Top qualities to look for when hiring a tax lawyer

The taxpayers often require the assistance of a tax lawyer to help them solve their Internal Revenue Service (IRS) queries and to help them file tax returns. The best tax lawyers handle complex, technical, and legal issues associated with a tax situation.

You need a tax lawyer if:

  • You are planning to start a business and need a business a legal counsel to know about the tax structure of your business.
  • You own a taxable estate, you might require complex estate planning strategies and a need to file an estate tax return.
  • You are engaging in international business and need assistance with tax treatment and contracts related to the business.
  • You have been summoned by the IRS for criminal investigation, or if you are planning to file a suit against the IRS and plan on seeking an independent review of your case before the tax court.
  • You are planning to seek advantage of tax credits.

Finding the best professional tax lawyer

  • When looking for a tax lawyer, prioritize those who specialize in IRS issues, as they are well versed with the inner workings of the IRS. Their experience of daily interactions with the IRS officials about various tax practice gives them an edge, as they have detailed insight on various tax issues handling.
  • The tax lawyer you are intending to hire ought to be licensed to practice law at state’s bar council and at least have a master’s degree in law. If your case is particularly complex, think about hiring a tax lawyer who is also a certified public accountant.
  • Organizations such as the National Association of Tax and Tax Law Association have public lists of tax lawyers who are registered under their organization. These organizations have websites where they have a directory of certified tax lawyers.
  • Even if you find a seemingly reliable tax lawyer on these websites, do not forget to scrutinize them further through customer review websites before letting them handle your tax-related case and queries.

Trusting a lawyer with your tax case can be overwhelming and nerve wrecking at times. Make sure you build trust and confidence in your counsel by looking for tax lawyers based on the above-mentioned qualities.


