What are the causes and symptoms of AIDS?

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a disease caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). This virus attacks and damages the body’s immune system; making the patient susceptible to other infections and diseases.

HIV is transmitted through infected blood or other body fluids such as semen.

  • HIV can be transmitted through any kind of sexual contact. By having oral, vaginal or anal sex with an infected person, the virus can enter the body of another. The virus can also enter the body of another through the infected person’s mouth sores.
  • HIV transmission can also occur through infected needles, for example, if someone shares a needle contaminated with an infected person’s blood. This mostly happens when people share needles while taking illegal intravenous drugs.
  • HIV transmission is possible through blood transfusions as well. This is why most hospitals around the world screen new blood bank supply for HIV.
  • HIV transmission is also possible through mother to child during pregnancy, at the time of delivery or even breastfeeding.

One can have HIV infection for many years without it reaching the stage of AIDS.

White blood cells in the body fight infections. HIV targets CD4 cells, which are a type of white blood cells. With time, HIV can reduce the number of CD4 cells in your body quite significantly. AIDS is confirmed if the CD4 count reaches a number below 200.

The symptoms of both HIV and AIDS manifest depending on the stage of the infection.

Primary (acute HIV) infection:

  • Flu-like symptoms occur within 4 to 6 weeks after the infection.
  • Symptoms may include fever, sore throat, headache, muscle pain, joint pain and swelling in the lymph nodes.

Clinical latent (chronic HIV) infection :

  • The only symptom at this stage is the swelling in the lymph nodes.
  • With drug therapy, this stage can last for decades.

Symptoms of AIDS

  • Recurring fever
  • Weight loss
  • Chronic diarrhea
  • Fatigue
  • Night sweats
  • Rashes
  • Mouth lesions

Even without therapy, people with HIV can experience the chronic stage for a decade without having any AIDS symptoms. However, there is no cure yet.


