A brief overview of bacterial diseases

Bacteria are single-celled creatures that can reproduce on their own. They have a rigid wall, and a thin membrane surrounds the cell fluid. It has existed for many years and can live in any environment like the human body, radioactive waste and also in extreme climatic condition. We find in history how people have been affected by the Black Death and the bubonic plague caused by the bacteria known as Yersinia pestis. Most of the bacteria are harmless, and they are called good bacteria or healthy bacteria. They help in destroying disease-causing microbes, cancer cells and provide the body with essential nutrients. But there are some harmful bacteria as well which wins over the body’s immune system by multiplying and spreading diseases. Pathogenic bacteria are harmful bacteria, and they often emit toxic chemicals that can damage the tissues and cells, creating a life-threatening condition. Streptococcus, E. coli and Staphylococcus are some of the infection-causing bacteria.

Bacterial infections are contagious and can spread by the following ways:

If you come in physical contact with an infected person through kissing or sex
If you consume contaminated food and water
Sneezing and coughing
Infected pets or livestock; fleas and ticks
Symptoms of bacterial infection

The symptoms of bacterial infections are similar to those of other diseases caused by microbes. Fever, fatigue, coughing, vomiting, nausea, cramping and inflammation are some of the common signs of bacterial diseases. These are the methods in which the body’s immune system tries to get rid of the infection. However, they can cause mild to moderate and severe diseases, and sometimes it can be fatal, if they attack the organs like kidneys and lungs.

Consulting a doctor is the first step you need to take if you feel that you have an infection. He/she would do the initial exam with you, listening to your medical history and the present symptoms caused by an infection. The physician would order a few tests to conduct, like blood and urine tests. Sometimes a culture test is also done for examining the tissue cells to identify the type of infection that your body is suffering. The initial symptoms, as felt by the patient, play a significant role according to which, the doctor would order the examinations to be done. Gram stain is a test done to identify the bacteria by the composition of their cell walls.

Antibiotics are the only ways to treat diseases caused by bacterial infections. You should take the prescribed medication as per the guidelines of your physician. But since bacteria are adaptable tiny microorganisms, they become resistant to antibiotics. Thus it does not work in improving the situation, destroying the bacteria. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is one of the most notorious antibiotic resistant bacterial strain, which resists antibiotics used to treating Staphylococcus infections. It spreads through skin contact, occurs in health care institutes and can lead to blood infections. Since prevention is better than cure, concentrating on building a strong immune system is the key to avoiding bacterial infections and leading a healthy life.


  • Questions to Ask a Breeder Before Getting a Boxer Pup
    Boxers are silly, sweet, and mischievous. This breed may fool around with family and friends, but they are patient and spirited with children. They also show an angry persona to strangers and respond with unmatched courage to anything that they perceive as a danger to their family. A Boxer can be a companion and a guard dog. Boxers are the 11th most popular breed as per American Kennel Club. Before you buy a Boxer puppy on sale, here are some points to consider: You can bring home a Boxer pup when they are about eight weeks old. If you do not have enough time to spend with them or if there is an infant in your home, you can consider bringing pups who are older and can be trained faster. These pups have immense energy, and they can develop behavioral issues if they are left unattended. Before buying a Boxer puppy on sale, you need to consider a few pointers. Has the tail been docked in a few days of birth? Have the ears been cropped? It is optional but if you want its ears cropped, the breeder can help you with the process as it is done between six and nine weeks from birth. It is recommended that you take the pup home after completing this procedure. The breeder has to share documents related to the following things before offering Boxer puppies on sale:
    • Pedigree: A three or four generation pedigree information of the sire and dam as well as their American Kennel Club registration numbers.
    • Registration from AKC: This document contains all information such as the date of birth, pup’s registration number, sex, details about the sire and dam as well as the details of the breeder. A breeder must furnish this compulsory document during the sale of a Boxer puppy.
    The breeder is also obliged to give you written information and papers regarding the following aspects:
    • Vaccination: Date and proof of the vaccination program for the pup. You can consult your vet for future shots based on this.
    • Worming: Date and agent used. Subsequent worming has to be done based on your vet's recommendation.
    • Diet: It is better for you to continue the same diet regimen that the breeder has been following for the Boxer puppy. Introduce changes gradually. Once the pup has completely adapted to its new home, you can make significant changes. It is ideal to give the puppy two small meals a day.
    Before buying a Boxer puppy on sale, make sure your house is “Boxer puppy-proof” as they love to chew on things.
  • Is it safe to use colored contact lenses?
    Colored contact lenses are specially-designed lenses enabling the users to change their eye colors. These are available in bothon-prescription (plano) and prescription forms. With prescription colored lenses, you can not only correct your vision (be it myopia, hyperopia or astigmatism), but also have fun with different eye colors. Plano colored lenses are designed only for cosmetic purposes and do not correct any vision problem. While it is nice to have an easy option to change one's eye color, there are risks associated with the use of colored contact lenses just as with the usage of any regular contact lens. Proper colored contact lens use and care Whether you want to use a prescription colored lens or a non-prescription one, you still need to follow all recommendations for proper use of lenses. Otherwise you risk contracting eye infections and causing damage to your eye.
    • In some countries like the US, the sale of colored contact lenses with no prescription is illegal. So, it is very important that you first consult with an ophthalmologist even if you want to buy only cosmetic contact lenses with no power. Only buy colored contact lenses from places that ask for a prescription. When you consult with a doctor about using any kind of cosmetic contact lens, you are ensuring the safety of your eyes.
    • During your consultation, your ophthalmologist can assess, if you are a good candidate for wearing contact lenses, if you have any existing eye infection that can become worse with your contact lens use and provide you with proper measurements for the right-sized lens. Your doctor can also guide you to proper care for your eyes and lenses to minimize the risk of infections and keep your eyes healthy.
    • During your consultation, your ophthalmologist can assess, if you are a good candidate for wearing contact lenses, if you have any existing eye infection that can become worse with your contact lens use and provide you with proper measurements for the right-sized lens. Your doctor can also guide you to proper care for your eyes and lenses to minimize the risk of infections and keep your eyes healthy.
    Always purchase colored contact lenses from licensed shops. Refrain from buying from online retail shop or any place not authorized to sell cosmetic contact lenses. After each use, thoroughly clean your lenses and store them properly in the lens case. Also keep the lens container clean by washing it with a sterile solution. Replace the case after a few months of use. Always store your cosmetic contact lenses as per the instructions of your doctor. Remember, you can't forever use your colored contact lenses. You may need to replace it as guided by your ophthalmologist. Neither share your cosmetic contact lenses with anyone else, nor borrow lenses from anyone else, even if it is for one-time use. In case, you experience any redness or pain in the eye during or after using colored contact lenses, seek medical help. These could be signs of an eye infection and may require treatment. For immediate relief from irritation or itchy eyes, remove the lenses and rinse your eyes with clean tap water. Don't wear your lenses again until you have seen a doctor. You can safely use colored contact lenses on a regular basis if you follow all care guidance diligently while using them.
  • A close look at the causes of hearing loss

