Natural remedies to beat allergies

When our autoimmune system confuses harmless elements like pollens, peanuts, etc. as foreign bodies and produces chemicals to fight against them, it results in an allergic reaction. This allergic reaction can vary from mild to severe depending from person to person. Although sometimes you have to resort to medication to combat those allergies, there are many natural methods to help beat them.

Listed below are some natural remedies that will help you fight allergy symptoms.

  • If you are prone to allergies, get to know your triggers and try avoiding them. Keep your doctors informed of known allergens before medicating yourself or test for allergies as you go along. It will help a great deal to curb allergy symptoms from erupting.
  • If you are prone to hay fever, keep your home breeze-free. Try and minimize stepping out during windy days and if you do, cover your nasal passage and your throat well with a mask.
  • Using saline rinses help in eradicating most allergens from your system, and reduces your allergy symptoms. Other home remedies like gargling and steaming also help kill allergens.
  • Making dietary changes can help combat allergies and make you keep them at bay in the long run.
  • Replace all problematic foods with more fruits and vegetables, local honey. Switch to a gluten-free diet.
  • Consume plenty of liquids. It helps wash down toxins and allergens in the body.
  • Quercetine and Nettle leaf also act as natural antihistamines and keep allergies low. Check with your doctor before usage.
  • Try natural plant-based extracts like Butterbur, Phleum Pratense, and Pycnogenol, which act as antihistamines.
  • Keep yourself and your environment clean and dust/mold free. Having clean hands and fresh air to breathe reduces your chances of allergy symptoms.
  • Avoid using chemicals as household cleaning agents. There are enough natural products available in the market for you to use or you can easily make them at home at low or no costs.

These are just some of the tips to help you fight your allergy symptoms with no side effects.


  • How to buy a reborn doll
    It is easy to mistake a well-crafted reborn doll for a real baby. From the folds on their skin to their light blue veins, there is a lot of intricate detailing that goes into creating these dolls. Thus, as you can imagine, reborn baby dolls are available for sale at varying price bands. Some of the factors that influence the price of such a doll are the materials used to create it, the artist's name and reputation and the realism of the doll. Reborn dolls can be bought online through popular e-commerce sites, through an artist's site or at fairs and conventions. Here are a few things to look out for when you see reborn baby dolls for sale. Paint finish Ideally, your doll should have a matt finish and not look too shiny. Shine can be due to the paint being used, but can also be caused by using acetone to wash the dolls' surface before painting it. Acetone not only gives the doll a shiny look, but also keeps the paint from adhering to the surface, thereby increasing the chances of it peeling off later. Excessive dye or the use of colored sand can make the doll look unnaturally dark and cause the paint to seep into the vinyl. Proportions Reborn dolls may be created out of an existing doll's parts of a DIY kit. Either way, it is important that the doll uses all the original parts of the same doll or kit. In the case of it being crafted from an existing doll, this can influence the price of the doll as the limbs may have the artists' signature on them. Thus, check the proportions of the limbs of the doll, along with its eyes and other removable parts. Attention to detail A good artist will look into minute details like the veins on the doll's arms, the folds of her skin etc. When it comes to reborn dolls, the more the attention to detail, the higher the price. Filling Avoid investing in dolls that have been filled with sand. Over time, this sand can be lost through the fabric-covered sections of the doll or interact with the paint to make it seep into the vinyl. Thus, if you're looking to buy a doll that looks just like a new born baby, pick one that is filled with glass beads, polyester or metal pellets that are known for their longevity. Hair Goat hair is acclaimed to be like human hair in terms of texture and hence is often preferred for these dolls. Ensure that the hair is sealed from inside the doll and does not have any chances of falling out. Also, pay attention to the scalp and look for hair that has been individually inserted so as to look more lifelike. Lastly, look for the accessories that come along with your doll. Clothing that is handmade is often more expensive as compared to ready-made clothes or machine-stitched clothes.
  • Treatment Options for Four Types of Amyloidosis

    Amyloidosis is a rare disease that occurs when amyloid, a type of protein, builds up in the organs. This protein is produced in the bone marrow and can deposit in any organ or tissue. Statistics show that at least 4,000 people develop the condition in our country. It is usually diagnosed between the ages of 50 and 65. Although the disease can affect any part of the body, it mostly affects the heart, kidneys, liver, spleen, and the digestive tract, and severe amyloidosis can even result in organ failure.

    Here are some of the main types of the disease based on particular symptoms:

    Primary amyloidosis (AL)
    The most common type, it is an acquired plasma cell disorder in which a monoclonal immunoglobin chain of protein is overproduced in the bone marrow. Primary amyloidosis (AL) is usually found in blood and urine and occurs with Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia, lymphoma, or, multiple myeloma. The "AL" in primary amyloidosis refers to light chains. People suffering from this type of the disease usually experience heart failure, protein in the urine, an enlarged liver, kidney failure, and an enlarged tongue.

