Cancer symptoms and treatment options

‘Cancer’ is one word that evokes fear in anyone’s heart because it is one of the biggest killers in terms of the various diseases that hit people the world over. As per various studies conducted by medical bodies like the WHO, cancer is one of the most common fatal diseases around the world. Cancer comes with various symptoms as well as treatment options depending on the types of cancer that the patient may be suffering from. Let us learn more about the kind of cancer symptoms and cancer treatment options that are available.

Cancer Symptoms for Women: Cancer can hit men and women in various ways, and for various organs. One of the most common forms of cancer for women includes breast cancer as well as ovarian cancer. The most common symptoms that will be seen in such cases include dimpling and rashes in the breast as well as visible change in the appearance of the same. Also, there may be bleeding from the nipples along with the appearance of lumps. For other kinds of cancer, the women may go through changes in their menstrual cycle along with sharp and acute pain in the abdomen as well as bloating, inflammation and pain in the joints. Women will also go through weight loss, fatigue and loss of appetite along with fever and chills depending on the progression of the disease.

Cancer Symptoms for Men: Men may typically experience the same symptoms as women when it comes to pain in the bones and joints as well as related symptoms like weakness, fatigue, appetite loss, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, fever and more. But for those who are suffering from conditions like prostrate cancer, they may even experience a visible shift in their sex drive and even other conditions like premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction which will leave a significant bearing on their sexual relations and health. Pain in the abdomen and back as well as problems when it comes to urination will have an effect on the male patient too.

Cancer Treatment Options: Cancer is a disease that can be treated in a proper manner if there is timely diagnosis based on timely observation and reporting of the various signs and symptoms that may come with the same. The usual route that doctors and oncologists prefer for cancer is surgery which will help in containing and stopping the spread of the tumor by removing the growth as well as that section of the organ. Further, methods like stem cell transplant may also be followed for leukemia and other forms of blood cancer, while radiation and chemotherapy will generally be used so that the cancer cells do not grow after the surgery has taken place.

Other Forms of Treatment: Medical intervention and drug therapy as well as surgery and radiation are not the only forms of cancer treatment that can be followed. Leading a better lifestyle by cutting down on smoking and drinking, an overall healthier diet and exercise routine will help in ensuring that the cancer does not relapse.


