Know the infection, shingles

What is Shingles?

Shingles is an infection, which can be painful, and is contagious as well. It appears as a rash that’s generally around the torso but can occur anywhere in the body. Although it is not a life-threatening disease, the infection can last a long time. Visit a doctor and go for an antiviral shingles medicine course to reduce the severity of the infection.

Causes and risk factors

  • Shingles occur due to an infection caused by the varicella-zoster virus. It is also referred to as herpes zoster as it falls in the category of herpes viruses.
  • This virus also causes chickenpox. So, anyone who has had chickenpox is at a risk of getting shingles. After recovery from chickenpox, the virus remains inactive in the nerve roots next to the spine. It can reactive at any time and cause shingles.
  • Shingles can occur in people of any age group. But it usually affects older people. The reason for it is that the virus can reactivate when the body’s immunity is weak, which can happen in the old age. It can also occur in children with poor immunity. Chemotherapy drugs can also lower immunity. People with HIV or cancer have weak immune systems. They are more susceptible to shingles.
  • Long-term usage of steroids and certain drugs such as those help to prevent organ transplant failures can trigger shingles as well.
  • The symptoms of shingles usually affect only one side of the body. But at times, the rash may develop near the eye or around the neck.

Pain or a burning sensation on the affected skin area is the first shingles symptom to appear on the skin’s surface. A few days after the pain or tingling sensation begins, a rash appears on the infected area of the skin. The rash appears as a single stripe or line of blisters that are filled with fluid. These blisters eventually burst and then a crust forms over them. Itching might occur on the affected area.

Treatment: Shingles has no cure. But with the help of prescription shingles medicines, it is possible to ease the pain and speed up the recovery process. The treatment for shingles can also help prevent any complications from the infection. These complications can be nerve pain, swelling in the eye, skin infections and weak muscles. The doctor may prescribe paracetamol or painkillers. This can help to reduce the severity of shingles symptoms. To reduce the inflammation and pain, your doc may also prescribe steroid medication.

Prevention: Shingles is contagious but it is not possible to get shingles if anyone contracts the virus, as the infection causes chicken pox and not shingles. Once the virus enters the body, it is not possible to prevent it entirely but vaccines for chickenpox and shingles can reduce the likeliness of anyone contracting the infection. The vaccine for chickenpox (the varicella vaccine) is now part of regular immunization schedule. Adults who have not had chickenpox can also take it. The shingles vaccine is only approved for people who are 60 years of age and older.


  • Get ready for that precious moment with a due date calculator
    Expecting your little bundle of joy soon? Want to do a ground study about EDD (Expected Due Date)? Well, a lot of science is involved behind them. There are some handful ways to calculate the due date. Before reading further, please understand that the due date calculator can provide the nearest estimate of when the baby arrives in the world. It can never be 100% accurate. Only 4-5% of babies are born on their pre-calculated exact due date. Do you remember the starting day of your recent menstrual cycle (LMP last menstrual cycle)? Do you have knowledge about the exact day of ovulation? Even after knowing the ovulation day, are you sure when the male and female reproducing chromosome met each other, because the sperm can wait around for three days to fertilize the egg, after injection. The answers to above mostly are unsure, hence the accuracy of EDD. Counting from the day of conception, it takes 38 weeks to reach the day of parenthood. But in most cases day of conception remains unsure. Here, the first day of the recent menstrual cycle is taken and 40 weeks (280 days) added for a rough calculation of EDD. In these types of approximate calculation, one can expect labor two weeks before or after the suggested EDD. In cases where the date of conception is known precisely, such as with In- Vitro Fertilization (IVF), the EDD is calculated by adding 266 days to the date of conception. Ultrasound scanning is one of the age old popular ways to detect EDD and examine the wellness of the growing fetus. Ultrasound scan predicts the gestation age of the fetus in the womb. Gestation is the period between the conception and birth of the baby, the time it takes for the baby to develop and grow inside the mother's womb. The earlier the ultrasound scanning is done, more accurate is the estimation of the due date. One of the easier ways to calculate your due date with very less ground data is to consider the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP), add seven days to it and then count backward three months (change to the forthcoming year if necessary). For example, if your last period happens to commence on April 10, 2017, you need to add seven days resulting in April 17, 2017. Then subtract 3 months, which leads to January 17, 2018. Many of the online due date calculators come in handy to estimate the EDD. They pose a couple of questions regarding LMP, luteal phase (the time when ovaries release egg for fertilization, the time period before the onset of the menstrual cycle), date of ovulation, etc. These online tools always have a near estimate of the due date. All these ways to find the birth day of your baby give a rough idea and remind you to get ready for the surprise any time close to the prediction. After all, your babies know best when to arrive and melt your heart! So keep your fingers crossed and await your bundle of happiness.
  • Popular compact snow blowers to choose from
    A compact tractor snow blower is good to use to remove snow and ice for facilitating transportation purposes during the winter season. If you are wondering about which snowplow and compact truck snow blowers can be used to achieve better results, read on to know more about the same.
    • The 40-hp John Deere is good at snowplowing but only when there is no ice. Similarly, a John Deere 4720 is a little bigger and can go through with any type of snow layer. Even though it can be a little difficult to use in tight spots, using this compact snow blower for long runs of snow removal is easy. You could also use this compact tractor snow plow by attaching an 8-inch blade or box plow on the loader.
    • Similarly, the John Deere 3720 can be run on a 7-foot blade on a loader and 274-inch snow blower at the back. It is important to keep in mind that if one is going to push snow with a tractor, a frame of mounted plow would work as a better loader. The John Deere 3203 can work better with chains on the front axle and it would then offer a great push and drag.
    • The John Deere 2305 with a 47-inch snow blower on the front is the Kubota equivalent with a 5-inch blade on the front that can be used to clear snow from side blocks. The 2305 can also be used for loading of the docks and drive through especially when the snow needs to be blown to the corners.
    • The 23.5hp Massey GC 2300 can push up to 5 feet of snow and is a great compact snow blower. This tractor can run at a high speed of 25km per hour and is of great use.
    • The John Deer 2320 has a 48-inch power angle that works great. The plow, if kept small, and the rims kept narrow can work great. A snow blower attachment can be attached and this compact truck snow blower is great to go.
    • The 41 hp Mahindra 4x4 with a 6-inch bucket to open a ½ mile road is a good choice for a compact snow blower as well. If there is light snow, one can keep pushing it for the whole way. This machine can also take a 14-inch snowfall, and it still keeps going great. If there is heavy snow, the bucket would need to be emptied, but the work is not compromised.
    • The case International DX4o with a 6-foot back blade is also great for clearing snow on the sidewalks.
    You can choose from the above-mentioned compact snow blowers or look online for one that suits your needs best. Always ensure to read customer reviews as it will give you a better idea of which one is a better choice.
  • 5 dog breeds perfect for first-time pet parents

