Toddler-friendly healthy snacks ideas

As parents, we all know that toddlers can be real finicky eaters. No matter how much you plan and prepare some interesting snacks but your kid would still be wasting food and not completing the meals. If you are trying hard every day to give some healthy twist to the snacks for your toddlers, then grab some of these ideas.

Experiment with fresh fruit
There is nothing better than a bowl of fresh fruit. But what if you experiment with fresh fruit and give a healthy twist to the snacks for your toddlers. Fruits are loaded with vitamins and minerals and are packed with fiber. This makes them a must-have in the meals for your toddlers. A bowl with freshly sliced apples, bananas, mixed berries, and grapes would be good to go at first. If your toddler is not very fond of fruits you can always add some fresh cream to the fruit plate and make it delicious.

Scrambled eggs are always a hit
Eggs are full of protein and are a healthier option for your toddlers. Scrambled eggs can be made within a few minutes and can be served with parmesan bread for a delicious plate of healthy meal. You can also try adding cheese and turkey or you can wrap the same in a tortilla. This is an amazing and tasty healthy snacks choices when you do not have many options in your home but still, want to prepare interesting yet healthy snacks for your kid.

Mash it up
Your toddler’s days of eating mashed food are always following but there can still be newer things being experimented when it comes to mashed food. Have you wondered about mashing up black beans, sweet potato, or avocado? Mashed munchies are some of the best healthy snacks ideas for your toddlers if you want to add some healthy edge to the mashed foods.

Healthy fruit shakes
A fruity milkshake can be anything but boring. You can try adding yogurt for adding more flavor, and it also adds in more calcium and protein. If you are looking for better consistency, then add frozen fruit. Your toddler would be picky with foods but if you add an interesting twist, they cannot avoid it for sure. Grab some of these toddler-friendly easy healthy snacks ideas.


