Here is how a degree from the best MBA college will benefit your career path

Are you a college graduate and are planning to take up further business studies? Then there is nothing better than an MBA degree from one of the best MBA colleges. MBA programs focus on delivering skills that are crucial for people who plan on making a career in successful business organizations or kick start their own business.

An MBA program takes a lot of effort and money and you indubitable want to make sure that you get the best out of it all. While MBA programs are offered by most colleges and universities around you, earning your degree from on the best MBA colleges can be very beneficial to your career going forward:

Exposed to the bigger picture: MBA is a degree that aims to show you different aspects of strategy, leadership, and other business requirements. The best colleges leave you with an advantage of experiencing all these factors from a bigger and wider perspective. These colleges have a tie-up and a deep understanding of what happens in the real world, thereby exposing you to the same.

Meet successful leaders: The best MBA colleges regularly rope in successful leaders from the industry to act as guest lecturers. This enables one to get an insight into the practices of the corporate world and advice on the best decisions to take.

Network building: Networking is an essential factor that will help you get yourself to be a part of the bandwagon. The best MBA colleges let you establish contacts with influential people and top corporate performers who can guide you in the future. Who you know is important and the college you go to can make a huge difference.

Learn the real meaning of team leadership: Business management and successfully being able to be a part of a team requires that one is given the opportunity to do so. The best MBA colleges ensure that their students are put through same, with the aid of group work and letting collaboration with peers. They teach you the real mean of what team leadership is.


  • Signs and symptoms of advanced Parkinson’s

    Parkinson's syndrome is basically slowing of motion in a human being or is hypokinesia. The exact cause of the disease is not known nor has it a cure. The immediate cause for the symptoms to appear is that neurons in the brain die off and there is a deficiency of dopamine, a neurotransmitter. Why neurons die is no known. Unless a lot of members of a family are afflicted with Parkinson's genetics play an insignificant part. So is the case with environmental factors. The only significant risk factor is age. People beyond 60yrs are who are commonly affected. It is a slow progressing ailment. Substituting dopamine via L'Dopa is the most effective means to control the symptoms.

    The initial symptoms are very mild and not easily noticed.There are ten signs which are indicative of Parkinson's. They are tremors when muscles are relaxed, slow movements or bradykinesia, rigid muscles, impaired balance and posture, loss of automatic moments, speech changes, especially low volume, writing changes, the words become small and letters crowded.

    As the disease progresses these symptoms intensify. In advanced stages, additional symptoms appear which may be treatable.

