Keep out the odor, not your pet!

The world it seems is divided into two halves. One half is loyal to the most loyal creature on the planet, the other half likes kitty cats. This may be a sweeping generalization but there is no denying that such a divide somehow exists. Even a rabid dog lover or a total cat person or a pet lover other than the stereotypical pets mentioned above, would never want to be labeled a pet owner with a house emitting pet odor.

Pet odors are for real and they come in a number of variants. Pet odors range from odors of blood, poop, pee and puke to that of the pet itself! Raising a pet quite like managing a house comes with great challenges. Even the most trained and well groomed pet may let you down once in a while, let alone the stubborn new born! When a pet gets a home, a home in addition to the liveliness and joy also houses its odor. Some believe that the odor can only be removed when the pet is shown the door.

This however can change! There are a number of store-bought stain and odor removers that you can use to get rid of the foul smell. Though these are widely available in the markets, there are quite a few easy DIY tricks that can help you remove odors in an all new natural way!

The best part about natural removers is that you don’t have to rattle your brain about which remover to pick. However incredible this may sound, it is indeed possible to eliminate pet odors and stains with readily available homemade concoctions. One of the most popular potion is a vinegar-baking soda spray. This simple and inexpensive formula works wonderfully well on blood and urine stains and odors. Two cups of white distilled vinegar with two cups of lukewarm water and four generous spoons of baking soda work magic on rugs, sofas or whatever you intend to clean. Alternatively, you could use a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda on the target area. Another way of removing stains and odors is by regularly washing infected articles and areas with hot soapy water.

Store-bought synthetic removers may contain harmful chemicals that can meddle with your pet’s health. Adopting natural cleaners is seen as a step to ensure pet safety. Make your own magic potion now and the next time your pet messes up your house, keep calm and show odor the door!