  • 3 common types of home elevators
    Home elevators are specially designed for use in apartments and private homes for personal use. In most cases, these elevators are installed for older adults in the house who have difficulties in climbing stairs. Individuals with mobility issues will also find such home elevators very useful. Many also install home elevators as a lifestyle statement or to increase the value of their house. Unlike commercial elevators, home elevators have different designs in terms of style and size, which are more suited for residential properties. Here are the three most common types of home elevators to be found in the market:
    • Hydraulic elevators: This type of elevator is powered by the pumping of hydraulic fluid through a valve to a cylinder located in the hydraulic arm of the elevator. Pressure is generated by the fluid forcing a piston in the mechanism to move upward. The movement of the piston pushes the elevator up. Most hydraulic elevators require more space than other types of elevators for set up and installation. Homeowners have to create a separate machine room if they want a hydraulic cable elevator in their house. Moreover, this type of elevator requires regular maintenance and servicing, which can make them more expensive than the other types of elevators.
    • Chain elevators: These elevators use counterweights for balance and are operated using chains. A toothed flywheel is located at the top of the elevator. The chain goes over the flywheel and through the counterweights located at the bottom. The flywheel is turned by a geared motor that is located at the top of the shaft of the elevator. This motor powers the elevator to move up and down. Since a chain lasts for nearly 20 years, chain elevators are more cost-effective as compared to cable elevators that last for hardly 5 years.
    • Pneumatic elevators: Also known as PVE, pneumatic vacuum elevators are the latest innovations in elevator technology. These elevators use a vacuum system and do not require counterweights, pistons, chains, and cables. There are no machine rooms or pits required for setting up or the installation of this type of elevator. The elevator is placed in a tube-shaped cab, and it is self-supported. The elevator is powered by a system of air pressure, turbines, and pumps. These move the elevator up and down. PVEs are usually noisier than the other types of elevators.
    Tags: home elevators
  • Pamper yourself with best luxury face scrubs
    You deserve the best and pampering yourself now and then will keep you feeling great. Everyone has their version of a beauty routine, one that involves keeping your face and hair in the best condition. A face scrub is a must in any beauty routine. Today, you can find all sorts of facial products that are simple to use and very effective too. Find the best exfoliating face scrub that suits your skin time, and use it to avail the many benefits of using the scrub on a regular basis. Below are some reasons to use a face scrub: The pollution and the dust in the surroundings affect the skin and even gets deposited. Washing your face with a normal face wash just won't do. Our skin constantly rejuvenates, and so there is a lot of dead skin that needs to be removed. This is where the best exfoliating face scrub comes in. The scrub removes all the ingrained dirt and the dead skin. This will improve the overall look of the face and will get you feeling fresh. Scrubbing off the old flaky version will leave your skin feeling soft and smooth. Benefits of using a face scrub: There are numerous benefits of using an exfoliating face scrub. Apart from making your face feel fresh, it is suggested by all beauty experts for various other reasons too:
    • A good face scrub improves the texture of your skin in the long run. It will remove all the dirt and keep your skin fresh.
    • Using a face scrub on a daily basis is also known to slow down the aging of the skin.
    • Scrubbing 2 to 3 times a week can have a healing effect on the skin.
    • It keeps the pores open and breathing. This will make you feel active and fresh all through the week.
    • The clogging of pores is the main reason behind acne. Using a face scrub opens up the pores and leaves the skin looking healthy.
    • Moisturizers are better absorbed by the exfoliated skin as the pores are open. You can use the sunscreen you want and reap its benefits when your skin is free of all the dirt.
    Tips on using a face scrub: It is important to get a face scrub that will suit your skin type. There are different ones for each skin type available in the market. Once you find the best exfoliating face scrub, you can use it few times a week to benefit from it. First, wash your face and then apply the scrub in a circular motion. The areas that you should focus on are the nose and the forehead. Once you are done scrubbing, be sure to wash your face thoroughly. You can then apply a smooth moisturizer to your face to prevent parched skin. While one of the best exfoliating face scrubs is essential, overusing it can harm your skin. It is best not to use it on a daily basis. It is best to give a break of a day or two before using it again. Best exfoliating face scrubs you can find: Many brands are competing to bring you the best exfoliating face scrub. You can find it in all forms and flavors. Caudalie deep cleansing exfoliator, Earth Science apricot facial scrub, and Fresh Sugar face polish are few of the popular ones you can find. Once you get into the habit of using a face scrub, you cannot go a week without it. The freshness and the glow it gives is unparalleled. You can experiment with face scrubs of your favorite flavor till you find one that suits you best.
  • Must try home remedies for quick tooth pain relief
    People generally suffer from mild to severe intensities of a toothache due to their eating habits, which generally include a very high intake of sweet foods. Toothaches can be caused due to several other reasons such as unhygienic teeth and emergence of wisdom tooth. Some of the things that can be tried at home as tooth pain treatments are: Cloves Cloves have been used for toothaches since time immemorial. The extracted oil is now packaged in bottles. Cloves contain eugenol that is a painkiller as well as powerful antiseptic substance. The method of action of cloves is still unknown but its effectiveness has been tested and proven. Clove oil blocks the sensation of pain by acting on the pain sensors, thus reducing tooth pain. You could also insert a clove bud in between your teeth near the affected area. Alcohol Many people generally don’t consider treating tooth ache with alcohol, but in exceptional cases where medical aid is delayed, it can be used for temporary tooth pain relief. You may use alcohol to make the affected area numb, by using a dab of cotton dipped in brandy or whiskey. The alcohol-soaked cotton must be pressed on the affected area to reduce the tooth ache. Salt water treatment It is the simplest method to assuage tooth ache. One must swish a mouthful of warm salt water for a while and spit it out. Salt water eliminates the harm caused due to the lactic acid generated from sugar particles that are responsible for harming the enamel and pulp of the teeth. These are some of the commonly used methods to experience tooth pain relief. It should be noted that these are only certain primary treatment tips, which can be used by everyone without adverse side effects. However, persistent pain and discomfort must be treated by consulting a dentist at the earliest.
  • Why dental care is a must for all
