Shoes that Monitor the Run

It is amazing how technology is taking less and less physical space in our world and yet forms the biggest part of modern life in today’s world. From giant super computers to mini Nano technology microchips, technology through leaps and bounds has finally come full circle in the form of wearable tech.

From fitness trackers, smart watches and being integrated into clothing, technology on the human body today has become almost like a social norm. Today there are so many options in every single item of wearable tech that offer endless customizations and cater to all budgets.

Here are some wearable tech gadgets to consider to stay healthy, fit and technology forward:

Under Armour Gemini 3 RE smart shoes

The UA Gemini 3 smart shoes record the users running data without the user having to wear expensive wearables like trackers or step and heart rate, monitors.

Available for £110 in the UK and online market places world wide, these shoes act as invisible wearable tech and are designed especially for people who find wearing expensive gadget a little too much of a hassle as they exercise. Why strap on an expensive piece of equipment and worry about it falling off when instead you can simply wear shoes that do all that work for you?

The sports apparel company that designs these shoes has managed to integrate a fitness tracker right into the soles of the Under Armour Gemini 3 RE Smart Shoes smart shoes. These shoes have thus become one of the most intelligent trainers you can slip on before your workout, so the need to wear a smartwatch or a tracker is eliminated. The fitness tracker inside the shoes has an accelerometer that records the running metrics.

There is also a Bluetooth connectivity that updates the data received and recorded to the associated app that can be accessed. The best part of using the UA Gemini 3 smart shoes is that they can be utilized both for the training as well as the main event in case the user is preparing for a marathon or some such.


