Understand the symptoms and diagnosis of genital herpes

Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) that is caused by the herpes simplex virus. About 25% of the total population of the country is affected by this disease. It is more common in women, and you may understand the symptoms through the genital herpes photos available on the Internet, though, in most cases, there will be no symptoms at all.


STD is transmitted mostly through vaginal, oral, or anal sex. There are cases where the virus is passed through the liquid from the sores or blisters in the affected person. The common causes are:

  • Contact with herpes sores and blisters
  • Sexual contact or skin-to-skin contact with an infected person
  • Having an active and unsafe sex life
  • An unhygienic lifestyle may lead any of the HSV1 and HSV2 to affect someone.

Symptom checker

People can recognize the general symptoms by having a look at genital herpes photos over the Internet. The symptoms that are observed include:

  • Tingling, itching and burning sensations over the vaginal or anal areas
  • Appearance of swollen glands and painful urination
  • Emergence of sores and blisters or even painful ulcers all over the genital area
  • Fever and other flu-like symptoms
  • Headache

The symptoms are more severe and pronounced during the first outbreak. The first outbreak occurs in two weeks after contracting the virus. In some cases, it may not occur until even several months to several years. In case you are in doubt, check genital herpes photos to perceive the disease better.

Diagnosis procedure

After conducting a thorough physical examination, the doctor may perform a few laboratory tests. A blood test for HSV antibodies may be done to make sure whether you were affected earlier with this infection. Viral culture test of your genital tissues may detect the infection of HSV virus in your body. Polymerase chain reaction may also be conducted to determine the presence of HSV virus in your body.

Since there is no cure for the condition, knowing about the disease through its literature and related genital herpes photos is essential so that you can take necessary precautions to manage the condition.


