Teeth cleaning guide with Oral B electric toothbrush

Our oral health is what decides the quality of our smile and our overall well-being as well. There are many things that depend on the health of our teeth, gums, and mouth in general. While a regular dental check up is a must for all of us, there are also many ways in which we can ensure that we have our oral health taken care of on an everyday basis. Using a good toothbrush like the Oral B Electric toothbrush is one such measure. Let us find out more such tips for good oral health!

• Brushing your Teeth: While this is a no brainer, it takes a visit to the dentist for many people to find out the correct way of brushing their teeth. One should always brush one’s teeth at least twice a day, and after every meal whenever possible. This will ensure that the bacteria and grime do not settle and cause gum inflammation and infection at a later date. Apart from this, the right way to brush your teeth is to allow your toothbrush to go in an up and down motion for at least a minute over each section of your jaw. Remember not to run the toothbrush too hard over your teeth as this can cause damage to the enamel in the long run. Furthermore, you should use an electric toothbrush like the Oral B electric toothbrush so that the speed and pressure are regulated in the correct way.

• Flossing: Also, it is important to floss your teeth regularly so that the inner crevices can be cleaned. One can also use floss at the end of the day, so that smallest food particle which may be stuck between the teeth can be effectively removed. This will also prevent the buildup of plaque and any kind of staining due to the food that may end up rotting in the teeth and gums. You can also use a mouthwash to rinse your mouth regularly in case you do not have the time to floss on a daily basis.

• Choosing your Toothbrush: You should typically choose a toothbrush with rounded bristles so that the texture is not harsh and your enamel remains intact. Constant use of an abrasive toothbrush can lead to damage to the teeth due to the erosion of the enamel. This will eventually make the teeth weak and susceptible to gum disease and inflammation of the gums as well. You can take your pick from manual and electric toothbrushes like the well-known Oral B electric toothbrush for your brushing needs.

• Choosing your Toothpaste: You should choose a type that has at least 1,350 parts per million fluorides. This will ensure that your teeth are shining clean and no plaque gets to settle in any corner of the mouth. Yet, for children who are under six years of age, the amount of fluoride should be no more than 1,000 parts per million. This will ensure that their growing teeth do not get awash with chemicals.


