Top 7 time-saving cleaning hacks

Maintaining a clean and organized home is visually appealing and essential for the inhabitants’ overall well-being. A neat living environment promotes good hygiene, reduces the risk of illness, and creates a sense of calm and tranquility. That said, the task of cleaning can often feel overwhelming and time-consuming. That is where cleaning hacks come in handy. You can streamline your cleaning routine by implementing a few smart strategies and time-saving techniques.

This article will explore five effective cleaning hacks that will revolutionize how you approach cleaning.

Create a cleaning schedule
One of the most effective ways to save time on cleaning is to create a schedule for it. Planning and dedicating specific days and times for different cleaning tasks ensures that every task is completed without feeling overburdened. A neat and organized residence enhances its aesthetic appeal and contributes to a healthier living environment. Regular cleaning helps eliminate dust, allergens, and bacteria, reducing the risk of respiratory issues and allergies. Furthermore, a clean and clutter-free space promotes mental well-being, allowing you to focus and relax. With a well-planned cleaning schedule, you can efficiently maintain cleanliness, leading to a healthier and more balanced lifestyle.

Do little by little
Plan to do the cleaning jobs for a short period; otherwise, it will tire you. Set a timer for the fixed duration and start working towards decluttering and wiping as much space as possible. Plan the room to be cleaned and complete it there first, without flitting between different areas. Do the vacuuming or mopping as the last task.

Gather your supplies in one place
It is possible to dramatically reduce the time required to clean by storing all your cleaning materials in a single, conveniently accessible location. Put together a cleaning caddy or use a bucket to collect all necessary products, such as an all-purpose cleaner, microfiber towels, scrub brushes, and gloves. You won’t have to waste time searching for materials throughout the various rooms of the house if you do it this way. In addition, give some thought to employing cleaning chemicals that are adaptable and can be employed on a variety of different kinds of surfaces. By doing this, you won’t have to hire professional cleaners with specialized skills, saving you both time and money.

Use the two-minute rule
The two-minute rule is a productivity principle that can be applied to cleaning tasks. The idea is to tackle small tasks immediately if they can be completed in two minutes or less. Following this rule can prevent small chores from piling up and becoming overwhelming. Instead of procrastinating and letting clutter or minor cleaning tasks accumulate, take a few moments to address them immediately. Whether it’s wiping down a surface, putting away items, or tidying up a specific area, the two-minute rule helps you maintain a cleaner and more organized home in a time-efficient manner.

Optimize your cleaning techniques
Finding efficient cleaning techniques can significantly affect the time it takes to complete a task. For example, when dusting, start from the top and work your way down to prevent dust from settling on already-cleaned surfaces. Use microfiber cloths instead of paper towels, as they are more effective at picking up dirt and can be reused. Additionally, consider using cleaning tools with extendable handles to reach high and low areas without needing a step stool or bending over. These small adjustments can save you time and effort during your cleaning sessions.

Delegate and simplify
Cleaning doesn’t have to be a one-person job. Involving other house members in the cleaning process lightens your workload and promotes a sense of shared responsibility. Delegate age-appropriate cleaning tasks to children or assign specific chores to your partner or roommates. By dividing the cleaning duties, you can save considerable time and create a more efficient cleaning routine. Additionally, simplifying your living spaces by decluttering and finding effective storage solutions can significantly reduce the time you spend tidying up the areas. Removing unnecessary items and organizing your belongings makes cleaning faster and creates a more visually appealing and stress-free environment.

Make the room smell fresh
Maintaining a pleasant-smelling living space is also part of cleaning. Use non-toxic room fresheners. Place scented absorbent papers in the bottom of waste bins to prevent leakage and smells from emanating.

Keeping your home clean is important for your physical and mental health. With the above five cleaning hacks to save time, you can change the way you tidy up the rooms and get more leisure time. Making a cleaning schedule ensures that jobs are spread evenly and keeps you from getting too busy. If you keep your cleaning supplies in one place, you won’t have to waste time looking for them. Choosing versatile cleaning products will help you avoid buying too many specialized ones. By eliminating clutter and organizing, you can make your living areas easier to clean and create a more peaceful environment. With these tips and tricks, you can keep your home neat and arranged while saving time and living a better and more balanced life.