  • Protect your lungs from pulmonary embolism
    Pulmonary embolism is condition which causes blockage in one of the pulmonary arteries of your lungs. It is caused by blood clots that travel to the lungs from legs or on rare occasions, from other parts of the body. It is a direct effect of DVT, or Deep Vein Thrombosis. The blood clots so formed by DVT blocks the blood flow to the lungs, which can be life threatening. The symptoms of pulmonary embolism can vary greatly. It depends on the involvement of lungs, the size of the clots, and whether the person has an underlying lung or heart disease. Some of the common signs and symptoms of pulmonary embolism include:
    • Shortness of breath: This symptom typically appears suddenly and can get worse with exertion.
    • Chest pain: People experiencing this may feel like they are having a heart attack. Breathing deeply may become more painful and it may turn worse with coughing, eating, bending or even stooping for that matter.
    • Cough: The cough may contain bloody or blood-streaked sputum.
    Other signs and symptoms that can occur with pulmonary embolism include leg pain or swelling, or both, usually in the calf, cyanosis or discoloration of skin, fever, excessive sweating, irregular heartbeat, light-headedness or dizziness. The causes of pulmonary embolism can vary. It occurs when a clump, which is most often a blood clot, gets wedged into an artery of the lungs. The blood clots so formed mostly originate from the deep veins of the legs. This condition is known as deep vein thrombosis (DVT). In most of the cases, there are multiple clots involved but not necessarily all at once. The portions of the lungs get blocked due to stoppage of blood supply to those areas, which as a result make that portions of the lungs dysfunctional. This is known as pulmonary infarction. This condition makes it more difficult for the lungs to provide oxygen to the rest of your body. Occasionally, blockages in the blood vessels are caused by substances other than blood clots, such as fat from the bone marrow, collagen or other tissue, a part of tumor, or even air bubbles can cause DVT and ultimately pulmonary embolism.
  • Finding the right portable dishwashers for your kitchen
    A study conducted by the University of Bonn shows that, on average, people in the country use nearly 40 gallons of water to wash dishes by hand. Apart from the sheer waste of water, washing your dishes at the kitchen sink isn't really the best way to get them super clean. Dishwashers are the perfect solution, but built-in models need space and adequate plumbing. Portable dishwashers are different from table-top models. They are larger, have wheels that help you move them around the kitchen, and usually have a pipe-attachment that fits into your kitchen faucets with a drain-pipe that empties into the kitchen drain. Why choose a portable dishwasher? There are many reasons that attribute to portable dishwashers being a preferred choice. They're great for smaller households with lower volumes of washing. Perhaps, you're only renting the place, the kitchen's too old or too small for a regular-sized one, or plumbing installation is way too expensive and cumbersome. When you move, you can easily take it with you. Portables offer the same functionality and ease of use as regular built-in models. They can be stored out of sight when not in use and some of them have a counter-top that's handy in a small kitchen, adding to the usable space. Which portable dishwasher's right for your kitchen? Make a list of your needs, preferences, available space, and budget before you hit the stores. Most leading brands offer a choice of different models. The 18-inch portable dishwashers are the most popular size, while 24-inch portable dishwashers provide extra space and capacity. Some portable dishwashers have a delayed wash option that you can set to your convenience. Your choice of a dishwasher can be based on the following qualities:
    • Price
    • Efficiency for optimum energy/water utilization
    • Material of the body and interiors
    • Ease of movement of the model
    • Interior configuration, i.e., shelves and separate silverware unit for cutlery
    • Dimensions and available space
    • Number of wash cycles
    • Quality of wash and additional features like debris filtration, hot/cold wash, and dryer
    • Easy-to-use interface
    • Options for different types of dishes, e.g., delicate rinse for China and tougher wash for heavy cooking utensils
    • Noise level
    • Durability of wheels/castors and platform
    While choosing the right one for your kitchen, carry a tape measure with you to measure the height and sync your choice with your kitchen configuration. If you keep these things in mind, you’re sure to square in on a portable dishwasher buy that you won’t regret!
  • Effective plantar wart removal treatments
    Plantar warts are caused by a viral infection that affects the top layers of the skin. These are noncancerous skin growths, do not cause any harm, and can be removed easily without any specific treatment. Removing plantar warts without any such treatment can be time-consuming, for instance, it might take a year or two in some of the cases. Plantar wart removal can also be painful at times, and therefore it is necessary to keep a close watch on these and keeping one's feet clean and germ-free. These are also painful and can spread but with proper medication, treatment, and care; one can remove plantar warts easily. One can also resort to some of the home remedies that are effective in plantar wart removal. Here are two of the effective plantar wart removal treatments that can be helpful in treating the same: Cryotherapy Also known as freezing therapy or freezing medicine, cryotherapy involves the application of liquid nitrogen to the plantar wart. This procedure of treatment is mostly done at your doctor's clinic, so do not try doing the same at your home as this requires doctor' or specialist's observation. The liquid nitrogen is applied using a cotton swab or spray and the treatment might be painful at times, so it is necessary that the doctor numbs the area where the wart has appeared. By using liquid nitrogen, there are blisters caused around the wart, and within a week or 10 days, the dead tissue sloughs off. It must be necessary for the person to visit the doctor for multiple treatments, till the wart disappears completely. There are studies that also prove that cryotherapy stimulates the immune system to fight with other viral warts and do not let them occur. Salicylic acid One of the effective plantar wart removal medications, salicylic acid removes the layers of a wart over a period. The acid also helps the immune system of the body to fight with the wart-spreading virus and do not let them spread. It is important to take this medication or treatment through doctor's prescription, and the doctor would also suggest you visit the clinic occasionally to check with the wart. There are some cases of genital wart. These are common and caused by a specific type of HPV. Genital wart treatments include the use of prescribed medications or by surgically removing the wart. One can also find vaccines that help protect an individual against genital-wart causing strains of HPV.
  • What does owning the new Jeep Wrangler mean
    The perfect combination of form and function has resulted in the new 2016 Jeep Wrangler. It is noteworthy that this Wrangler comes in some new colors. The Wrangler Sahara has some aesthetic updates and a new olive green interior option. The Wrangler is the only convertible SUV on sale. The body styles the 2016 Jeep Wrangler comes in are the two door, the four passenger Wrangler, and the four door, five passenger Wrangler and the unlimited. What does owning a Wrangler mean?
    • You have the freedom to drive almost anywhere you want! Owners of a Wrangler feel its youthful zest for adventure on every drive as the 2016 Wrangler is all but unstoppable on any trail.
    • The Jeep brand holds great value, when you’re ready to move on, your Wrangler will fetch with excellent resale rates.
    • There are many accessories and options available that lets you style the Jeep and make it truly your own.
    • Jeep events held across the country, the message boards and chat rooms offer instant camaraderie to all Wrangler owners.
    • This is truly a vehicle for all seasons and all weather conditions.
    • The unique look and classic design of the Wrangler allow it to be used as both an SUV and a convertible.
    • Each Wrangler is designed and engineered to be authentic to its core with its fender flares, iconic seven slot grille, and removable doors and top (in select trims). The Wrangler remains stylishly capable and fun of driving.
    • Sahara, the plushest trim of the 2016 Wrangler, has a distinguished countenance while delivering a smooth and steady drive. Even though the Wrangler is a military Jeep from outside, it is surprisingly comfortable and refined on the inside.
    • If you decide to go off-roading, the Wrangler is all that it promises to be - durable and reliable. The powerful V6 engine, the short wheelbase and tight turning radius have a large part to play.
    • Spare parts are plentiful, and repairs are cheap.
  • Free diet meal plans you should know about

