Benefits of taking up a part time job

Part time jobs are the newest rage in the industry. People willing to work from home or want to make some extra money on the side while pursuing their education are taking up part time jobs which are now more industry and profile specific.

Here are a few reasons why you should take up a part time job

Compensation makes a difference: Part time jobs are high paying and a great source of income for people who can spare a few hours every day, taken out from their already busy schedule. Earning income not only motivates, but also boosts self-confidence, makes you responsible and gives you a sense of satisfaction when you spend it at the end of the day. You don’t have to rely on anyone for your needs.

Experience matters: Students who take up part time jobs learn to be responsible, manage their time well and gain experience in one way or the other. They learn to multi task having to concentrate on both their job as well as studies.

Financial assistance: Taking up a high paying part time job also helps the family financially, since there is added income in the household. Part timers manage to take care of their expenses and at the same time contribute to the household as well. A sense of caring and responsibility is developed, improving relationships.

Insight: Young students can gain insight into the industry they want to pursue, which acts as a bonus when they go for work full time after completing their education. The work experience also helps at the time of appraisals and increments, increasing your chances for better incentives.

Multiple opportunities: Part timers can explore their interests simultaneously while making enough money to support their families. The extra time after work gives them ample opportunities to do more than just one job. Part timers can take up various activities related to their passion, making money at the same time.

Health benefits: Unlike jobs which require constant attention and concentration, a high paying part time job offers the flexibility in terms of time as well as workload. There are no daily deadlines to meet, stress levels compared to people who work full time are less and health in general is not compromised.

Overall, taking up a high paying part time job is a win-win situation in many ways. There are more and more opportunities available to work from home through portals on major job sites.


  • Tips to grow and maintain a container garden of perennial plants

    Perennial plants are a great alternative that cuts down the trouble of spending money on new plants once the old annual plants have died. Container gardening with perennial plants is becoming popular among gardeners.

    In this article we help you know more about perennial plants and how to grow them with ease.

    We are going to introduce container plants in your garden, this is for people who do not have much space and yet love gardening. Its also perfect for those who live in apartments.

    Things you need:

    Container Choosing a container is not perilous. Anything that holds the soil can become a container for your plant. Containers can be made of wood, metal, clay even plastic. Since each type of container has its advantages and disadvantages, you must check which container is perfect for which type of plant you plan to grow in it.

    Do remember that perennial plants have bigger roots and hence containers in bigger size is always a better option.

    Drainage is just as important as the container for the plants to not drown. Every container must have at least one drainage hole. If the container does not have a drainage hole, make one yourself by drilling a hole or seek professional help if you are not able to successfully make a hole at the bottom. The drainage hole must have a screen so the soil does not fall out of the container.

    Soil Choose the right potting soil for the plant and that sits well in the container. If you are planning on planting the plants that grow well in sand, you need to get the potting mix that supports that plant. You must get into the detailing of the soil you will be using for each plant for it to grow best. Check the pH level required.

    Plants Proper pairing of the plants is essential just like everything else. Some plants do not grow well with certain plants and some pairs are great for each other. You can understand this by learning about each plant in detail.

    Watering Learn about the watering that is required for each plant. Ideally, caring for perennial plants is not too much work but is important. Some nutrients that are present in the potting soil get washed out with regular watering, hence its important to add nutrient supplements by adding liquid fertilizer.

    When plants are maintained and groomed timely, they reward you with the best of fruits, flowers and leaves.