    In order to understand the causes of hearing loss, it is important to first understand how the ear functions. The ear can be divided into three parts; the outer ear- that we can see, the middle ear and the inner ear. The outer ear is responsible for channeling sounds to the eardrum. The auditory canal in the outer ear also amplifies low sounds to make them clearer. These sounds make the eardrum at the end of the outer ear vibrate. The three bones of the middle ear: malleus, incus and stapes then pick up these vibrations and transmit them to the inner ear. The cochlea is the most important part of the inner ear that receives these vibrations and triggers a response in the hearing nerve. Thus damage to any of these three parts can affect your hearing.

    Outer Ear

    Given how the structure of the outer ear amplifies low sounds to make them audible, a malformed outer ear can keep a person from hearing low sounds. A buildup of earwax can block the auditory canal and muffle sounds. This can be removed easily at home or at a doctor's clinic. When cleaning the earwax from your ears, do not push foreign objects like a cotton swab inside. Rather than removing the wax, this can push it deeper inside and cause further problems. Instead, use a home irrigation kit to soften the wax and rinse it out.

    Middle Ear

    Ear infections may seem trivial sometimes, but prolonged exposure to such an infection or recurring infection can damage the middle ear. Swelling and a buildup of pus in the middle ear can cause temporary hearing loss but if it is left untreated, it can damage the structure of the middle ear. Fluid buildup behind the eardrum can also distort sounds and in rare cases cause a perforation in the middle ear.

    Cholesteatoma is another condition that affects the middle ear and hampers hearing. This is characterized by the collection of skin in the middle ear when the ear drum collapses or if there is a hole in the ear drum. As the skin keeps growing, it destroys the bones of the middle ear and can even cause deafness.

    Inner Ear

    The cochlea is susceptible to viral infections similar to the flu which can cause sudden hearing loss. This may or may not be permanent. In some cases the hearing nerve itself may not function properly, thus leading to hearing problems. This is known as sensorineural hearing loss. Apart from infections, sensorineural hearing loss can also be triggered by trauma to the head, tumors, medications that is toxic to the ears and exposure to loud noise.