    Thanks to the growing urge of looking good and staying fit. We all crave to live a healthy life. However, with the advent of various diet programs listed by the health experts, the calorie consciousness and the doubts revolving what to eat and what to omit, we have somehow lost our perspective of a good diet plan.

    Amidst thousands of changes in the traditional meal plans and food, the basic question arises as to what exactly should we consume to stay fit and what diet plans should we actually stick to? We have brought to you world’s best free diet meal plans here, which shall help you with the dream body you dreamt besides keeping you fit and fine.

    Free diet meal plans to shell out those extra fat and look your absolute best
    We know that weight loss has been your concern. You have flipped open various health magazines, subscribed to health forums, ate all things healthy and have also gone to the extent of popping in weight loss pills, but sadly none gave any results, except for the fact that they kept eating half your salary.

    We have gathered up few awesome guidelines for your free diet meals:

    • Start by taking some 5-6 meals a day, followed by snacks.
    • To have successful results, you should always commit to food packing the prior night. This way, you would always have low-fat and fresh food around.
    • Keep it trouble-free and less complicated, by avoiding to get too much caught up in the diet meal specifics. Begin by counting the calories.
    • Slower your eating process.
    • Choose from healthy foods such as whole grain cereals, vegetables, fruits, nonfat dairy products, beans, skinless poultry, fish, and meats.
    • Avoid food that is high in calorie and fat.
    • Avoid food that has too much sugar content such as candy bars, candy, pastries, and pies.
    • Select from a variety of vegetables and fruits in your diet plan. Begin by attempting to eat at least some 5 fruits and vegetable servings a day.
    • Also, ensure that you are adhering to a simple list of easy diet plans.

    Diet meal plan that is low in carbohydrates and aims to better your life
    You must be aware that low carbohydrate plans restrict the intake of carbohydrate, for instance, the ones found in bread, pasta, sugary food etc. You would be amazed to know that there is a large variety of diets that are low in carb, and according to studies, they can prove to be beneficial in cutting down your weight and improving your health. Given below is an exhaustive meal plan for a carb-less diet. What to consume, what to rule out, and a simple carb-less diet meal for a week.

    What food you should generally consume solely depends on a handful of things, including how much you workout, how fit you are and how much of the weight you have to curb. Consider all this as a basic guideline:

    You should eatHealthy oils, seeds, non-gluten grains, eggs, fishes, nuts, fats, and high-fat dairy. You should avoidHFCS, low-fat proteins, seed oils, wheat, trans fat, and highly-processed food items.