  • Low blood sugar – Causes, symptoms and treatment
    Low blood sugar, which is also called hypoglycemia, is a result of your body being unable to fuel all the cells in your body, due to low sugar in the blood. Also called as insulin reaction or insulin shock; this can be anything below 70 mg/dL or 3.8 mmol. Causes of low blood sugar A drop in blood sugar can be caused due to many factors. These include:
    • The glucose in your body gets used up too quickly
    • The production of glucose by the body is too low
    • Glucose is released too slowly into the bloodstream
    • If there is too much insulin in the bloodstream.
    • Excess consumption of alcohol
    • Sometimes, a tumor in the pancreas can cause insulin to be produced in excess, this is called insulinoma
    • Lack of certain hormones like the growth hormones, thyroid hormones or cortisol
    • Heart, liver or kidney failure
    Certain infections like sepsis which affects the whole body Symptoms of low blood sugar The symptoms that you might face if you have low blood sugar are:
    • Heart palpitation or rapid heart beat
    • Sudden mood swings
    • Fatigue
    • Anxiety or nervousness
    • Change in color and paleness of skin
    • Headaches
    • Hunger pangs
    • Weakness
    • Excess Sweating
    • Insomnia or difficulty falling asleep
    • Blurry vision
    • Dizziness
    • Tingling feeling all over your skin
    • Inability to think or concentrate clearly
    • Loss of consciousness
    • Seizures
    • Coma
    How to prevent low blood sugar Here are a few ways to help you prevent low blood sugar: Eat nuts - Nuts contain unsaturated fats that slow down the body's ability to absorb sugar, especially nuts like almonds, walnuts, and pistachios. Make sure to have around six almonds or walnuts the first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Eat whole grains - Whole grains like oat, barley and rye are all rich in fiber and contain a soluble fiber called as beta-glucan. Beta-glucan prevents your blood from running out of glucose too fast.however, whole grains also contain carbohydrates so make sure you don't consume too much of it as carbohydrates will raise your blood sugar level Eat vegetables - Vegetables are a good source of fiber. Non-starchy vegetables like broccoli, cucumber, and carrots can help keep your blood sugar levels in check. Vegetables like spinach and kale are rich in iron and phosphorous which is also good for your blood sugar levels, so include this in your diet too. Never skip meals - Make sure you have all your meals through the day and not skip any. Your breakfast is the most important meal of the day, don't skip it. Your lunch keeps you going through the day so fill your plate up with protein and energy filled foods. At dinner, you can have a smaller meal. Apart from these three meals, you should have tinier bites in between to regulate the glucose level in your body. Exercise - It is very important to follow a consistent exercise regime. This helps regulate your blood sugar levels and contributes to the overall wellness of your body. Incorporate at least 30 minutes of physical exercise on a daily basis.
  • 4 Affordable Fashion Jewelry Brands

    Jewelry is that one important fashion accessory for a woman that can put the entire outfit together and add an extra shine and sparkle to their body. Looking for affordable jewelry is very easy these days, once click on the internet and you get what you want. You just log onto the internet and browse through different e-commerce sites and e-stores that can easily refine your search based on preferences and budget. But how do you know about the quality and durability of those products? That’s when you need to count on reputed brands even if it's for artificial fashion jewelry because reputed brands have their image to protect and all those online reviews as well!

    Here are 4 of the best brands to buy fashion jewelry without burning a hole in your wallets.

    This is one of the trendiest stores a woman can walk into. H&M keeps up with the latest trends and fashion like no other brand out there. From funky and chunky jewelry to sophisticated and classy jewelry, H&M makes it all. You can easily find their jewelry from online websites or directly from their website as well as in stores. H&M also has a lot of seasonal sales that you can easily take full advantage of when you are on a tight budget. If you are looking for classy and sophisticated jewelry but on a tight budget, H&M is the best brand for you. Apart from the fabulous clothes that H&M creates, they also have a large collection of accessories, handbags, and shoes that you can choose from.

    New Look
    This is an upcoming brand from Europe which has become famous all over the world. The brand has affordable fashion for every girl and woman. The brand makes the best clothes, shoes, jewelry, and accessories at affordable rates. You can easily shop for this brand online at every fashion e-commerce stores as well as in store. You can find the best quality jewelry at affordable rates and they are extremely durable and last you years! If you are looking for neon, funky and extremely loud jewelry, then this might not be the brand for you. For trendy and more sophisticated jewelry and accessories, New Look is perfect for you.