  • 4 major mistakes every first-time home buyer must avoid making
    Buying a new house requires you to put in a lot of effort; right from visiting different relators to applying for a loan requires, the entire process has to transpire smoothly. The process of buying a house is difficult, and if you are a first-time home buyer, the entire process becomes more overwhelming. Without the right guidance, there are high chances that a first-time home buyer will end up making certain mistakes that can cost them dearly. In a bid to keep tabs on online listings and ensuring that your dream home doesn't slip away, people often end up making certain mistakes, and these can be easily avoided if you are appraised about the same. Here are some common mistakes that first-time home buyers usually make.
    • Not prioritizing the credit report: It is common knowledge that our credit report can make or break a deal. So, for a first-time home buyer, the credit report is that ace which can help them secure the desired loan. However, many first-time home buyers often overlook the importance of keeping tabs on their credit report; a slight error on the part of the credit company can cost you your new home. To keep track of your credit report and devise ways to improve your credit, you can check your credit report for free from each of the three credit report agencies: Transunion, Equifax, and Experian.
    • Not waiting for the pre-approval letter: Everybody is out looking for their dream houses, and there are high chances that another individual might be vying for the house you have short-listed for yourself, and since sellers don't wait around for anyone, they grab the best deal they get. Another error that first-time home buyers often commit is setting out to buy the house without getting a pre-approval letter from the lender. This proves quite detrimental if the other party has all the documents, including the pre-approval letter, ready.
    • Buying a house that you cannot actually afford: One of the most prominent mistakes first-time home buyers usually make is buying a house that is beyond their purchasing power. No matter how big or attractive the house is, if you cannot afford it, you must not buy it. Irrespective of what you believe, taking a loan to pay the original loan doesn't yield a desirable result. Instead of getting yourself into a dilemma, use a mortgage calculator to fathom how many monthly payments you can afford. Also, determine how much money can be saved since you will need to keep money aside for maintenance purposes.
    • Not hiring a real estate agent: People often are of the opinion that not hiring a real estate agent can help save money. However, if you go about looking for a new house for yourself, and especially if you are a first-time home buyer, this process can be extremely time-consuming, and there are high chances that you might not find what you are looking for.
    Ensure that, as a first-time home buyer, you wouldn't make these mistakes.
  • A guide to buying a bank repossessed car
    When people forget or cannot pay their car loans, their vehicles are repossessed by the governing organization. To remake some of their lost money on these investments, these organizations sell the vehicles at a discounted price at used car auctions as soon as possible. Although many of these auctions are aimed only at car sellers, several are also open to the public. This article will answer some of the questions regarding purchasing a repossessed car. What do I keep in mind when buying a repossessed car? Whether you are a used car dealer or a one-time buyer looking for a good deal on a car, purchasing repossessed cars can be a lucrative yet risky investment. Lenders are required to sell the car in a "commercially reasonable" manner, which requires them to adhere to standard sales practices. So you can expect a fair market value for your purchase when buying a repossessed car. However, in many cases, the cars have a history of neglect by the previous owner(s) and may require some repairs. If you are somebody who enjoys taking on a new project and flipping a used car into something more enjoyable for your personal use, then this may be for you. Repossessed cars are generally cheaper than cars sold by private sellers or dealers, especially when they are trying to recoup their losses. However, these cars are also generally sold "as-is," that is, no cosmetic or mechanical changes or repairs are made to the vehicle before the sale, and no warranties are added to increase their market value. This makes it essential to exercise caution when purchasing a repo car. Where can I buy a repossessed car? Repossessed cars may be purchased from the following entities:
    • From lenders Some banks and credit unions sell repossessed cars directly to buyers. These listings can be found in certain newspapers or the websites of the concerned sellers. Some third-party sites may also advertise these sales. When purchasing from lenders, they list the cars available for sale along with basic details such as the year, make, model, mileage, and date to submit a bid. There is no auctioning in this process, and every person is expected to make a bid. It may take several weeks to find out if you won the car. If your bid is accepted, you can check the car before signing the documents and confirming your purchase. Some lenders also provide financing options for your purchase, opening up room for negotiation.
    • From an auction If you're buying from an auction, you will find plenty of options to choose from. When purchasing from a live auction, you also get to see the car before bidding on it, unlike buying from a lender. However, auctions also require on-hand cash, or a pre-approved loan from a lender, as they do not offer on-site financing options.
    • From the repo company Buying from a repo company is similar to buying from a lender. A repo company may add storage and handling fees to the final cost.
    • From a used car dealership Buying from a used car dealership is like making a regular car purchase from a store. You may be unable to tell a repossessed car apart from the other cars in the lot. Prices are likely to be the highest here, as the dealership will try to recoup its costs and make a profit on the overall sale.
