12 common causes of skin rash you ought to know about

There are innumerable causes of skin rashes. Zeroing in on one will be difficult. However, you can refer to skin rash photos that are widely available online to understand what exactly has caused the skin rash.

Although looking at skin rash photos available online can give a fair idea of what is affecting your skin, it is best to consult a dermatologist and receive immediate medical attention. In case you notice rashes on your skin, the following can give you a little hint regarding what caused the rash to appear on your skin:

  • Bites and stings: Insect bites and stings cause rashes on your skin. The reaction and the symptoms vary based on the insect and the affected individual as well.
  • Fleabites: Flea bite rashes are quite common, and they appear reddish.
  • Eczema: A common skin condition, the symptoms include dry, scaly skin and severe itching.
  • Ringworm: A fungal skin infection, the symptoms include itchy, reddish rashes that are circular.
  • Yeast infection or candidiasis: It is a common infection that mainly affects the genital regions. The symptoms include soreness, pain and itching, burning sensation and irritating rashes.
  • Fifth disease: It is also known as erythema infectiosum and is caused by parvovirus B19. The symptoms of this disease include blotchy red rashes on the cheeks.
  • Impetigo: This is a highly contagious skin condition that affects children. The signs of this disease are red, itchy patches that appear on the skin.
  • Shingles: This is caused by a virus named varicella-zoster, which is the same virus that causes chicken pox. It infects the nerves and causes painful rashes on the skin.
  • Measles: It is a contagious disease caused by the rubeola virus. The symptoms include the appearance of reddish-brown rashes and small grayish-white spots with bluish-white centers in the mouth.
  • Lyme disease: It is a bacterial infection caused due to the bite of an infected tick. The symptoms include rashes that often appear in the earlier stages of the disease.
  • Lupus: It is an autoimmune disease, which means that the immune system attacks healthy tissues. Rashes, especially on the cheeks, are common symptoms.
  • Dengue fever: It is transmitted by mosquitoes. One of the earliest symptoms includes large patches of rashes that appear all over the body.

Skin rash pictures are essential for understanding which rash you are suffering from. Scrutinize skin rash photos and your rash to help your doctor diagnose your condition.