  • 5 tips to choose the correct cat litter
    The modern world can be a bit too demanding, and nothing can comfort you more than soft furry creatures that eagerly await your return from work. Cats are known to be the quintessential independent pets who refuse to depend on you. They are fuss-free, and you won't have to come home to scoop away the mess they created in your absence. Yes, they can definitely rip your new shoes into shreds but rarely do they soil your beloved living room. The litter box is a blessing in disguise for cat owners, and if you are new cat-parent, here's how you can choose the right cat litter for your cat's litter box.
    • Clumping- Cat litter is supposed to absorb whatever business your cat does in the litter box. After absorbing the cat's urine, the cat litter is supposed to clump. Clumping clay is a viable option for your cat's litter box. If the cat urinates or poops in the litter box, this cat litter will clump, and it makes it easier for cleaning the litter box. So choosing a cat litter that clumps after the usual cat business is executed.
    • Odor control- Certain cat litter materials cannot control the odor of the cat's urine. Even after clumping, if the cat litter fails to control the urine, it's not the right one for your cat. Since your cat will be using the litter box quite often, a cat litter that cannot control the odor fails its purpose. Cat litter like pine is quite effective in controlling odor.
    • Granule size- One needs to be quite careful while choosing cat litter on the basis of the granule size of the cat litter. Cats usually prefer softer granules since they tend to cover their waste with the litter. Whereas, even coarser granules come in handy since the cats won't breathe it in. For kittens, it is advisable to opt for coarser granules, and one can shift to the softer ones as they grow.
    • Low dust- Cat litter can produce of a lot of dust, and this can prove harmful to cats and humans alike. Usually, clumping clays are the source of dust, and it's expected that the cats will unknowingly spread the cat litter across the house. So, opt for modern cat litters which such as crystal cat litters that are instrumental in reducing dust.
    • The price- Clumping clay is quite popular owing to its clumping and odor-control properties, and they are quite cheap. The crystal ones are a little expensive, but they are quite effective and dust-free. So, if you opt for a cheaper one, you will have to change it frequently, whereas, the expensive ones can last longer, and have to be changed twice a month.
  • Why should you include high fiber foods in your daily diet?
    The sedentary lifestyle of 21st century, where everything is at our fingertips (literally) is turning us into a passive workaholics seated in our office chairs undergoing minimal body stress. The eating habits so developed are unhealthy to the extent that we have started facing old age ailments that were normally a thing of late forties and fifties Fast food which is junk food on the go has an abundance of trans fat and very low amount of fiber, which is unhealthy for the body. To make matters worse, people who are not active enough and eat junk food on a daily basis, are probably more prone to have arteries deposited with high amounts of cholesterol, making them vulnerable to high blood pressure and strokes. Having a low fiber diet exposes one to bodily problems like; poor digestive health as the food they are consuming is already processed, it leaves minimum effort for the stomach to process it further, which makes it weaker. This further leads to constipation, diverticular disease and even hemorrhoids. A Low fiber diet is an invitation to cardiovascular diseases. Junk food which has higher level of LDL cholesterol deposits in inner lining of the arteries decreasing its circumference and making it difficult for your heart to pump blood. This increases the blood pressure of the body and puts it under the risk of heart diseases. A diet that has irregular food clock hours, high in trans-fat and very minimal amount of fiber does not fulfill the satiety which makes you feel hungry even after you had a five hundred ounce burger. This in turn results in eating more, which increases your weight in an unhealthy. Hence, it is advisable that you include high fiber snacks in your daily diet which will keep you full for longer hours. High fiber snacks are a great source of poly-saturated and mono-saturated fats which are good for the body. The unsaturated fats (mono-saturated or poly-saturated) help regulate the cholesterol in the body. It eases inflammation and regulates heart beat rhythms. Including high fiber snacks added with proteinaceous diet in your daily food cycle increases the muscle retention of your body which leaves little or no room for fatty tissue, eventually helping you getting rid of it. One of the main reasons athletes stick to a high fiber diet is that, it helps in muscle growth and hence increases the stamina. Thus, including high fiber foods in your daily diet is a healthy option and can do more good to your body than you can think.  
  • 5 things to know about Lupus
    Lupus is basically an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks the body's own organs and tissues. Lupus patients experience tissue damage in various parts of the body including heart, joints, brain, lungs, kidney, and the endocrine glands including thyroid, adrenals, and many more. According to a research, 90 percent of lupus patients are women. Itching, headache, depression, anxiety, skin rashes, digestive issues, sleeping troubles, memory loss, fatigue are some of its common symptoms. Here are a few tips and techniques on how one can prevent and fight against this disease with some easy day to day cures and measures. Know the symptoms Lupus can be caused by eating a poor diet or lack of essential nutrients and can also be caused genetically if any of your family members has a lupus or any autoimmune disease history. It basically affects people between the ages of 1545. This disease is followed by a number of other small body problems, allergic reactions, hormonal imbalances, indigestion, metal toxicity, conceiving issues, stress, body pain, insomnia, stiffness, swelling, fever, mouth ulcers, memory loss and confusions, blurred vision, shortness of breath, chest pain, sunburns, skin rashes, high blood pressure, lung damage, infections, heart issues, and many more. Eat healthy Healthy diet lupus can include intake of organic foods, unprocessed foods, raw and cooked vegetables, fresh fruits with vitamin E and vitamin C, seafood including salmon, sardines, mackerel, trout with high omega-3, probiotic foods, bone broth, herbs, spices, tea , coconut oil, and many other numerous food items. Say no to refined vegetable oils, trans fats and hydrogenated oils, pasteurized dairy products, refined carbs and gluten products, conventional meats, added sugars, high sodium foods, alcohol and too much caffeine, certain legumes including green beans, peanuts, sprouts, alfalfa seeds, and many more. Get