Foods to eat and avoid when you have diarrhea

Diarrhea is several instances of loose stool during the day. Usually, no treatment is necessary, and it resolves on its own within a few days. However, a good diarrhoea diet is important to find relief from the symptoms.

Foods to Eat during Diarrhea

Bland and weak fibre grains are excellent foods for diarrhoea. Also, foods rich in potassium and pectin are ideal to eat during diarrhoea. Potassium is a mineral that gets lost because of diarrhoea bouts and can result in severe dehydration.

Carbohydrate-rich foods that are low in fibre are also good foods to stop diarrhoea.

What to Eat:

  • Banana: adds bulk to stool, contains potassium.
  • Yogurt: calms the digestive tract.
  • White rice: low in fibre and makes stools bulky.
  • Steamed vegetables like carrots, celery and potatoes: calming foods for intestines.
  • White bread, white pasta: provides energy and bulk up stools.
  • Steamed or baked chicken, turkey, fish: mild for intestines; nutritious for the body.
  • Applesauce: contains pectin that reduces diarrheal symptoms; mild to eat.
  • Clear broths: can provide hydration and nutrition; best to eat without spices.

Foods to Avoid during Diarrhea

Some foods can worsen your diarrhoea. It is best to remove high fibre foods, caffeinated beverages, and artificial sweeteners from your diarrhoea diet.

Also, refrain from consuming too many oral rehydration drinks. It is also best to remove those foods from your diarrhoea diet that can cause bloating and gas.

To avoid:

  • Dairy (except yoghurt): during diarrhoea, enzymes that help to digest lactose in dairy products is lost. Undigested dairy can cause bloating, gas and aggravate diarrheal symptoms.
  • Beans: can cause bloating and gas.
  • Spicy foods: can irritate the intestines.
  • Fatty foods: can aggravate diarrheal symptoms.
  • Vegetables like cauliflower, cabbage, and broccoli: can cause bloating.
  • Dried fruits and fresh fruits like pears, peaches and plums: can cause gas.
  • Nuts: can cause intestinal contractions.
  • Whole grain bread, pasta: can irritate intestinal walls.

Drink adequate water to replenish fluids lost during diarrhoea bouts. Talk to your doctor about your diarrhoea diet and follow the recommendations for quick relief.


  • Scalp Psoriasis – Symptoms, Causes, and Effective Shampoos
    Scalp psoriasis is a common genetic skin and scalp disorder. It appears as raised, scaly red patches on the scalp and sometimes extends to your forehead, back of the neck, and ears as well. Psoriasis can occur at any age; there are certain environmental risks that can trigger it in predisposed individuals. About 7.5 million people, both men and women are affected by this skin condition in the country. To remove the scales in a non-traumatic fashion, there are certain shampoos available for people suffering from scalp psoriasis. These shampoos are generally recommended to be used once a day; however, if the scalp is too thick, they might be recommended to use it twice a day.

    Symptoms of scalp psoriasis

    - Scaly red bumpy patches - Flaking like dandruff - Severe itching - Dry scalp - Thick-crusted sores - Hair fall - Silver scaling - Stiff joints

    Causes of scalp psoriasis

    The causes of scalp psoriasis aren’t completely comprehended by specialists as of yet; however, it is majorly believed to have something to do with a dysfunction in the immune system. It causes the cells to grow too fast and layer up on the scalp. Certain triggers, such as the following, might worsen the condition in affected patients: - Infections of the skin or throat - Cuts, scrapes, burns, or bug bites - Stress - Heavy smoking and alcohol consumption - Certain medications like high BP medication or bipolar disorder medication - Deficiency of vitamin D