  • The Chevy Bolt, the unimaginably fuel efficient car
    The Chevy Bolt EV, the Motor Trend's 2017 car of the year is fuel efficient as it gives an estimated EPA of 238 miles. The electric need not be a compact small car with crumpy interiors! The Chevy Bolt EV with its spacious interiors and advanced technology makes it the best luxury fuel efficient car. The advanced braking system of the vehicle where the brakes can be applied by just pulling the paddle on the steering wheel makes it the most user-friendly car. This feature adds to the fuel efficiency as the energy is transferred to the battery instead of being lost when slowing down. Isn't it great to slow down or stop the car by just lifting the foot off the accelerator! This makes this vehicle, even more, fuel efficient. Coming to the gears of the Chevy Bolt EV, the electronic selection of gears makes it easy to apply gears without putting much effort. This electronic vehicle gives a range of 90 miles for 30 minutes of charging which makes it extremely fuel efficient. The best part is that the charging of the car can be done at home with the right equipment. The charging is 5 times faster when compared to the conventional methods of charging. The charging equipment can be installed in the indoor or outdoor which makes it even more convenient to charge. The technology used in designing the battery which is nickel-rich lithium technology adds life to the battery. When coming to exteriors, the perfectly designed exterior makes it a head turner. The detailed information about the vehicle such as the battery level, range estimation, climate controls and the range estimation can be seen on the 10.2-inch touch screen which makes it convenient for the user to manage the vehicle. The features such as Apple Carplay, Andriod Auto, 4G LTE Wi-Fi makes this vehicle a technologically advanced vehicle. The numerous camera and radar based systems installed add to the safety and protection features of the car. The safety features inside the car help in preventing injuries to the driver as well as the passengers as it is designed with 10 airbags!
  • Choosing the right PC case for your build
    Building a PC is easy! You just throw in a bunch of components and a case and bam! Except, until you realize all your hard work goes for naught since they don't fit inside the case. Sound familiar? Well grasshopper, don't worry, we'll tell you all about PC cases and what to watch out for. PC cases can put your components in place. The cooling fans, the PSUs, the long video cards, and all the peripherals. They have drive bays too, so if you're planning to say goodbye to that floppy disk for good, and install a futuristic Blu-ray, those will come in handy. What makes PC cases important is that they contribute to holding the structure in place. Like a building, if the foundation isn't strong, no matter the materials, the entire thing will collapse. See how important they are? Here's what you need to know about PC cases. Factors when choosing a PC case For starters, getting the right PC case can depend on several factors. The first is you decide the dimensions - big, medium or small. Second, you base your decision upon the number of components and drive bays you need. You also decide the dimensions of the drive bays. Here is where you consider how much space your water-cooling tubes, PSUs, and other core components need. You sort out the internal layout for your video cards and processors too at this stage. Third, now for the good part, pick your PC case. Generally, PC cases come in three types: Mini-Towers If you're planning to carry around your PC from place to place and you want a convenient but portable setup, then grabbing a mini-tower PC case is the way to go. These are compact and small in size, and inexpensive. The design is basic and they don't have any fancy designing on them. It's more about function over aesthetics here. Mid-Towers These are good if you are the average gamer and the all-round PC user. Mid-towers are your industry standard PC cases and they are large. They pack a lot of power too. The designing is better in these cases but they may still be quite utilitarian. Functionality, again, is the core emphasis of these cases. These can fit in ATX-sized motherboards. Most users chose this since it has ample space for everything you need. This includes motherboards, CPUs, GPUs, Hard Drives, SSDs, Optical Drives - you name it. Full-Towers The future of computer cases, full towers can fit in anything and everything. They can hold mini ATX to extended ATX motherboards, and dual power supplies. They have optimized cable routing hardware, and ample room for custom loop liquid cooling systems. These can also fit in radiators and are very large in size.
  • All you need to know about business loans
    Availing a business loan might just be the best decision you took for growing your business in the right direction. Business loans are usually taken out to finance major expenses, such as the expansion of operating facilities, the purchase of new or used equipment and anything that furthers your business. Availing a business loan helps cover your long term financial needs while conserving your liquid assets. Creditworthiness of your business is determined by. Capacity: Before availing a business loan, ensure that your business plan demonstrates your business's ability to repay the loan. Tip: your business needs to have 1.25$ of income for every 1$ of loan availed. The 25 cents is allocated to absorb any unexpected expenditure and economical failings. Capital: Providing some amount of capital is a prerequisite to being eligible for a business loan. Capital can be provided by your savings, loan again your house or other sources. The capital assets your business might own, such as real estate or equipment, might interest the lender in proving you a loan. Collateral: Providing a collateral ups the probability of getting approved. Collateral can be property (loan request should be for less than 80% of the property's value) or inventory, accounts receivable. Lending institutions consider the value of the collateral as well as any existing debt you might still owe on it. Conditions and Character: Provide proof of your experience in your industry, your ability to run your business and most importantly that there is market for your business. Your educational background, your general impression on lender and personal credit score are used as indicators to your repayment capacity. The state of the economy and the trends in your industry are external factors which also determine your repayment ability. Open communication with your lender about the opportunities and challenges in your business, create a productive partnership between the lender and you. Starting a business or applying for a business loan must be preceded by having a detailed business plan. Your business plan must ideally be charted for 3-5 years and it should be reviewed and revised if necessary as the business grows. Surround yourself with the right professionals. It is imperative to have an accountant who specializes in your business. Having the right people with sound knowledge are assets you are building which will provide you with the impetus to run your business. Registering your business and determine the legal structure of the business (with the help of your accountant and lawyer) are the administrative loops that need to be tied up. Upon completion of all this, you are now eligible to apply for a business loan