  • All you need to know about latex mattress
    Latex in its pure form is derived from a rubber tree. It is considered as a great sleeping surface because it offers a lot of health benefits. Latex is highly durable, and many companies opt to make 100% natural luxury latex mattresses. They are free from chemicals, and a few of them include Plushbeds, Zenhaven, and Spindle. Latex mattresses should be purchased from a trusted website that offers a return back policy as its shelf life is about 10-15 years. US manufacturers eliminate mattresses which contain toxic and carcinogenic materials which do not disclose them on labels. Key decisions should be taken when buying luxury latex mattresses online as follows-
    • The latex in a mattress can be all natural latex from rubber trees, synthetic latex through a chemical process, or a blend of natural and synthetic. Mostly natural latex mattresses are preferred.
    • Warranty of the luxury latex mattresses should be checked as latex can cause body compressions.
    • The good quality of latex depends on its foam and density. The higher the density the higher is the durability of the latex foam.
    • The types of cover offered for luxury latex mattresses should be organic, made of cotton, and chemical free.
    • The latex foam should be made of two processes like Dunlop and Talalay. These are eco-friendly and considered to be of a superior quality. Dunlop allows more comfort while Talalay is more breathable and softer.
    Many US manufacturers and company owners confess to the fact that their bed of choice is a luxury latex mattress. They are used for back pain patients and it makes them one of the healthiest mattresses on the market. If the customers are not satisfied with the selection of their luxury latex mattresses they can contact the customer services and get it replaced within a time frame of two weeks depending on its availability. Giant online retailers like US-Mattress, Amazon etc. have an excellent customer service and pre and post-sale options. Most of the luxury latex mattresses are USA made product where compliance checks are stringent with overall customer satisfaction.
  • All you need to know about home insurance policy
    Buying a home comes with a lot of responsibilities. There are a lot of risks that come with owning a home like the risk of theft and property damage. Investing in the right kind of home insurance policy is important so as to be financially prepared for these risks. There are several different companies in the market that offer home insurance policies with different kinds of terms and coverages. Remember the following points before choosing a home insurance policy.
    • Explore your options As mentioned earlier, there is a wide variety of home insurance policies available to homeowners at this time. When selecting one, it is important to consider factors like what potential risks are being covered in the policy. It is also important to consider the company’s record in your area, whether they are reliable as insurance providers, and their response time.
    • Ask about discounts Home insurance policy in 2021 offers additional services and discounts. They may offer discounts on additional safety installment services such as installing an alarm system, smoke alarm, or better locks. There may also be certain offers for old and retired personnel as well as some discounts for policies when taken via your employer’s or organization’s reference. Moreover, if you already have some policies with an insurance company and have been their customer for years, you may also be eligible for some loyalty discounts.
    • Types of homeowners coverage Homeowners insurance can offer coverage in different forms. Some policies or companies offer actual cash value for the damages to the home or its belongings. Some companies deduct a certain amount from this actual cash value based on the current value of an item or belonging. Other companies also offer guaranteed (or extended) replacement cost/value, that is, payment of the full amount required to repair or rebuild your home. This amount may or may not be more than your policy limit.
    • A higher deductible means lower insurance premium This is very important to remember. Based on your budget, you must decide how much premium you can pay each month for your insurance policy. However, this amount is also determined based on the amount of deductible you pay before your insurance is in effect. If you raise your deductible amount, then your premium amount reduces. This can not only save you a lot of money in the long run but also provide you more comprehensive coverage.
  • Online pregnancy test and other tests to detect early pregnancy

    Pregnancy is one of the best phases of one's life. It is important to detect pregnancy at the right time so that one can have all the check-ups done and take the necessary precautions. Detecting pregnancy at the right time is a matter of calculations based on your last period and the missed one, as well as the signs and symptoms that come during the first weeks of pregnancy. Apart from a home kit that could test for pregnancy, you can also try an online pregnancy test to find out whether or not you are pregnant. Yet, you will still have to go through a physical test in order to find out whether or not you are pregnant for sure. Here's how the online pregnancy test works.

    • Questions: The test asks you a series of 12 to 14 questions so as to detect your last period and what mode of protection you have been using like condoms, birth control pills and more. Also, the test will seek to find out your ovulation date by asking the first date of your previous period and also the cycle you have. You could have a 25 to 28 day cycle, which differs from woman to woman.
    • Symptoms: The test will also ask you questions regarding various symptoms that you may have been experiencing. These can range from a sudden aversion towards various kinds of food and nausea as well as vomiting. Also, bloating in the abdomen region and tenderness of the breasts for a period of a few weeks are considered as symptoms of early pregnancy.
    • Results: The online pregnancy will show you the probability of your pregnancy rather than confirming that you are pregnant. Whatever the result be, you will have to see a doctor or take a home based pregnancy test as well so that you can confirm the results. Sometimes, you may be suffering from bloating, pain and light vaginal bleeding as well as missed menstrual cycle due to reasons like an STD or infection. So, it would be best to have the same checked by a doctor too.
    • Other tests: You can also calculate other things online like your due date, the status of the pregnancy which will point at the size, weight and other dimensions and development stage of the fetus. Further, this kind of a test will help you in understanding which trimester you are in, and when your trimester dates are. Also, you can calculate the check-ups of your various trimesters so that you do no miss any. But before any of this, it is important to find out whether or not you are pregnant. Also, once it is confirmed that you are pregnant, you will need to then take ample care of yourself in emotional and physical terms so that you can have a healthy and comfortable pregnancy with a well-developed fetus.