    Dermatologist-recommended shampoos for scalp psoriasis

    Shampoos meant for treatment of scalp psoriasis can help you with flaky skin, redness, and itching. Coal tar shampoos have been used for decades to treat scalp psoriasis and are still quite popular. Listed below are some of the popular dermatologist-recommended shampoos for scalp psoriasis.
    Scalp 18 Coal Tar Shampoo
    With coal tar formula, this shampoo enriches your hair with essential oils and soothes the scalp. Shampoo with Scalp 18 for a salon-like wash, with gentle formula and fragrance. It also helps in reducing the symptoms of scalp psoriasis.
    Neutrogena T-Gel Therapeutic Shampoo
    Neutrogena is known for its skin friendly, gentle products. The T-Gel shampoo has a limited amount of Coal Tar. Shampoo your hair using this product and you will be able to see quick results with dandruff and scales disappearing.
    Denorex Therapeutic 2-in-1 Shampoo+conditioner
    With high constituent of coal tar, this shampoo and conditioner is quite effective in removing flakes and helps ease the itching and redness. By using Denorex and the conditioner at least twice a week, you will be able to achieve better results.
    Dermarest Psoriasis Medicated Shampoo Plus Conditioner
    Dermarest offers a range of products for the treatment of psoriasis scalp including, shampoos, creams, lotions, and conditioners. Vitamin B5 and zinc eases the pain and itching while moisturizing your scalp from deep within. It prevents the scales from growing back too soon. Moisturize your scalp with this medicated shampoo and conditioner with a non-greasy and fragrance-free formula and achieve the desired effects against scalp psoriasis.
    Home Health Psoriasis Medicated Scalp and Body Wash
    Psoriasis is not limited to the scalp, and in some cases, it extends to other body parts as well. Home Health brings you the treatment for psoriasis-affected areas on your scalp. It contains natural ingredients like aloe vera and has a lemony fragrance. Use Home Health shampoo twice a week for better results from scalp psoriasis. Besides using shampoos for scalp psoriasis, you must consult a dermatologist or naturopathic specialist for alternative treatments. As there is no clear cause for the skin condition, it can still be curbed to a certain extent by finding your personal triggers, which vary with individual habits. Find a suitable shampoo and seek advanced treatments to control the effects of psoriasis.
  • Causes of foot pain and their remedies
    People tend to overlook the fact that feet health is equally important as maintaining the rest of the body parts. Not being able to do so can give plenty of opportunities for something to go wrong, especially if you fail to walk and run with proper form and posture. There are certain footwear, flip-flops, tight fitting, and high heeled shoes. It may also damage your foot structure and aggravate the situation. Some foot exercises and remedies can make a difference for problems such as bunions and hammertoes. Other common foot problems include plantar fasciitis, ingrown toenails, and fungal infections. Let's have a look at some of the foot issues and ways to treat them: Plantar fasciitis It is the inflammation of the ligament that runs along the sole of the foot. Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common chronic injuries. The treatment usually focuses on relieving tension on the heel. To begin with, you will want to make sure that you are having a sufficient anti-inflammatory diet that is high in healthy fats and low in sugars. Some home remedies that can help relieve pain caused by Plantar fasciitis include Herbs and spices such as cloves, ginger, rosemary, and turmeric. Animal-based omega-3 fat, such as krill oil. Shiitake mushrooms contain strong compounds that reduce inflammation due to oxidative stress. Walk, stretch, and elongate your calf muscles Tennis ball massage can help relieving pain caused from Plantar fasciitis. Bunions Bunions are a condition in which the metatarsal bones are displaced, causing the big toe to lean toward the other toe. This produces a bump at the base of the big toe. Wearing pointy shoes can aggravate the condition. While surgery is not a wise option, there are simple remedies for foot pain caused due to such conditions. Raise 3/4th of your heels and hold for three seconds. Lower back down and repeat for several repetitions. This exercise can help strengthen the medial arch muscle, which indirectly helps in pulling back metatarsal bones in place. Toe crunches Rotate your ankle outwards, so the weight of the foot is on the outside portion. Crunch your toes together as if you are making a fist with your toe. Hold for three seconds and hold. Do repetitions as per you requirement. Hammertoe It is the condition in which either one or both the joints affect the second, third, or fourth little toe. This is generally caused due to wearing ill-fitted shoes for a longer time. Toe extensions and toe flexion are some of the simple remedies to ease the foot pain due to hammertoe.
  • What you need to know about unemployment loans
    In many cases, when a person is unemployed, they may be offered a loan from a high street lender. In this case, the rate of interest to be paid on loan will be very high and will also be accompanied by lending charges. Here is what to keep in mind while acquiring a loan when unemployed. Credit history: While trying to obtain any loan, it is essential to keep tabs on your credit score. A bad credit score will reduce your options of loans. Before attaining a loan, you should work towards improving your credit score. Every time you apply for a loan, it leaves a mark on your credit history, and if you get rejected by one lender, it gives the next lender a greater chance to reject you. Type of loans you can acquire: The best kinds of loans available are the best buy loans, and they have the most attractive terms and rates. These types of loans are usually reserved for creditors who have a good credit history and are employed. There are lenders who are willing to provide loans to creditors with bad credit history or those who are unemployed. The chances of finding such lenders are bleak, and most of them charge high rates of interest. It is always best to try and negotiate with lenders to get the rates to reduce by a little margin because it will be very difficult to pay back the full principal along with the interest when you have no job. It is also a good idea to borrow a smaller sum of money as you can pay it off faster. Money-Super-Market is a credit broker website that displays a list of all the lenders and their specifications. This website helps you compare the rates of interest of various lenders and makes it easier for you to find the most feasible solution to your problem.