  • Choosing bathroom accessories and wall decals
    If for a long time now the bathroom you have been using is boring and staid to look at, it is time to spruce it up with some lovely bathroom accessories like bathroom trays and wall decals. This is one of the easiest ways to have a makeover in the bathroom and add some new interest into a room that is used every day and yet suffers neglect in terms of aesthetics. Bathroom wall decals, for example, are a quick and easy solution to bathroom boredom and they come in a huge variety of options, textures, designs, styles, and colors. Bathroom wall decals and bathroom accessories similar to these are essentially nice looking stickers that come in the form of different graphics and designs that can be easily stuck on a wall and help enhance the look of the interior space that was previously bare. Since they are so easy to use, clean and remove, their popularity is growing in the bathroom designing industry. Similarly, other bathroom accessories like bathroom trays are also used to enhance the look of a space known as the bathroom. But just like bathroom wall decals, once needs to decide beforehand, even before buying them, as to where they would place them. The placement of any bathroom accessory like a bathroom wall decal or a bathroom tray is an important decision. First, the place needs to have enough space to fit the bathroom accessory. Second, it must be clean and also be a relatively smooth surface. The colors on the area surrounding the wall decal will also matter, as not all bathroom wall decals look good in a given space. The size of the space where the bathroom accessory is going to be also placed matters. One should look at the size of the space available before purchasing a bathroom accessory like a bathroom tray or a bathroom wall decal. Most accessories are priced according to the size, especially in terms of bathroom accessories. For example, a giant wall decal will probably cost a lot more than a smaller one. Some bathroom wall decals come in parts, so one can easily put them in different areas of the bathroom to create a mood or a theme, while other wall decals are not in parts and so can only be put together in one place. For a small area or space, one can go for a small wall decal in a beautiful color, pattern, theme or graphic, and design. If only a tiny space that is vertical is available, a tall and slim wall decal may be used. If the space is longer in width than height, a slight landscape type of wall decal can be stuck. The options are plenty. Another thing that bathroom accessories like wall decals and bath trays help to do is create a pleasant mood. Since every room in any home that has been done up with a sense of aesthetic has a particular atmosphere, it should be noted that the choice of the bathroom accessory will also help set the tone or a mood.
  • All you need to know about the final journey
    Burial has been the traditional way of disposal of the deceased for ages, but there is a shift in the trend in the past decade with more and more Americans opting for a cremation. Because of the belief in resurrection in the Christian faith, burial had been the way to go for centuries. But perceptions have changed over time, and cremation has started gaining ground, mainly because it is a welcome alternative to the expensive funeral home services. Process of cremation The process of cremation involves burning of the deceased in a crematorium, and the remains or the ash that is left is given to the mourning family. They are free to do as they please with the ashes of loved ones. Some prefer to scatter it in a memorable location of special significance, such as a place the deceased loved to visit, after obtaining the relevant permissions. Others might wish to store it in a fancy urn and display it at their home in the memory of the dead. There are also people who would want to spread the remains in the sea or in the air. Why is cremation preferred This practice makes more sense for the modern American, as families move around a lot over generations and booking a burial plot at the family town is no longer a viable option. Hence, cremation becomes a more sensible option cost-wise, and it does not involve all the additional costs generally associated with a burial and funeral. This includes embalming, casket, headstone and other endless expenses which are altogether absent in the case of a direct cremation. The body is encased in a simple container and transported to the crematorium for burning and hence can cost as less as $1000. Then the family can organize a memorial service after the cremation even at their home without much fanfare as it is in the case of a funeral. This again not just saves cost, but is also more comfortable for the mourning family to deal with the unfortunate circumstance. Since so many families are opting for cremation, funeral homes have started reinventing themselves to stay in business and started offering cremation services as well apart from their traditional funeral services. To conclude, cremation costs are much less compared to the traditional burial. Also, this is much simpler, as the body to be cremated is directly taken to the crematorium after the formalities or paperwork is completed. A memorial service can be planned flexibly and the service can be extended to weeks or months. The service can be arranged in such a way that many people can gather and pay their respects through poetry, scriptural passages, quotes from literature, music, photos, and more.
  • How to lose 10 pounds in 7 days
    The key to a low-carb diet plan is restricting the intake of carbohydrates and consuming food that is high in fibers, protein, and fat. Carbohydrates cannot be stored and provide instant energy; however, the excess of carbohydrates are a waste. While proteins maintain the muscle cells, fats release energy for the cellular functions and fibers provide strength to hold the muscle cells in shape and act as roughage to eliminate unwanted food from the body. Here is a simple low-carb diet plan that, if followed religiously, will help you lose at-least 10 pounds in seven days. The first day of your diet plan is the most difficult day as you will have to work additionally on beating your Monday morning blues. But once you kick-start and stay firm until mid-week, then you will be through with your diet plan like a breeze. You can eat melons, apples, papaya, oranges, etc. You can eat only fruits but in unlimited quantities. But do avoid mangoes and bananas as they contain a slightly higher amount of starch. If you are thirsty, you can have fruit juices without any additional sweeteners or sugars. You can eat vegetables raw or eat them boiled or baked; these need to be consumed without any added salts. Try to add more greens and sprouts in your meal as they contain more fibers. However, avoid eating tuberous vegetables like potatoes and legumes like beans. You can also make some veggie soups for yourself. You can have an omelet without the yellow with a glass of milk or a fruit smoothie for breakfast, beef, lamb, pork, or fish for lunch and steak with veggies for dinner. You can replace rice with millets and replace hydrogenated oils/trans-fats with coconut oil, butter or olive oil. If it’s a weekend, then don’t stop yourself from being treated with a good party. You can have a serving of red wine instead of hard or a fizzy drink and eat zucchini noodles instead of pasta. Avoid sweets, confectionary, sugary treats, baked products like cakes, biscuits, or pastries; all of these are incredibly high in sugar. Keep a handful of almonds or walnuts in your pockets so that you can snack on them whenever you get your cravings to eat something. Say no to fries, chips, burgers, etc. Above all, drink a lot of water (typically 2.5 to 3 liters). This is the key to keeping yourself detoxed throughout the week.
