Warning Signs of Retinal Detachment

The retina is a light-sensitive membrane that is present at the back of the eye. Retinal detachment occurs when the retina dislocates from its regular position, causing partial or total loss of vision.

In the case of retinal detachment, the retinal cells get separated from the layer of blood vessels, depriving them of oxygen and nourishment. It is a medical emergency that should be treated instantaneously. Any delay in treatment can result in permanent vision loss in the affected eye.

The common warning signs of retinal detachment include reduced vision and a sudden appearance of floaters and flashes. It is imperative to consult a good eye specialist to obtain the appropriate treatment.

Common Warning Signs of Retinal Detachment

  • Dim Vision
    Dim vision implies experiencing vision that is less bright than the usual. It is often characterized by dark vision with a lack of contrasts between colors. This happens as the eye is receiving less light as a result of damaged retinal cells.
  • Light Flashes in Peripheral Vision
    A sudden emergence of light flashes or their increased severity is one of the most common signs of retinal detachment. Since the retina is light sensitive, in case of its damage, it may send faulty signals to the brain through the optic nerve, which is expressed as flashes of lights in your vision. These flashes generally appear when looking to the side.
  • Grey Curtain Blockage of Vision
    A retinal detachment causes the retina to dislocate and become detached from the blood vessels at the back of the eye. Without blood supply, these cells do not receive the needed oxygen and, as a result, get damaged or die. This leads to the formation of a grey curtain or shadow on the vision. If left untreated, this can result in permanent sight impairment.
  • Eye Floaters or Cobwebs
    Eye floaters might appear as spots within your otherwise clear vision. Generally, they first appear as cobwebs, taking over parts of your vision.
  • Peripheral Shadows
    A lot of people experience shadows edging in from the corner of their eyes. This may result from retinal detachment, or in some cases, blocking of veins or arteries behind the eyes. It is important to quickly consult a specialist to prevent a more serious detachment from occurring.
  • Halos Around Light Sources
    This is another of the many common signs of retinal detachment. Many people see halos forming around light sources. This is because the retina is damaged and unable to produce clear and crisp images.

Whether it is retinal detachment or any other problem that is causing these symptoms, it is crucial to immediately consult medical help to prevent further damage.


  • 5 simple ways to toilet train a cat

    One of the main concerns for new pet parents is toilet training their feline friends. Cats are smart species; they understand the tricks within a few weeks. However, teaching them the correct techniques from day one is essential as it will gradually mold the cat’s behavior toward using the toilet bowl or litter boxes. The transition can be challenging, so we have listed seven simple steps to help with the process.

    Decide and prepare a designated bathroom
    Choose a bathroom that is easily accessible to your pet. And place the litterbox close to the toilet. The idea is to get your cat to “go” in the litter box and train it to use the toilet bowl gradually. The cat will get familiar with the new spot eventually. 

    Move the litter box closer to the toilet bowl
    Move the litter box an inch closer to the toilet bowl. It will also be convenient for the pet parent to clean the box when they want to. Get rid of a layer of litter to a point where there’s a thin layer left in the box. 

    Raise the height of the litter box
    Stack a pile of newspapers, old magazines, or cardboards under the litter box, and gradually raise the height, so that the cat can easily jump onto the box. Initially, the cat will get confused by the height change. But gradually, it will understand the process and jump onto the toilet seat. Make sure you pay attention to your cat adjusting to the new method while training. 

    Use a training box
    Gradually, replace the litter box with a training box, and place it over the toilet seat; many options are available online. The training box is made for the pets to become accustomed to the new spot. 

    Make the transition
    After a few days, replace the litter box with a training seat. Secure the training seat on the toilet. These training seats come with or without a hole. You can simply fill in with the flushable litter. Some training seats have rings of different sizes ranging from small to big. It will help build trust in your cats to use the toilet seat.

    After a point, the cat will learn to balance on the toilet bowl. When cats start using the toilet bowl, pet parents can slowly get rid of the litter box.

    If you're looking for cat litter, Fresh Step® brings you a series of cat litter products in scented, unscented, concentrated, crystal, and non-clumping varieties. You may buy litter that suits your feline’s daily needs.

