Best travel tips and advice for the international traveler

Whether you love to backpack and see the entire world, or you take one international vacation with the entire family at least once a year, you are bound to encounter many challenges and scenarios that are a part and parcel of international travel. So here are some of the best tips and advice from the experts on how to do it right so that you can concentrate on the experiences rather than the administrative side of international travel.

Effective planning: We cannot stress on this part enough. When we say planning, we do not merely mean that you need to check your passport and get the visa and tickets right. While most people will look for the best airline fares and good deals for accommodation and related things, there are very few people who understand the new country a little before getting there. Doing a little research well in advance can actually help you in avoiding some rude shocks later on. You can take to the forums and chat boards of various countries, travel websites and backpacker forums so that you can find out more about the stay, the people, the local culture and the things to do while you are on the go.

Foreign exchange: One very crucial thing that will fuel your travel and all the related activities, is money. You will have to find out the rates from the bank and also the travel operator from whom you avail the trip. Find out the cheapest foreign exchange rate so that you can convert some into cash and get a prepaid card or debit card for the remaining expenses.

Reach your destination early: If you want to avoid standing in line for hours to see the best tourist attractions or theme parks, you will need to start early. Getting up early and reaching a spot will ensure that you are at the start of the line, rather than getting stuck in winding queues for a long time. You can sleep in late over the weekend, but for your vacation in a new place, you should make the most of your 24 hours!

Do it like a local: You should talk to locals and learn some local language so that you get the best experiences in the local style. Avoid eating at tourist-like places and restaurants so that you can get the best ingredients, and most authentic preparations and prices as well. Saunter down the lanes and find places where tourists do not usually go so that you can have a more authentic feel of the cuisine, the people and various other aspects of the place.

Carry backups: From batteries to hard disks and extra memory cards for your camera and phone, ensure that you back up all your pictures and information even as you make way for those emergencies where you may lose a phone charger or hard drive. Take a back-up every other day to avoid any chaos or lost memories later!


