Health problems linked to chronic constipation

Constipation is a common problem. And often the cause can be poor dietary habits or lifestyle choices. But chronic constipation can also be a sign of an underlying medical problem. For permanent constipation relief, it is important to address any health problem that could be causing it.

Here are some health problems and medical conditions that can cause chronic constipation.

  • Medical conditions related to hormonal health can cause chronic constipation. Since hormones help with fluid balance in the body, any problems with their normal functioning can mess with fluids in the digestive system and cause constipation. Diabetes and thyroid gland problems are a common cause of chronic constipation.
  • Several neurological problems affect rectum and colon muscles and make bowel movements difficult. These can be spinal injuries, stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, autonomic neuropathy and brain injuries. For relieving constipation, you would first require treatment for these problems.
  • Cancers of the rectum, abdomen, and colon are a leading cause of constipation. Other problems in the colon and rectum can also lead to constipation. These can be rectocele (bulge in the rectum through the vagina back wall), bowel stricture (colon becoming narrow) and anal fissures.
  • Pelvic muscle problems like animus (bowel muscles don’t relax) and dyssynergia (problem with pelvic muscle movement) may impede normal bowel functions. No amount of constipation medication will help if the problem lies with your pelvic muscles.

Medical help:

If you suffer from chronic constipation, it is best to consult with a doctor to find the real root of the problem.

  • If you suffer from any of the above medical conditions, eat a healthy and natural diet to protect your bowels.
  • Once you treat or manage a health condition that could be causing your constipation, your bowel movements can automatically improve.
  • Many prescription and nonprescription medicines can increase your risk of getting constipation. If you are taking iron supplements or regularly use antacids or aspirin, these could affect your normal bowel movements. Ask your doctor for alternate recommendations or remedies to keep constipation at bay.

When you can manage the underlying cause well, you can find constipation relief easily.


