Create and manage documents with Microsoft Office

With the launch of Microsoft Office 2010, creating and managing documents has become more dynamic and efficient. Microsoft has incorporated a good number of new features with the 2010 version and it has also changed the way media presentations have been done. Several people are still making use of the older versions and they have to upgrade to this new version to enjoy excellent benefits. Here are the top 5 features Office 2010 that cannot be associated with the older Office versions:

Dynamic PowerPoint program

You can have video media in your presentation with the PowerPoint program available in the Microsoft Office 2010 version. There are options for changing color, altering contrast, setting poster frames and editing. The company has launched a new feature known as Broadcast Slide Show and it permits you to share your presentation with others using the web. In order to view, others do not need PowerPoint. All these aspects have made a lot of people ardent fans of Microsoft Office 2010 launched by Microsoft.

Word with enhanced features

Innovative features can be found in the Microsoft Office 2010 Word. Using the Word document, photos can be edited. Changing the color of the photos has become very easy and the background can be edited in an easy way. You can remove the objects that are not needed and it can be saved as a new image. Improved flexibility can be associated with word art and innovative features are introduced with the Search feature. You can find a paste preview option and there are different types of options with text effects as well.

Highly vibrant OneNote features

Organizing, tracking and sharing texts, pictures, video and audio notes can be done using the OneNote feature of the Microsoft Office 2010. Better control over notes can be achieved with innovative features like version tracking, linked notes and auto highlighting.

Amazingly beneficial Microsoft Office Backstage

Microsoft Office Backstage is a new feature introduced and it is being done by replacing the conventional File menu. With this new feature, you can find one common area for the management of files like publish, save, print and share. It offers excellent ease of use and a large number of people have shown great appreciation for the benefits this feature brings. The company has added an enhanced Ribbon on all Microsoft Office 2010 applications and it permits fast and easy access to file commands. The process of customizing tabs becomes really easy and you can have your own exclusive workspace that is congenial for your work style.

Highly impressive Excel

When it comes to the changes introduced in the Microsoft Office 2010, Excel is the one that has been undergone the most dramatic change. With the new version, you can have a graph in an individual cell called Sparklines feature. In the 2007 version, there were only charts. If you want your spread sheets more accurate and simpler to follow, this is the best feature that can be made use of. There are other features such as PivotTable for segmenting and filtering data in multiple layers with the help of Slicers and they help you to assess more effectively and allocate reduced time with the formatting.

Office 2010 by Microsoft is also equipped for many other features that offer excellent benefits for the users. You can find unique features that enhance your presentations, spreadsheets, and documents. Unfortunately, many people are still making use of a lower version of Microsoft Office and they have not yet realized the amazing benefits this new version offers. It is the time to upgrade because there are so many amazing and beneficial features that these people are missing out.