    Treating primary amyloidosis: The type of treatment provided to the patient is based on the progression of the disease. The treatment plans are three-fold:

    • Supportive treatment: It refers to treating the symptoms and organ damage. Supportive treatment is helpful for treating conditions like cardiac and renal (kidney) problems that might arise due to the disease, and the main aim is to improve the quality of life.
    • Source treatment: The main aim of this treatment is to stop or slow down the overproduction of amyloid at its source. It is often the most preferred treatment option in our country because it provides long-term treatment for the underlying disease.
    • Combination therapy: Many patients have benefited from this type of therapy. The recent development of a new strain of medicines works effectively on the abnormal plasma cells causing AL amyloidosis, and the dosage depends on individual patients. Medicines range from traditional chemotherapy medicines, proteasome inhibitors, and immunomodulators.

    Secondary amyloidosis (AA)
    This type of the condition is caused by inflammatory diseases like familial Mediterranean fever, rheumatoid arthritis, granulomatous ileitis, or other chronic infections. Secondary amyloidosis usually begins in the kidney, but other organs can also be affected. The AA in secondary amyloidosis refers to the AA proteins that are deposited in the organs in the form of fibrils.

    Treating secondary amyloidosis (AA): Currently, there are very few options that directly target the amyloid deposits in the case of secondary amyloidosis (AA). The main aim in treating this type of the disease is to reduce the circulating levels of the precursor protein causing inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and renal diseases. Biological agents like anti-TNF (tumor necrosis factor) and (interleukin) IL-1 and IL-6 blockers are some of the main therapeutic options used for treating secondary amyloidosis (AA). In the case of renal failure due to this type, acute or chronic dialysis might be required.

    Familial amyloidosis (ATTR)
    Formerly referred to as senile systemic amyloidosis, it is an inherited form of the disease caused by a mutation in the transthyretin (TTR) gene. It produces an abnormal transthyretin gene, and the most common symptoms of this type are cardiomyopathy (enlarged heart muscles) and neuropathy (peripheral nervous system failure). The symptoms can manifest between 40 and 55 years of age. Also, there are more than 100 different mutations of familial amyloidosis, which makes it more difficult to treat the disease.

    Treating familial amyloidosis (ATTR): Like secondary amyloidosis, there are very few options available for treating this type. Some FDA-approved medicines are:

    • ATTR stabilizers: These medicines are used to stabilize the abnormal ATTR protein that causes the disease by preventing it from breaking into amyloid fibrils.
    • ATTR silencers: These medicines act on the liver, reducing the production of TTR. They have been specifically studied on patients with nerve problems.
    • Fibril disruptors: This new form of medication helps break up and clear ATTR amyloid fibrils.

    Since TTR is produced in the liver, a liver transplant is also a possible treatment in some forms of familial amyloidosis.

    Localized amyloidosis (ALoc)
    There are many forms of ALoc amyloidosis that leads to deposits in the airway (trachea or bronchus), urinary bladder, or the eyes. It is often caused by the formation of immunoglobin light chains, and these do not originate from the bone marrow. Other types of ALoc amyloidosis are associated with endocrine proteins that are produced in the skin, heart, and other parts of the body.

    Treating ALoc amyloidosis: The best way to treat this type is to treat the underlying disease. This can be either through surgery, medications, or both. Apart from this, targeting the specific protein causing the disease can also slow down the progression of the disease.

    It is necessary for the patient and their loved ones to be careful about the symptoms of the disease as the doctors will provide treatments based on the same. Supportive care like pain medications and counseling is also necessary to manage the disease.

