Home remedies for curing toenail fungus

A toenail infection causes mild discomfort with no or minimum foul odor, often very commonly treated by medical professionals. There is no immediate cause for worry or concern, with a number of home remedies available at your disposal to treat the same.

Here are a few easy and cost effective options to deal with toenail infection:

Probiotic drinks: Fungal overgrowth can be the cause of any imbalance in the healthy flora present in your body. Probiotic drinks which are readily available in the market can easily help with this imbalance and also help with the fungal toenail infection.

Oregano oil: Oregano contains anti-bacterial properties which can be used to counter the infection from toenail fungal. Dabbing the oil on the infected area regularly will help tackle the growth of bacteria and related fungal matter to curb the infection effectively over a period of time.

An apple cider vinegar, keeps the toenail fungus away: One of the more known remedies for toenail fungus and a very effective way of tackling the same. Apple cider vinegar being the versatile ingredient it is, can be used internally and externally. A simple concoction of the vinegar, mixed with some salt and warm water makes a good water bath for your feet. Soak the infected area for at least half an hour, two to three times a day to cleanse and curb the infection from spreading.

Tea tree oil: Another very effective alternative, but only to be applied externally to the infected areas to let the oils soak in and cleanse the wound. The infected area should be then directly scrubbed gently, to get rid of all the dead cells and damaged nail fragments.

Nature’s versatile remedy: Coconut oil to the rescue, it seems to be the perfect remedy for mostly a number of infections. The fatty acids in the oil help prevent the bacterial growth and coat the cells which have been affected by the infection to ensure no further spreading of the infection. Coconut oil is easily available in abundance, easy to apply and is not very messy. Plus, there is no odor from the oil that might just ruin your day otherwise.

Orange oil: Orange oil is very rich in anti-fungal properties and is a very effective remedy to battle toenail fungus. The oil should be allowed to soak in and ease into the affected areas, for maximum effect and allow the anti-fungal properties to tackle the infection.