  • How is weather formed?
    Weather is a by-product of an atmosphere. It is categorized by being hot or cold, wet or dry, calm or stormy, clear or cloudy. The weather formation is occurs in the lowest level of atmosphere called as troposphere. Weather is a condition that refers to day-to-day temperature and precipitation activity. People are often confused between the terms 'weather' and 'climate'. Weather generally refers to temperature and precipitation whereas climate refers to averaging of atmospheric conditions over longer period of time. The factors that affect the weather of a place include air pressure, temperature and moisture differences. These differences occur due to sun's angle that varies with the latitude. Causes of weather formation The most common weather phenomenon on earth are wind, cloud, rain, snow, fog and dust storms. Natural disasters such as tornadoes, hurricanes, typhoons and ice storms are called as extreme weather. Primarily weather occurs due to air pressure, temperature and moisture differences between one place to another. To understand weather in simpler manner consider an example that the farther is the sun from an area or lower the angle of the sun, cooler will be the place as the spread of the sunlight over a greater surface. This is the reason why there is a strong temperature contrast between polar and tropical areas. Weather conditions such as monsoons or thunderstorms are caused by a totally different process. Earth's axis plays an important role in weather formation. Due to the angular position of the axis of earth, every set of months have a different weather. For example, northern hemisphere is tilted toward the sun. As a result sunlight falls more directly on that spot than December. This effect eventually causes seasons that last for a couple of months and change as the axis of the earth changes its angle. The amount of solar energy Earth absorbs also depends on the weather. The uneven solar heating is also caused due to weather (in the form of cloudiness and precipitation that is). This is the reason why higher altitudes are cooler than the lower altitudes. An inverse effect can cause a higher altitude to be warmer than the lower belt which is inverse in the usual case.
  • Reasons why you should opt for a modular home
    Modular homes are built with prefabricated structures or modules, assembled together on site. These homes are no different than your regular homes, with the exception of being more cost effective and easy to build from scratch. Since modular panels are manufactured off site, custom panels can be designed to suit the client's requirements and if needed modified as well. These panels are cost effective and easy to manufacture, since the form is based on a predetermined design with accurate parameters and dimensions. This enables all the panels of the home to fit in like a jigsaw puzzle or Lego blocks perfectly. There are number of advantages of opting for modular homes for the following reasons. Here are a few reasons why. Time is money: Everybody in the construction business knows that the more labor time an uptime there is on any site, the increased will be the cost. Uncertainties in material prices, labor charges hikes and increased transportation costs all add to the big list of expenses. Modular homes however can be manufactured in parts and transported to the site, where the construction and installation takes a fraction of the time compared to its traditional competitors. There are smaller modular homes which can be completed built indoors in big warehouses or factories, waiting to be just transported to the new building site. This saves time and of course a lot of money. Design flexibility: Since most modular homes are designed with the intention that someday, upgrades or changes can be made to the existing structure, this makes it a preferable choice over regular homes. The design allows for changes to be made even after a couple of years when the client feels that he wants to expand by adding another floor to create a duplex. No wastage of materials: Although contractors plan the materials that might be needed for the construction project accurately, there still might be a chance of material shortage or wastage for that matter. Consistency in the building materials will ensure a smoother process and workflow management where there are no downtimes. Modular homes ensure efficient material utilization and minimize the allied costs. Clayton modular homes is a big name in the construction industry with a workforce of over 13400 members dedicating their time and energy to ensure you get your dream house. The company's modular homes division has a number of innovative design and utility options for everybody, customizing to satisfy client specifications.
  • Atkins diet for weight loss
    Everyone wants to look good and fit in their best pair of jeans. But if you are overweight, it takes a lot of effort to shed those extra pounds. Along with a good workout session, you also need to eat healthy to lose weight effectively. When we talk about eating healthy, many people get confused about what to eat and what to avoid. A good diet plan called the Atkins Diet chalked out by a cardiologist, Dr. Robert C. Atkins helps to achieve our weight loss mission quickly. Overview of Atkins diet This diet has gained popularity over the years to work wonders for people who are finding it difficult to lose weight. This is one of the first diet plans that entered the market as the weight loss diet plan. This diet has low carbohydrates meal plan that makes you lose weight fast. Limiting your intake of carbohydrates changes the metabolism of the body. This process is called ketosis where the body stops metabolizing the glucose as energy and instead, starts converting the stored fat into energy. The main purpose of this diet plan is to change your eating habits, thereby helping you lose weight while improving your health conditions. The Atkins diet plan works in three phases. Phase 1 This phase is very strict. In this step, you eliminate almost all the carbohydrates from your diet. You will just eat 20 grams of carbohydrates in a day, that too in the form of vegetables. You are allowed to eat only 10% of foundation vegetables like broccoli, asparagus, celery, green beans, cucumber, and peppers. Your diet includes good portions of protein from fish, poultry, cheese, eggs, and meat. Your intake of sugar, fruits, grains, bread, alcohol, pasta, baked goods, and nuts is restricted. This phase is followed for 2 weeks before moving to the next phase. Phase 2 In this phase, you still continue to restrict your carbohydrates intake from foundation vegetables to minimum. Nutrient-rich fruits like berries, nuts, seeds, and vegetables are slowly added to the diet. You continue to eat like this until you are 10 pounds away from your target weight. Phase 3 When you enter the 3rd phase, you gradually start to eat a little of other foods like starchy vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. You are allowed to add 10 grams of carbohydrates every week. But if you see that you are gaining weight when you reintroduce carbohydrates to your diet, you need to stop eating them at once. You follow this diet until you reach your goal. Once you reach your target weight, you need to maintain that weight by continuing to eat light. If you stop eating healthy and switch back to your normal eating habits, you will start putting on those pounds again in no time.