  • Here’s how you can treat body odor
    If there is one thing that can instantly displease you when you meet someone is their body odor. The foul smell can make you feel uncomfortable, and you definitely wouldn’t want other people to feel the same about you. If you have ever experienced bad body odor, you may have wondered how to get rid of body odor. You may want to know the various body odor treatments available. But it can be helpful first to understand what causes body odor so that you can decide the best treatment for your problem. What causes body odor? Body odor is an unpleasant smell that our bodies give off when the bacteria that live on our skin break down sweat into acid. While everyone has some natural body smell, the odor problem may first become evident during puberty and may require proper body odor treatments to keep it away.
    • Obese people or people who have certain medical conditions like diabetes are more prone to body odor problems.
    • There is a general misconception among people that it is the sweat that gives rise to body odor. While it is true that people who sweat more may have a bigger issue at hand, but in all reality, sweat is odorless. It is the rapid growth of bacteria in the sweat that can cause body odor. In most cases, it occurs in areas such as feet, groin, armpits, genitals, belly button or behind the ears.
    Treatment For effective body odor treatments, understanding the different types of sweating can be helpful. There are two types of sweat glands in the human body: eccrine glands and apocrine glands.
    • The eccrine glands secrete sweat to cool the body down when you are exposed to heat or when you are performing any physical activity. This sweat is usually watery and does not have any unpleasant smell.
    • It is the lipids and proteins secreted by the apocrine glands that are smelly. These lipids and proteins become food for the bacteria, which thrive by feeding on them, disrupt the outer shell of the proteins, and cause odor.
    • Seek medical treatment if your body odor problem is persistent.
  • Top 4 home remedies for treating hand-foot-and-mouth disease
    Our body's immune system does a good job of protecting us from the onslaught of various diseases and infections. However, children's immune system isn't as strong as adults, so they are more prone to diseases than we are. One of the most common diseases that affect children is the hand-foot-and-mouth disease. Although this disease affects a majority of children, adults too are vulnerable to this disease since it is highly contagious. The hand-foot-and-mouth disease is characterized by the appearance of angry red sores on the hands, foot, mouth, and even legs and buttocks at times. The hand-foot-and-mouth disease manifests itself in the form of fever, which later progresses to blisters and sores on the arms, legs, and mouth. This disease is highly contagious and can spread easily through the air. For instance, if you come in contact with someone suffering from the hand-foot-and-mouth disease, and they sneeze or cough around you, the chances are high that you might contract the disease. Though the hand-foot-and-mouth disease looks quite formidable, it can be cured easily. Here are some of the effective home remedies that can help get rid of the hand-foot-and-mouth disease.
    • Pink Himalayan Salt- The sores in the mouth makes it difficult for your child to eat or drink water. Since the sores need to be taken care of, a mixture of Pink Himalayan Salt and lukewarm water would do the trick. Mix half teaspoon Pink Himalayan Salt in a glass of lukewarm water. Instruct your child to rinse his mouth with this concoction. Repeating this procedure throughout the day will restore the PH level of the mouth and get rid of the sores.
    • Coconut Oil- Coconut Oil is known to possess medicinal properties. It reduces the misery caused by the hand-foot-and-mouth disease by soothing the sores and blisters that appear on the surface of the arms, legs, and mouth. The antimicrobial and antiviral properties of coconut oil help in combating the virus causing the disease effectively. So, apply coconut oil to the affected area, this will speed up the healing process.
    • Epsom Salt Bath- Epsom Salt is known to act as a soothing agent for agonizing skin conditions. The sores and blisters are quite sensitive, and children tend to pick the blisters because of the irritation it causes. Prepare a bath with Epsom Salt in it, and soak in it for 20 to 30 minutes. It will provide relief from the incessant itching sensation.
    • Elderberry- Elderberry is highly antiseptic, antiviral, antifungal, and can be used to treat sores and blisters effectively. This concoction combats the infection and restricts the blisters from spreading to the different parts of the body and clears the skin after regular use.
  • Smart Tips for Retirement Income Planning
    Planning for retirement is a crucial part for individuals of every age. If you are nearing retirement, you might assume that your life will slow down, and you will be able to make room for leisure. However, in order to maintain the lifestyle, you need to do effective retirement income planning so that you need not worry about the finances and the money. Here are a few essential tips for retirement planning. Pay off the outstanding debts If you have debts of any kind, it is important to ensure that you retire debt free. Do not carry on the burden of debt to your retirement years. Being debt-free should be your primary goal during retirement. You need to start early and target the consumer debt first. Consider the number of monthly payments you will have to make to go debt free and act upon it immediately. Select primary accounts If you have different bank accounts, you need to simplify them by choosing one or two accounts and moving all the balances there. You should limit the finances to a single checking and savings account. Liquidate the other accounts so that you do not have to maintain a minimum balance in the same. It will also make it easier for you to manage the funds at all times. Consider annuity Annuities are financial instruments that are perfect for retirement income planning. They offer fixed income to retired individuals and they come in a range of variations. You will receive a fixed income payment over the period and the payment will be stable. Hence, even if you think annuities are difficult to understand, they are worth the time and investment. Consolidate your investments Your investment account might have too many stocks or funds. It could become difficult to handle in the long term. Hence, if the funds overlap each other, you should not diversify the portfolio any further. Simplify your investments by consolidating the portfolio. You can achieve the right diversification in your investment portfolio with lower fees and fewer funds. Consider these tips for retirement income planning and start working on them as soon as you can. Always keep in mind that you need to have a stable source of income during your retirement, hence, consider investment products that offer fixed income and are low in risk. During retirement, it is all about simplifying your accounts and investments.