    • Not thinking clearly: Thinking difficulties, and loss of cognitive power, dementia, which may not respond to medications.
    • Depression and emotional changes: Parkinson patients can fall into depression. Appropriate medication will help them to face other challenges thrown up by the disease.
    • Emotional: Patients may also suffer fear, loss of motivation and anxiety. Medication may help.
    • Physical: As the disease continues its onward march one may start experiencing difficulty in swallowing. Eating session will get prolonged and may have switched over to nutritious fluid foods. Saliva accumulates in the mouth and starts drooling making it necessary to tie an absorbent bib to keep the near body cloths dry.
    • Sleep issues: Sleep problems start to keep patients get up frequently at the night and prevent sleep at the night and they sleep in day time compounding the problem.
    • Urine issues: As moments slow down patients start to experience difficulty to pass urine. Often it takes long to relax and start urination. Similarly, they suffer incontinence also.
    • Others: Constipation becomes chronic. One can experience dizziness on standing because of slow compensation of blood pressure on becoming straight up. They can totally lose the sense of smell. The patient becomes constantly fatigued. The cause is not known. Some of the patients starting to get erectile dysfunction. They start suffering in their entire body instead of in specific places.
  • Celebrity-inspired dolls that you should have
    Celebrities do like to doll up for their red carpet looks. There are people around the world who imitate the celebs and their looks that they flaunt at various promotions and ceremonies. Have you ever wondered if there are any dolls who would look like some of the popular celebs? Wouldn't that be interesting for the brand as well the kids who play with these dolls? However, it is also exciting to know that some celebrities have gone a step ahead to inspire some of the dolls. So, you can now get some of the celebrity-inspired dolls in your collection of dolls. Marilyn Monroe as a Barbie Which little girl is not fond of Barbie dolls? Well, you can't name any! There will hardly be any baby girls who wouldn't want a Barbie collection in her closet of toys and when we are talking about celebrity-inspired dolls, Marilyn Monroe does need a mention here. This iconic superstar has a Barbie inspired by her looks and it's nothing less than surprising, gorgeous and a must-have in your collection. Twiggy Lesley Lawson, who is famously known as Twiggy, is a British cultural icon and a supermodel. It is interesting to know that supermodel of the 1960s was the first ever celebrity who was made in a doll by Barbie. The simple features of the doll along with the hairdo and costume make it look adorable. Michael Jackson The great King of Pop was commemorated by creating a doll and immortalizing him. The doll replicated Michael Jackson's 1984 look. While if you are wondering where can you find this vintage piece, then you can find this on online stores. Britney Spears It is indeed true that this pop singer has won millions of hearts all across the world and there is also a doll inspired by her. The pop queen has been made into a doll quite a few times and every time it has been a hit. Prince William & Kate Middleton In order to commemorate the Royal Wedding, the Royal couple, Prince William and Kate Middleton, were transformed into Barbie dolls. If you want a unique collection of Barbie from the celebrity-inspired dolls, then this one has to be on your list.
  • Here’s how you can lower premium on property insurance
    Buying a property of one’s own may be possible only after the culmination of years of saving money. However, merely owning a house is not adequate as it is essential to protect your property against any potential loss or damage in the unlikely event of a break in, accident, fire or any other natural disasters. Typically the property insurance premium may be calculated by diving the net value of your property by 1000 and multiplying the result by 3.50. The larger the house and the higher its market value, the amount payable as premium increases. Here are some ways to reduce the cost of your property insurance premiums to the extent possible. First of all, if your property includes a large amount of land along with the building, you could opt for an insurance premium that is calculated not on the basis of land value but based on the rebuilding coasts. As far as possible, try to make your home disaster proof. The more you secure your house using technological aids such as smoke detectors, sprinklers and burglar alarms, the less implications such threats would have. When installing such features, do consult your insurance advisor. Ensure that your home’s electrical and plumbing systems are upgraded and functioning well. Since all financial transactions made by an individual are monitored, if you consistently maintain a good credit record, that would, in turn, influence the insurance company to offer you a favorable premium, as the evidence might indicate that you are less likely to default on a bonus payment. If you live in an area that is known to be vulnerable to earthquake activity or sudden cyclonic storms, you might want to compare the policy types and premiums offered by both governmental and private insurance agencies to see if any can offer you a lower premium. These are some ways in which you could negotiate with your insurance provider to arrive at a lower annual premium for your property insurance policy.
  • Pancreatic cancer, symptoms and treatment

    Pancreatic cancer arises in the pancreas of the patient. The problem with the detection and treatment of this disease is that there are very few symptoms that may point at the existence of this disease in the early stages. This is why it goes largely undetected. By the time the diagnosis happens, the progression of the disease makes it very difficult to treat and the outlook for recovery is generally not that great. Let us take a deeper look at the pancreatic cancer symptoms and signs.

    Symptoms based on the Location of the Disease: In this kind of cancer, the location plays a large role in the kind of symptoms that the patient would experience. If the cancer has started in the head of the pancreas, then it would come with various symptoms like headaches, nausea as well as vomiting, jaundice which would leave you with yellowing skin and eyes. Pain in the back and abdomen would also be felt if the pancreatic cancer has started in this portion. Itching and enlarged lymph nodes are some of the symptoms. If the pancreatic cancer has started in the body or the tail of the pancreas, then unexplained weight loss as well as back pain and discomfort in the belly would be the most commonly experienced symptoms.

    Gastrointestinal Symptoms and Signs: Among the various pancreatic cancer signs, there are many that have to do with the gastrointestinal health of the patient. Pain in the abdomen is one of the many symptoms that is usually experienced by over 80% of the patients suffering from this cancer, as per various medical studies and reports. Further, bloating and loose motions will also be commonly and frequently experienced due to the cancerous growth in this region. Apart from this, the patient will also find pale hued stools and nausea. Also, the pain that starts in the abdomen will frequently radiate in a dull way towards the back of the patient.

    Whole Body Symptoms: The rest of the body will also get affected by this kind of cancer. To begin with, the patient will report a spike in the blood sugar levels due to the malfunction of the pancreas. This may also lead to additional complications like the development of diabetes, if not treated and contained on time. This is due to the fact that the pancreas are supposed to release insulin, which may not happen when the pancreas are impaired due to the cancer. Also, the patient may experience loss of appetite and malaise due to the same, because the brain will still register hunger and headaches will strike if this hunger is not satisfied in a timely manner with proper nutrition.

    Symptoms that show up on the Skin: A number of Pancreatic cancer symptoms may also show up on the skin in the form of a yellow pallor due to the prevalence of jaundice and itching as well.