enough sleep Try to get enough sleep and stay much active as possible. Reduce your stress levels by taking adequate amount of sleep and indulging in at least 15 to 30 minutes of physical activities daily that may include aerobics, walking, dancing, exercises, Zumba, and many others. Also, learn to follow a proper routine with healthy diet lupus. Keep your body hydrated and eat a lot of fruits and protein-rich foods. Know what to avoid You need to skip nightshade vegetables as lupus patients are very sensitive to these kinds of veggies. These include eggplant, white potatoes, sweet and hot peppers, and tomatoes. Also, maintain a food journal or diary to keep a check on what you eat and in what quantities. Reduce your salt intake and other kinds of herbs and spices as they tend to interact with the drugs you are actually using to cure lupus. So, watch out what you eat and maintain healthy diet lupus to prevent its disastrous effects on your body. Thus, it is very important to understand various types of unpredictable diseases like lupus and to take care of your body by eating healthy and only foods that are likely to support your body in making it stronger with higher immunity.
  • 5 facts you should know about colon cancer
    Colon cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in the United States. It stands in the third position among cancer-related deaths in the country. According to research studies, people belonging to African-American race are at a higher risk of developing colon cancer when compared to the other races. The American Cancer Society has estimated that colon cancer rates among youths of 20-34 year old are expected to increase by 90% by 2030. Having a basic understanding of the disease can be life saving. Read the basic facts about colon cancer here. What is colon cancer? Colon cancer is the type of cancer that develops in the colon, which is other ways known as the large intestine. It occurs in the lower part of the digestive system; that is in the colon. Cancer may occur in the rectum also. Colon cancer and rectum cancer are collectively called as colorectal cancer. Know these symptoms Majorly, the 3 signs of colon cancer include: â Presence of blood in the stool or dark stool â Diarrhea or constipation or a change in bowel movements that stays for a longer period â Bleeding from the rectum The other symptoms include unexpected weight loss, weakness, abdominal pain, fatigue, a feeling that the bowel is not empty, bloating sensation, etc. Ignoring the colon cancer symptoms may put your life at risk. Make sure you take medical assistance if you observe any of the above mentioned symptoms. Causes & Risk factors It is yet to figure out the exact cause of colon cancer. It is normally seen in men and women above 50 years of age, although men are at a higher risk. It begins with the formation of the noncancerous cells called adenomateous polyps in most cases. Some of these cells may later develop into cancerous cells, leading to colon cancer. You are at a higher risk of colon cancer in the following conditions: â If colorectal cancer runs in your family â Presence of polyps in the colon â Diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease â Higher consumption of high-fat food How is it treated? Surgical removal of the tumor is the most common treatment method if diagnosed with colon cancer. It may be followed by chemotherapy or radiotherapy. However, the cure from the treatment depends on the extent of the growth of cancerous cells and overall health of the patient. In some patients, colon cancer can recur in the same spot or at a distant organ after treatment in the initial stage. Natural ways of prevention Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and following a proper balanced diet help you gain control over your health, and keep certain types of cancers at bay. Include lots of fiber food, whole grains, fruits and vegetables in the diet in order to limit the risk of developing colon cancer. Avoid consumption of red meat, processed meat, fat-rich food. Limit alcohol consumption, and say no to smoking and tobacco. Follow a proper exercise regime and maintain a healthy body weight.
  • 4 popular business phone service providers for easy communication
    If you own a business, irrespective of whether it is small or big, one thing that can make or break your business is communication. Here, communication doesn't only imply the communication amongst you and your employees, it refers to the communication between you and your clients. Poor communication is a threat to your business. Since such emphasis is placed on communication, the mode of communication too comes into the picture. You might communicate with the client via emails, but a majority of these deals are made on the telephone. The traditional business phone services underwent massive changes, and the current business phone services use the VoIP technology. The VoIP or the Voice over Internet Protocol technology has revolutionized the mode of communication. The VoIP systems make use of the internet and run on the same connections that companies use to make their presence felt online. Since there has been a landmark change in the field of business phone service, the business phone service providers too adapted themselves to the changing times. If you are on the lookout for the perfect business phone service provider, here's a list of such service providers who neither compromise on the quality, or the cost. Nextiva Business Phone Service- If you directly wish to tap into the benefits provided by the VoIP business phone services, then Nextiva would fit the bill perfectly. Your organization's communication would be enhanced tenfold, since you would be choosing a business phone service provider that allows you to combine voice, conferencing, emailing and messaging, on a single platform. RingCentral- If any business phone service provider ranks high on the customer satisfaction scale, it is the RingCentral. This cloud-based VoIP service provides its users with a solid platform that allows them to integrate platforms like Dropbox, Google, Office, Zendesk, etc. Not only is this business phone service providers are reliable, it is equipped with awesome features such as- several call distribution queues, call-monitoring capabilities, a sturdy network, etc. 8x8 Virtual Office- If you own a small business, and cannot comply to the high prices set by other business phone service providers, then 8x8 virtual office would save you from the tight spot. Affordable prices, reliable network, useful feature, and its easy-to-use interface, makes it the perfect service provider for you. ShoreTel- What makes ShoreTel the perfect business phone service provider is that it is available as an on-premise or as a cloud-hosted system. It is the right choice for businesses that require call-center services because it offers multiple hosting options. Also, it is equipped with a large number of features and tools that can come in handy. So, choose your business phone service provider wisely, and communicate beyond boundaries.