Going abroad? Skip cash, take your cards!

These days, people prefer to pay by card than cash. It’s safer and requires less hassle. For example, you can pay for your stay at a hotel with your credit, debit, or travel currency card, instead of counting notes in front of the hotel staff, and when strangers see the money you have, you can get stuck in the danger of robbery. Here are five best alternatives to cash that you can take along on your next overseas trip.

ATM/Debit Cards
Unless you overdraw your account, a debit card withdrawal won’t charge you for doing so in a foreign country. However, with every payment made from ATM or debit card, you’ll be charged a currency conversion fee. In addition, you will have to pay a small overseas payment fee for every payment made using your debit card.

Credit Cards
You can use a credit card almost anywhere for purchase and withdrawal purposes. Most hotels and restaurants throughout the world accept credit card payments, making it easy for you to pay for your food and stay while traveling overseas. To save interest, some providers offer customers to pre-load accounts with the money required during the trip. Also, for some, their savings for travel can go low; so it might suit them to pay with a credit card, pay the interest and clear the entire amount later. For those, who need not worry about breaking the bank for their travels, can skip this one.

Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC)
DCC or Dynamic Currency Conversion allows a hotel, shop or restaurant to charge you in the local currency with your card. This way, you might be charged some additional fees for the service, but it’s better than carrying a big fat bundle of cash, right? Alternatively, you can use your MasterCard or Visa card for making payment overseas. Many international banks offer the travel money service. So check with your bank before landing on the location, as this can save both effort and time.

Prepaid Travel Currency Cards
Offered by several banks and money exchange companies, travel money cards give you numerous advantages over carrying cash while traveling overseas. While loading money into the card, you have the option to lock in the exchange rate. You can use the card both for withdrawing money from ATMs and for direct payments. Unlike debit and credit cards, you do not have to pay a yearly charge. Some of the fees that you need to pay using a travel currency card are ATM withdrawal fees, exchange rate conversion fees, loading fees, and reloading fees.

Traveler’s Checks
Some people still use the old-fashioned way of going cashless while traveling. Ever since the emergence of credit and debit cards, the popularity of travelers’ checks had subsided greatly. However, there are some benefits of carrying this old-fashioned payment method. In the case of a theft or misplacement, the provider can replace travelers’ checks and some foreign exchange providers even refund an unused check at no extra cost.


  • Pros and cons of sleep apnea dental devices
    Sleep apnea dental device cost can vary from one model to the other because they are custom made. Also, the costs depend on the procedure of treatment and the individual office and geographic location. These devices do render benefits, but a few pros and cons should be noted. Pros of sleep apnea dental appliances:
    • For individuals who prefer traveling a lot, sleep apnea dental appliances efficiently work for them. This is because there is a lot less equipment involved, so there is no fuss of packing.
    • These dental appliances are excellent for use in collaboration with PAP therapy, primarily for individuals who require very high pressures for it to be functional. In these scenarios, the patient might get an oral appliance to wear with their PAP therapy. This oral appliance keeps the jaw from falling backward when the individual sleeps. The lower pressure that forms can make a big difference in the comfort that can be obtained from PAP therapy. Sleep apnea dental device cost, in this case, is quite affordable and can be counted among the pros.
    • Most patients find dental appliances to be comparatively more tolerable and comfortable to wear than CPAP masks as there is less equipment to become entangled while sleeping.
    • A sleep apnea dental device cost is almost similar to that of other oral appliances. Moreover, cost-effectiveness increases if your medical insurance covers it.
    Cons of sleep apnea dental devices:
    • Some devices are slightly uncomfortable to wear.
    • Severe obstructive sleep apnea is not as meticulously treated as others.
    • The fitting needs to be customized, which can be problematic at times.
    • There can be excessive secretion of saliva, mainly if you are using a tongue retaining device. Thus, it can eventually make your teeth and gums sore.
    • Dental restorations can be lost.
    • Jaw pain, soreness, or tension may be felt.
    In some cases, sleep apnea dental device cost is not worth it in comparison to the side effects they pose. For instance, in CPAP, a lot of patients often complain of itchy and dry noses from air pressure. Therefore, you must outweigh the benefits of using the device before you opt for one.
  • Living Room Furniture Sets to Check Out Right Now
    The living room is the place where a lot happens. Your guests see it first before the rest of your house. It is also your unwinding area where you can relax and spend time. When you come home, this is the first room you enter. So, how you set it up does matter a lot. Luckily for you, there are many ways in which you can do up your living room. You can take individual furniture items and decorate your living room as you wish, or opt for living room furniture sets that are usually more convenient.