  • 10 home remedies to reduce body odor
    Having body odor is bad, but trying to suppress it with deodorants and perfumes without even knowing how to get rid of body odor can only worsen your problem. Below are 10 home remedies to keep your body odor away. Good hygiene If you keep yourself clean, there will be no bacteria and fungus on your skin. This may certainly help you to deal with body odor effectively. Witch Hazel Lowering the pH level of your body can give you freedom from body odor. In this regard, Witch Hazel can work as a body odor treatment because it balances body pH levels. Wheat grass juice Mix two tablespoon of wheat grass juice with 1 cup of water and drink it every morning. If you have a strong body odor, then drinking this can certainly help you. Homemade deodorizers By mixing sage, pine, lavender and coriander oil, you can make a homemade deodorizer that will help you to deal with body odor. Body odor treatments need not always be artificial or chemically made. The ones made at home can also be effective in getting rid of body odor. A healthy diet Healthy eating will give a boost to your metabolism. This leads to a reduction in body odor. Fiber clothing Wearing cotton clothing can be one of the best body odor treatments. If a person has a foul body smell, then it is good to wear clothes made with natural fibers as they absorb perspiration better and helps keep the body cool. White vinegar Vinegar is another good home remedy using which you can control pH levels of your body. You can add a small cup of white vinegar in water and use this water to bathe. Tea tree oil Tea tree oil contains antiseptic properties that help to reduce fungus and germs from your body. Thus it is one of the best body odor treatments too. Celery Celery is beneficial for getting rid of bad odor as they help the body rid of toxins. Lemon extract Enriched with vitamin C, lemon extract is one of the best body odor treatments. Besides maintaining your body pH levels, lemon extract helps to heal your skin internally. With regular use, these body odor treatments can help you feel fresh all day long.
  • How to manage blood sugar and hypertension through diet
    You will be surprised to know that two out of three people suffer from high blood pressure. It is, therefore, important to count the carbohydrate, limit the intake of sugar and eat less salt. But the great news is, you can still eat well while managing the complications of diabetes and high blood pressure. What should you eat to help reduce blood sugar? High blood pressure can pave the way for cardiac arrest and different types of cardiovascular diseases. In addition to regular exercise and abstaining from alcohol, it is important to eat a healthy and well-balanced diet to reduce the effects of diabetes and improve the overall quality of life. Here are certain foods, which can help reduce blood sugar to a significant extent. Fruits and vegetables: Make sure that your daily diet contains optimum levels of fruits and vegetables. This is because fruits and vegetables can provide high amounts of minerals, vitamins and most importantly, anti-oxidants. But it is also important to abide by the recommended portion size, since certain vegetables contain high amounts of starch. You should include lots of berries, tomatoes, plums, kiwis, spinach, avocados, Brussels sprouts, red and green bell peppers and cauliflower. You can also eat small portions of squash, baked potatoes, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin. Whole grains: Whole grains should be included in your high blood pressure diet as they can offer rich amounts of dietary fiber and nutrients. Any product made of whole grains is regarded as a high source of low glycemic carbohydrate, which can bring about a healthy change in the blood sugar levels and keep you full for longer. You should eat a lot of tortillas, quinoa, wild rice, whole grain bread and air-popped popcorn to help reduce blood sugar. Food rich in lean protein: Even though protein sources that offer high-fat such as whole milk, red meat and poultry can aggravate blood pressure and sugar, lean proteins can improve the sugar level in the body. You should, therefore, include turkey and chicken in your high blood pressure diet in place of meat poultry and red meat. The Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet is a proven approach to prevent hypertension and reduce blood sugar levels. This diet encourages 2 to 3 servings of dairy products along with 5 to 6 servings of lean meat, fish or poultry. You should also opt for a low-fat cooking medium such as baking, steaming and grilling, using canola oil or olive oil. Aim to clock your meals and eat from time to time. You should not allow a long gap between meals and reduce sodium intake. Plus, an important part of reducing the blood pressure level is to cut down caffeine and alcohol intake as they can wreak havoc on your cardiac health. Through these simple dietary changes, you will be able to reduce hypertension and blood sugar levels.
  • Lifestyle remedies for urinary incontinence
    Your bladder control treatment plan may include a combination of medicines, surgery and lifestyle modifications. In most cases of mild urinary incontinence, simple diet and lifestyle changes can help lessen or treat the problem completely. Even for severe cases, lifestyle remedies are essential to keep the bladder healthy and strong. Here are some lifestyle remedies or modifications to aid the treatment of urinary incontinence. Diet changes: Your bladder control treatment may not work well if you continue to eat a diet that is not okay for your urinary system.
    • Avoid or limit your consumption of alcohol, caffeine and citrus juice.
    • Eat tomatoes, chocolates and spicy food in moderation. For best results, you may avoid these foods altogether for the duration of your bladder control treatment.
    • Add more fiber to your diet.
    The foods mentioned above can cause bladder inflammation and irritation. These foods can also aggravate an existing bladder problem. Healthy eating can also minimize your risk of getting urinary incontinence due to diabetes and obesity. Weight management: Obesity can be a risk factor for urinary incontinence. Excess weight not only puts pressure on the bladder but also increases your chances of getting diabetes. Diabetes often causes urinary incontinence as the body attempts to eliminate excess glucose through urine.
    • Shedding any excess weight can be very useful in managing urinary incontinence.
    • Mild to high-intensity physical activity depending on your general health can go a long way in keeping your bladder healthy.
    Other remedies: Along with diet and exercise, there are other lifestyle remedies that can help with your bladder control treatment.
    • Smoking can cause coughing and worsen your stress incontinence (urine loss due to sudden pressure). Smoking can also increase your risk for type 2 diabetes and cancers of the bladder, rectum, and colon, which can cause urinary incontinence. If you smoke, quitting the habit may help you in the treatment of urinary incontinence.
    • Proper hydration can help you avoid infections in the urinary tract, which can cause bladder problems.