  • Heartburn: Causes, symptoms, and solutions
    Learn all you need to about this inconvenient disorder, which often causes discomfort after a heavy meal. Discover the factors that cause it, the symptoms that will help you identify it, and the solutions you can use to make it go away. The causes of Heartburn Heartburn is a symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease. This is a disease which affects the esophagus due to the stomach acid refluxing back into it. There are a number of irritants that could lead to an acid reflux and ergo, a heartburn. Some of those include alcohol, caffeine, carbonated beverages, and acidic food. Smoking is also known to be a common cause of acid reflux when combined with high fat content food. Pregnancy could also cause increased pressure in the abdominal cavity that could result in heartburn. Diseases affecting the esophagus directly could also render heartburn as a symptom. Symptoms you need to watch out for The refluxing stomach acid in the esophagus causes pain, known as heartburn. Heartburn mainly presents as a burning sensation behind the breastbone. This pain could either be felt in the form of a spasm or a sharp pain. It usually lasts for a few minutes but it could also last for a few hours. The pain of acid reflux or heartburn mainly remains in the lower chest. Heartburn can worsen right after meals and while lying down. It usually affects people who are overweight. Sometimes, it could also present with a sour taste in the back of the throat due to the stomach acid. Coughing and hoarseness of the voice are common symptoms. Usually, it is difficult to swallow when heartburn occurs. The enamel on the teeth are also prone to damage due to the acid reflux. Persistent heartburn can lead to ulcers in the esophagus due to inflammation. Heartburn could also be confused for other medical conditions such as a heart attack, pneumonia, or chest wall pain. The solutions at your disposal Long term solutions These solutions for heartburn usually comprise of lifestyle changes. It is imperative that a person prone to heartburn eats smaller meals but also eats more often. Eating slowly helps in better digestion of the food. It is better to wait for a while before sleeping and hence avoid eating right before going to bed. Alcohol affects the body and specifically the gastrointestinal system. Avoiding alcohol could lead to reduced heartburn in the long run. Quitting cigarette smoking is beneficial for the body in its entirety. It also helps in the reduction of heartburn. Short term solutions A number of short term solutions for heartburn includes drugs, mainly over the counter. Antacids can help prevent heartburn. They are generally taken right after meals to prevent excess stomach acid from getting into the esophagus. They work within seconds. Histamine Antagonists or H2 blockers are medications that decrease the production of stomach acid. This could further prevent acid reflux and heartburn. H2 blockers take about 30 minutes to be effective. Proton-Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) also lower the amount of acid that the body produces. They take about 4 days to start working. These are prescription drugs.
  • Some common and uncommon signs of schizophrenia that shouldn’t be ignored
    The World Health Organization estimates that nearly 24 million people suffer from schizophrenia. It often surfaces during late adolescence and the twenties, and men are more prone to it than women. The condition is usually attributed to significantly distressed personal or professional life. People with schizophrenia have an increased mortality risk due to chronic health issues. Thus, it is necessary to recognize its symptoms for proper diagnosis and cure. Some of these include Hallucinations This is one of the most commonly recognized symptoms of schizophrenia. A person is said to be hallucinating when they claim to see, hear, taste, or feel things that are not present in their real environment. Auditory hallucinations or hearing voices is the most common state of hallucinations. Those with this condition will claim that they hear voices inside their heads. These voices may comment on their behavior, make criticizing remark, or even communicate with the person. These hallucinations can happen even when a person is fully awake and is not inebriated. Delusions Delusions are regarded as beliefs that a schizophrenic person may possess that are difficult to comprehend and, at times, feel strange. There are different types of delusions that people may feel
    • Referential delusion: This is when a person believes that any public communication, be it a song or a news item, is meant exclusively to them.
    • Persecutory delusion: Patients will feel someone stalking, framing, or attempting to hurt them.
    • Somatic delusions: This makes patients believe that they suffer from unnatural health conditions.
    • Grandiose delusions happen when schizophrenia patients believe themselves to be prominent world figures such as renowned politicians or actors.
    Unusual Movements An uncommon symptom of schizophrenia, this leads to the patient making abrupt, silly, or childish movements. Since an objective/goal doesn’t direct their behaviour, the patient may be unable to control their body movements. Some examples of such unusual movements include assuming a bizarre posture, having a complete lack of response, or making excessive or disconnected movements. Disorganized Speech or Thinking Patients with schizophrenia often exhibit this symptom. Disorganized speech and thinking are interrelated and may lead to ineffective communication, especially in social settings. For instance, you may ask the patient a question and get a completely unrelated answer. Or, they may put together some unrelated words that are difficult to comprehend. Flat Emotions Another unusual symptom of schizophrenia is ‘flattening’ or flat emotions and expressions. The patient may have a flat-sounding voice or facial expressions. For instance, their facial expressions may not correlate with the discussions happening around them. They may also show little response to situations relating to a non-patient. Difficulty in Structuring Their Activities Schizophrenic people tend to have reduced executive functioning of the brain. This means that their cognitive abilities don’t permit them to structure activities. It is difficult for them to identify and execute the steps required to complete the task at hand in a particular order. Lack of Insight One of the most unusual symptoms of patients with schizophrenia is a lack of insight, commonly known as anosognosia. This means the patient will not be aware that they have a problem or illness. This is one of the main reasons why this condition is hard to diagnose and cure. Though often confused with being in denial, the patient is, in reality, incapable of recognizing the signs and symptoms of schizophrenia. This often leads them to believe that they don’t require attention. Negative Symptoms These are some unusual symptoms of schizophrenia, meaning that certain standard behavior patterns are negated. When suffering from these symptoms, a patient may start neglecting personal hygiene. They may also appear to be lacking emotions, make no eye contact, or speak in a monotone. These people may also lose interest in routine, daily activities, withdraw socially, and are unable to experience pleasure in activities that used to interest them before. Since people diagnosed with schizophrenia often lack awareness regarding their symptoms, their family or friends need to know about the unusual and usual symptoms pertaining to the condition. If you think someone you know has any of these symptoms, talk to them and encourage them to seek professional help.
