    It is a widely known fact that a city, state, or a country that has extremes of weather, machinery to modulate the extremities inside buildings and homes are an absolute necessity. Majority of the American states have known to had more extreme winters than summers in each cycle around the sun. This caused for an almost insatiable demand to arise for home heating methods. This demand created a wide array of options to be created, and each of them had their own pros and cons when utilized in domestic and corporate environments. Use of heating oil to provide heat in homes has been a prime choice of heating since the inception of the process in the 1960s. The process in which heating oils is used to provide heat has majorly changed and so has the cost attached to the process; however, not much has changed when it comes to the demand the market provides to companies who facilitate such services. There used to be a time when unconventional methods as this were far from being used in common households. The old school and conventional methods, although not the most comfortable of procedures were deemed safe and sound to be used around one's home for heating. When scholars in chemistry and bright minds in the manufacturing business joined hands and amalgamated their ideas, what was produced was no less than a marvel. When seen from a scientific point of view the machinery created for heating oil is no less than a man-made marvel. The process which otherwise might be considered complicated was made ready using over the top machinery which can easily be ordered and installed using export craftsmanship. Comparison of heating costs across methods used show us that both heating oil and electricity as considered as expensive modes of heating one's home. The only exception is natural gas which when and if available is the most cost friendly option in the market. What is lesser known in the matter is the cost behind the heating oil method which to an extent depends on the smooth functionality of the apparatus being used. Nowadays, with modern technology, the procedure for the machines which used to heat oil to spread heat has been made more friendly; therefore, the rising and concerning cost behind the process can be significantly reduced thereby allowing consumers to use the procedure without worrying too much about its cost.
  • Precautions to follow while taking blood thinners
    Blood thinners stop formation of blood clots in the heart or in the blood vessels. These medications prevent heart attacks and strokes. However, these medications come with a drawback. Your body finds it hard to heal when you get hurt. So you need to be very careful when you are participating in physical activities like swimming, running, or playing sports. Keep a distance from adventure sports or activities. Wear helmets and if you fall, contact your doctor immediately because even if you do not see any injury externally, you may bleed internally. When you are taking blood thinners, you need to talk to your doctor and follow the instructions carefully. Some of the tips include: Be on time: Always take your medicine at the same time every day. If you are inconsistent, the medicines do not work. If you cannot remember to take your medication, set a reminder on your phone and take your pill as soon as the alarm rings. If you forget to take the pill for the day, call your doctor and ask what needs to be done. Ask your doctor first: Before taking any over-the-counter medicines, ask your doctor because some medicines may interfere with blood thinners and increase your risk of bleeding. Therefore, talk to your doctor before taking any vitamins or supplements as they may lead to many side effects. Be careful around tools: Even a tiny cut can turn into a big bleed when you are on these medicines. So be careful when working with sharp tools like knives, razors, and shears. If you happen to cut yourself, apply pressure until the bleeding subsides. Call for medical help, if the bleeding doesn't stop. Look out for Vitamin K in food: Talk to your doctor about the food items you need to take in moderate quantity. Some green and leafy vegetables like lettuce, spinach, and Brussels sprouts are rich in Vitamin K and eating them too much can increase your risk of bleeding. Be sensitive towards your teeth: Your gums will be sensitive when you are on these medicines. So brush your teeth gently with a soft brush and use a waxed dental floss to clean the space between the teeth. When you visit your dentist, let them know that you are on medication to prevent blood clots so that they can take extra care during the dental procedures. Be watchful of any side effects: Call your doctor immediately if you see any of the following side effects: - Bleeding gums - Bruises for no reason - Dizziness - Vomiting - Heavier menstrual periods - Blood in urine and stools - Severe stomach or head ache Keep first aid ready: Always carry bandages, dressing, and special powder to stop bleeding. In case you get hurt or you cut yourself you can apply the powder immediately and cover the wound with bandage. If the blood doesn't seem to stop, get medical help immediately. Always wear a medical bracelet that shows that you are at bleeding risk. Keep a card in your wallet that specifies the medication you take. This will help the medical team to take precautions in emergency.