4 easy and effective ways to remove ink stains

An ink stain can completely ruin the look of a garment. Getting this stain off a fabric can be a challenging task, as regular detergents cannot effectively remove this type of stubborn stain.
Anyone who has ever had to remove ink stains from a piece of cloth would be well aware of how bothersome it can be. And more often than not it may require a trip to the nearest dry cleaner.
Nonetheless, there are certain ways that are known to be effective in removing ink stains from garments. These at-home methods are easy, safe-to-use, wallet-friendly, and highly effective in eliminating ink stains from clothing.
However, it is important to keep in mind that these methods work best on fresh ink stains rather than the old ones.
Below, we have listed some of the potent methods that can remove ink stains from a fabric in an inexpensive and an effective way.

Store-bought ink stain removers
There are tons of different non-toxic stain removers available in the market these days. You can easily check online or go to the nearest grocery store to buy a stain remover meant for ink stains. They are quite safe to use and effective in removing an ink stain from different types of fabric. Still, it is highly recommended to check the instructions and reviews before using a store-bought stain remover to ensure best results.

Rubbing alcohol
Rubbing alcohol on the stained spot is an age-old method that is popular all over the world. Rubbing alcohol can effectively and safely remove ink stains from fabrics. Just soak the stained spot in rubbing alcohol, leave it there for a few minutes before washing the piece of cloth by the regular method. This wallet-friendly method can work wonders on ink-stained spots.

Glycerin is an excellent remedy that can act as a potent ink stain remover. Just buy a liquid glycerin from a drugstore, soak a cotton swab in it. Rub the Q-tip all over the stained spot. Allow the material to set in for a few minutes before washing the garment with a detergent. This is an easy-yet-effective method to banish ink stains from clothes.

White vinegar with milk
The remarkable combination of white vinegar and milk can also effectively eliminate ink stains from clothes. Just create a concoction of these two ingredients and pour onto the stained spot. Allow the material to set in for a good hour or so before washing the garment with your regular detergent. This particular concoction tends to work best on fresh ink stains.


  • History of mathematical symbols
    The history of mathematical notation includes its commencement, progress and further cultural diffusion. There were conflict of methods of notations. The history includes multicultural and lingual including Roman, Greek, Hebrew, German, Hindu, Arabic and German alphabets. These host of mathematical symbols were developed in the due course of centuries. The ones that gained popularity are the ones you see in today's world (original notations might still be used in the native grounds that they originated from). The development of mathematical notations can be divided into stages that have been listed below. Rhetorical stage The rhetorical stage is where calculations were performed by words and there were no use of symbols. The rhetorical stage had mathematical notations that were based on distinctive features like symbols having local as well as intrinsic values. The mathematical notations originated from the real world problems even before the underlying rules and concepts were identified and defined as abstract structures. Geometry, for example, has its origin from calculating the distances and areas in the world. The Egyptians had symbols for basic operations. Legs going forward represented addition, and legs going backward meant subtraction. People from Mesopotamian had symbols for each power of ten. They are one of those cultures that wrote their numbers just like it is written in the modern times. For example, instead of having symbols for higher notation of a degree of number, they would just put the coefficient of that number. By the year 800 BC, they had created a symbol for zero and it acted as a placeholder. Syncopated stage Plato's work has been strong especially in the field of mathematics. His work helped distinguish between pure and applied mathematics. The Greek mathematics refined the methods by introducing deductive reasoning and expanded the subject matter of mathematics. The Milesian numeration The Greeks employed a mathematical numeration which was based on system of the Egyptian. It was later adapted by Romans. The Greek numerals denoted four as four vertical lines. The symbol to denote number five was the symbol (pi) for the Greeks. Ten was represented by a triangle and the word for ten was Deca (hence the name decimal).
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  • 3 ways to manage a urinary tract infection

    Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are characterized by burning sensations, abdominal pain, and cloudy urine. These infections are significantly more common in women than in men and can affect any part of one’s urinary tract including the kidneys, bladder, and even the urethra. If left untreated, UTIs should not be left untreated as they can lead to severe pain and other serious complications. Read on to know about the ways to keep UTIs in check:

    Get the right treatment
    FETROJA® (cefiderocol), is a cephalosporin antibacterial treatment option used to tackle complicated urinary tract infections (cUTIs). These include pyelonephritis caused due to susceptible Gram-negative microorganisms. This treatment is prescribed to individuals over 18 years of age. It is often a last resort for those who have limited or no alternative treatment options. Common side effects of FETROJA® include diarrhea, injection site reaction, headaches, nausea, and vomiting. Individuals may also experience constipation, rash, cough, and low blood potassium levels. FETROJA® can interact with other ongoing treatments, so it is best to consult a doctor before going for this treatment option.

    Eat the right foods
    Foods can go a long way in managing UTIs. Berries such as cranberries, blueberries, and raspberries can help fight UTIs. This is because they contain proanthocyanidins, which prevent the infection-causing bacteria from growing on the urinary tract. Probiotics and high-fiber foods can also help manage UTIs. Probiotics such as yogurt and pickles contain good bacteria, which prevent UTIs while high-fiber foods such as bananas, nuts, and lentils can improve bowel movement and reduce the pressure on the bladder. While such foods can help improve urinary tract health and prevent infections, spicy foods and caffeinated drinks can increase the risk of developing UTIs.

    Make lifestyle changes
    Aside from treatment and foods, there are some lifestyle changes that can help with with reducing the risk of developing UTIs. The most important thing to remember is to pass urine when one feels the urge. Holding it back can lead to the development of bacteria, which can cause infections. Keeping one's intimate area clean and maintaining hygiene can also reduce the risk of infections.

  • Benefits of apple cider vinegar in weight loss
    It is commonly heard that raw, organic, and unfiltered apple cider vinegar can help in weight loss and improve the overall well-being of the body. The apple cider vinegar diet is probiotic, and it has several additional health benefits. The following article explains how apple cider vinegar can assist you in losing some extra pounds as well as enhance your body functions. Many diets that facilitate a rapid loss of weight aren't effective in the long run. Studies show that you are more likely to gain the very weight you lost using such methods. Although, an apple cider vinegar diet causes a moderate but a permanent type of weight loss. How does an apple cider vinegar diet help? Reduces fat storage According to research, after rats were fed with apple cider vinegar, they were protected from being overweight, and there was even an increase in the growth of genes linked to minimized belly fat and fat storage in the liver. The rat who consumed apple cider vinegar rapidly lost some weight, as compared to the ones who didn't. Burns fat quickly In a research where mice were fed a high-fat diet, results in a notable increase in the genes which are responsible for burning fat. Similarly, in an experiment conducted on humans over a period of 12-weeks, obese participants were divided into three groups, all three of which had to take 500 ml of a drink that had 15 ml, 30 ml, or 0 ml of vinegar. By calculating the body weight, BMI, visceral fat, circumferences of waist, and levels of serum triglyceride, the conclusions were that those counts were lower in the 15 ml and 30 ml group, as compared to the people who took 0 ml. If you lose weight suddenly, your body will kick in mechanisms to retain the lost pounds. However, for permanent weight loss, practice diets such as apple cider vinegar diet. This will be beneficial for you in the long run.