    Places to shop for living room furniture sets

    Rooms To Go
    Rooms To Go is a helpful website wherein you can visit when you are not sure about what you want. They offer both living room furniture sets as well as individual items. Living room furniture sets include upholstered, sectional, reclining and leather living room furniture sets. The best part about them is that you can have a look at how the various pieces look together. This will make it easier for you to choose from especially if you are a first-time buyer of living room furniture sets. You can choose from brands, colors, materials, and style. Rooms To Go offers you a variety of different options to choose from when it comes to living room furniture. If you want standard living room furniture sets that do not look out of place then this is the website you should visit at least once. Note that even when you select a particular living room furniture set, you can choose your favorite color. There are color options to suit your style and what you want.
    Macy’s is another excellent option for buying living room furniture sets. This website is great for those who want affordable yet great quality living room furniture sets. The variety is also very impressive. However, here, you will get smaller furniture sets, i.e., you will get table sets, stacking table sets, muller chair sets, and coffee table sets. If you want to get separate furniture items and then put them together, then Macy’s is an option you should definitely consider. The maximum cost of living room furniture sets is considerably less than other stores too.
    Ethan Allen
    Want sophisticated furniture to put them together yourself? Ethan Allen furniture is the one for you then. This amazing furniture store houses some of the best furniture in the country. With a wide range of furniture styles available, you are surely going to fall in love with these living room furniture sets. You get all living room furniture items including loveseats, recliners, benches, chaises, ottomans, sectionals, as well as sofas. The best part is that although the furniture is pricey, you are sure to get some of the most gorgeous furniture ever. Ethan Allen also has a custom collection that ships within a month. This collection is selected by designers and is a great visual treat. Since you decide how things are put together, you can customize it however you want. Custom-made living room furniture sets, window treatments, and upholstery are also available here. This gives you all the control to make the living room of your dreams. There is a free designer service that you can check out too. Make your living room themed or mix and match the furniture of your living room. Either way, it is going to turn out to be great if you start somewhere. The point is that there are so many options for you to choose from so you just can never get it wrong. Make it the living room that you have always wanted to turn it into. You know it is never too late for a living room makeover! Remember to use some fun accessories and decorative items. Go on now, start shopping!
  • Ways to install a gazebo
    Now that you have purchased your very own gazebo it is essential to understand how to assemble and install it successfully. Enjoy your outdoor space more effectively by following these tips to install gazebos efficiently Steps to install a gazebo:
    • Lay out the parts of the gazebo and count them to make sure that you have all the parts required in your kit. Get yourself a step ladder.
    • Demarcate the place where you want the gazebo to be placed. You may have to smoothen the ground if it is uneven to ensure safety and stability.
    • You might require the help of at another person to build the whole structure. It might be a tedious task to erect gazebos single handily.
    • Fit the bottom plate beneath the supporting post and secure it with bolts. 2 to 4 bolts are provided to secure the supporting post to the bottom plate.
    • If you are placing the gazebo on soil surface inserts are usually provided to be hammered into the ground through the base stand so that the structure stays strong.
    • If gazebos have to be placed on concrete surfaces, you will have to drill in bolts to fix the structure to the ground.
    • Slide the post covers to the end of the post and repeat this process for all the supporting posts. Make sure that the gazebos legs are firmly fixed to the ground and are not shaky or unstable.
    • Follow the instructions given in the manual to join all the poles to the center plate to build the roof of the gazebo. Make sure that all poles are securely tightened to ensure that no loose ends are left.
    • Insert the roofing material that may either be made of fiber sheets or vinyl laminated polyester. Do not use unnecessary force as it may damage the material.
  • Why reverse cell phone lookup is a boon
    Ever received a phone call from an unknown number and wondered how they got your number? There are times we mistake important calls for spam due to the numerous cases of identity thefts, credit card scams, etc. Sometimes it could just be a friend or a family member trying to reach you from a different number! Reverse cell phone lookup is a boon in today's world where everything is digital, and all our data is in the virtual world. Here are a few reasons to prove this -
    • Keeps stalkers away Keeping your identity safe and your privacy protected in today's digital era is quite difficult. There are a lot of stalkers, predators, identity thieves online who can steal all your information and use it against you. With reverse cell phone lookup, you can keep stalkers at bay. Stalking is a serious problem and is a legal offense where the stalker can be put behind bars. Reverse cell phone lookup helps you to identify the person and the exact location where the number has originated from. This helps you to identify spam callers and stalkers.
    • Available in mobile apps There are a lot of smartphone apps like Truecaller that notify the users when they are receiving a spam call. Truecaller helps you to identify the name, location as well as social media connections (if any) of the users. Apps like these help you save time and effort of looking up the number online in search engines and directories. They also allow you to block certain numbers on your smartphones and mark them as spam for the safety of other users as well. Truecaller is a free app, but if you are somebody who is looking up a huge list of numbers every day, you can upgrade to premium for extra services.
    • Emergency situations Reverse cell phone lookup also helps you identify important calls that you might have missed. For instance, if you have applied for an important job position and missed the call due to certain reasons, you can reverse cell phone lookup the number and dial back. This could also apply to certain emergency situations where your family members try to reach you from unknown numbers in accidents, loss, theft, etc. You simply never know what to expect at the other end of an unknown number phone call.