  • Due date calculator: What you need to know
    The excitement of having a baby starts from the day one learns about the pregnancy, or from the time that one starts to plan the baby. Apart from taking good care of one's mind and body, pregnancy is also a time when one needs to indulge in various other activities like preparing for the child. In order to be well prepared for the child, you should also have a fair idea of when the child is due. This is called the due date, and there is a precise way of calculating the same. While most people ask the doctor for their due date, there are other ways in which one can calculate the same as well. Follow this guide to know more. Simple Equation In order to know your exact due date, you can simply add 280 days or 40 weeks to the first day of your previous period. For this, you will also have to have full knowledge of the menstrual period. There are many times when we are not able to keep track of the same, so it would be a good idea to keep a calendar where you mark the beginning and end of each cycle in a month-wise fashion. This should be done by people who are planning a pregnancy so that they can calculate the exact date. In case you are using this equation, the menstrual cycle and ovulation are counted as the first two weeks of pregnancy. Therefore, delivering the baby on the exact due date will actually make the pregnancy 38 weeks old. Chances of Due Date Delivery While we are on the subject, we would also like to point out that there are only about 5% pregnancies where the birth takes place on the exact due date that has been calculated, but a day before the date or a day after the date is also considered as the exact date. One must remember that each and every pregnancy is different and unique, which makes it exempt from any set formula or science. Therefore, the baby will arrive only when it is ready and the 38 weeks to 40 weeks period is only an assumption. Things that your Due Date will tell you Once you get your due date calculated, there are a number of other things that the doctor will be able to tell you. These are things that you can find out on your own as well, if you are using an online due date calculator. For starters, the report will tell you the date on which you may have conceived the child, as well as the measurements of the fetus at that time, which will point at the status and development of the pregnancy. This will include the weight, size and heartbeat of the baby at that time. Also, the various dates of the trimesters and the prenatal testing dates and checkups will be mentioned in the report. This can be computed manually as well with help from tools online and knowhow about how the various trimesters progress.
  • Sleep well with sleep apnea dental appliances
    Is your breathing frequently interrupted during sleep? Do you feel you are unable to breathe properly? The chances are that you might be suffering from sleep apnea, a serious sleep disorder. Individuals with this ailment stop breathing multiple times during sleep. It means the brain and the rest of the body may not get enough oxygen. Jaw Advancing Device – An oral appliance, also called a Jaw Advancing Device (JAD), is a mouthpiece customised by the oral physician using a mould similar to plastic to fit the exact shape of the patient's mouth and teeth. This sleep apnea dental device cost ranges roughly from $1500 to $2200. For patients who can’t use or don’t want to use Positive Airways Pressure (PAP) therapy, oral appliances are a substitution treatment. There are two types of oral appliances:
    • Mandibular Advancement Device - The most common type of dental sleep apnea device is the Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD). They move the lower jaw (Mandible) forward, thus opening the airway. They increase the muscle activity of the tongue and other airways and hence aid in improving the strength and rigidity of the airway. The average common sleep apnea dental device cost, in this case, is between $1800 and $2000.
    • Tongue Retaining Device -The Tongue Retaining Devices (TRD) work similar to MAD. However, in these devices, the tongue is held in a forward position instead of the lower jaw. Hence, the tongue is controlled directly. TRDs can initially be slightly uncomfortable and might take several weeks to months for the person to wear it without discomfort. TRD sleep apnea dental device cost starts from $1800 up to $2000.
    Combination CPAP & Dental Sleep Device - The Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) is a treatment where mild air pressure is used to open the breathing airways. The common problems associated with this are high pressure and the uncomfortable fit of the face mask. Your dentist and sleep physician work together to custom-make the dental sleep device that works along with CPAP. This sleep apnea dental device cost depends on the size as it is a simple dental sleep device. A much lower pressure setting can be used if a jaw advancement is combined with CPAP therapy from a MAD. Oral appliances are efficient in treating sleep apnea, are popular as it is sufficient to wear them while sleeping, and are quite affordable.
  • Things you need to consider before buying your engagement rings
    Engagement rings are special for any individual. When you propose to the love of your life to be married to you, it is indeed a major life decision. Certainly, it is a very important milestone in your relationship. So, one must put in efforts to find the most perfect engagement ring for the special day. You can find a variety of engagement ring on the market. The rose gold engagement ring which signifies the Victorian era has become a popular choice. During the Victorian era, promises weren't broken and one experienced faith in true love. Presenting a rose gold engagement ring to your fiancé conveys a lot of things. Rose gold is a unique metal as it is a combination of gold and copper alloy. The mix of these metals will make gold appear rose. Higher the quantity of copper, deeper will be the color of gold(pink or reddish pink). When less copper alloy is added to pure gold, it appears more like pale pink. So, you can consider going for a rose gold engagement ring as it will impress your special someone. Rose gold engagement rings are the current trend. This vintage-inspired ring has a classy feel to it. Apart from the traditional gold or platinum engagement ring, the rose gold engagement ring exude timeless beauty along with sophistication and elegance. A fashionable mix of the old and new signifies the importance you give to the old-world elegance, whilst being contemporary too. Most importantly, rose gold as a metal is durable. This is because rose gold, a mixture of gold and copper, is definitely much stronger than pure 24-carat gold. Hence, symbolically it signifies that your relationship with your fiancé is a strong, tenacious one. Rose gold engagement rings can be crafted in different shapes and designs. Whether it is a classic solitaire, a halo ring or an intertwined band, a rose gold engagement ring can be the perfect ring to sweep your significant other off her/ his feet.  You can also add a splash of color to your rose gold rings with different gemstones like ruby, emerald or sapphire. So, make your proposal extra perfect with rose old engagement rings.
  • 4 reasons why you may need iron supplements
    Iron is one of the most important minerals as it is essential for the good health of the body. The mineral does the vital function of creating energy from the nutrients while also transmitting nerve impulses. Iron is supplied to all parts of the body with the help of red blood cells; it is also present in every cell. One receives iron through the food they eat; however, in some conditions, people may also suffer from a deficiency. A deficiency of iron can lead to the inability of the red blood cells to provide oxygen to the cells and tissues. In such a case, one may have to add iron supplements to the diet. Here are a few reasons that can lead to your doctor recommending iron supplements. Regular blood loss - Individuals who experience blood loss regularly can suffer from iron deficiency. Moreover, even regular blood donors and people with gastrointestinal bleeding are at a high risk. Thus, one may have to add iron supplements to their diet in order to make up for the deficiency caused by blood loss. Kidney dialysis - The kidney is a pivotal organ as it promotes the growth of red blood cells. However, when an individual does not have healthy kidneys and undergoes dialysis, there is a great loss of blood. The treatment also limits the intake of iron through the diet. Thus, iron supplements aid in maintaining the levels of the mineral in the body. Pregnancy - Pregnant women have a significantly higher requirement of daily iron intake. While women need a take in around 15 to 18 milligrams of iron daily, pregnant women require around 27 milligrams of iron every day. Doctors are likely to recommend iron supplements if they conclude that the woman does not have enough iron during their prenatal period. Menstruation - The menstrual cycle can lead to a depletion of iron stores in the body. This is a major reason why women are at a higher risk of suffering from anemia. Iron supplements are regularly administered to women suffering from iron deficiency. Most individuals have been recorded to respond well to iron supplements. It is important to consume iron supplements before meals as food can affect the body’s ability to absorb iron. Moreover, iron supplements must be taken in proportion as excess amounts can be toxic.
  • Here’s how to choose the best data recovery services
    Damage to data on a PC or phone is quite commonplace. It could be human error or machine error. Your PC might fail to boot or your phone might fail to read software. The damage can cause you a headache. Salvaging such lost data can be troublesome if you are not aware of what is wrong exactly. So, you approach a data recovery service provider. They would either tell you honestly what has disrupted your system, or they may make you spend extra bucks for a minor reformat. A system damage obstructs your system from booting normally. A simple research online may lead you to the cause. The cause will result a solution and that's when you look for data recovery. It is important to settle for a data service provider that is both affordable and efficient. Thus, to engage a good data recovery service provider, remember these points: The goodwill of the service provider When choosing data recovery services, you need to see how long has the company been operating. The longer they have been in business, the more reliable they will be. For example, Secure Data Recovery Services has been around for over ten years in US. It offers a plethora of services including hard drive recovery and remote data recovery. In its tenure, the brand has created a name for itself. Then there is Salvage Data Recovery, with wide array of services and long standing experience. A simple internet research should provide you with a list of recovery providers. Select the one which is established and has positive reviews. Check pricing and facilities Many data recovery providers may offer low prices for your business. Do not get influenced by the pricing of the services. You need to ask the right questions. It is not always possible to recover 100%, so if someone promises you such at a throwaway price, be wary. Ask the service provider whether they have their own technicians and a lab, or if they include additional charges for home service or replacements. A good service provider will not only be transparent with the extent the damage has occurred. They would also tell you about possible alternatives and the costs involved. Thus, low price or even unnecessarily steep price shouldn't influence your decision. Evaluate customer service Recovery of your data shouldn't be the end of service. Many times the recovered data might be incompatible with the system, or you may want to understand what to do if a similar situation arises in future. A good data recovery service provider will help you with this. Not only will they help you with lost data, they would also guide you post process. Customer service should help you in evaluating the situation in an appropriate manner. You should be able to build confidence to proceed with the company. Good customer service would give you confidence for approaching the service provider. Thus, before you settle with any data recovery service provider, keep these points in mind. Also, do a quick search online to get reviews and feedback of customers. This way, you can proceed with caution and chances of successful data recovery.
  • 6 Best Men Deodorant For Odor Control