  • 5 smart ways to use tablet computers
    Tablet computers are mobile computers that have become increasingly popular, thanks to their power and portability. They are pre-installed with applications and have an intuitive touchscreen system to deliver an experience, otherwise not found in computers. Tablets come in various configurations and prices, so you must identify the one you would love to use. If you are considering whether buying one will be worth it, here are five ways to use a tablet computer smartly. Use it as a second screen to increase productivity Having a tablet computer increases productivity. You can use it as a second screen for your business where you can jot quick notes for handy information. Moreover, this device enables you to focus on one specific task as usually it allows one active tab to be displayed on the screen. This helps you save time switching browsers on your desktop or phone, and you can write, read or work without distractions. You can also use work apps and shortcuts to monitor your emails, calendar, and other work-related tasks. Using apps such as Splashtop Streamer, you can remotely access your desktop computer from your tablet. Control other electronic devices remotely You can transform your tablet computer into a universal remote for different electronic devices such as television or music systems, using certain applications. There is also a feature which lets you change channels from the tablet. All you need to do is aim the tablet directly at the TV like your remote. You can also activate any Bluetooth device in your homes, such as speakers, smart lamps, and security devices through your tablet making it an all-powerful hub. For this, you need to be within Bluetooth’s discoverable range. Ditch your computer’s wireless keyboard and mouse and use your tablet as a wireless controller, using apps such as Unified Remote. This way you can reduce clutter and save money. Use it as an all-in-one reader One of the best ways to use a tablet computer is to combine all your reading into this portable device. If you are fond of reading, buying a tablet computer is better than an e-reader. Tablet computers have a larger screen, higher resolution, and more storage than e-readers. They allow readers to read comfortably and relaxedly without straining their eyes. You can Install as many apps as possible, including Kindle, Google Play Magazines, comic book readers, and more. A creative tool Tablet computers are ideal for all creative tasks. Whether it is music, digital painting, or creative writing, a tablet computer can be your go-to device. Not only are they portable and easy-to-use devices, but also provide an excellent visual experience. Most tablets support drawing and image editing, and function with a stylus pen. For example, musicians can skip carrying their electronic guitar tuners and instead install an app for a quick tune-up. Musicians can also compose and read sheet music and share their new tune online. Just make sure you select the correct model if you plan to use the tablet as a creative tool. Keep it as a portable distraction center Another way you can use a tablet computer is by making it a distraction center for all your entertainment and gaming needs. It is a great way to be productive as you will not need your laptop or desktop for anything else besides work. So, utilize your downtime by browsing the web, playing games, video conferencing with loved ones, and much more. Also, when there is no access to TV while traveling, with a tablet, you can listen to music or binge watch your favorite TV show. You can even use it to click quality pictures and make a digital photo album. Apart from the above 5 smart ways, the options to use your tablet are endless, whether you use it for fun or productivity. So if you are convinced about buying a tablet, take advantage of the Black Friday sales to get the best discounts.
  • 6 things you need to know about hemophilia B
    Hemophilia is caused when the plasma in the blood lacks enough protein to cause blood clotting. Hemophilia is an inherited disorder that leads to abnormal bleeding in the affected person. There are two types of hemophilia: hemophilia A and hemophilia B. Hemophilia A is more common since it affects nearly 80% of the people with this disorder. Hemophilia B is quite rare; it occurs among 20% of the people with hemophilia. The treatment of hemophilia B and hemophilia A is not curative but work towards helping the patient lead a life as normal as possible. Here are six things to know about Hemophilia B:
    • Hemophilia B is linked with the X-chromosome. Since men have XY-chromosome, they are more susceptible to this disorder. Women have XX-chromosome. So, one faulty gene's effects are nullified by the other normal gene. Although women are less susceptible to hemophilia, they can be carriers of the faulty gene, which they can pass it on to their child.
    • Symptoms of hemophilia B include nose bleeding without any reason, excessive blood loss even with minor cuts and wounds, the presence of blood in stool or urine, bleeding for a long-term after tooth extraction, intermittent bleeding from cuts and wounds, bruises that are large, muscle or joint bleeding with pain and swelling.
    • Treatment of hemophilia B involves several processes: managing episodes of bleeding, managing hemostasis, using factor replacement medications, treating with factor inhibitors, and rehabilitation.
    • There are two types of treatment; hemophilia B can be treated with replacement therapy and clotting agents. Treatment of hemophilia B through replacement therapy is done by increasing factor IX levels in the blood. Factor IX is required for blood clotting. Along with replacement therapy, clotting agents are used in the treatment of hemophilia B. The clotting agents prevent the blood clots from dissolving, thus putting a stop to the bleeding.
    • Treatment of hemophilia B in severe cases is done through prophylaxis. This involves continuous and regular treatments with factor replacement therapies. Such a treatment aims to avoid episodes of bleeding even before they take place.
    • Treatment of hemophilia should be ideally done at a hemophilia center. These centers have specialists in dentistry, orthopedics, hematology, and surgery. These specialists have extensive experience in handling and managing hemophilia B cases. Along with these specialists, such centers have other professionals such as nurses, social workers, and physiotherapists who have experience in dealing with hemophilia B patients.
  • What you should know about gum disease
    Gum disease is a common ailment, but it can have serious ramifications, if not addressed in time. According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about half of American adults suffer from gum disease whether mild, moderate, or severe. The risk of developing it increases in adults aged 65 and more. Despite the commonality, there are simple remedies for gum disease that anyone can follow to prevent and eliminate it. Being aware of the causes as well as the signs and symptoms can empower you to give importance to dental care. Causes of gum disease Bacteria found in plaque usually causes gum disease. The bacteria feed on sugar found in the food and drinks one consumes. They produce toxins that irritate the gums, causing them to swell and bleed. If not removed in time, plaque can harden into tartar and force gums to recede. While anyone can develop gum disease, certain factors can increase the risk. Not brushing and flossing regularly, doing so incorrectly, and eating sugary food items often can hasten the process. Tobacco use also prompts gum disease. The condition is more likely to develop in people with a family history of gum disease as well as individuals with a compromised immune system. A diet that does not contain enough vitamins and