    Choosing to be a dog parent calls for a lot of due diligence. After all, taking care of a dog is not easy, especially if you’re taking care of one for the first time. Some dogs are easier to handle and care for than others. Some also learn things quickly, giving you more time to focus on other tasks. But there are numerous dog breeds, and choosing the right one can be difficult. To make things easier for you, we’ve listed some of the best dog breeds for first-timers. 

    Golden Retrievers
    Golden Retrievers are undeniably one of the best dog breeds for novice parents. That’s mainly because they are easy to please and quickly adapt to any household. Another thing is that they are curious learners, so training them is pretty easy. They are also innately affectionate and joyful. Keep in mind that golden retrievers need a fair amount of exercise to always be healthy and happy.  

    Bichon Frise
    Thanks to their curly coat, the Bichon Frise looks super cute. They can adapt to all sorts of lifestyles and are considered great for apartment living or for families. They are also excellent companions and very easy to train. The best part? Their coats are hypoallergenic. This means it is unlikely to cause any allergic reaction, which makes them a go-to choice for people with allergies. And, since they are small in size, moderate daily exercise is enough for their overall wellbeing. 

    Greyhounds are athletic, but they also love having some lazy days at home. This makes them perfect as they love running around and playing outdoors. But they are also calm when indoors. Also, their calm and affectionate nature makes them one of the best dog breeds for beginners. Their thin coat hardly needs any grooming and maintenance. However, make sure you cover them well in cold weather. 

    This little ball of fluff is a happy, friendly, and adaptable dog breed. Despite the little size, they have boundless energy and love playing around and getting some exercise every day. You’ll also be happy to know that they are quite friendly and get along well with both children and adults. Another plus is that training them doesn't require much effort. 

    Boxers are energetic and high-spirited, which make them ideal for those who live an active lifestyle. But, keep in mind that it’s important to train them when they’re young. The good news is that they enjoy attention during training, so teaching them appropriate behavior shouldn’t be a challenging task. Once trained, they can live happily in any environment and get along with every family member. You’ll also save money on grooming because they hardly need it. 