  • Here’s what you need to know about cold nasal congestion relief
    Cold and flu are two terms so commonly that they actually seem to be synonymous to one another. The truth is that we cannot really distinguish the two. The malapropism can be forgiven as the two conditions are extremely similar. However, they are distinct and have differences to identify. Cold tends to creep on insidiously. Cold starts with a scratchy throat and a little congestion. The onset of flu, on the other hand, is more violent and sudden. One wakes up with severe body pain and severe tiredness. Viruses and antibiotics cause both, however, they may also not affect either. Flu can be avoided or its severity van be reduced considerably by taking a timely flu shot. Another condition often mistaken with cold is sinusitis. The main difference with sinusitis is the sense of pressure over the eye brows and on the sides of the nose, a worsening head ache more intense fever, severe fatigue and thick yellow or green mucus. In viral sinusitis antibiotics have no role. It comes down to maintaining conditions congenial for the body to fight its war. In both cold and sinusitis congestion is common and breathing through the nose is severely impeded. The age-old home remedies are the best solutions that provide long term cold nasal congestion relief. It will be in the fitness of things that these are recapitulated. Here area few congestion remedies that provide instant cold nasal congestion relief. Keep yourself hydrated Drink plenty of fluids, warm the better. The adages “stuff a cold and starve a fever” seems to have some scientific basis. It provides the badly needed protein and large amount of fluid to the ailing body. Fluids also tend to weaken congestions. Try steam for cold nasal congestion relief Steam inhalations help to loosen the congestion and blow the nose gently to drain. Too much pressure would likely drive the infection into the ears. One may use a few drops of eucalyptus oil, or a few grains of menthol to good effect. Use sprays  Saline spray or rinse is also effective for instant relief. Mix 3 tsp of iodide free salt and 1 tsp of baking soda. Dissolve 1tsp in 8 oz of luke warm boiled water and irrigate the nose. All said, any congestion that lasts more than a week to ten days with a fever of 101.50 F and worsening with time demands medical attention.
  • Factors that can control epileptic seizures
    Epilepsy not only causes physical trauma but can also cause seizures that make living a normal lifestyle difficult. Epilepsy is a condition in which the brain's nervous system does not function in a normal manner. This means that the central nerve in the brain gives out wrong signal to the body. The leads to several undesirable functions that can not be controlled by an individual. Seizures can go on for a few seconds to several minutes. While one person mere stare for a few seconds under seizure, another person may rub his/her hands to together. Seizures are uncontrollable and can further trigger several factors that can make the person very uncomfortable and frustrated. although , seizures can not be avoided, making a few changes to one's lifestyle can lessen the severity of the condition. Here are a few factors that will help in controlling the quantity of the seizure. Alcohol: Alcohol can cause severe damage to the body. Consuming too much of alcohol can lead to a seizure as it acts as stimulant. The intoxication caused by consumption of the drink can trigger a seizure that goes on for a long while. Moreover, alcohol is toxic and can worsen the condition of epilepsy in an individual. It is better to withdraw from the consumption of alcohol even when on epilepsy medication. Sleep: Being sleep deprived can lead to lead to your body feeling extremely fatigued and tired. When your sleep cycle is disrupted, the seizure is likely to be influenced. Thus, it is important to maintain a healthy sleep pattern by retiring to bed on time and getting quality sleep. Hormonal changes: Hormonal changes, especially in a woman's body can influence the level of seizure as well. Women who are pregnant, menstruating, etc are at a risk of experiencing terrible seizures. Smoking and drugs: Smoking and indulging in drugs is just not injurious to health but even cause and trigger seizure. Drugs and smoking also have an effect on the functioning of your your brain and can further weaken the nervous system. Diet: Epilepsy patients are required to consume their meals on time. The food has to be healthy and should be as asked by the doctor. Skipping meals can lead to low blood sugar, thereby causing a seizure attack. Environmental stimuli: Factors such as flashy lights, sun rays, loud music, etc can stimulate the brain. It is important to keep away from any such factors that can cause increase in the level of seizure.
  • Why You Should Consider Buying Digital Hearing Aids
    Impaired hearing is a common problem and it can have a negative impact on your lifestyle and relationships. However, a hearing aid has long been a practical solution to this problem. Now, you can get digital hearing aids that can be minutely adjusted to each person’s needs.

    Hearing Loss

    Hearing loss affects around 48 million people in the country. Most of these are senior citizens. This is because of sensorineural degeneration. The hair cells lining the inner ear can be damaged as a person ages. These hair cells help in converting sound waves into signals that the brain can interpret.  This condition is irreversible. Cochlear implants can help in some cases. These mimic the function of the damaged hair cells. A more common solution is to use hearing aids. These devices work by amplifying the sound waves.

    Analog or digital hearing aids

    The fundamentals of all hearing aids are the same. They consist of a microphone, an amplifier, and a receiver. The microphone helps detect and catch the sound waves, the amplifier converts it and makes the sound louder, and the receiver directs these audio waves into the ear canal for better hearing.
    Analog hearing aids
    In analog hearing aids, the sound is simply made louder including disruptive noise. The amplified sound waves can help the person hear better. Some analog hearing aids are programmable, though they are not as complex as full digital hearing aids. These programmable analog hearing aids include a microchip. The amplified sound waves are directed into this microchip thanks to certain pre-programmed settings which can be customized for different environments. The microchip then adjusts the amplification to suit the surroundings and also performs some background noise-cancellation to increase clarity. Although traditional analog hearing aids have all but disappeared, programmable hearing aids are still popular with certain people. Analog hearing aids are also less expensive than digital hearing aids.
    Digital hearing aids
    These devices use Digital Signal Processing (DSP) technology. The sound waves are first converted into digital signals. This enables a deeper analysis of the signals. The microchip can clearly identify speech signals and background noise. So, speech signals can be strengthened and background noise can be suppressed. After processing the signals, the adjusted digital signals are converted back into sound waves before they are sent back to the receiver that sends the sound waves into your ear canal.