  • 5 tips to live a healthy life when you have an autoimmune disease
    Autoimmune diseases occur when the body's immune system attacks healthy tissues and leaves you with symptoms that linger for long periods. Autoimmune diseases are not caused by any organ, but due to an overactive immune system that fails to recognize the difference between healthy and unhealthy cells. An autoimmune disease can change how organs work and can also cause abnormal growth of any organ. It is estimated that nearly 50 million Americans are affected by autoimmune diseases. Autoimmune diseases usually swing between remission and flare-up periods. Since there has been no definitive cure for most of the autoimmune diseases, many treatments and therapies work towards alleviating symptoms and avoiding further health complications. Autoimmune diseases make the body weak. Treatments can also take a toll on the body. Despite the immune system going rogue, it is possible to live a healthy life by adopting specific healthy habits. Here are a few tips that can help to live a fulfilled life, despite having an autoimmune disease.
    • Eat an anti-inflammatory diet with whole foods: An anti-inflammatory diet helps to keep the immune system strong. Your diet should include foods rich in antioxidants, omega-3, minerals, and essential fatty acids; green leafy vegetables, salmon, beets, flaxseeds, turmeric, ginger and so on are some of the elements of an anti-inflammatory diet.
    • Get tests done for food allergies: With autoimmune diseases, it is necessary to be aware of food allergies to avoid the further weakening of the immune system. People with autoimmune diseases are allergic to soy or dairy products, wheat, corn, shellfish, nuts, and certain types of fruits. With tests such as IgG food testing, a doctor can determine whether you have any food allergies.
    • Keep the gut healthy: The immune system is heavily dependent on the gut. A good gut health ensures that the immune system does not go haywire. One of the first steps towards fighting autoimmune diseases is to fix the gut. This can be done by including foods with high probiotic content. Probiotics are healthy bacteria that keep the gut clean and heals it.
    • Have a regular exercise routine: A regular exercise routine has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body. It is not necessary to do an intense workout. Yoga, tai chi, jogging, brisk walking or just walking can work as well. The goal is to keep the body active. A regular exercise routine will not only help to keep you physically fit, but also help to have better mood, weight control, and sleep routine.
    • Sleep for adequate hours: Adequate rest is essential to rejuvenate not only the mind but also the body. Poor sleep can have a deteriorating effect on the immune system and aggravate the symptoms of the autoimmune disease. It is essential to sleep at least for eight hours to ensure that you are well rested.
  • Can Spiriva efficiently treat COPD
    If you are familiar with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or COPD, you are most probably aware of the fact that it is one of the worst pulmonary diseases you can attract. It causes breathing trouble and the condition gets worse over time. To treat this condition, Spiriva is a drug that is widely used. But it might lead to side effects and complications especially if you are suffering from glaucoma or an enlarged prostate. Hence, you should know all about Spiriva alternatives or medicines that can control COPD more safely. How do Spiriva alternatives work? There are some of the Spiriva alternatives that can be effective for COPD. These can bring relief to patients suffering from COPD by relaxing their airways and keeping them open. These medicines can also alleviate inflammation in airways, wheezing and the tightness you feel in your chest due to COPD. But you must consult a physician before taking any of them, to ensure the dosage. Taking these medicines can help you to:
    • Breathe better and enjoy everyday life normally
    • Reduce the risk of COPD flare-ups (also known as exacerbations)
    • Improve the lung functions by opening up the airways
    • Control the symptoms of COPD
    Before you start taking them, remember to inform your doctor about any other medications you take. Also, one should always go for over the counter drugs and consult doctors. Other Spiriva alternatives Besides taking these medicines, you can also change your lifestyle for the better to control COPD. Firstly, if you are a smoker, quit it. It can make your condition worse, and even electric cigarettes can be harmful. Include more fruits and vegetables in your diet to get the necessary amount of minerals and vitamins. Consume fishes rich in omega-3 fatty acids like salmon and tuna. You should also drink sufficient water to flush out the mucus that often blocks airways in COPD. Ask your doctor to suggest some breathing exercises as well to improve your lung functions and capacity. These natural and homely Spiriva alternatives will help you keep your disease under check and prevent sudden flare-ups.
  • Gum disease – Causes and remedies
    Oral health is an important factor that also affects our well-being and overall health. Cavities and gum diseases may often lead to serious medical conditions like diabetes and respiratory ailments. Apart from the fact that they affect the overall health of a person, cavities and gum diseases can also be painful and inconvenient. Here are some of the common causes of gum disease and effective remedies:
    • Plaque: Plaque, which is a colorless sticky film, is a very common cause of gum diseases. Bacteria in plaque get accumulated on and around the teeth and form tartar and cannot be removed by just brushing. Your dentist can perform simple cleanup procedures to remove plaque.
    • Medications: The American Dental Association lists blood-thinning medications as a cause of swollen gums and bleeding gums. However, various other medicines can cause gum diseases as well. Ask your dentist for more information.
    • Changing Flossing Routines: Frequent flossing and changing flossing routines can cause bleeding gums. Suppose if you weren’t flossing recently and had started flossing on a frequent basis, it can cause bleeding gums and other related gum diseases.
    • Nutritional Deficiencies: A diet that is rich in carbohydrates and sugar but contains less vitamin C and water is the perfect recipe for gum diseases. One of the best gum disease remedies for this problem is to have a balanced diet.
    • Hormonal Shifts: Another cause of gum diseases are hormonal changes during pregnancy. However, gum disease remedies include taking special care of your oral health when you are expecting a baby.
    • Smoking: Smoking not only affects your lungs and other internal organs, it can cause severe harm to the normal functioning of the gum tissue cells, making the gums more vulnerable to diseases.
    • Family History: Another reason for gum problems may be your genetic history. Your dentist can recommend proper gum disease remedies in such cases.
    • Apart from these factors, one should always be aware of any minute gum diseases as well. Make sure to take effective gum disease remedies such as rinsing the mouth with mouthwash to treat gingivitis, consuming green tea can help in treating the inflammation in the gums, etc.