    Food that you must rule out from your life

    Sugar: Fruit juices, agave, soft drinks, ice cream and more.
    Gluten Grains: Barley and rye, pasta, bread, spelled, and wheat.
    Trans Fat: Semi-hydrogenated or purely hydrogenated oils.
    Vegetable Oils and High Omega-6 Seed: Grapeseed, canola oils, corn, soybean, cottonseed, and safflower.
    Artificial Sweeteners: Sucralose, aspartame, acesulfame potassium, cyclamates, and saccharin.
    Diet and Low Fat Products: Most dairy products, crackers, and cereals.
    Highly Processed Foods: As they are factory made, so avoid eating them.

    Carb-less diet list
    Commit to base your diet on the given below unprocessed and real foods that are low in carbohydrates.

    Meat: Chicken, pork, lamb, and others which feed on grass.
    Fish: Haddock, trout, salmon, and others that are wild-caught.
    Eggs: Pastured eggs or Omega 3 enriched eggs are most recommended.
    Vegetables: Broccoli, spinach, carrots, and cauliflower and many others.
    Fruits: Pears, oranges, apples, strawberries, blueberries.
    Nuts and Seeds: Sunflower seeds, walnuts, and almonds.
    High-fat Dairy: Butter, cheese, yogurt, and cream.
    Fats and Oils: Butter, olive oil, cod fish oil, coconut oil.

    If you are focused on losing weight, be extra cautious on the nuts and cheese. Eat only one fruit a day.


    • Tea
    • Coffee
    • Water
    • Carbonated beverages that are low in sugar or are sugar-free, for instance, sparkling water

    You need to choose the right diet plan and shell out more weight than you could have ever imagined. To top it all, do all things required to keep your mind healthy as well. Do things that make you happy. A healthy mind is the crux of a healthy body.

  • Choosing cookware and other essentials for your kitchen
    The kitchen is a space where the major part of our everyday living happens. This is the place where we prepare nourishing meals for ourselves and the entire family. With the right kind of design and functionality in place, the kitchen can become a haven of sorts where you can easily experiment with various ingredients every single day. So take a look at these tips for putting together a good-looking and well-equipped kitchen along with cookware and varied other elements in place! Cookware: Choose from the best brands like All-Clad and Calphalon so that there is no dearth of high-quality products in your gourmet space. You will need to take stock of the kind of meals that you eat. This may include the lunches that you pack as well as the kind of cuisine that you and your family favor the most. This will give you a good idea of the things that you will require in terms of the appropriate cookware. For a family that eats Indian cuisine, plenty of deep pots and woks will be required. Also, for those families that thrive on chilies, pasta and grilled meals, you may additionally have to invest in colanders, pasta boiling pans, stewing pots, skillets, grills and much more. So before you venture out into the market to buy your desired cookware, make a list of sorts and seek help from the professionals at the store as well. Cabinets and Countertops: Imagine having to prepare food in a kitchen where there are no cabinets and countertops! Seems like a nightmare, right? Well, you can now get the kitchen of your dreams by deciding on the material, size, texture, and color of your cabinets. Choose from a range of materials like wood, block board, laminate, stone, chrome and more to line your countertops. Similarly, make a choice that will match this when it comes to your cabinets. You can even choose contrast textures and colors for an eclectic and cohesive look. The essential thing to remember when you are choosing your cabinets and countertops is that you will have to plan the shape the kitchen and the kind of storage options that you want. You will have to be clear about the number of open and closed shelves as well as the type of drawers you need. Linen: Linen is another essential item in any part of the home, and the kitchen is no different. Get yourself plenty of towels and cloth napkins as well as mittens and pot holders so that you are safe and comfortable in the kitchen. You can choose from a slew of bright and patterned sets that will give your space that true designer look! So plan your kitchen - from the cookware to the look - with the utmost care, so that the whole family can enjoy the space!