  • How to grow lavender flower plants
    They are easy to grow and are a beauty to have in your garden. The smell is and look of the flowers are one of their attractive features. Find out more about how you can grow lavenders in your garden. Starting from the start Decide where you want to grow your lavenders. You can start with inspecting your garden to figure out best way for your plants. Lavenders demand full and direct sunlight for at least 6 hours a day, so find them a place where they get adequate amount of sunlight for adequate amount of time. Remember, they will not flourish and bloom well if they lack sufficient sunlight. Once you have the location, make a bed of soil for your plants. Raised beds are perfect for your lavenders as they need proper drainage. Growth is hampered when the soil is moist or damp. Silica if mixed with the soil will help with the drainage. Another important part is the soil's pH level. Give equal importance to this part along with others. The pH should be between 6.5 to 7. If you do not have enough knowledge about the pH and level of pH, take a professional help. You can also get a soil test done and check the pH level of your soil. Remember that lavenders prefer alkaline based soil. Planting Dig a hole in the soil. Hole should be deep and wide enough for the roots to spread. You can add a compost of small round stones and lime juice in the hole to make is drainage ready and alkaline. Before you take the plant off it's nursery planter or put, water it so the roots are hydrated before you take them out. Take the plant off one hour later but before taking it off, you can prune them if necessary. You may seek professional help if you aren't sure. Light pruning can be done, though. Rooting You may now remove the plants from its roots careful with a light hand from it's nursing pot and shake off excess soil from the roots. Be very gentle while doing that. Place the plant in the hole you have dig with compost in it. Make sure the roots are not touching the stones and lime mix, so roots should be slightly above the compost mix. To place the plant properly, start adding soil in the dig hole and one it is full, pat gently to fixate the plant in its place. Lastly, if you're planting more than one lavender plant, keep a distance of 30-35 inches between two plants. This will help them get good air circulation and will give them enough space to grow.
  • 5 affordable phone business systems to meet your business needs
    Business phone systems are an important infrastructural element for any business. Good communication helps in improving not just the sales but also the overall operational productivity of the team. The other advantages of having a good business phone system include saving money, better accessibility, and multifunctionality. There are some business phone systems available in the market that you can choose from depending on your requirements and budget. Here are our top five picks for business phone systems based on popular business phone pricing in the market.
    • Voice 8x8: Voice 8x8 offers cost-effective VOIP-based business phone system solutions. The brand is known for its excellent customer service and has some big corporate clients in its kitty. The system is compatible with most of the other systems like Outlook, NetSuite, and Sugar CRM among the many others. The company has been on the market since 2002.
    • FluentStream: FluentStream is yet another VOIP-based system whose business phone pricing and other communication services are offered at affordable rates. It offers phone systems for businesses of all scales and sizes. It also offers all the much-needed features like auto attendant, call recording, and an automate scheduling function among several others.
    • Business Voice: This VOIP phone system has been designed to suit medium and large enterprises and work on a cloud-based system. One of the most attractive features of this brand's plan is the ability to store unlimited data in the cloud. Another noteworthy feature is its high-quality data security feature that complies with HIPAA and requires a multi-factor authentication, thus ensuring that you don’t have to risk a data breach.
    While looking for a business phone system, it is important to consider some important factors. These include the scale of your business, your requirements, budget and the business phone pricing. The right system should improve your communication methods without compromising the quality and security. Apart from VOIP-based phone systems, there are other traditional business phone systems available in the market as well.
  • Buying a dishwasher for your home
    Dishwashers are one of the important appliances that you need in your kitchen. Earlier they were considered to be a luxury, but now they are one of the most indispensable appliances. And when you talk about dishwashers you have so many options available in the market. Whether you are thinking of buying a new dishwasher or planning to replace your existing one, you need to keep in mind a few things about the dishwashers that are available in the market before you make your purchase. Types of dishwashers Many types of dishwashers come with different features which not only makes your work easy but also saves time. Lowes appliances have one of the widest ranges of dishwashers from all the popular brands in the market. You get to browse through the assortment in store and pick the one that best suits your requirements. Here is the guide to the different options available for you to choose from in Lowes appliances. Compact dishwashers These dishwashers are good for people who are looking for flexibility. When you have a restriction of space in your kitchen, you can go for a compact dishwasher. You have an option to choose either a single drawer appliance or a two drawer machine. This appliance runs small loads and fits perfectly in small spaces such as the cabinets. They go well and are best suited for use in a media room, wet bar or in the secondary kitchen. Built-in dishwasher This is the most typical model that you will find in the Lowes appliances. They are built-in under the kitchen counter and come with twelve 5-piece settings. Portable Dishwasher These dishwashers are good for people who do not have built-in space in their homes. This appliance has got wheels and can be moved easily as and when required. When you plan to buy a dishwasher, pick from a big retailer like Lowes appliances. Lowes appliances are certified with Energy Star seal and come with great discounts.