    The causes of gum diseases are many ranging from improper hygiene to various other medical conditions. However, home gum disease remedies can heal gums most of the times. But before treating, it is essential to know the cause of the problem and consult a dentist.
  • Ulceration Colitis – Everything you need to know about this condition
    What is Ulcerative Colitis? It is a condition that causes acute inflammation and ulcers in the digestive track of your body. The chronic inflammation takes place in the large intestine, i.e., colon and causes many small ulcers on the lining that bleeds and in turn leads to pus formation. Ulcerative Colitis is not very common among individuals but can be very painful. The condition can impact the lifestyle of a person and bring about many undesirable changes. The severity of the condition clearly depends on the level of inflammation of the colon and rectum. If the inflammation is extremely severe, the person is bound to suffer from equally severe symptoms. The symptoms can include diarrhea which may contain blood and pus, abdominal pain, and the urge to visit the toilet frequently. An individual may also suffer from loss of appetite, thereby, leading to rapid weight loss. This condition is not one that develops over a short period. It may be a very long process before one even comes to see the symptoms. Both men and women can be affected by this condition of inflammation. And although people from every age group are at a risk, it may commonly begin during adolescence. So what is the main cause behind Ulcerative Colitis? Well, the cause still remains unclear and hazy. While many doctors previously suspected that food intake and lifestyle had a role to play in this inflammation, studies now show that this is not the actual cause. A cause that is considered to affect the colon is the malfunction of the immune system. The immune system should desirably function in a way as to act against harmful bacteria, but in this case, the system may attack harmless bacteria. Genetic factors may be another reason why a person may fall prey to this condition. A person should immediately see a doctor if any of the symptoms are noticed. If you have not been diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis but can see the symptoms, it is advisable to undergo a blood or stool sample test as prescribed by your doctor. New treatments have been developed to relieve the symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis. If the condition is mild, you can treat it home; however, more serious complications will require hospital admission. The medication will be able to bring back normalcy into your life. If the condition can still not be improved, surgery to remove your colon will be an option that you will have to take.
  • Prepaid cell phones for cost effective communication
    Prepaid phones are availed by purchasing the credit in advance of the service use. This credit is used to pay for mobile phone services when they are accessed or consumed. In case if there would be no credit available the service will be denied from the mobile phone network. In this case, subscribers can top up their credit through various available and acceptable modes. Prepaid phone service is generally known as ‘pay-as-you-go' service. Prepaid phone plans are usually cost effective. Users can have a better control on the usage of the service, as they will be notified of the cost of use after every usage. It would be easier for the user to control debt by limiting the usage. These plans would have validity and would last till the service is completely consumed or else if it is expired. Best prepaid phones usually do not charge an early termination fee, if a user wishes to terminate the service before the actual validity. Thus it would be easy for the user to switch to another service at no additional cost. This service is best suited for the people that find it difficult to get a contract due to unavailability of required documentation as well. Usually, for initializing a prepaid phone service users may require submitting a valid id card and there will not be any requirement of subsequent financial documents as they will be paying in advance for the service. Whenever their credit gets over, or the validity gets over the mobile service terminates the service and thus service providers would be safe from billing other than available credit. Prepaid phones are also helpful for travelers and students that belong to a different place. They can easily get a prepaid phone wherever they are completing formalities that are quite easy. Similarly, people that wish to stay connected with their children staying away from home for education or work can go for prepaid phone plans to have a cost effective mode of communication. If free incoming calls would be available according to local law or the service provider, even prepaid phones that have finished with available credit however still are valid can receive calls easily.
  • Plan your investments with these popular firms in the country
    Planning for retirement doesn't have to be a chore; in fact, it can be made downright easy. With a good investment firm, it takes the hassle out of the process and demystifies all the business mumbo jumbo. If you are new to the world of investments, and looking to sink your teeth into something that can help you save for the future, try these 3 investment firms. They're all well known for their customer service and solid returns, and are presented in no particular order. Betterment If you've got an old, orphaned 401(k) plan lying around somewhere, you can let Betterment take care of it.They take your age, your investment goals and your retirement date, and take care of the rest for you. They handle complete investment solution plans; if you want someone to take care of your IRA (Investment Retirement Accounts) for you, try them. Good investment firms today can work with minimal paperwork; that's something this firm can offer you. The company also optimizes your investment options based on your risk preferences; their customer service is known to be exceptional and hassle free. Moreover, fees are low and most procedures are automated. Vanguard If you're a personal investor, Vanguard can help. This company offers its services to personal investors, financial advisors and retirement plan participants who have 401(k)s and and 403(b)s with their employers. Personal investors get full, anytime access to their IRA accounts. These can hold their stocks, bonds, mutual funds and other forms of investment with the company. They can help keep track of investment performances. Vanguard also has apps and online tools to help investors keep regular, consistent tabs on your money. They also provide research materials, so you can read up on your investment choices and options, educating yourself as an investor. Fidelity Fidelity offers a wide variety of financial services, catered mostly to personal investors, those who hold IRAs with companies, and so on. They have some of the lowest expense ratios in the investment industry, and allow rollovers from other institutions and newly opened IRAs and Roth IRAs. You get instant access to your investment portfolio, and the ability to move around your money whenever and however you see fit. They also allow bill payment and money transfers between different institutions. A great advantage that this firm offers is that their website is also packed with financial information that can be read by you even if you aren't their customer.