    This brand is very famous on online e-commerce websites as well as malls. Adore makes affordable and very good quality jewelry and accessories for girls and mature women. They make everything from fancy hair accessories to funky, trendy as well as sophisticated jewelry. You can also find some fancy designs for handbags, purses, sling bags as well as caps and sunglasses. You can easily find this at lifestyle stores across the world and for some more cheaper rates, you can shop for Adore jewelry and accessories online. The brand has been in the industry of fashion and jewelry for decades now and has been one of the best and highest selling brands of affordable accessories for teen girls and women.

    While Swarovski as a brand is very sophisticated and expensive, a lot of their fun and funky fashion jewelry is quite affordable. If you do have a slightly expanded budget and an eye for sophisticated crystals, then this is the brand for you. With elegant jewelry pieces for sophisticated and classy looks, this is the perfect brand to find jewelry that is best for gifting to your extremely close loved ones or for an important event. Swarovski also has an affordable range of jewelry such as necklaces, earrings, and finger rings. You can easily afford these and if you are lucky, you can find the best jewelry during their seasonal sales. Swarovski is available throughout the world in stores as well as online and has the best warranties and customer service. So, in case you have damaged your jewelry by any chance, you can always send it to the Swarovski service center to fix the issues.

  • Seven natural cures for kidney infections
    Kidney infection can be quite painful and discomforting for the people dealing with its infection. A dose comprising medication of pain killers as well as antibiotics prescribed by the doctor for a speedy recovery is necessary. However, one should always try natural ways to cure kidney infections as alternative medicines can be equally in preventing future risks. Take a quick look at these effective natural cures for a kidney infection.
    • Cranberry juice: This fruit juice not just treats renal infection but also keeps urinary tract infections at bay. Cranberry increases the acidity of the urine, thereby preventing the growth of bacteria on the bladder wall.
    • Apple cider vinegar: This is another effective natural cure as it makes the body alkaline which in turn promotes overall good health
    • Parsley juice: Parsley is considered to be very effective as a cleanser. It can help in flushing out the toxins present in the kidneys. Such foods that are rich in vitamin C help in strengthening the immune system and prevent the further spread and multiplication of the bacteria in the kidneys.
    • Garlic: It acts as a diuretic forcing kidneys to pass more salt in the urine. They also have anti inflammatory properties to help you heal faster.
    • Aloe vera: This is a natural cleansing agent when it comes to kidney health and prevents further complications.
    • Baking soda: It helps replenish the bicarbonate levels in the kidney and thereby cure it of the infection.
    • Water: Last but not the least, this is the most effective cure to fight renal infection and prevent it from occurring again. Drinking enough water ensures overall good health. However, in the case of kidney infections, it is all the more important to drink more water to help the body flush out the toxic wastes effectively.
    Apart from following the above mentioned natural cures for a kidney infection, it is also important to practice safe sex and proper hygienic toilet tips to avoid the entry of bacteria in the first place. Also, having less meat and avoiding the smoking habit helps in quicker recovery.  
  • How various bacterial infections affect us
    A bacterial infection is a rapid reproduction of a cell of an inherited or inherent character of bacteria. The bacterium is a living organism too small to find with naked eyes and can be viewed with the help of microscope only, but are found everywhere.Bacteria can be dangerous as it causes infection in our body. There are different types of bacterial infection. A bacterial infection and a viral infection may look similar, hence the doctor must examine the symptoms to identify the nature of the disease. How does a bacterial infection occur? Bacterial diseases occur when pathogenic bacteria get into the body. After entering the body, it starts reproducing very fast and becomes more powerful than the healthy bacteria. The various types of bacteria and the way they affect us are: Escherichia coli and almonella “ Although these are clubbed together, actually these are quite different from one another. Escherichia coli cause food poisoning in raw eggs, raw meat, eggs, fruits, vegetables and water. E-coli are lives in the intestines and does not disturb us. But when it attacks, it becomes painful due to food poisoning from meat and vegetables, which are not properly processed and may even lead to bleeding. Intake of lots of fluids is the only treatment available. Helicobacter pylori or H pylori- These germs enter your body and live in your digestive tract or the path which converts food into energy and basic nutrients to feed the entire body. Each of these infections can cause nausea with or without vomiting, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal symptoms. Gradually after some years, they can cause stomach ulcers and may even lead to stomach cancer. Neisseria gonorrhoeae- This is a bacteria which causes gonorrhea, a sexually transmitted disease.  The symptoms like painful urination, bloody or yellow vaginal or penile discharge are felt after two to five days in the case of men, but it takes over 30 days for women. Neisseria meningitides“ This bacterium causes meningitis.Its symptoms include nausea and vomiting, confusion, cold hands and feet, diarrhea and severe aches and pains. It can even be fatal. It can be prevented by getting vaccinated, and you should avoid coming in close contact with infected persons. Staphylococcus aureus “ This bacterium causes various infections in the body, including abscesses, wound infections, pneumonia, toxic shock syndrome, cellulitis and food poisoning.It is essential for you to visit a doctor as soon as you notice any skin or other kinds of infection spreading. You must avoid sharing personal items like towels, razors and other such equipment. Streptococcal bacteria “ This particular bacterium causes symptoms like strep throat, headache, sudden fever and loss of appetite.