  • Things you need to know about compact snow blowers
    The compact tractor snow blower is of a size that would conveniently fit into all the small places. This is especially beneficial keeping in mind the big snow blowers that you might not be able to fit in if you have limited space. The compact snow blowers can help you give as much snow clearance as much as a normal tractor would offer on a daily basis. Compact tractor snow plows may be smaller in size but they can offer an excellent performance to meet your requirements. These are snow blowers with the same power in a condensed package. It is light and easy to handle but there I no compromise on the quality. It is made of all steel body. The compact snow blower has a horsepower to drift 20 inches of snow. Some compact snow blowers can also offer the folding of the handlebars to give easy storage options. The price of these compact snow blowers starts at $799 approximately, thereby making it affordable for people who need to clear off the snow. The whole model is made up of steel; this includes the handlebars, the dash, the housing of the compact snow blowers, the chute which is multidirectional. It is important to note that even the skid shoes are made up of steel. The cast iron gear case to the machine adds to an industry level markup performance to clear the snow. These cast iron gears also have a warranty that in some cases can extend up to five years. The large 12-inch impeller is a three blade, which is all steel that throws snow far and fast. It moves up to 59 tons/hour throwing snow very fast. The compact snow blower keeps the intake area clear to efficiently pull in snow and clear the snow from the street. The 15-inch tires are large that provides good directional tires. The 15-inch tires provide mobility and agility that gives you ideal grip and prevents you from slips. There are Remote Chute and Cap Rotation on the compact snow blower. The chute is quick and is efficient in blowing direction. The handlebars are foldable which makes it even more compact. This helps them when storing while adding it in ultra-tight spaces. This compact snow blower runs off from the electricity from your home, and you also have recharging options. These compact snow blowers are perfect for places with short driveways and sidewalks. The compact snow blower features an 18-inch clearing path that offers an average single pass. The compact snow blower lets you clear intake height of 9 inches of snow but is best suited for 6 inches deep or less snow.
  • Easy french recipes that anyone can cook
    French cuisines have a lot of mystery surrounding it. It is matter of esteem and it is likely because all the great chefs specialize in the French cuisine. French cuisine can turn an ordinary ingredient meal into a fantastic spread. The trick here is to make it look extravagant with the simplest of ingredients. As a matter of fact, French recipes have the simplest of the ingredients, which means anyone can cook them. They are fun to cook and a delight to eat. Let us take a look at some of the easy french recipes that you can prepare at your home. French lentil soup
    • A complete vegan soup, this classic and easy French recipe can be relished by both vegans and non-vegans.
    • All you need is sauted onions, celery carrots and chopped garlic, and carrots. Heat them in a saucepan for 12 to 15 minutes or until they turn brown. Add salt, thyme, and black pepper to taste and continue cooking for another minute.
    • Add pre-boiled lentils, diced tomato in a vegetable or chicken stock (as per your preference) and bring the soup to boil. Reduce the temperature slightly so that it is simmering.
    • Simmer it until it forms a puree like consistency. Serve the soup hot in a boul. You can also store and refrigerate the same and consume it for up to 3 days.
    Croque Monsieur
    • Croque in French translates to "church". This is another easy French recipe that you will find in every bistro out there France. These are tasty little sandwiches that come in variety of flavors.
    • The Croque provincial is a delicate sandwich of tomato, cheese, ham, and herbal mayo. Lets look at the method of preparation of a traditional Croque Monsieur.
    • Preheat the broiler in the lowest heat setting, and spread mustard on 4 slices of bread. Add half a cup of gruyere which is a form of cheese, if you don't have gruyere, you can use a substituting semi- soft cheese that has a creamy consistency. Place a few pieces of Ham. Cover it with the other piece of bread. Smear butter on top.
    • Place the prepared sandwiches in an ungreased baking tray and cook them crispy golden brown. Cover it with remaining cheese and cook them for additional 5 minutes.
    Steak au Poivre
    • The name of the dish literally translates to "pepper steak". It is a fabulous way to dress up a perfect strip steak.
    • The steak is simply seasoned pepper and salt and then fried in a skillet. Add a half a cup of cognac (add it carefully as it may fame up). Add a bit of cream on the side. The delicious steak is ready to serve and relish.
  • Healthy and tasty ways to keep fit
    We usually cut down on food to lead a healthy lifestyle. But have you ever thought that eating could also help you stay healthy and fit? This can be achieved only if you include the right supplements in your daily diet. Turmeric curcumin is one such supplement that not only adds to the flavor of your food but also helps you stay healthy. A few ways to include it in your diet are discussed below. Turmeric in milk:  If you include having a glass of milk infused with turmeric before going to bed, you will not only getting the benefits of turmeric curcumin present in the turmeric but also an adequate amount of calcium from the milk. Having this concoction proves helpful to relieve arthritis pain. Turmeric in curries: This is the most common way to include turmeric in your daily diet. Increase the quantity of turmeric in the curries you eat, so it becomes a tasty way to keep healthy. You would also be less prone to diseases by incorporating turmeric in your daily diet. Salad dressing: Salads are always considered to be healthy. But not many people know that turmeric curcumin can also be used as a salad dressing. Choose healthy veggies in your salad platter and sprinkle turmeric to derive the benefits of both healthy vegetables and turmeric. Soups: Soups are a tasty way to keep you healthy. Patients in medical care are often asked to include soup as a part of their daily diet. Including turmeric curcumin in a bowl of soup can make it tasty and add to its health value. Turmeric rice: This is a bit uncommon, but a dash of turmeric in rice can make it not only beneficial to your health, but it would also enhance its flavor. Since you will be putting just a dash, it will not overpower the natural flavor of the rice. Healthy eating is most often the key to healthy living. This can be achieved by a balanced diet which comprises of healthy and nutritious food such as turmeric curcumin.