minerals can up the chances of developing it. Signs and symptoms to watch for Gums that bleed easily when brushing and flossing Gums that are sensitive and inflamed Teeth that are loose and gums that recede Halitosis and pus in the gums Types of gum disease Gum disease is an umbrella term for several types of conditions that include: Gingivitis: In this mild form of gum disease, the gums become inflamed and bleed easily. Heredity, stress, smoking, age, compromised immune system, and even pregnancy can lead to gingivitis. Periodontitis: Untreated gingivitis can worsen into periodontitis. The plaque may spread below the gums and if left untreated, can cause them and bone structure to break down. Over time, tooth loss may also occur. What you can do about it As severe as it can get, gum disease is treatable, especially in the initial stages. Eating a balanced diet, staying away from tobacco, too many sugary foodstuff, and brushing and flossing regularly can do a world of good. Visiting a dentist twice a year for scaling and other treatments can also prevent and eliminate gum disease. Your doctor may prescribe remedies for gum disease and advise you to follow a plan for better oral health. Neglecting dental care can prove to be expensive in more ways than you can imagine. Aside from having to undergo expensive standard treatments, you may require tooth implants that cost a small fortune. Rather than going through lengthy and costly procedures, you can prevent the condition from developing in the first place. Be aware of the causes, look out for the signs, and follow the simple tips given above to keep your teeth and gums healthy.
  • Everything you need to know about high uric acid levels
    Higher uric acid levels can cause serious health problems. It can result in gout arthritis, kidney stones, and even renal failure. Recent studies have shown other complications associated with it. A higher uric acid level may lead to hypertension and cardiovascular diseases as well. Causes of high level of uric acid in the body An increase in the level of uric acid in the blood happens because of an increase in the production of uric acid. Another reason is slow excretion of uric crystals from the kidney. The causes of this health condition are:
    • High-purine diet including foods like red meat, seafood, and pulses
    • Excessive intake of alcohol
    • High consumption of sugary foods
    • Existing renal problems
    • Obesity
    • Less active thyroid
    • Low immunity
    • Genetics
    Prevention is the cure If your initial diagnosis shows higher uric acid level, you can control it. You can follow these simple steps to avoid a health disaster.
    • Avoid a high purine diet to exercise control over uric acid levels
    • Avoid high fructose food products
    • Drink alcohol in moderation
    • Reduce your weight
    • Drink lots of water
    All these would ensure that your uric acid levels stay in control. Following a strict diet can help lower uric acid levels. Here's what all you should eat. Diet to follow
    • Cherries and strawberries as they have anti-inflammatory properties
    • Lemon juice, as the citric acid in it neutralizes uric acid
    • Apple cider vinegar flushes uric acid out of the body
    • Baking soda makes uric acid more soluble and flushes it out of the body
    • Olives and olive oil lowers uric acid content in the body
    • Eat organic eggs as they contain less purine
    • Flaxseeds reduces uric acid level and inflammation in joints
    • Vegetable juices like carrot and cucumber juice keep the body hydrated
    • Green tea lowers uric acid
    Besides making changes in your diet, it is important to exercise to maintain a healthy weight. Regular exercising helps in dealing with weight management issues. It is also helpful to keep your uric acid level in check. Symptom management The initial signs of excessive uric acid in your body includes:
    • Inflammation and redness in the joints
    • Excessive pain in the joints
    • Swelling at the base of the big toe
    • Tenderness of joints
    • Swelling or redness of ankles, knees, fingers, elbows, and wrists
    • Lumps beneath the skin
    • Kidney stones
    You need to undergo a simple blood test to know uric acid levels in your body. It is good to get a routine test to avoid a serious health disorder later. A high uric acid level is not too harmful and is controllable too. But if the uric acid is excess in the blood, then you are likely to experience serious gout or kidney problems.
  • 4 essential tips to coexist with a thyroid disorder
    In a bid to lead a healthy life, we mend our ways and start eating healthy food and exercising. This does allow us to lead a considerably healthy life. However, only healthy food and working out do not determine the total health of the body. When the various organs and other parts of the body function in accordance, only then can one say that he's totally healthy. A slight disruption in the functioning of any part of the body can result in grave consequences. More than half the population of the world suffers due to the malfunctioning of the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland secretes hormones that are known to aid the process of metabolism, and when it secretes fewer thyroid hormones, it results in a condition called hypothyroidism; whereas, when it secretes more thyroid hormones, it causes hyperthyroidism. Each of these disorders affects the entire functioning of the body. If a person has been detected with either of these conditions, it becomes difficult to lead a normal life. However, here are some tips that will allow the person to coexist efficiently with any thyroid disorder.
    • Find the right doctor- The first thing you need to deal with leading a life with a thyroid disorder is the right guidance. And, for this, one needs to find the right doctor. The right doctor will guide you and prescribe the proper medication to control the disorder. In short, find a specialist who will know exactly what you need.
    • Choose the right thyroid treatment- Hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, each of these requires the right kind of treatment. Finding the right thyroid treatment can be a bit of a challenge since it requires some patience and experiment. Usually, doctors focus on the iodine deficiency part. Finding the right thyroid treatment helps in leading a normal life.
    • Spread out your schedule- People with thyroid disorders are known to suffer from fatigue. The simplest of the tasks can tire one out. So, instead of trying to do everything at once, it is advisable to spread your tasks throughout the day. Also, eat protein-rich food, since thyroid disorders tend to throw protein synthesis off rails. And, it will ensure that you remain energized throughout the day.
    • Learn to relax- Stress is known trigger problems, and the symptoms of thyroid disorders worsen when stress is elevated. Stress interferes with the already malfunctioning thyroid gland. So try meditating or exercising, it helps in channeling the anxiety.
    Iodine supplements, checking one's calorie intake, including fiber in the diet, etc. helps in leading a normal life with a thyroid disorder.
  • 10 Best Deodorants for Odor Control
    Bad body odor can be a major turnoff. This is caused by the bacterial breakdown in armpits, feet, palms and other parts. Deodorants are a good way to smell fresh even after being out and about for hours. Sweating in humans is a natural and healthy process. But its smell can be revolting. So, deodorants are essential! Did you know that sweat is actually odorless? It is the bacteria present on the skin which break down the sweat and produce that repulsive smell. Smelling good is one of the prerequisites of making a good impression. For that, you should choose the best deodorant for odor control for your body.