  • Tips to choose the right exercise bike for your needs
    When it comes to buying exercise bikes, you need to consider many factors before your purchase. Here are some aspects that can help you center your purchase in order to avoid nasty shocks later on so that you choose the right exercise bike, based on your requirements. Design Design refers to both the appearance of the bike as well as the industrial conception. What material is the bike made of? Exercise bikes use both metal and plastic bodies, with the former being a more durable option. The appearance of the bike also matters here, as you will probably place the bike in your room and get to see it every day. So choose a design that appeals to you so that it encourages you to use the bike more often. User-weight supported It is important to consider the maximum weight supported by the exercise bike you prefer. The cheapest bike models may be easy in your pocket, but they can only carry up to 100 kg weight. On the other hand, superior bikes that cost a bit more will be able to support up to 150 kg with ease. Seat and handlebars You will want to choose an exercise bike that comes with an adjustable seat and handlebar. This allows you to adjust the seat as well as the handlebar vertically according to your height for optimal position while exercising. This, in turn, prevents issues like back and joint pain caused by sitting in an improper position on the bike. Power The power, also known as watts, of an exercise bike, is a measure of the maximum power it can handle while indicating your pedaling power. Standard exercise bikes used for high-intensity training usually come with a power range of 500 watts and above. Some models meant for light exercises have a power range of 200 to 400 watts. Hence, the exercise bike you choose needs to provide the maximum power to support your usage and training needs. Flywheel weight The weight of the bike's flywheel determines the comfort experienced by the rider while cycling. A heavier flywheel will make cycling more comfortable and fluid while a lighter flywheel will make you experience jolts while pedaling. While professional riders can use a flywheel weight of 15 kg and above, a flywheel weight of 9 to 14 kg can make your workouts effective. Beginners, on the other hand, can opt for a flywheel weight of 7 to 9 kg to ease the strain on their bodies while cycling. Budget Lastly, the exercise bike you choose will also depend on your budget to some extent. Here the point of consideration is the cost and quality that are directly proportional. Lower the cost of the bike, lesser may be the quality of the same. It is wise to invest in a higher quality exercise bike, which will be robust and durable and will offer maximum comfort and fluidity while riding.
  • Treatments available for Herpes
    In spite of major advancements in the medical world, unfortunately there is no treatment available for complete cure of Herpes yet. It is a viral infection which even after treating, will not leave the host body. It may stay in a dormant state, but will definitely not leave once it enters. Although through medications and drugs, a few occurrences can be brought to control, complete ejection is not yet possible. What role does medication play? Medications can limit the chances of the spreading of your viral infection. Sores may disappear without treatment in some cases. Most doctors, while diagnosing and treating Herpes, send a swab of the patient's lesion for a test. As soon as the reports confirm that the patient has Herpes, he/she immediately gets started with the Episodic Therapy. This therapy ensures that your outbreaks get reduced considerably within a few days of application. In this therapy, you will be asked to take some antiviral medicines for several days till the outbreaks and sores disappear. This is for the people with mild and not-so-often flare-ups. For people having severe outbreaks, Suppressive Therapy is effective. This therapy is a lifetime procedure. Here, you are asked to take an antiviral drug on an ongoing basis to manage the condition. This will reduce your chances of developing further sores and transmitting the infection. Home remedies for Herpes: Apart from prescription medicines, there are quite a good number of home remedies available, using which you can naturally control Herpes. One of the highly suggested home remedies is Licorice Root. It has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties, which help in fighting off the Herpesvirus. For this treatment, mix half a tablespoon of water with half a tablespoon of Licorice Powder and dab the paste on the affected area. Follow this thrice a day till your blister is gone. You can also apply liquid Licorice Root extract or cream on the blister. Garlic has an antiviral component known as Ajoene. With this component, it becomes a potential home remedy for you to combat Herpes. Take a garlic clove, crush it and gently place it on the affected area for about 15 minutes. Make sure that the application does not give you a burning sensation. Repeat this for quite a few times for 2 days till you notice improvements. Another alternative for this remedy is using garlic oil directly on the affected area. Cook some garlic clove in olive oil. Cook until they turn brownish-golden. Strain and apply this beneficial oil to get rid of Herpes outbreaks. Ice packs are also helpful in this matter and give you a relief from the constant pain and discomfort. Take an ice pack, wrap it in a cotton cloth properly and place it on the affected area for about 10 to 15 minutes. Do this for a few days till you observe positive results.