    What are repo auctions? Repo auctions are similar to regular auctions; the only difference is that the seller is the bank, the credit union, or the finance company repossessed the vehicle. These auctions are an excellent place to buy your next vehicle at a cheaper price. Is any financial help available for buying a repossessed car? When buying a repossessed car from a lender or a dealership, you can get a traditional auto loan, as you would when purchasing any new or used car. If you are buying from a repo company or at an auction, you can opt for a personal loan to help finance the purchase. Buying a bank-owned Chevy 4x4S 1500 The Chevy Silverado is a well-renowned truck that offers ample features for daily living and hauling. Over the years, this truck has made a name for itself in the market for its reliability, strong engine line-up, large interior space, tech and gizmos, and more. Even as it receives year-on-year renewal with new upgrades, the old trucks continue to rule the roads and command attention. If you are looking to save costs on a Chevy 4x4S 1500, consider purchasing a bank-owned or repossessed variant on sale. Available across various traders, dealerships, and lenders across the country, the Chevy Silverado 1500 is a beast in the category of full-size pickup trucks. With the latest models costing anywhere from $36,300 to $71,500 (MSRP), you can save big with a bank-owned model, with prices beginning at as low as $5,000. The car has undergone major upgrades in recent years. It is available in several trims, so be sure to check the specifications and confirm your requirements before purchasing.
  • A simple guide to savings accounts
    Everyone has a checking account. It's an easy way to manage your money. However, these accounts generally don't pay an interest on your money. Saving accounts are bank deposit accounts that pay you an interest on the money that you deposit. Savings Accounts There are a few different types of savings accounts you can choose from: Regular Savings Accounts These are deposit accounts that you can set up in banks, They are insured by the FDIC so your money is quite safe. Savings accounts have minimum balance requirements. they don't let you withdraw money from them as easily as a checking account. These accounts are meant to be your savings, after all, not fund your regular expenses. Some accounts might let you write checks a few times a month. Interest paid on savings accounts are generally low, around 0.06%. Online Savings Account These accounts are offered by traditional brick & mortar banks and online only banks. Generally, online banks offer a higher rate of interest than traditional banks, since they don't have the large overheads that are involved in operating a traditional bank. These accounts are more flexible about minimum balance requirements. You can operate these accounts online or through the phone. The interest rates on online savings accounts can be above 1%, especially if the balance is high. Some savings accounts, both regular and online, can offer higher interest rates based on how much you deposit into the account. Money Market Deposit Accounts These are different from regular savings accounts from the perspective of the bank. Usually, banks can only loan money in savings accounts to their customers. With Money Market Deposit Accounts, banks can invest these deposits in debt instruments like treasury notes, municipal bonds, certificates of deposits, and other securities with short maturity periods. The minimum balance requirement tends to be higher on these accounts when compared to normal savings accounts. Your money is safe since the deposit is backed by the FDIC. These investments yield higher returns, so the interest rates on these deposits are higher than regular savings deposits. But they're not as high as the interest on online savings accounts. As of March 2017, the highest interest rate on a money market deposit account stands at 0.85%. Certificates of Deposits(CD) These are deposits made for a fixed term, and the interest accrues on the deposit until maturity. These deposits are generally made for periods that range from one month to five years. There's a penalty for early withdrawal of money from a CD. Interest rates on these deposits can be a lot higher than regular savings accounts. The current average being 0.79% APY. One online bank, Capital One 360, offers a rate as high as 2.30% APY on 60 month deposits. Automatic Savings Plans These facilitate regular savings. You decide how much you'll transfer each month from your checking account to the savings account. Then you'll set up automatic transfers of a fixed amount to the savings account each month. These accounts help you save funds for vacations, buy appliances etc. Savings accounts may not yield as high a return as other investments, but they're a good way to provide security. You can build cash reserves for leisure and emergency requirements through this method.
  • Emphysema symptoms: What you ought to know
    Emphysema is caused by continuous exposure of the bronchioles to irritants such as cigarette smoke, passive smoke, industrial solvent fumes etc. This makes the muscles of the bronchioles contract. Chronic exposure to irritants make these muscles contract permanently. Then, the mucus membrane lining the bronchioles start secreting mucus in order to wash away particulate irritants. Both these body reactions are to restrict the entry of the irritants into the cavities of the bronchioles and alveoli. The next reaction is to cough out the irritants and the mucus. Severe forceful coughs can raise the pressure in the alveoli considerably and can rupture their exceedingly thin walls. The reduction of area for gas transfer and the loss of elastic tissues in the lungs reduces the capacity of the lungs to expel air. This reduces the intake volume of fresh air during breathing and can also lead to infections. These conditions produce the characteristic symptoms of wheezing, tightness in chest, labored breathing and coughing. These are also indications as well as symptoms of severe asthma. The symptoms of emphysema are exceedingly severe and cause considerable damage to the lungs before the symptoms even show up. Generally, one feels a lack of energy and the tendency to skip some of the common daily routines. It progresses from slight difficulty in breathing to wheezing and then to a persistent cough that does not go away. One starts to feel a tightness in the chest and feels short of breath on exertion. Tiredness and persistent cough become constant. Infections can set in, turning the sputum yellow, which also leads to loss of appetite, further aggravating tiredness. One will lose sleep and even sexual function. All this constant suffering and ill health lead to depression which would in turn lead to the patient needing psychiatric help. The lips and fingernails turn blue or gray due to lack of oxygen in the blood. One may get into a condition called hypoxia and may have to resort to oxygen therapy. As the deterioration continues, the alveoli lose their strength and start rupturing. In extreme cases, there may be large scale destruction which leads to empty spaces in lungs called bullae. This would reduce the functional area of the lung which in extreme cases call for surgical removal. In an extremely rare condition, large scale rupture of alveoli can cause a condition called pneumothorax and the collapse of the lung, a very serious condition, which can be fatal. The best thing one can do is stop exposure to irritants.