  • Symptoms and prevention tips for pneumonia
    Pneumonia can affect anyone at any age. This is a common respiratory infection that makes it hard for a person to breathe. This is because it causes the alveoli or air sacs in the lungs to fill up with fluid. Young children, people suffering from chronic diseases such as asthma and elderly adults have a high risk of suffering from pneumonia. Some of the factors that can increase a person's risk of suffering from this disease are viral respiratory infections, chronic lung disease, cerebral palsy, heart disease, recent surgery and cigarette smoking. Pneumonia symptoms vary from person to person depending on their age and overall health. Some of the most common symptoms include: • Persistent cough • High fever • Chills • Yellow or greenish phlegm • Bloody mucus • Shortness of breath • Sharp, stabbing chest pain • Headaches • Excessive sweating • Tiredness • Loss of appetite • Loss of energy Infants suffering from this disease typically appear dull and listless while elderly people may also begin to show signs of confusion. Pneumonia symptoms can also be affected by its cause. High fever that touches 105 degrees Fahrenheit is typical of bacterial pneumonia. This type of fever is often accompanied by excessive sweating along with an increased heart and pulse rate. It can also put the patient in a confused state of mind. The patient's lips and nails may also begin to turn blue as a result of lack of oxygen. Viral pneumonia symptoms are similar to those of common flu. These include a low fever, dry cough, headaches, tiredness and muscle pains. The patient may also expect a little mucus. Treatment and prevention of pneumonia Pneumonia can be easily treated, but if not addressed in time, it can cause a number of complications such as respiratory failure, sepsis, and lung abscesses. Young infants and elderly people are most susceptible to such complications. Treatment for pneumonia can take anywhere between 3 to 8 weeks depending on the patient's overall health. It is usually treated with oral antibiotics. In some cases, antibiotics may also need to be given intravenously for which hospitalization is advised. Along with medication, the patient must also get plenty of rest and drink lots of water. Pneumonia can be easily prevented. One way of reducing your risk of suffering from this disease is to vaccinate yourself against bacterial pneumonia and flu. This is especially necessary for children and adults over the age of 65. Washing your hands before eating and cooking can help keep you safe from pneumonia. Following a healthy diet and lifestyle can also help boost your immunity and lower the risk of pneumonia. Lastly, if you smoke, quit. Tobacco damages your lungs and reduces your lungs' ability to fight infections.
  • 3 things you need to know about refurbished computers
    Not all of us can afford to splurge on the latest electronic devices frequently. Fortunately, there are ways in which you can get a new computer without having to pay through your nose. The solution is to go for refurbished computers. What are refurbished computers? This is more of an umbrella term, which essentially means that the product was returned, retested, or had some revamping done. However, it may be just a minor cosmetic damage, some fault repaired by the original manufacturer, or simply returned by a buyer who changed their mind. In most cases, such electronic gadgets do not have any major issues, but it is just that they cannot be sold as brand new products. Can you save on refurbished computers? Yes. This is the major reason why people opt to buy refurbished computers. For example, such a laptop may cost you 30 to 50 percent of the original price – that’s a sizeable discount. However, the reduced price should not be the only reason why you buy a computer; it is vital that you do your research and make an informed decision. Can you use such computers for work? Many people prefer to buy refurbished computers for secondary use such as a child’s first computer. But if you are looking for a dependable device on which you can work daily, it is possible to find a good refurbished one. Choose one that is not too old or has not been used much. Buying from a reliable retailer or the manufacturers themselves is a wise idea to avoid having to face problems later on. Going for refurbished computers is a good way to get a new device at a discount without having to compromise on quality or performance. But like with all other investments, you need to spend time knowing more about the product you want to buy so that you get a good deal for your hard-earned money.
  • 3 powerful exercises for losing belly fat 
    Although a controlled diet is important in weight management, having a sedentary lifestyle may still be able to put you at health risks including bad cholesterol, diabetes, etc. This can eventually also lead to increased belly weight which can strain the internal organs, spine and your body posture. It can also affect critical body processes, breathing such as and digestion. So if you are trying to figure out ways to lose belly fat, then it is important for you to combine it with some physical activities that will not only help get rid of the fat deposition but also lessen the potentiality of the above-mentioned health hazards. Some common changes that you can make in your daily routine are as follows.
    • Walk instead of taking rides for short distances.
    • Climb stairs instead of the elevators.
    • Play a sport or swim whenever possible.
    If these are difficult for you to incorporate into your routine, then here are three powerful and easy exercises that can help you reduce belly fat, benefitting you in the long run. You must do these exercises for at least for 20 to 30 minutes a day.
    • Crunches or sit-ups: Sleep with your knees folded with feet and your back flat on the floor. Fold your hands across your torso and get up to touch your forehead to your knees. Exhale as you come up and inhale as you to go back. This exercise is beneficial to lose belly fats and also for strengthening your upper abs.
    • Crunch and twist: This exercise is similar to sit-ups, but only that instead of reaching to your knees with your forehead, you will sit-up and twist your waist to each side alternately. Try to touch the left knee with right elbow and vice-versa and then go back to your original position. This exercise is essential in toning your abs and also for strengthening your pelvis and back.
    • Leg drop, pike and extend: Lie flat on your back and then lift both your legs perpendicularly. Ensure your lower back is firm on the floor during the leg lift and then lower it gradually. Repeat this. You could also implement this exercise with one leg at a time. You can enhance this practice by reaching out to your toes by extending your hands without folding either the knee or the lower abs. This is a beneficial exercise for the abs, pelvis, spine and the back.