  • Choosing between regular and cloud business VoIP system for small business
    Most of the new business owners think that business VoIP and cloud VoIP system are the same things. But the fact is that the only thing that is similar to them is that they help in reducing the overall calling cost of the business venture. A virtual system is an automated answering system that works well only if you have to receive and record a client call but a cloud business system is a fully integrated and highly professional grade of connection. When choosing a cloud VoIP business system for small businesses, some factors help play essential roles in the selection process. Some of these factors have been explained as under:
    • The cloud features are specially designed keeping in mind that it should be accessible to every business user despite the size of the company.
    • A fully integrated system with UC features enables the productivity of employees to increases many times as the system has everything installed in a compact design.
    • A cloud-based phone gives you features such as the business class entity that lets you forward calls, transcribe messages that are on the voicemail, hold call, synchronizes the contact list with office phone system for the ease of use and a three-way conference system so that you can merge more than one person into the same conversation. It also has standard features like the auto attendant that lets you record a generalized message for anyone who calls on the system. The IVR will lead you to the relevant employee in a structured manner.
    • Another feature that makes the cloud VoIP business system for small businesses are coveted option is the softphone feature. It helps you detach your phone connection from the office phone and transfer the calls to your Android or iOS simultaneously. So you can access calls even when you are away from your desk. With the help of this feature, most of the employees have been able to work more productively.
    • There is no need to configure external hardware and keep a dedicated person to manage things on a regular basis. Eventually, the cost is reduced and a lot of time is saved that can be brought to better use.
    • You can get as many extensions as you want in the same system. So, even if the number of employees increases, you won't have to spend much to connect them to the client.
  • Tips to choose the right inpatient drug rehab center
    Ask a person what they wish for the most in the world, and they would tell you that they wish to lead a happy and contended life. Many a time, this quest for happiness might end up bringing us closer to a path that waivers from everything that is sane and lawful. People start indulging in substance abuse, which though gives them moments of exhilaration; but once the effect wears off, reality would seem more bitter. People indulge in substance abuse, and in no time, the frequent habit turns into a full-fledged addiction. However, if in a brief moment of sobriety, you realize you need help, there are certain organizations that can help you battle your addiction. Inpatient drug rehab centers are known to help addicts overcome their addiction and lead a normal life. Once you admit to your addiction, and are willing to do something about, consider checking in into an inpatient drug rehab center. But, here's a list of things you need to be sure of before making you choose the right inpatient rehab center. Check the license and credentials- Any inpatient rehab center requires a license from the State in order to function. This license ensures that the entire facility is legal, and would be under the supervision of the State. This would act as an assurance for the patient's family that everything is legalized, and their loved one would be safe. Experienced staff- While dealing with addicts, the staff needs a lot of patience. If it's a novice, chances are high that they might get overwhelmed in tricky situations, and would be unable to handle the patient. The counselors too need to be experienced, so they can deal with the patients. You wouldn't want your loved to suffer because of the negligence of the staff. The amenities- The entire point of checking in into an inpatient drug rehab center is to fight the addiction. This might involve helping the patient get in touch with their inner artist, or poet, or simply by helping them relax. So, ensure that the facility you have chosen for your loved one would have all the amenities that would help them heal. The therapies offered- Since combating the drug addiction is why the patient decides to opt for inpatient drug rehab centers, then it is essential to know the therapies that they offer. These might involve counselling sessions, yoga sessions, vocational classes, art therapy, etc. Confidentiality- People battling drug addiction have a high regard for their privacy. So, ensure that the inpatient drug rehab center you have chosen respects your need for privacy and adheres to their confidentiality clauses. So, consider these guidelines while choosing the right inpatient rehab center.