  • Common symptoms of tongue cancer
    Cancer that starts in the cells of the tongue is known as tongue cancer. That on the front of the tongue is called “oral tongue cancer,” and the one that occurs on the base of the tongue is called “oropharyngeal cancer.” The most common type of tongue cancer is squamous cell carcinoma and is classified using stages and grades. The stage is an indication of how far cancer has spread. It has three classifications:
    • T It refers to the size of the tumor. T1 is a small tumor, while T4 refers to a large tumor.
    • N It shows whether the cancer has spread to the neck lymph nodes. N3 means it has spread, whereas N0 means cancer has not spread.
    • M It indicates whether there are additional growths in other body parts.
    The grade determines how destructive the tongue cancer is and how likely it is to spread. Based on the grades, tongue cancer can be slow growing, moderate, and very aggressive. Symptoms of tongue cancer Due to their similarity to other types of oral cancer, tongue cancer symptoms can be deceptive. They can be mistaken for a persistent sore in the mouth or a cold that just does not seem to go away. Following are the symptoms of tongue cancer:
    • Persistent pain in the tongue or jaw
    • Difficulty in moving the tongue or jaw
    • A lump inside the mouth
    • White or red patches on the tongue, gums, tonsil, or on the mouth lining
    • A sore throat or a constant feeling that something is stuck in the throat
    • Pain while swallowing or chewing
    All these tongue cancer symptoms can be due to a variety of other health conditions as well. Therefore, accurate diagnosis is required for determining whether the condition is tongue cancer. Treatment of tongue cancer Common treatments for tongue cancer can be listed as follows:
    • Surgery Depending on the tongue cancer symptoms, a surgery is performed to remove the tumor from the tongue.
    • Radiation therapy Through radiation, the cancerous tissues are damaged while saving the healthy ones.
    • Targeted drug therapy Analyzing the requirement for treating tongue cancer symptoms, doctors use targeted drug therapy. It is also combined with chemotherapy or radiation therapy sometimes.
    • Chemotherapy This treatment involves using anticancer drugs to destroy cancer cells. It serves as an ideal treatment when the tongue cancer spreads to nearby lymph nodes.
  • Five best deodorants for odor control – Men and women
    Body odor is a common problem that all of us have to deal with every single day. Though sweating is a natural sign of health, its odor is often embarrassing. While our perspiration is actually odorless, certain bacteria living in the skin create an awful smell of sweat when they come into contact with moisture from our sweat glands. It is not possible to take a bath several times a day to keep away the bacteria, so over-the-counter deodorants are a great option to thwart the unwanted body odor and smell wonderful. Here we bring you the most trending and the top 10 best deodorants for odor control: five each for men and women. The best deodorants for odor control for men this season are: Primal Pit Paste Natural Deodorant: This is an all-natural deodorant made of an organic formula, containing coconut oil and other organic butter and is scented with lavender. It includes baking soda, which is a natural best deodorant for odor control. Hebran Cowboy Forest Deodorant: All natural, this one is made using food-based ingredients and is actually 100% vegan. Though it does not dry out immediately, the fragrance lasts much longer than other alcohol-based products. Dove Men+Care Deodorant and Antiperspirant: This is one of the best deodorants for odor control as it keeps body odor at bay for up to 48 hours and also has moisturizers to prevent any irritation. Old Spice Original Deodorant: One of the classic and all-time favorites, Old Spice is one of the most loved brands for men. Renowned as the smell of victory, this manly deodorant is here to stay for a long time. Clinique for Men Antiperspirant-Deodorant Stick: This unscented and non-sticky product is the best deodorant for odor control for those who do not like any excessive fragrance. The best deodorants for odor control for women this season are: Meow Meow Tweet Deodorant Cream: This is an all-natural product made with dietary magnesium, plant-based oil and butter, citrus essential oils from grapefruit, and arrowroot powder. It does not contain any baking powder and is great for women with sensitive underarms. Schmidt’s Natural Deodorant Stick: This paraben and the phthalates-free product comes in some fabulous fragrances such as rose, vanilla, bergamot, lime, cedarwood, juniper, lavender, and sage. It completely covers your body odor and absorbs all wetness to prevent stains. Lavanila Labs The Healthy Deodorant: Another great natural product, without any harmful aluminum or parabens, is this deodorant stick, which is made with essential oils of fragrances like coconut, lemon, grapefruit, and lavender combined with the base note of vanilla. It is made using beta-glucan technology, which combats body odor. Dove Invisible Dry Spray: The first choice of most women, Dove’s tried and tested formula protects you from wetness and body odor for up to 48 hours and soothes the skin of the underarm. It is 100% alcohol-free and has 25% moisturizers to protect sensitive underarms. Native Deodorant: Available in unscented, eucalyptus and mint, lavender and rose, coconut and vanilla and citrus and herbal musk, this deodorant has received rave reviews from all those who have tried it. Chemical- and paraben-free, it has a long-lasting effect. If you lead an active life, you surely need a handy deodorant for your everyday use to keep smelling nice and cool. These best deodorants for odor control are the most convenient choice that you can make for yourself.