    When it comes to personality, your body fragrance takes the lead and we require deodorants. A deodorant is a product that is applied to the body for prevention of odor caused by bacterial breakdown under armpits and other parts of body. There are plenty of deodorants brands available in the market, but one has to judge the brand according to its ingredients and qualities it has. Here are top 6 brands of the best men deodorants that will help you to select the best based on features it have.

    Here are the top 6 brands of the best men deodorants-

    Axe Deodorant
    Axe deodorant is one of the best and iconic personal care brands as it has been offering various products for men to use and get a clean and fresh feel. They have a range of body sprays, deodorants, haircare products, shower gels, etc. In fact, Axe is considered as a leader in men’s overall grooming which gives all day confidence from the minute you wake up till the time you sleep. Features of Axe Deodorant-

    • Best for all-day freshness and odor protection
    • It has classic and fruity fragrance of lavender, geranium and citrus
    • Its composition has the ability to refresh the senses

    Dove Deodorant
    Dove deodorant is another great option for the best men deodorants if you are looking for special odor control and wetness that stays on the skin and not on clothes. Dove products tend to consist of 1/4 moisturizers that keep underarms soft. Thus, Dove deodorants not only excel at providing the best odor formula but also take care of delicate skin. Features of Dove Deodorant-

    • It helps to heal from shaving irritation in underarms
    • The feel of this deodorant is both soft and smooth
    • It provides 24-hour freshness

    L'occitane Deodorant
    L'occitane deodorant offers a long-lasting natural protection to skin because it is free from aluminium chlorohydrate. It is made with oils of mint, rosemary, and pine which add a light refreshing scent. Features of L'occitane deodorant-

    • It gives a sensation of well-being throughout the day.
    • It provides long lasting freedom from odors.
    • It smells amazing and doesn’t irritate skin

    Burt’s Bees Deodorant
    Burt’s Bees is another wonderful brand of deodorants for guys. There is no need to put a heavy scent as a little bit of Burt’s Bees deodorant is good for the body and skin. This is a hundred percent natural deodorant with botanicals, citrus oils, woodsy cypress, and warm fir which keep you feeling and smelling your best. Features of Burt’s Bees Deodorant-

    • It keeps you away from odor of underarms for 24 hours
    • It is a natural skin care for men
    • Deodorant is mushy and smells good

    Anthony Deodorant
    This deodorant is alcohol and aluminium free formula that prevents underarm staining and it doesn’t sting the skin. It effectively prevents odor and provides all day protection that is needed without leaving any stains on clothes. Features of Anthony Deodorant-

    • It’s easy to apply and has a great smell
    • It doesn’t give any itchiness to skin
    • It provides all-day protection and suits to all skin types

    Baxter of California Deodorant
    Choosing the best men deodorant is tough but Baxter of California makes it easy. It is a natural deodorant with a pleasant smell that is loved by most of the people. The deodorant is aluminium free and consists of herbal musk and clean citrus. It's clear solid gel doesn’t stain clothes. Features of Baxter of California Deodorant-

    • This product has a wonderful and gentle smell
    • It relieves the sweaty pits for people who sweat a lot

    There may be situations where you find a particular deodorant brand that doesn’t suit your skin and on the other hand, some different brand is good for your skin. So before purchasing a deodorant, you must be aware of its specifications and if its use is safe for your skin type or not. Also, some brands don’t give you full day odor protection if you do any physical activity. You can read online reviews in such case. This will help you to choose the best men deodorant for yourself.