  • Possible causes for a high risk pregnancy
    Ideally during your pregnancy, you should be healthy and happy as this has a direct bearing on the health and development of the child. But there are some cases where this not possible due to many medical conditions. There are many such complications that can lead to a high risk pregnancy. Let us take a look at some of these reasons. Ectopic Pregnancy This is a common complication that some women go through. An ectopic pregnancy happens when the ovary releases the egg which get fertilized by the sperm, but ends up in the fallopian tubes instead of the uterine lining and the womb. This can cause a series of complications and symptoms that should not be ignored. To begin with, one will experience a lot of acute and sharp pain in the abdominal region. Also, one will experience light vaginal spotting. This should be reported to the doctor immediately so that this kind of pregnancy may be treated and terminated immediately. Other Lifestyle Diseases There are a number of high risk diseases that may lead to neural defects for the baby during the development of fetus. This includes diabetes mellitus which may not have been controlled in a proper way as well as other diseases like kidney disease, chronic heart disease and much more. During this time, the doctor will have to prescribe the right medication along with the correct measures in terms of diet and exercise so that the patient and the baby are both taken care of, with minimal risk to either of them. These kind of diseases also have the risk of affecting the unborn child. Hence, it is important to take stock of the situation and the possible defects with the help of proper scans and shock ups so that any anomalies and mutations can be detected on time. Maternal Age A lady who is older than the average age of conception and conceives, is also at risk of coming down with various complications during the pregnancy. High blood pressure and other hormonal changes can also lead to complications and the possibility of preeclampsia. These problems can also occur when a woman is nearing menopause when she conceives and has the child. Gestational Diabetes The diabetes that develops when the mother is expecting is known as gestational diabetes. This kind of diabetes affects the unborn child, who may be born with diabetes thereafter. Yet, if one followers a healthy and well laid out treatment plan, there are good chances of giving birth to a healthy baby who can also live a more or less normal life after being born as well. Placenta Previa: This is a condition where the placenta coats or covers the cervix of the expecting mother. This can lead to a number of complications including a premature delivery of the baby as well as false labor pains also known as Braxton Hicks. Further, due to the risk of bleeding during such a complication, the doctor can also ask the patient to go through a C Section.
  • Five effective ways to prevent HIV AIDS
    There is neither a vaccine for HIV prevention for a permanent cure for AIDS. However, it's possible for people to protect themselves and prevent the risks of having HIV infection from others. In spite of the availability of effective HIV treatment and medications, when it comes to AIDS, prevention is always better than cure. Below are some of the most effective HIV/AIDS prevention ideas.
    • Test the HIV status: Anyone who falls within 13 to 64 years of age must opt for HIV test, at least once in their life. Plus having one's partner undergo an HIV test can also help in the prevention of this virus inflicted infection. However, if found infected, one must opt for the appropriate therapy HIV treatments offer to prevent the virus from growing further.
    • Evade any contact with infected blood: Since direct contact with HIV-infected blood is the most common way of HIV spread, one needs to be careful about it and go for timely HIV treatment in the case found HIV-affected. Whether it’s an open wound or during blood transfusions, one must stay vigilant about never coming into contact with infected blood.
    • Be careful with used needles: In the present times, there are some HIV treatment guidelines as well as prevention practices available to people. One of such practices is avoiding used needles. As HIV can easily be transmitted through blood, never using a syringe that is already used is strongly recommended.
    • Have safe sex, use condoms: Practice safe sex since HIV is predominantly spread through bodily fluids. Using condoms is one of the best safe sex practices that can significantly help in HIV/AIDS prevention. No HIV means no need to look for any HIV treatment option and staying safe.
    • Avoid multiple sexual partners: Limiting the number of one's sex partners can help in minimizing the chances of getting AIDS or contracting HIV. However, it doesn't necessarily mean zero protected sex.
    Despite following all the prevention practices, if someone gets HIV or is diagnosed with AIDS, he or she should not waste any time to opt for the necessary HIV treatment. Considered to be a killer disease worldwide, prevention of it can be the best way of dealing with its spread.
  • How To Treat Food Allergy Problems Of Dogs

    The right diet plays a significant role in improving the health conditions of dogs to a great extent. However, dogs often tend to be allergic to certain types of foods, which requires special attention. Dog owners are cautious about these concerns and they want to safeguard their dogs from food allergies. This requires them to choose the right diet plan and providing the best dog food for alleviating their dog’s allergies, thus minimizing the risks effectively. Dogs can experience food sensitivity that may cause certain reactions in their immune system and affect their quality of life.

    Food-related allergies in dogs are mainly caused by certain carbohydrates or proteins present in foods. Most dog owners may face challenges in finding them because the symptoms will vary, and one should consult with a veterinarian to determine the best food for their dog’s allergies.

    Most veterinarians may recommend grain-free foods and other products that have limited ingredients to prevent allergic reactions. A dog may develop allergy symptoms due to prolonged consumption of the same food or brand over the years. Therefore, it is necessary to select the best dog foods with great care for achieving better results and avoiding allergies. Additives in foods will trigger allergy problems that cause several discomforts to dogs.

    How to manage food allergy problems in dogs?
    Apart from providing the best dog food for avoiding allergies, those who want to manage food allergy problems of dogs should focus more on following certain tips for improving health conditions:

    • Taking prescriptions from a veterinarian
    • Providing proper nutrition
    • Promoting effective protein digestion
    • Increasing the new food gradually
    • Mixing some amount of new food to current food

    Treating food allergy problems of dogs
    Food allergy problems in dogs may lead to vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, ear inflammation, and other symptoms. Hence, it is advisable to control their diet efficiently to enhance their quality of life by always giving the best dog food to avoid allergies and other conditions.