    Other advantages of digital hearing aids

    Besides enhanced analysis and processing of audio signals, digital hearing aids are also customizable to suit different customer needs. This is why you have to get an audiogram, a graphic representation of your hearing pattern before you can get a digital hearing aid. They also come with other features like directional microphones which tune in to the position of the speaker to best receive the essential sound waves. They also include Feedback Suppression which cancels out interference like whistling noises. Most models also come with settings for different environments and automatically adjust the noise suppression levels as well as speech amplification as needed. Many models come with direct audio input and Bluetooth technology. These allow you to connect to audio from devices like TVs, smartphones, tablets etc. Digital hearing aids can also come in different types based on how you wear them. These include in-the-canal, behind-the-ear, and in-the-ear hearing aids. Choose based on your needs and your comfort level while wearing them.

    Some top brand hearing aid models and their approximate prices

    - Kirkland Signature Premium digital hearing aids: $1,699.99 for a Pair - Ovation Excel digital hearing aid: $399 - Signia Cellion Primax: $1,799 Digital hearing aids are highly customizable, offer a lot of different functionalities, and can auto adjust according to different environments to help you hear better. They are also unobtrusive, the whole device fits perfect inside or behind your ear. They also come with technologies that help you hear telephone conversations better, tune in to audio signals from television programs, streaming media on smartphones, tablets etc.
  • Here are a few pros and cons of using an insulin pump
    An insulin pump is a small computerized device used for insulin therapy. These pumps are now gaining popularity due to many benefits they offer. However, these devices do have some limitations and are not ideal for all the people with diabetes. Here a few advantages and disadvantages of using insulin pumps. Advantages
    • Insulin pumps continuously supply the body with insulin. Their use removes the need for using injections every day or with each meal.
    • The tube of an insulin pump is connected to the body, which makes it easier to take insulin as and when needed.
    • Using a pump allows you to adjust the basal rate as needed. If you need more insulin during the day, you can increase the supply and reduce it later. Basal rate is the speed of continuous chemical supply (in this case insulin) in the body.
    • The use of insulin pumps offers flexibility in your daily schedule and lifestyle. You don’t need to take specific measures (eating extra food) or miss out on an activity because of the dosage requirement. If you suddenly decide to eat a dessert, you can do so without having to worry about injecting more insulin into your body. You can simply adjust the amount through your pump.
    • The use of insulin pumps ensures fewer complications from diabetes. For instance, there is less risk of hypoglycemia (below normal sugar levels) when using a pump.
    • You can’t use it for long-acting insulin types such as Lantus insulin or other brands. It can only be used with short or rapid-standing insulin.
    • Using a pump requires increased monitoring of blood sugar in a day.
    • Pumps can cost more than injections. The increased cost can be a problem for some users.
    • Some people may not be comfortable with others knowing about their condition as obvious with a pump in their hand or pocket.
    • Since the tube is continuously inside the body, the piercing can cause pain or infections.
    The pros of using insulin pumps definitely outweigh the cons. Your doctor can best guide you about the right insulin administration method for you.
  • Here’s why Nintendo Wii U is an excellent game console
    With the holidays around the corner, you would like to buy a good game console. Selection of game console is a challenging job! You are bound to get confused with several options available in the market. Features that you should look for while buying consoles: Good pricing, excellent software, flexibility, use old as well as newer games in your library. The answer to all your questions is Nintendo Wii U. Nintendo Wii U has amazing features. Wii U reviews by users are also welcoming. Salient features of Wii U
    • Gamepad controller knocks out the traditional barriers between your games and your television. With the second window into the console. It includes two analog sticks, traditional button controls, and 6.2-inch LCD touch screen with aspect ratio of 16:9.