  • Tips to manage early signs of brain tumor
    Brain tumor is the spread of abnormal cell growth in the brain. Alternate therapies can offer some amount of support in managing the early symptoms of brain tumor. There are various studies and research that have been done to get a permanent solution for the disorder. But in the meanwhile, let us initiate some discussion on nutrition, toxic exposure, and lifestyle factors that can help in managing the symptoms of brain tumor. The primary means to manage early symptoms of brain tumor are within our control. They are healthy lifestyle changes in diet, exercise, stress reduction. Avoiding carcinogens of the immediate environment can also ease out the effects of the symptoms of brain tumor. Read on to know more about the same. Sleep well Sleep is crucial even for a healthy person. It becomes more critical for a cancer patient. It is the time when the body heals itself. There are pathways in the body, which remove the toxic wastes that accumulate during the day. This system which is known as the glymphatic system is more active during nighttime. Deprivation of sleep hinders the natural working of this system. Consumption of cancer-combating phytonutrients Conventional cancer treatments are known to have toxic effects on healthy cells and general health. Consuming a diet full of cancer-fighting nutrients is essential to manage the early symptoms of brain tumor to be specific. Vegetables and herbs like dark green leafy vegetables, turmeric, oregano, basil, and thyme have proved to have strong anti-carcinogenic properties. Manage stress If you are diagnosed with brain tumor, then the early symptoms can be managed by stress reduction techniques such as meditation, yoga, and breathing exercises. Along with these, inhaling frankincense oil has proved to reduce brain inflammation. The active component present in the oil i.e. boswellic acid improves blood circulation and relieves pain. Restrict high-calorie intake and take up ketogenic diet Unlike healthy cells, tumor cells cannot metabolize ketones produced by the body. Ketones are a source of energy for neurons. Consuming a diet rich in proteins, fats, and carbohydrates trigger the production of ketones and hinder the growth of malignant cells. Restricting intake of carcinogenic-inducing diet and consuming more of ketogenic diet can help in manage the early symptoms of brain tumor. Restrict mobile devices The radiation emitted from mobile devices and batteries is considered a possible carcinogen by a study conducted on cancer patients by the World Health Organization (WHO). It may not be possible to entirely shut off the use of mobile phones, but few strategies can help like texting instead of talking, using the speakerphones, shutting off the device whenever possible and not sleeping with the device in the room. Make sure you consult a doctor or a nutritionist before you take up lifestyle and diet changes. Prescribed medicines may also help ward off the effects of the early symptoms of brian tumor.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis – Things to avoid to manage the condition
    Rheumatoid arthritis or RA is the inflammation of joints, leading to cartilage degeneration. It is an autoimmune disease wherein the immune system attacks the body's tissues and can be caused by the wear and tear of the joints. It is estimated that more than 20 percent, which is over 50 million people, get diagnosed with rheumatic conditions like arthritis. Here are some things to avoid in daily lives for better management of rheumatoid arthritis. Leading a sedentary lifestyle A sedentary lifestyle is one of the biggest risk factors for rheumatoid arthritis. Lack of movement can weaken the joints, making it challenging to manage rheumatoid arthritis. Doctors recommend doing some light intensity exercises to relieve pain due to arthritis and help build stronger joints. Bad posture Bad body posture can put excess weight on weakened joints, which can worsen rheumatoid arthritis. A good body posture reduces the pressure on the joints, thereby reducing other symptoms like excess joint pain and trouble walking or doing simple chores. Wearing high heels High heels can put a lot of pressure on the hips and knees. This can aggravate arthritis symptoms. The cartilage around the joints can get damaged further, resulting in pain and inflammation. Performing high-intensity exercises Joints tend to weaken with age, and performing specific exercises damages the weakened joints and aggravates rheumatoid arthritis caused by inflammation triggered by exercising. Consuming refined carbohydrates Refined carbohydrates such as white flour, rice, pasta, pizza, and many breakfast cereals have little to no nutrient value. Having too many sources of refined carbohydrates in one's meals can increase and worsen arthritis symptoms. Consuming refined carbohydrates with refined sugar in the form of pastries and cakes can be even more harmful, as they can increase inflammation and pain. Eating processed foods Processed foods contain high amounts of preservatives in the form of MSG (monosodium glutamate). These preservatives can increase the amount of sodium and uric acid in the body. Excess uric acid in the body can result in its crystallization in the joints, resulting in pain and inflammation. Drinking aerated drinks Aerated or carbonated drinks contain high amounts of sugar. These drinks increase the risk of one putting on visceral fat and being diagnosed with diabetes and reduce the body’s ability to absorb calcium. Low calcium levels in the body increase the risk of osteoarthritis. Women with low calcium levels stand a greater chance of getting rheumatoid arthritis. Otezla® (apremilast) is used to treat the symptoms of active psoriatic arthritis in adults that works by inhibiting an enzyme (phosphodiesterase 4) within the immune system that can affect certain cells and contribute to inflammation in the body. In very early studies, Otezla showed potential in the treatment of RA.
  • 5 reasons why the top of your foot hurts
    Any pain is undesirable. Pain in your feet is the worst. You are left uncomfortable all through the day, you can't put on your favorite sneakers, and what's more apparent is that you can't walk all that well. This article is to help you find out why your foot might be in pain, in particular, the top portion of your foot (the area of your foot that corresponds to the region of the shoe which houses the laces). Below are 5 reasons why the top of your foot might hurt. Stress Fracture Don't get intimidated already! This is not some massive-five-weeks-off-in-a-cast fracture. It's not at all scary and can be healed pretty quick if you visit a physician as soon as possible. If you happen to experience sudden pain in the region right behind your toes, this is probably because the metatarsal bones are fractured. Metatarsal is a scientific term referring to the bones that lead to your toes, so there are five of them. Imagine the five of your toes extended up to the ankle region, this family of five bones is called the metatarsal bone family. Symptoms for this are excessive swelling and sharp pain upon touch. Extensor Tendonitis Again, this is a fancy term which refers to the inflammation of the tendons (tissues which connect a muscle to a bone) in the middle to upper portion of your foot. Increased tightness of your calf muscle is the culprit of this condition. Stretching your calf muscle will solve the problem. Wearing a shoe with a heel thickness of an inch should take the stress off of your tendons. Don't worry about going out of style. You've got Simon Cowell and Tom Cruise for a company who happen to be fans of the heeled shoes. Tarsal Coalition Due to excessive growth of certain bones in your foot, there is decreased or no motion of the joints. Over time, the joints become stressed and you might experience acute pain. Symptoms include pain near your ankle and muscle spasm (sudden contraction) on the affected leg. Too Much Activity Although this is pretty obvious, many people look at this possibility. That pain you're having is probably because you have walked or stood a lot the past week. Try reducing the strain on your feet and see if that makes a difference. Tight Footwear This is a common cause of foot pain. Tying the shoe laces too tight or wearing that tight pair of shoes (because you're reluctant to buy a new pair) could result in unnecessary stress on your tendons which lead to discomfort. So, those are five common reasons why the top of your foot might be hurting. If you feel that the pain persists for a week or so, it's best that you consult an orthopedist. That's the fastest way to restore your feet back to their best condition.