    As they say, prevention is always better than cure. The same applies to your oral healthcare. Spending thousands of dollars on your teeth and gum problems can be a nightmare that you can avoid by simply caring for your dental health on a routine basis. If you are unaware of the reasons to take good dental care, check out some of the popular ways listed below! Prevention of gum diseases: Gums are the foundation of your teeth and they keep your teeth affixed at their place. Not doing enough for dental care may lead to infections in your gum tissues or bones. This may further lead to tooth loss, if not treated timely. However, you may avoid this situation by daily brushing and cleaning of your teeth and gums effectively. You may use tools like a Waterpik water flosser to ensure better cleaning and plaque removal through proper flossing. Early detection of dental problems: If you care for your teeth and visit a dentist once every six months or so, then you can detect dental issues at an early stage. This will help you check for any cavity, gum problem, inflammation, or damaged filling. With right dental care, you can avoid a stage where you would need a root canal procedure or tooth removal. Your dentist can also correct the problem at the initial stage and suggest proper ways of dental care on a routine basis. Avoiding bad breath: It is a common issue to have bad breath or halitosis. However, good dental care will avoid dental problems like halitosis. While regular dental checkup is required, proper cleaning of teeth, gums, and tongue through brushing and flossing is also essential. If you find these tasks problematic, then invest in helpful items like a Waterpik water flosser, which can save your flossing time and keep the process clean. Your breath will then stay fresh throughout the day. Preventing stains: Many people are addicted to things like tobacco, alcohol, coffee, etc. Their regular consumption may leave the teeth stained. If untreated, this can lead to other oral diseases. Thus, effective dental care is critical to prevent staining of your teeth and keep them polished for that bright white look. Ensuring good oral health: Good dental care and regular examination by a hygienist can help in maintaining your oral health. You can avoid innumerable dental issues, such as gingivitis, missing teeth, sensitivity, fractured tooth, worn enamel or filling, dry mouth, and something horrible like oral cancer. Every part of your mouth is important, starting from gum tissues and teeth to jaw and palate. Thus, keep a check on your dental care habits. Maintaining good overall health: Keeping your mouth clean not only ensures good oral health, but also good physical health. Not maintaining oral hygiene can be a cause of other physical health problems that may be as serious as heart attacks.
  • Fresh and healthy home made breads
    Bread acts as a good source of carbohydrate to kick start your day. People on a lower calorie diet prefer breads made of grains that are low on carbs and calories. If you are carb conscious and regular multi grain breads seem bland to you, try these fresh and healthy homemade bread recipes. Zesty zucchini bread Baking zucchini bread may seem intricate but it is as easy- to- make as any other bread. What's best, it has a fresh new flavor, awesome taste and all the goodness of the veggie itself. Zucchini adds moisture to the bread and makes it rich, delightful and wholesome. To make the bread, in a batter of all purpose or whole wheat flour, egg whites, ground cinnamon and chopped nuts add grated zucchini and mix until smooth. Bake the batter for up to an hour and let the bread cool off. Start your day with this awesome treat at breakfast alongside some yogurt and honey! Olive breads You don't have to have a complex recipe to round out a tasty meal. Outstanding olive breads can be made with a very basic recipe. For a smooth and elastic dough, mix flour, yeast, black olives, olive oil, salt and water and knead well. Set the dough aside and cover it up with a towel, once the dough rises, knead once again. Bake the dough for about half an hour and set aside to cool it down. Olive breads are soft and fluffy with a crispy crust. You could make the flavor vary by using the olive of your choice! Cauli bread There's good news for the carbo phobic who considers all breads to be bad, try cauliflower bread! Cauli bread is a super tasty and convenient alternative to regular carb laden breads. With cauli breads, you could make every breakfast comforting and wholesome! This bread is dense, flavorful and not at all heavy. To make the bread, microwave finely chopped cauliflower for 10 minutes, add eggs, cheese, salt, pepper and mix well. Bake the mixture until golden and serve hot with ketchup! Rice Bread Though heavier than ordinary bread, rice breads are a boon for folks with gluten intolerance. It is made of rice flour and is super easy to bake! Some people use brown rice flour as a healthier alternative. You could use ingredients like white and brown rice flour, xanthan gum, plain gelatin, sugar and egg substitute, fat free milk substitute and the like to make the batter. Rice bread recipes have several variants that you can find from sundry food website.
  • 3 Common Reasons for Experiencing Left Side Back Pain
    According to a report, around 80% of Americans experience pain in the lower left side of their back. There are multiple reasons for experiencing left side back pain. Although there are some minor issues, such as muscle strains, in the case of which the body can heal itself within a certain time. However, if the pain persists, then you may require the attention of a specialist. Let’s have a look at the three common reasons behind experiencing back pain on the left side of the body. Muscle strain This is perhaps the most common reason for the left side back pain. When your muscles in the back get overworked due to a fall or any such reasons, you will feel this pain. In most cases, torn muscles are the cause of the pain. So, your doctor will begin your treatment by asking about your medical history and checking for the following:
    • Weakness in the muscles
    • Some signals that will indicate a rupture in the muscles
    • Feeling of discomfort during multiple range motion exercises
    • Localized tenderness
    The bottom line is that left side back pain due to muscle strain can be really painful, but within a few days, it will go away. Spinal structure If the cause of your left side back pain is not a muscle strain, then the doctors will next check whether the pain is related to your spinal structure. Some of the common causes of the left back pain due to the spinal structure include the following:
    • Facet joint pain
    • Sacroiliac joint dysfunction
    • Lumbar herniated disc
    If your doctor finds out that spinal structure is the cause of your pain, then he or she will perform any of the following;
    • Neurologic exam
    • Leg raise test
    • Reflex test
    Also, if the doctor feels it necessary, then he or she may ask you to undergo an X-ray, MRI, or CT-scan that will reveal the actual cause of the pain. Internal organs Though it is very rare, the cause of your left side back pain might be due to problems in your internal organs that could include the following:
    • Pregnancy
    • Pancreatitis
    • Kidney infection
    • Ulcerative colitis
    • Kidney stones
    • Gynecological disorders
    If the internal organs are the cause of your back pain, then your recent medical history will be really helpful in determining the right treatment. Also, you may have to go for an X-ray, MRI, or CT-scan to confirm that a certain internal organ is the cause of your left side back pain.