Top 3 manufacturers of tattoo inks

Tattoos are a style statement. They are eye-catching and can grab anyone’s attention. They can be of any kind, ranging from detailed caricatures or sketches to simple symbols. Today, the tattoo industry is on the rise. This has resulted in an increase in the number of tattoo artists. If you are a creative tattoo-making artist and are looking for ink tattoo supplies, then here are a few that you should know about:

World Famous Tattoo Ink
World Famous Tattoo Ink is a reputed manufacturer of ink tattoo supplies. It has been in the business for more than 50 years. It produces superior-quality tattoo inks with solid viscosity. Some of the most sought-after tattoo-making artists around the globe have backed World Famous Tattoo Ink. World Famous Tattoo Ink claims to offer some of the finest vegan tattoo inks available in the market. The inks are not tested on animals and are non-toxic. Therefore, they are safer for the skin and are a favorite among several tattoo shops worldwide.

Solid Ink
If you are looking for a company that offers cruelty-free and vegan tattoo inks, then you can consider Solid Ink. This venture is created by tattooers for like-minded professionals. The inks are made of the best-quality ingredients, and are safe and natural. Solid Ink has a large network of distributors in various states across the country. Some of these include Coalition Tattoo Supply in Washington, Alliance Tattoo Supply in Virginia, Higher Level in Texas, Bicknee in Ohio, Beacon Tattoo Supply in Nevada, and CroMag Tattoo Supply in Missouri.

Intenze Tattoo Ink
Intenze claims to be the first company in the industry to operate a certified facility. It is one of the most preferred choices among many tattoo artists worldwide. Along with the other two manufacturers mentioned in this list, the inks produced by Intenze are cruelty-free and vegan. Once the inks are manufactured, they sterilize them through a gamma radiation procedure. The company’s objective behind this process is to provide tattoo artists with the safest inks. Intenze is also quite particular when it comes to its quality control.


  • Moderate to severe plaque psoriasis treatment
    The severity of plaque psoriasis can significantly affect our living style. Severe plaque psoriasis remedies incorporate physical and psychological aspects to holistically treat a patient and restore their well-being. Typical topical medications do work for mild psoriasis and based on the severity; a doctor must adopt a treatment that can benefit a patient. What is also important is to understand that psoriasis is a condition that is not contagious and the patients should not be discriminated against. In acute cases of severe plaque psoriasis treatment, the doctor should elicit the goal of treating the patient and explaining why it is necessary to control the disease at an early stage. If the emotional stage is stable, the plaque psoriasis remedies make treatment easier as the medicines can positively affect the ailment. Moderate to severe psoriasis affects 5-10 percent of the outer layer of a human body including the nails of toes and fingers. For severe plaque psoriasis treatment, merely topical medications might not be helpful instead, treating the ailment with extensive care and surgeries may be required. Moderate to severe plaque psoriasis treatment including scalp plaque psoriasis treatment is very costly and needs physicians who are good at the therapies as well. Once the stage moves from moderate to severe, plaque psoriasis treatment becomes a challenge for experienced dermatologists as well. While some patients are under treated,  the statistics found out that 52 percent of patients were not satisfied with their treatment. Mild psoriasis affected 37 percent and almost 12-15 percent had severe psoriasis. Severe plaque psoriasis remedies also include phototherapy and systematic therapies like retinoids, cyclosporine, apremilast, methotrexate or other such ingestion of drugs. The biologic agents that are used for severe plaque psoriasis treatments options are anti –TNF agents adalimumab, etanercept, and infliximab which act as antibodies as well. The time to recover takes weeks because it’s a procedure of psychological and physiological treatment. This is probably why patients suffering from severe plaque psoriasis have to undergo a heavy treatment by dermatologists. They may also require hospitalization as well. Long term maintenance therapy will stay efficient for psoriasis treatment in all conditions. Among the pediatric population, almost similar kinds of treatments are required.