  • Upgrade to HDTV when you see the next TV deals offered by sellers
    The next time you find TV deals offered by any online or regular retailer, you must grab the opportunity to bring home a high-definition television. There are various benefits of upgrading to an HDTV. Some of the positive points of High Definition TVs are given below: Clarity and sharpness of picture You must have seen an HDTV playing in a showroom. You can thus know how the experience is. There is nothing like watching a program being shown on HDTV. Even watching a football match feels live when you have an HDTV. You would see very glass blades move with the wind on the football field. Your reception would also be devoid of any noise that used to bug older analog systems when you get a high-quality digital broadcast. Digital sound The sound quality has also improved vastly from its previous version. You get much clearer sound now. There are televisions with Dolby Digital 5.1 surround sound system as well. Thus, your viewing experience is going to be enhanced manifolds. Wider screen The aspect ratio of HDTV is quite high as compared to the 4.3 aspect ratio found in old TVs. You get to see everything that was captured by the video camera when the original movie or show was shot. HDTVs give you a complete theatre like experience. Thus, it is a good idea to upgrade your entertainment system with the same. You can choose from LED, LCD, Plasma TVs. Then there are 3D and OLED TVs as well. There are so many new technologies that these TVs manufacturers incorporate in their television sets. With the latest technology, the prices also increase. However, if you buy when TV deals are offered, you can get the same television set at a much cheaper price. You just need to ensure that you are buying from a genuine seller so that you are not duped of your money. If you want to find the best dealers in your area, get online and do your research. Read reviews about the dealers, and the one with the maximum number of positive feedbacks must be chosen.
  • 3 home remedies to treat sores on the side of the tongue
    A sore tongue may not sound like a very big deal but the condition brings with it great discomfort and a lot of pain. Not just while eating meals, blisters and a thrust on the tongue can be distressing even while speaking. The tongue is very sensitive and certain abnormalities and infections can appear in the form of blisters and small raised areas on the tongue. A person who suffers from a sore tongue may experience a burning or inflamed sensation. There are several causes that can cause sores on the tongue and these include certain foods, biting the tongue accidentally, medication and more. Sores on the tongue is not a harmful condition, however, the pain can worsen leading to a tongue canker sore and other mouth diseases, if left untreated. The following natural remedies for thrust and sores are effective and can bring about great relief, easing the pain of sores on the side of the tongue. Salt and water - Salt is one of the most widely used home remedy for mouth ulcers and gum bleeding. It is also used to help in drying out sores on the side of the tongue. The ingredient has properties of a natural antiseptic that has the ability to reduce inflammation and thus, reduces the pain. Salt can be directly added to the affected area, however, this is likely to send down a sting around the tongue. You can also add one teaspoon of salt to a cup of lukewarm water. Use this mixture to gargle at least 3-4 times a day until you feel relief. Coconut oil - Coconut oil can never fail! This oil packs with it anti inflammatory as well as antimicrobial properties. Applying this oil to the sore on the tongue can bring about great relief. The oil can be applied to the affected area using your fingertips or a cotton swab. Ensure that the coconut oil is organic and pure. Aloe Vera - Aloe vera is well renowned for its healing properties and can effectively reduce inflammation. Applying the flesh of the plant is extremely beneficial and will bring immediate relief. Scoop out some aloe vera gel from the leaf and apply the same to the sores on the sides of the tongue. Repeat this process as many times as you wish. The juice of the plant too can also be dabbed on the sore. Remember, if the pain and uneasiness continues, it is essential to visit the doctor for thrust treatments. It is highly likely that there can be underlying issues which should not be ignored.
  • Easy kids recipes for different age groups
    Acquainting kids with the goodness of healthy food and cooking can happen anywhere, from the grocery store to your garden to your very own kitchen. What's best, there is no right time for your kids to learn about cooking as every age group can adopt certain kitchen tasks based on their age and skill level. Check out some easy kids recipes children of varying age groups can make with your supervision and assistance. 5-7-year-old Kids around this age can read and understand basic recipes. You could employ them to read out recipes for you or get them to help you measure different ingredients. You can also get your kids to beat and blend batters for eggs, pan cakes or brownies. Kids of this age usually enjoy kneading dough for cakes, pastry, tarts and the like. You could also get them to make their favorite meat ball recipes with appropriate supervision. With a small knife or a peeler, you could also begin teaching your kids to cut veggies carefully. Make sure you employ all necessary precautions before letting them handle sharp objects. 8-12-year-old Kids who are 8 or above can substantially reduce your cooking burden. You could begin teaching them knife skills and introduce them to various dangers being reckless in the kitchen can pose. Children under this age group can single-handedly toss salads, whisk batters, follow simple recipes and even bake. This is also an appropriate time to introduce them to easy kids recipes like burgers, jellies, wraps, rolls, cheese pastas and the like. This is also the right age to involve kids in baking. They can be assisted to make muffins, cakes, sweet and savory pies, tarts etc. 12 years and above Cooking can help teens to not only learn life-long culinary delights but also spend quality time with their folks. You may also plan a night out for your teens and supervise them with their friends in the kitchen. This is a great age for kids to be involved in the kitchen since 12-year-old can not only deal with complex recipes, ingredients and consistencies, they can very well improvise and utilize their creativity to round out a whole new meal. While kids this age are quite independent it is essential you continue to supervise their movements to avoid accidents. Some recipes that you could encourage your teenagers to make can be Spanish omelets, cottage pies, chicken gravy, homemade breads, puddings and the like.