  • 5 early signs of breast cancer
    When affected by cancer, one’s healthy cells grow and mutate uncontrollably. Breast cancer develops when the cells in the breast lobules, ducts, or connective tissue multiply abnormally, affecting various areas of the organ. Breast cancer accounts for nearly 30% of the diagnosed cancer cases among women in the country. Even men are at risk of developing one of its subtypes. So, here are some of the early signs of the condition one can observe: Lumps If one notices a new lump under the breast or arms, it should be checked immediately, as this excess growth could indicate abnormal cell mutation. This is a clearly noticeable early sign of breast cancer. Lumps that persist even after experiencing normal periods could indicate cancer development. These lumps can develop with irregular hard edges, primarily indicating the presence of cancerous tissue. Changes in the nipples One should also check for changes in the shape of the nipple. If there is any retraction or inversion of the nipple causing pain that persists for a while, one should immediately seek professional assistance. A clear, brownish, yellowish, or reddish discharge from one or both breasts could also indicate the initial stages of breast cancer. Redness and itchiness Breast cancer also presents several surface irritation symptoms, including redness in a particular spot, persistent itching, skin irritation, a developing rash, and swelling in the affected area. The swelling can also affect the shape of the breasts. Changes in skin texture Dimpling of the skin where the area under the breasts starts to resemble the texture of an orange peel with visible pitting is another clear early sign of breast cancer. Skin texture may also change in the areas surrounding the nipples resulting in peeling or flaking of the skin. Abrupt changes in the shape Changes in the color of the breast, an increase in size that happens over a brief time, and thickening of the newly formed lumps are all visible signs of breast cancer. As cancer progresses, the breasts may feel warm and tender to the touch, often resulting in pain upon contact. Visible size differences, heaviness, aches in the breasts, and the development of swollen lymph nodes under the arm are also early signs of inflammatory breast cancer. Breast cancer can be invasive, noninvasive, inflammatory, or metastatic, among other commonly diagnosed types. Further, its symptoms can vary from person to person, depending on the severity and type. 
  • Some facts about chaise lounges you should know
    You can find chaise lounges placed in different areas of many homes including outdoors and indoors. The versatility of this product is simply amazing. You can use outdoor chaise lounges near the pool-side during sunny weather and when the weather is bad, you can use them inside as well. Chaise longue A brief history The history of the chaise lounge can be traced back to the 16th century in France. It became highly popular in Europe and then was imported to the United States in the 1930s. In the US, the chaise lounge was primarily used as an indoor recliner or outdoor patio seat. With the evolution of the time, the popularity of this furniture piece has increased considerably and the modern versions are designed to be functional, beautiful, and versatile. The fundamental design of outdoor chaise lounges Generally speaking, a chaise lounge can be described as an elongated chair that resembles a couch except for two aspects. The first aspect is the back support portion of the lounge is slanting toward the back and this feature provides a reclined position; you can stretch your legs and relax as outdoor chaise lounges help you to do so. The second aspect is the armrests, and they can or cannot be present in the chaise lounge. You were expected to lie on your back while making use of outdoor chaise lounges. Most popular materials utilized to make chaise lounges Earlier, the lounge was manufactured with natural materials such as rattan and wood, and they were carved with trendy and stylish designs. Today, the modern versions are made using materials such as metal and plastic, but wood is still undoubtedly the most popular material because of its unparalleled versatility, durability, and beauty. Today, the most popular wood materials used to make chaise lounge furniture are teak and cedar. The weatherproof properties and amazing grain patterns of these woods are unbeatable. Learn about the functional uses of outdoor chaise lounges The most appealing factor about chaise lounge furniture is that it is highly adaptable to meet the needs of any outdoor and indoor space compared to outdoor benches. You can use them on the outdoor deck, poolside, porch, living room, dining room, and bedroom. Removable cushions can always be linked with the most modern lounges. You can come across chaise lounges in different styles. One-arm chaise lounges come with one supporting arm and offer a relaxed and sophisticated appearance. Armless lounges are designed to meet the natural body shape and that is why you cannot find any arms. When it comes to daybeds, they are designed to offer an upright sitting in place of a reclining position. The design of this model is not as friendly as other versions available in the market.
  • Learn about financial aid
    In the days when education is becoming costlier with each passing moment, one need not particularly mention the expenses one would have to go through for a college education. As the fee is soaring high with every year, it is becoming harder for a greater number of people to afford college. To reduce this difficulty, one can opt for financial aid. This financial aid for college, professional school, graduate school, and career school can be obtained from various sources such as federal and state governments, colleges and universities, high schools, foundations, and corporations. The total sum present for the undergraduate aid in the year 2014-15 was found to be $183.3 billion. If you’re wondering as to how to receive this financial aid, it has a form to be filled too. Whether or not you find yourself fit to receive the financial aid, it is always better to fill and submit your form. The amount you might receive in the name of financial aid changes from college to college. This amount depends upon the capability of that particular college to meet your financial needs. Also, financial aid should be reapplied for every year that you are in college. The financial aid offered to you can change with the changes in your family’s income, properties, and other financial circumstances. To receive financial aid, you start by filling out FAFSA which stands for Free application for federal student aid. This form gives you access to different types of aids. FAFSA needs to be necessarily filled because of its wide scope of applications, i.e., it not only provides you with an opportunity to receive federal aid but quite a few state governments and colleges also make use of this application to qualify you for their aids. As the name says it, filling FAFSA is free and incredibly easy. You can fill your form at, and you’ll also find an option to input your family’s tax information from the IRS website directly.