  • Explore the different types of outdoor swimming pools
    Who doesn't want a beautiful swimming pool in their backyard or patio? A well-designed swimming pool in the comfort of your home's outdoors offers a perfect place to unwind with family and friends. From leisure to luxury, these outdoor swimming pools will do your money justice. To help you know better, here are some of the popular types of swimming pools.
    • Regular pools Regular pools come in average sizes. This one covers a certain area of the ground and can be referred to as 'in-ground' pools. This also is the most commonly preferred option amongst buyers.
    • Infinity pools The infinity pool design draws the edge of the pool towards infinity, creating an illusion of spaciousness. These are pretty cool to look at and are a trendy choice for swimming pools.
    • Lap pools If you are into competitive swimming or want athletic training out of your pool, then lap pools are an ideal choice. These are used for swimming laps from one end to the other and come in a skinny, long, rectangular design. They can also be used as regular pools.
    • Zero-entry pools Swimming pools that open up gradually inside a beach-themed backyard environment are known as zero-entry pools. These are savvy to look at and often give kids a reason to glee with joy.
    • Swim spas Swim spas are pools designed for relaxing and can be heated up to serve as a hot tub or a massage spa.
    • Plunge pools If luxury is a necessity, then the plunge pool is for you. These are small, compact, and designed for dips and cool-offs, in the courtyards or backyards.
    • Exercise pools Exercise pools are ideal for swimmers who love good training. Jets of water push against you in waves, which create a suitable environment for practicing various strokes and performing swimming sports exercises in the pool. You don't need to move around while swimming or even flip around since they are designed that way.
    • Above-ground pools These swimming pools are constructed above the ground with deck-like designs. Ideal for tight-budgets, these provide a resourceful and creative touch.
  • Smarter and more interactive modern appliances
    People are very busy these days. They have to distribute their limited time between domestic chores and other routine works as quickly and accurately as possible. That is why most of us are more or less dependent on several simple and complicated appliances. Appliances make daily life rather easy and repetitive jobs much faster. Daily chores like cooking, floor cleaning, washing, other inevitable works and even personal care or entertainment have become entirely appliance-dependent. The manufacturers, on the other hand, are getting really innovative in this matter. Newer features are added regularly, at the same time appliances are becoming smarter than before. Companies are also manufacturing these products keeping in mind the diversified demography of the country. Depending on the functionality, commonly used appliances can be divided under the following heads: Appliances for house chores “ Vacuum cleaner, washing machine, dishwasher, etc. Kitchen appliances “ Refrigerator, microwave oven, mixer grinder, blender, toaster, electric cooker, sandwich maker, induction cooker, etc. Personal care appliances “ Hair dryer, hair remover, shaving machine, iron, etc. Healthcare appliances “ BP monitor, blood sugar monitor, body weighing machine, morning walker, etc. Appliances for entertainment “ Television, music system, camera, etc. Other important appliances “ HVAC machine, car cleaning vacuum, water purifier, etc. In fact, the list of appliances is everlasting and every year, newer appliances are added to the list or the older versions are replaced with the newer ones. Common characteristics of modern appliances Over the last two decades, electronics and electrical appliances market in the US has witnessed some remarkable changes. With the advancement of technology, many appliances like refrigerators, microwave ovens, air conditioners and washing machines have become smarter. People barely need to intervene to operate these appliances as they are mostly controlled by artificial intelligence. At the same time, they save much energy and money of the owners. Let's look at some of the hi-tech appliances here: Modern refrigerators: There was a time when a refrigerator was just an appliance to keep cooked or raw food fresh, but now a refrigerator can have the following features too:
    • Digital temperature regulation “ New-age refrigerators are available with digitally controllable temperature system. That means the temperature can be increased or decreased within fractions.
    • Multi-temperature zones “ Refrigerators are now designed in such a way that the owners can preserve different types of food as per their temperature requirements.
    • Designed for more space “ Refrigerators these days are available with more space, which can't be predicted from outside.
    • App operated “ The latest versions of refrigerators are designed to be operated through mobile apps. It enables the owner to operate it even from miles away.