    Avoiding unknown number calls is a good option to save your privacy, however, in today's fast-paced lives where our families live away from us, you never know who is urgently trying to reach you! This is where reverse cell phone lookup comes to the rescue.
  • What to consider when choosing furniture for your baby’s nursery
    When it is time to buy baby furniture, the range of options in the market today alone can overwhelm first-time parents. Therefore, it is important to take your time in making your nursery purchases so that you make the ones that are right for you. Here is a checklist to help you buy the right baby furniture. Budget: Yes, the all-important money factor applies here too. It is easy to go overboard when shopping for your little one. But expensive furniture doesn't always mean it is right or safe for babies. - If you are on a tight budget, make a list of the essentials and leave out the rest. - Also, check various stores to look for perfectly good items on sale. - Shop through online retail stores for a range of options and really nice discounts. Essential items: You need to know how to separate the essentials from non-essential baby furniture items according to your needs and budget. - For instance, a rocking chair is not really necessary. If you can buy it, you can go ahead and do so. But if it doesn't suit your budget, you can easily rock your child to sleep in your lap. - A crib is an essential baby furniture item and so is a crib mattress. Do you also need a bassinet or a playpen? What about a changing table? Do you need one that comes with all the bells and whistles such as guardrails, safety straps and drawers? Or can you do with a simple table with diaper stored in a basket or cabinet just next to the changing table? If you had a natural birth or don't have any back pain, you can easily change diapers while sitting on the floor. This is perfectly acceptable way to change your baby's nappies in the safest way possible. You can use a nice rug or a small mattress for this purpose. Safety factors: This is a really important consideration when buying baby furniture. Paying more for safe baby furniture must always top buying items you don't really need. - Look for paint on cribs and other furniture. Are these of good quality or contain toxic fumes? Are there any nails sticking out of furniture joints? What is the material used in the furniture? When you start shopping for baby furniture with these questions in mind, you can ensure that you are making safe purchases. - Also consider safety measures like keeping the crib free of toys and pillows. These items can cause suffocation or even allergies if not made with good quality material. It is best to spend more on a good quality mattress and sheet for the crib than fill it with toys. Buying baby furniture is a joyous experience for parents. Research and budgeting don't have to be tedious or stressful tasks. You can make the most of your baby furniture shopping experience by taking time to enjoy each step such as checking out sales and planning the nursery.
  • A guide to buy the perfect dry cat food
    Picking the best cat food in the market can be challenging. Your pet cat has specific nutritional needs, and you need to make sure her needs are met so that your pet does not fall sick. Food market has some brands that make nutritious cat food. But you need to know which food is better for your cat before you buy it. Before you understand which brand offers best dry cat food, you need to address the following things:
    • Age of the cat When you pick the cat food, make sure the nutrition in the food is appropriate to the age of your pet. Some food is designed for kittens and some other food for the adults and seniors. So make sure you read the labels before you put the tin in your cart. Cat’s life is categorized into three stages: kitten, adult, and senior.
    • Kittens Your kittens need high protein and high-fat diet to develop teeth, strong bones and muscles.
    • Adults Try low calorie best dry cat food indoor cat meals so that they do not put on weight. If your cat is overweight, it is at the risk of getting diabetes, heart problem and arthritis.
    • Senior cats By this stage the cats become sedentary. Hence they need best cat food indoor cats can digest easily and does not burden their kidneys.
    • Body condition of the cat The nutritional requirements of pet cats differs depending on their size of the body. Overweight cats need different nutrition when compared to underweight cats.
    • Health conditions You also need to keep your cat’s health condition in mind while picking best dry cat food. If your pet suffers from any of the health conditions like allergies, diabetes, breathing difficulties, then you need to buy food that is sensitive to your pet’s conditions.
    • Budget Usually, you get best quality cat food at a higher price. So the more you spend, the better quality you get. However, you need to find what best you can offer to your pet in your budget without compromising on the nutrition. If budget is your constraint, then you can get your pet cat accustomed to homemade or discounted best indoor cat food.
    What to look for in the best dry cat food? A healthy diet will keep your pet cat away from diseases. So make sure the following ingredients are on the top of the list when you read the labels- Protein from fish, poultry or meat like lamb, beef, chicken, tuna, or turkey, amino acid taurine, fatty acids, enzymes, minerals, vitamins, and water. The best dry cat food should have preservatives to keep the food fresh and should have wheat, corn, rice as fillers along with coloring, flavors, and binders. The foods should meet the standards set by the AAFCO. What to avoid? You best dry cat food should not have the following ingredients:
    • By-products
    • Added Sugars
    • Chemical preservatives proved to be dangerous like BHT, BHA, propyl gallate and ethoxyquin
    • Cornmeal
    • Carbohydrate fillers added more than the required quantity
    Keep rotating your cat food because your pet may get bored with the same meal every day. Different foods come with a different range of vitamins and minerals. So when you rotate food choices, you are balancing the diet. Also, cats are very curious by nature. They tend to eat the common household food which can make them severely sick. So here are the things that should be kept away from your cat:
    • Canned tuna
    • Garlic
    • Onions
    • Milk
    • Alcohol
    • Chocolate
    • Coffee
    • Tea
    • Cola drinks
    • Raw eggs
    • Grapes
    • Raisins
    • Candy and gums
    • Yeast dough
    In case your pet accidentally eats any of the above-said household food items, you need contact the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center and get help immediately.