    • It comes with motion control. Nintendo was the first to include motion control in the consoles.
    • A microphone with stereo speakers.
    • A front-facing camera.
    • It is lightweight with lithium-ion rechargeable battery.
    • Stylus, sensor bar, and rumble features.
    • Built-in amiibo reader.
    • HD Graphics.
    Different methods to play Wii U
    • By using Wii U gamepad.
    • View on both gamepad and your TV.
    • Use of stylus to control the gamepad.
    • Use of gamepad for different "perspective on gameplay."
    • Up to 5 players can play with the use of the gamepad and Wii U remote controller.
    • Use of touchscreen on the TV to play.
    You can switch between different Nintendo consoles by using amiibo. Nintendo Switch to Nintendo Wii U or Nintendo Wii platforms. Nintendo Wii U software
    • Mii characters will greet you when you turn on your console. Customize your Mii characters from Miiverse, Nintendo's digital community.
    • You can play your Nintendo Wii games on Wii U too.
    • Up to 12 users can save their game data.
    • Different controls for different users.
    • Log-in activity record.
    • Online games.
    • Video chat with other players.
    • Parental control allows you to personalize your settings.
    With Christmas around, look out for Wii U discounts. Next generation of Nintendo, i.e., Switch will be out for Wii U deals. So, expecting Wii U sale to double up in the coming days. Your console treasure should have Wii U. Before buying look for the games offered by them. Nintendo Switch comes without the disc drive, so it will not have backward compatibility. Wii U prices are reasonable from reputed online stores. However, browse through the Wii U reviews before making a purchase. Wii U prices have the edge over other game consoles with the added feature of backward compatibility. Compared to its other counterparts, Wii U reviews are positive due to its pricing. Compatibility with Nintendo platforms is incredible. Controller compatibility is there for both Wii and Wii U. If you have owned a Wii, you can use your game collection on Wii U too. You can transfer your Wii downloaded games to Wii U without any hassle. Enjoy all your favorite games on Wii U console.
  • 5 Tips to Clear Mucus in the Throat
    Mucus is the annoyingly thick and sticky substance that helps to protect and support your respiratory system. It may seem unhygienic and quite useless to say the least, but its stickiness is a boon as it traps allergens, viruses, and dust. Hence, mucus is found on the lining of the nose, throat, mouth, sinuses, and the lungs. While mucus does not pose to be much of an irritant during normal days, it is quite the menace when we are sick. It tends to thicken when we are ill or exposed to foreign substances. Mucus sticking to the back of the throat causes immense discomfort and requires us to make frequent trips to the bathroom. Here are a few ways you can get rid of excessive mucus naturally and coughing up mucus will be made much easier. Treatment for Mucus in the Throat 
    • Humidify the air You can get rid of excessive mucus in the throat by humidifying the air. It helps in thinning down the mucus, making it easier to get rid of it in the bathroom. Getting a good air humidifier is a good start if you don't know how to clear mucus. Please note that you need to change the water in the humidifier on a daily basis. Also, ensure that you clean the device according to the instructions mentioned in its packaging.
    • Eucalyptus oil Coughing up mucus is much easier when you use this oil as it helps soften the mucus in your throat. It is easily available online and is one of the best home remedies available.
    • Drink lots of water Apart from compensating for the amount of water lost through your runny nose, drinking lots of water will help move the stuck mucus from its place. It loosens the hold mucus has on the lining of the throat wall and makes coughing up mucus much easier.
    • Gargle salt water Gargling salt water is one up the best natural treatments to help rid you of mucus stuck to your throat lining. All you have to do is mix some salt with warm water and gargle it at least 2-3 times a day. It should help you get rid of mucus at the back of your throat. It can also help kill germs and soothe your throat.
    While these tips go a long way in helping cough up mucus, you can also opt for medications if the going gets tough. Coughing up mucus is not a task, so follow these tips and you should be good to go!