    • Modern televisions “ Smart televisions are steadily getting into the households making television viewing and Internet surfing a common matter.
    • Modern HVAC systems “ Like the refrigerators, people now prefer smart HVAC systems. Ductless HVAC systems are easily installed, they save power and smartly control the room temperature.
    In all other appliances, like water purifiers, vacuum cleaners and microwave ovens, customers are more keen in buying premium quality products that will be hassle-free to handle and multipurpose in nature.
  • Treatments available for Herpes
    In spite of major advancements in the medical world, unfortunately there is no treatment available for complete cure of Herpes yet. It is a viral infection which even after treating, will not leave the host body. It may stay in a dormant state, but will definitely not leave once it enters. Although through medications and drugs, a few occurrences can be brought to control, complete ejection is not yet possible. What role does medication play? Medications can limit the chances of the spreading of your viral infection. Sores may disappear without treatment in some cases. Most doctors, while diagnosing and treating Herpes, send a swab of the patient's lesion for a test. As soon as the reports confirm that the patient has Herpes, he/she immediately gets started with the Episodic Therapy. This therapy ensures that your outbreaks get reduced considerably within a few days of application. In this therapy, you will be asked to take some antiviral medicines for several days till the outbreaks and sores disappear. This is for the people with mild and not-so-often flare-ups. For people having severe outbreaks, Suppressive Therapy is effective. This therapy is a lifetime procedure. Here, you are asked to take an antiviral drug on an ongoing basis to manage the condition. This will reduce your chances of developing further sores and transmitting the infection. Home remedies for Herpes: Apart from prescription medicines, there are quite a good number of home remedies available, using which you can naturally control Herpes. One of the highly suggested home remedies is Licorice Root. It has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties, which help in fighting off the Herpesvirus. For this treatment, mix half a tablespoon of water with half a tablespoon of Licorice Powder and dab the paste on the affected area. Follow this thrice a day till your blister is gone. You can also apply liquid Licorice Root extract or cream on the blister. Garlic has an antiviral component known as Ajoene. With this component, it becomes a potential home remedy for you to combat Herpes. Take a garlic clove, crush it and gently place it on the affected area for about 15 minutes. Make sure that the application does not give you a burning sensation. Repeat this for quite a few times for 2 days till you notice improvements. Another alternative for this remedy is using garlic oil directly on the affected area. Cook some garlic clove in olive oil. Cook until they turn brownish-golden. Strain and apply this beneficial oil to get rid of Herpes outbreaks. Ice packs are also helpful in this matter and give you a relief from the constant pain and discomfort. Take an ice pack, wrap it in a cotton cloth properly and place it on the affected area for about 10 to 15 minutes. Do this for a few days till you observe positive results.
  • Foods to Eat and Avoid for IBS
    IBS, or Irritable Bowel Syndrome, is a gastrointestinal disorder that leads to the manifestation of symptoms like gas, bloating, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and pain. The exact cause of IBS is not yet known, but the condition leads to changes in bowel habits, constipation, urgent need to defecate, and a feeling that the bowel does not empty completely. One of the most important points to consider is that those who are diagnosed with IBS may face flare-ups of symptoms due to the consumption of some foods, while some other food items may help in soothing the symptoms. For IBS patients, what are the foods that trigger the symptoms and should be avoided? Each individual reacts to food in different ways, and some foods may not affect one person the way they affect another with the same condition. On the other hand, certain food items have been identified as general triggers for IBS, and avoiding them is the best way to ensure that the symptoms are not triggered or worsened. Knowing these types of foods can also go a long way in helping to know how to plan the diet consciously and avoid foods that cause discomfort. If one is unsure of what the trigger foods for IBS are, a good place to start is by maintaining a food journal and identifying how each of the foods consumed is affecting the body over a period of time. This will not only help to eliminate the trigger foods but will also ensure the right foods for IBS patients. It is advised for those with IBS to follow a low FODMAP diet as it is low on most of the foods that trigger the symptoms and is also healthy in terms of the foods consumed as part of the lifestyle. The term FODMAP is an acronym for Fermentable, Oligo-, Di-, and Mono-saccharides, And Polyols. These terms are indicative of the different types of carbohydrates that end up aggravating stomach pain, gas, and constipation, which are the major symptoms of IBS. It is best to consult a dietician when trying to figure out one’s diet after being diagnosed with IBS as they may need to see how food is apt for the body condition. Some food items that are strict no-nos in for IBS are as listed:
    • Vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower.