    Whether you have mild urinary incontinence or a severe problem in your bladder, these diet and lifestyle modification may be helpful for you.
  • Acrylic Sinks: A critical review
    When looking for a kitchen sink to install inside your house kitchen, you must remember a number of factors. Just choosing a sink based on how stylish it will look and the attention it will draw may not be a good idea. With the changing times, the market is flooded with various options of kitchen sinks made using different materials. On one hand, you can get a traditional kitchen sink made using porcelain, granite, copper and stainless steel. On the other hand, you can have versions made using fiberglass and acrylic. There has been a recent increase in the demand for acrylic sinks owing to its easy availability. However, before arriving at any decision and later regretting it; first let us find out what makes acrylic sinks a favorite among kitchen sink seekers. What is an acrylic sink? Acrylic sink, also known as Polyester sink is relatively less expensive as compared to stainless steel or enamel kitchen sinks. These are available in a variety of colors and are much easier to install inside the kitchen space. The recent addition to acrylic sinks has been the granite sinks made using granite and acrylic resin. The Acrylic sinks offer a great combination of style and durability for a long time. Acrylic sinks are available in various patterns and styles, and one can either go for a single or double tub acrylic sink. The placement of the drains also has a great effect. How is Acrylic sink made? Acrylic Sinks are made by surface coating through rock particles that make it non-porous and non-absorbent in nature. The acrylic sinks are also not prone to cracks and stains. What are the pros and cons of having an acrylic sink installed in the kitchen?
    1. The acrylic kitchen sinks are light in weight and easier to install as compared to sinks made from stainless steel and other material.
    2. In comparison to stainless steel sinks, these have the property of being sound absorbent as these can dampen the noise caused by utensils while cleaning.
    3. Acrylic sinks can be easily cleaned using a non-abrasive cleaner; these do not require any specialized cleaning products to remove any marks.
    4. These are also scratch-proof and not prone to getting stains. However, in the long run, it is essential to protect them from stains.
    5. A majority of acrylic sinks come with a solid surface and germ-fighting properties along with a problem-free drainage system. This makes them the best choice for installing in the kitchen area.
    6. Exposure to petroleum-based products can damage their surface, and further use of non-abrasive material can leave stains on the sink's body.
    7. These might withstand high temperatures, but the acrylic material is prone to thermal shock and can melt the material.
  • Top 5 Causes of Swollen Ankles and Feet
    Multiple factors could cause swollen ankles and feet. In most cases, it is neither a permanent problem nor an issue that has long-term implications for your health. However, swollen ankles and feet are bothersome and uncomfortable for many people. One needs to take some measures to reduce it. As the pain and swelling go down, people can return to their day-to-day activities. Let's have a look at some causes of swollen ankles and feet. Edema One of the more common causes of swollen feet and ankles, in this condition, fluid gets trapped in the tissues of your body. Patients with edema experience swelling and puffiness under the skin of their legs, feet, and ankles. It can also have an impact on their hands and arms. Mild edema cases will go away on its own. Here are some symptoms of edema:
    • Difficulty in walking
    • An increase in your abdominal size
    • Shiny or stretchy skin
    Pregnancy Pregnant women often deal with swollen ankles and feet. During pregnancy, the body increases water retention and starts producing more blood and other body fluids. Pregnant women might also have to deal with swollen ankles in the evening if they are on their feet all day long. Usually, women start getting affected by swollen ankles after the 5th month of their pregnancy. Alcohol Consuming excessive alcohol is one of the major causes of swollen ankles and feet. When one drinks an excess amount of alcohol, their body starts to retain water which causes swollen ankles and feet. However, this issue goes away within a few days. If it does not, then individuals should go to a doctor as soon as possible. Hot weather If you stay at a place where the weather is generally hot, then you can experience trouble with swollen ankles quite frequently. Due to the expansion of one's veins in the heat, fluids go into the nearby tissues. People with circulatory problems are more prone to this condition. Injury Injuries to your foot such as sprains, strains, or even broken bones can cause swollen ankles and feet. When you injure your foot, blood rushes to the affected area and causes swelling. Through RICE (Resting, Icing, Compression, and Elevation) treatment, one can avoid this situation easily. These are the top five reasons for swollen ankles and feet. Generally, this problem goes away within a few days. In case it does not, consider getting medical advice.
  • 4 handy tips to battle body odor
    Body odor can be a very embarrassing problem. If you suffer from this problem, you are probably curious about the various body odor treatments. For severe body odor problems, you may also wonder about home remedies or simple treatments options. Here are some tips that will help you deal with your problem without too much of an effort. Some tips to reduce body odor There may have been times when you felt that you don’t smell good. Perhaps you had an important meeting, but the unpleasant smell emanating from your body may have ruined your confidence. While there are many body odor treatments that you may want to try, here are some immediate steps that you can take to reduce your body odor problem.
    • Maintain cleanliness: The first thing you should understand here is that body odor is mostly a result of too much sweat and bacteria. So, the cleaner you are, the lesser you will be prone to unpleasant body odors. Take a bath more than once daily if you sweat excessively. Maintain your cleanliness and hygiene; that’s the basic step required for all body odor treatments.
    • Use anti-bacterial soaps: As mentioned earlier, body odor is caused by bacteria so using an anti-bacterial soap can help in reducing the bacteria count in your body, thereby, preventing body odor as well.
    • Dry completely using a towel: After a bath, make sure that you completely dry yourself. Particularly the areas that are prone to sweating such as the armpits should be dried off completely. Bacteria find it harder to breed in dry areas.
    • Cut down on the spicy foods: Food items that are too spicy can cause you to sweat more. If you are prone to sweating excessively, cutting down on hot peppers and spicy foods can help you.
    Apart from the above tips, carry a good deodorant with you always and keep your wardrobe squeaky clean. These tips along with some effective medical body odor treatments can help you get rid of this problem completely.