  • Enhance Your Living Room Space with the Perfect Furniture
    Finding the perfect living room furniture can be exhausting. There's no need to worry about the same if we stick to the essentials. There are various home decor options that stores can offer you. Make sure you make the right choices before buying the perfect living room furniture. One of the first things you want when looking for living room furniture is the table. We need tables carefully laid out around the house for an efficient, productive ambiance. A center coffee table can be very useful. They come in many shapes and sizes. The size of the room and its color are important things to keep in mind when going through the catalogs. For roughly $70-$100 you’ll be able to purchase premium products online, with modern, contemporary or vintage designs. Side tables can be just as important and helpful, both if the room's too big or too small. It'll help avoid the mess we all end up making from time to time, especially when entertaining friends and family. For nearly half the price of a decent coffee table, i.e. roughly $40-$60 you can buy side tables from a variety of websites. The idea of a desk tailored to your needs should also be on the table if you want a little space to work just for yourself. There are no wrong choices really. Your living room furniture must help you do what you want, which depends on your own personal and professional needs.
    Shelves and cases
    An essential part of the living room furniture is the shelves and cases, which make space for books, documents, photographs, and trinkets that make storage and access efficient. Cases and shelves come with an extensive range of prices. From a vintage dark brown metal framed 3-tier Bookshelf by eHomeProducts which are priced at around $67.95 $ or $108 for a Sonoma Oak, Altra Elmwood Bookcase by Altra Furniture to fully assembled products which are available for $400 and above. Budget is, of course, an important factor in all purchase decisions, but with adequate research, it is possible to have a sophisticated look at reasonable and even cheap prices.
    Sofa sets
    A sofa or a couch is perhaps the first thing that comes to find when we think of living room furniture. It is the go-to place in your home where you take a breath after a long day, essential for having friends and family come over. At the same time, it might just be where the magic happens. Important things to keep in mind are the fabric and size of the sofa. You want something that looks relaxing and makes you feel relaxed. Posture and texture are crucial for finding the perfect sofa. Sofas sport a diverse range of fabrics. Leather provides a premium look and easy maintenance. Cotton and raw fabrics are in vogue now, providing a rustic and natural environment, again in colors that reflect the mood you want to be in. Sofas and couches have a wide price range upwards of $100, for example, a sofa-set by Harper & Bright designs for $509 which will meet all requirements. A recent addition and widely popular among people with contemporary taste in living room furniture is the futon or similar sofa-cum-beds. They’re fashionable, come in a variety of shades and are very helpful for friends who turn up at the last minute. Futons save a lot of space and are generally very easy to clean and maintain. Having said that, they are also very productive as makeshift beds which provide a premium relaxing experience, perfect for a movie night with loved ones. Armchairs and ottomans are also good living room furniture options as they take up limited space and provide a fashionable seating arrangement, tailored to individual needs. A must-have for the newspaper in the morning or a drink or two before calling it a night.
  • 8 Ways to Deal with Lower Back Pain
    Lower back pain is the pain in the lumbar spine region of the vertebral column. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), it is the most widespread work-related disability among citizens. In the country, approximately 80 percent of the office-goers suffer from this type of pain. In most of the cases, low back pain results from injury, ruptured or herniated disc, spine cancer, sciatica, kidney infection, arthritis, and muscles sprains. Continue reading to understand the different lower back pain treatment and procedures so that you can manage the condition efficiently.
    • Opt for ice treatment Applying ice cubes is one of the most effective ways of managing low back painTake some ice-cubes in a plastic bag and apply it to the painful area for 20 minutes on and off during the first 48 hours of injury. Some orthopedic doctors encourage using ice and heat treatment alternately, but it is better if you practice it after the initial two days of injury. This lower back pain treatment helps to reduce inflammation and improve mobility in the area.
    • Stretch your muscles Having a low back pain does not mean that you need to stay on the couch for a few days. The more you restrict your movement, the worse your pain becomes day by day. Experts advocate you to undergo light stretches or walks to improve the condition.
    • Go for acupuncture Acupuncture helps to treat moderate to chronic low back pain. Here, the therapist inserts fine needles at the pressure points of your body to restore the energy flow. It stimulates the release of pain-relieving compounds from the body and alleviates your pain.
    • Eat proper food It is a known fact that eating food rich in calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D helps in the development of stronger and healthier bones. Include milk and other dairy products like cheese, curd, yogurt, collard greens, broccoli, kale, sardines, and salmon in your regular diet to derive the benefits of these minerals.
    • Maintain correct posture while sleeping As a part of the treatment for the lower back pain, try to sleep on your side with your knees drawn near your chest, and use a pillow in between your legs to minimize the stress on the lower back. Use a firmer mattress to reduce pain.