    Antiperspirants: A sub-group

    Did you know that antiperspirants are a subgroup of deodorants? These not only control odor but also reduce sweating. The antiperspirants are mostly used on armpits, where the perspiration is maximum. There are also some products in the market which are not widely known. These are a combination of deodorants and antiperspirants. However, these products can only be purchased with a prescription.

    Best deodorants for odor control

    Choosing the best deodorant for odor control for you can be challenging. There are a lot of options in the market. So, we have come up with a list of the best deodorant for odor control so that you can pick the ones you find the best:
    Mitchum Invisible roll-on
    Priced around $3.99, this product has raves in the name of reviews! Women have said that this product helps them remain odor-free and fresh no matter how hot, stressed or annoyed they are.
    Axe - White Label
    A well-known brand in the men’s arena, this deodorant has proved to be a boon for those men who don’t have ample time to shower between their workout and work.
    Donna Karan Cashmere Mist
    The product might be slightly on the pricier side, but has superb reviews that cannot be ignored! Women have gone on record to state that it does not leave any residues, lasts all day and has a very faint smell.
    This product is branded as perfect for those who would rather skip the cologne. This, in turn, means that it is quite scented. If you like to smell wonderful, this product is a must-try.
    Secret Outlast and Olay Smooth Solid
    For starters, it is priced under $5 approximately and has proven to outlast the most rigorous workout sessions! What more can a lady ask for?
    Sam’s Natural deodorant
    This product is ideal for those with highly sensitive skin. Since it is aluminum-free, it does not control your sebaceous glands. Instead, it blocks the odor using coconut oil and baking powder.
    Body Shop DeoDry Chilled and Breezy deodorant
    This is a highly rated unisex product that has a breezy, fresh and clean scent to it. You might as well be walking out of your dresser with an Eau du toilette aura. It also does not have any aluminum salts and dries itself in no time.
    Every Man Jack
    It is a well-known fact that mint is the ultimate blocker of unwanted odors. This is exactly what Every Man Jack leverages on. It makes use of peppermint in its product to give men a fresh aroma.
    Nature's Gate Asian Pear and Red Tea
    This product is known for the subtle, almost negligible scent that it comes with and also for the long-lasting effect. Under the right conditions, this product will work the whole day.
    We keep the big guns for the last. With a reputation for quality, this product is the go-to for men across the world looking for a classic fragrance. Above all, choosing the best deodorant for odor control is a matter of personal choice. It is advisable that you try out some of the deodorants listed above and choose the best deodorant for odor control depending on your needs.