    Anyone who wants to diagnose food allergies in dogs can implement eliminating food that helps to know more about the symptoms with ease.

    Dog owners should seek advice from a veterinarian for analyzing the allergy problems of dogs with more attention. Furthermore, they should know which exact ingredient causes the symptoms that ultimately gives way for selecting a food accordingly.

    Going to a veterinarian will help you find methods for preventing dogs from potential threats. It is necessary to focus more on the nutrients while buying foods for a dog.

    Buying hypoallergenic foods for dogs
    Hypoallergenic foods are a suitable one for dogs, enabling them to lead a healthy lifestyle. They contain only a limited amount of ingredients, thereby showing ways for minimizing allergy problems.

    However, it is necessary to do thorough research on food brands from different sources for making a better decision in the buying process.

    P.S. for dogs is one of the leading brands that allow dogs to recover from food allergy symptoms to live a trouble-free life. It is rich in proteins and gives way for lowering the allergy disorders.

    The Instinct Limited Ingredient Diet serves as the best dog food alternative for allergies because it comes with no fillers, grains and other unwanted ingredients. People who are looking for an alternative to hypoallergenic foods can select the product for preventing a dog from allergy problems.

    Rachael Ray Nutrish Just 6 Natural is another brand designed for dogs that suffer from food allergy problems. The food contains only six ingredients with added vitamins and minerals that help in gaining more advantages.

    NUTRO Limited Ingredient Diet is another option for best dog food for allergies that can help to protect an animal from unwanted problems. It is available with 10 ingredients, helping the dog’s liver to eliminate food sensitivity issues with high success rates.

    Before buying a brand, it is advisable to read the reviews and testimonials for ordering a product depending on the requirements. There are many websites that offer the branded dog foods at cheaper prices, allowing people to save more money. Some even provide methods for knowing more about the pros and cons, briefly enabling a person to buy a product with options.

  • A brief overview of arthritis
    There are joints in our body which connect two bones together. When inflammation occurs in these joints, it is known as arthritis. The function of the joints is to ensure a smooth and flexible functioning of the body parts, and when the joints are inflamed, there is a hindrance in the routine activities. Arthralgia or joint pain is what accompanies arthritis. A single joint involvement is called mono-arthritis; when two or three joints suffer inflammation, it is called oligoarthritis; and when more than four joints are involved, it is known as polyarthritis. Types of arthritis Multiple types of arthritis are identified, and the number continues to increase with each research. However, the following are the two most common type of arthritis, which have almost become a chronic illness in the US: Osteoarthritis: It is a common form of arthritis, which involves a tear or wear of the cartilage or chronic pain induced by an injury. Rheumatoid arthritis: It is that type of arthritis where the immune system of the body attacks the joints, leading to inflammation. Causes The reasons of arthritis depend on the kind of arthritis. The cause can be an injury, which would invariably lead to osteoarthritis; there can also be hereditary factors involved or metabolic abnormalities such as gout or pseudo gout. Sometimes arthritis can occur due to direct or indirect effects of bacterial and viral infections. Immune systems help the body to fight back anti-bacterial bodies, but when they start to work in the wrong direction, attacking the joints, it leads to inflammation and chronic pain, thus giving way to rheumatoid arthritis. It is classified as a rheumatic disease. It affects the joints, ligaments, tendons and sometimes even the organs. Symptoms and signs The initial symptoms of arthritis are inflammation, which leads to joint pain and stiffness in and around the joints. Other signs and symptoms are as follows: Tender joints Swelling Fever Fatigue Weight loss Loss of appetite Redness and warmth Gland swelling or lymph nodes Chest pain (if the heart is affected) Shortness of breath (affected lungs) Diagnosis The doctor who has specialized in arthritis is called a rheumatologist. He/she can diagnose you the best, asking several questions about the pain - the occurrence, duration and area where it appears. The initial stage is based on the descriptions given by the patients to the physician. After taking note of all the information, the doctor will then order some tests or X-ray of that particular area to get a clear idea of the form of arthritis, before beginning the treatment. Treatment The treatment for arthritis is based on the type. It may vary from person to person and in most cases, the treatment is symptomatic. However, there are some standard procedures applicable to all forms and they are: Anti-inflammatory drugs Acupuncture Cold pack application Surgical operations Paraffin wax dips Immune-altering medications Arthritis has no known permanent cure. However, with the right medications and a few lifestyle alterations, the condition can be controlled pretty well.