    • Do regular exercises and yoga A regular 30 minutes of activity and yoga are excellent for treating lower back pain. It improves your balance, increases stamina, and promotes the release of stress relieve hormones. Practicing the “child pose” of yoga helps to lessen lower back pain.
    • Watch your posture at work Maintain the correct posture while sitting and standing in the office. Use proper furniture in your workplace like ergonomic chairs and desk to manage back pain.
    • Maintain weight Maintaining the body weight in the standard height-weight curve helps to prevent the occurrence of back pain. An increased weight puts excess pressure on the joints and aggravates the pain.
  • Pros and cons of gas and electric oven ranges
    Gas and electric oven ranges come in various sizes and models and have outstanding features. However, before shopping a new unit, you must research the available models and analyze your needs. Electric ovens vs. gas ovens People without gas supply obviously go for the single oven electric ranges, but if you have options, cooking preferences come into play. Many individuals prefer the electric ones because of safety issues as there's no risk of gas leak or accident. Deciding factors can be:
    • Popular options: In terms of price as well as performance, electric smooth-top ones are most popular ones.
    • Budget: Gas ranges are more costly than the electric counterparts. Although, the former bones are easy and less expensive to operate, based on whether the gas rates are higher or lower than the electricity units.
    • Intense cooking or moderate cooking: There are several people who are and they prefer gas ranges due to the burner flame acting as an estimator of temperature as well as heat things faster. Whereas bakers like the electric oven ranges as the constant and even heat is needed for baking.
    • Ranges: There are stovetops with at least four burners while some premium versions have up to five. In case of ovens, two racks come with the single oven electric ranges. Many ultra-scale models have three racks, especially the double ovens. There is a slide in some ranges, which fit between two cabinets. And these are available in both gas and single oven electric ranges. Apart from these, there are drop-in ranges, which are fitted into an existing cabinet over the bottom. This feature is only available in double and single oven electric ranges.
    Pros and cons of gas ranges Double or single oven gas ranges heat quickly to enable even cooking. After turning the flame off, the cooked food lies on the range, and no risk of overcooking is there as the elements cook faster. As far as the fuel cost is concerned, natural gas or propane comes cheap while electricity units are costly. However, the flame stability can be one demerit if the range is kept near a window. Oven temperatures are much hotter at the topmost part and hence, baking needs rotation. The humid heat is not appropriate for roasting purposes. Moreover, cleaning these gas ranges is difficult. Pros and cons of electric ranges Single oven electric ranges are easy to operate and clean. The surface is even and stable for pots or pans as compared to stoves. No issue of oil pooling on one corner and even heat distribution are some advantages. Fans and grillers come in electric ranges along with an additional feature to keep food warm. Among disadvantages, since these ranges depend upon the electricity they cannot be used if the power goes off. Also, in case of heavy water splash, drop, or scratch, the ceramic cooktop shatters.
  • Best treatments to get rid of age spots
    One thing that everyone notices, while going with the cycle of age, is spots, also called small dark patches. The face is the first place where you notice the early signs of the age effect. Wrinkles, dark spots, age spots or patches, all are the signs and can often be seen on your face to reflect your progressing age. With aging, over-production of melanin also starts. However, not to worry as there are many age spot removers that can change your life. Let's find out about some of the best age spot removers for you. Avon Anew Absolute Even DSX-7 When it comes to working on different types of skin, Avon Anew Absolute Even DSX-7 fits the description as the best age spot remover. Be it for dark spots, freckles, uneven skin tone, blotchy red scraps, patches, and sallowness; this miracle works efficiently on all. It works from the root and helps in improvement of your skin tone. Eva’s Skin Lightening Cream This age spot remover cream keeps your skin hydrated and remove your spots. Some of its active ingredients are kojic acid, vitamin E, and B, and coconut oil, that keeps your skin looking tight and bright. On regular application, you can notice its result on your face. It makes your skin smoother and shinier and gives you an even complexion. Also, all its ingredients are natural, and it does not contain any harmful chemicals. Murad Rapid Age Spot and Pigment Lightening Serum This serum works effectively when it comes to removing the dark age spots from your face. It uses hydroquinone, used to fight hyperpigmentation, which is caused by overproduction of melanin. If you are prone to long-term exposure to ultraviolet light, this product will suit you more. Its active ingredients keep you protected from harmful effects of sun rays. Miracle Fade Skin Lightening Cream This cream not only works great in reducing those dark spots of yours but also softens your skin and its complexion. It contains hydroquinone that kills damaged and dead skin cells and helps in generating new cells. It also includes water, Glyceryl Stearate SE, Cetearyl Alcohol, Mineral Oil that exfoliates and fades dark spots. It is one of the best age spot removers, that is trusted and used by many. Shouvy’s Whitening Mask Cream- Sleeping Pack This age spot remover cream works best for the clear and white skin. It guarantees to make your skin tone lighter and even. It contains kojic acid and glutathione that keeps your skin moisturized as well as protected from harmful UV rays. It reduces the production of melanin. One can use this cream at night before bedtime. Sunday Riley Tidal Brightening Enzyme Water Cream The active ingredients of this cream make your skin brighter and soft. It contains papaya enzymes, which helps in reducing the dark age spots efficiently. It also helps in preventing future spots from cropping up and helps in minimizing hyperpigmentation. It is loaded with proven brighteners, which leaves your skin glowing. Hydroquinone is one of the primary agents that work on your skin from the roots and clear your age spots. Products that contain this and are considered as the best age spot removers. Above mentioned creams are known to start showing their results in around four weeks to 2 months. However, on the chance, if you find that the results are fading after few months, do consult your doctor. As every person’s skin differs from each other, it is recommended to do a skin test once. If you don't find anything wrong within 24 hours of application, you can continue to use it further.