    • Any form of artificial sweeteners like xylitol, sorbitol, or maltitol.
    • Chickpeas, lentils, soy products, and kidney beans.
    • Pizza or any form of fried food.
    • Grains like wheat and rye.
    • Carbonated drinks.
    • Fruits like pears, apples, cherries, and watermelons.
    • All forms of dairy products that contain lactose, like milk, cottage cheese, ice cream, and sour cream.
    The items listed are only some of the most commonly known ones that aggravate and upset one's stomach during IBS. Keeping a food journal comes in real handy at this point as it helps to identify the trigger foods for IBS. When maintaining such a diary, it is important to make note of all that one eats, the quantity, and the ensuing symptoms. It will have to be recorded over a period of time to develop patterns of how the food affects the symptoms of IBS. Look for ways to swap the foods acting as triggers for IBS There is no restriction that a person with IBS has to eliminate the foods they love unless they are affecting the symptoms majorly. One can always look for ways in which a low FODMAP diet can be enhanced in flavor by using alternatives to make the food tasty. Some ways in which foods acting as triggers for IBS can be swapped are as follows:
    • Pick fruits that are on low FODMAP, like cantaloupe, oranges, kiwis, strawberries, bananas, grapes, and blueberries.
    • Ensure that vegetables like eggplant, ginger, cucumbers, squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, and green beans are included.
    • Avoid lactose rich foods by swapping them with yogurt to maintain the calcium intake. This also has an added advantage in helping to reduce the main causes of IBS, which a major concern for discomfort through the bacteria present in the yogurt.
    • Instead of butter, cook with olive oil. One doesn't have to completely switch and can use a little butter with olive oil so that the taste is also not compromised on.
    • One should try to limit, if not able to eliminate, artificial sweeteners. This means leaving out the use of corn syrup and everything rich in fructose. One way to go about this is to substitute it with either maple syrup or use stevia.
    Keeping a watch on all that one eats is not practical, but making a few changes in the food consumed can go a long way in helping ease through the symptoms and avoiding any flare-ups.
  • Options available in entry-level jobs
    Entry-level jobs are a great way to start your career when you have just graduated and want to start developing new skills and are ready to put your existing learning and skills to use and get paid for the same. Here are some of the best entry-level jobs you can look into to kick start your career. The positions one gets for an entry-level job is usually the position of an analyst or trainee. It does not matter what your qualification is, there is an entry-level job for each and every field and job. Though you might not need a lot of skills and any experience for entry-level jobs, having basic knowledge, skills, and understanding of the field is required in case the field you are in is technical-based. For example, an entry-level job in the field of mechanical engineering would at least need someone with a degree in mechanical engineering. With the kind of field you are from, you can get an entry-level job without any previous work experience but the questions lie in the openings offered. You have to understand the current market and what jobs are easy or difficult to get. Something like a sales profile might not even require any degree or background study as long as you can sell a product of a company to its customers and get profits. All you there need is understanding of people, their needs, and the products. Here are some options for entry-level jobs you might be open for till you find your calling: - Elementary school teacher - Event planner - Marketing assistant - Recruiting assistant - Sales assistant/representative/trainee - Social media specialist/trainee - Underwriter assistant - Junior content writer While these are not easy jobs, these jobs will not require you to have a degree or previous knowledge in the same field as long as you are interested in the field and understands its basic. The rest can be learned while on the job and for all you know, you might find your love for the job and grow in it.