  • Here’s how you can get rid of razor bumps
    Shaving on a regular basis or even occasionally can give you itchy, inflamed red razor bumps. These bumps basically result from hair follicles getting stuck within the skin, and in some cases, these get infected with bacteria. When this happens, the skin gets swollen with red, irritable pimples. Whoever gets these burns desperately wants to get rid of razor bumps instantly as they cause a lot of discomfort and irritability. However hopeless it seems, it is rather easy to get rid of razor bumps by using the right techniques and products. Many topical treatments, over the counter ointments and creams, and oral antibiotics can help you get rid of razor bumps. It is, however, imperative that you consult a healthcare professional before starting out on any medical treatment. In case the bumps are aggravated and inflamed, it is essential to get a doctor's prescription to use creams that can improve the skin's overall texture and helps the skin cells to slough off faster. Your doctors may also contribute to treating any secondary infections that are commonly developed in the follicle. Some of the methods that can help you get rid of razor bumps faster and prevent them have been listed below. Use alternate methods If your razor bumps are not very severe or painful, altering your shaving technique could make all the difference and ease the discomfort. Exfoliating and shaving less frequently too could work for some. People unwilling to grow out their hair or stop shaving can consider other hair removal solutions like depilatories, electrolysis or laser hair removal. Use tweezers, needles, and more You can consider using a tweezer or needle to loosen or release the embedded hair. It is, however, important that you use these instruments only after sterilizing them. Before plucking the ingrown hair out, it is important that you adopt all the necessary precautions before using the needle. Use effective creams and lotions Use an alcohol-free aftershave to avoid irritation on the skin. Since the face is extremely sensitive, it is important that you stay away from perfumed solutions. Instead of usual aftershave solution consider applying prescribed antibiotic and antibacterial creams on a daily basis at least until you visibly get rid of razor bumps. Additionally, conduct an elaborate research across various brand to choose the safest and the gentlest cream that doesn't worsen the inflammation. Exercise caution If you are more prone to getting razor bumps ensure you rinse your razor/shaver with alcohol and change the blade in at least 14 days, do not ever squeeze bumps, do not apply perfume, and do not rub your face.
  • 10 popular junk foods that are technically healthy
    Do you often enjoy junk food and then feel guilty about it later? We have some good news. Not all packaged and easy-to-make snacks out there are unhealthy! From air-popped popcorn to baked sweet potato fries, plenty of tasty options won't wreck your health as much as you imagine. So, don't feel bad about satisfying your cravings occasionally. Here are a few suggestions for a quick bite to satisfy those hunger pangs. Popcorn Popcorn is a favorite snack for many, especially when watching a movie. It's a good source of fiber, which can keep you full and satisfied. It also has antioxidants called polyphenols, which are shown to reduce inflammation and protect against cancer and heart disease. When choosing popcorn, buy plain, air-popped varieties or make them at home. Air-popped varieties are healthy, low-calorie, and great fiber alternatives. Dark chocolate Chocolate is often associated with indulgence and guilt, but dark chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa does have health benefits. It's rich in antioxidants called flavanols, which are shown to improve heart health and reduce inflammation. Researchers have found that dark chocolate with a high amount of cocoa (at least 70%) can improve blood pressure, reduce heart disease risk, and improve brain blood flow. Dark chocolate also contains iron, magnesium, and copper, which are important for overall health. Nuts Nuts are often considered a high-calorie and unhealthy snack. However, they're a good source of protein, fiber, and healthy fats that can help keep you feeling full and satisfied. Almonds, walnuts, and pistachios are rich in polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, which have been shown to improve heart health and reduce inflammation. Nuts are also a good source of vitamin E, which benefits skin and eye health. But remember, always pick unsalted or unsweetened varieties. Sweet potato fries French fries may be a classic junk food, but sweet potato fries are a healthy alternative. Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamins A and C, fiber, and antioxidants that can help protect against cancer and heart disease. They're also a good source of complex carbs, which provide sustained energy and help regulate blood sugar levels. Since sweet potatoes have a lower glycemic index, they're less likely to cause spikes in blood glucose than regular potato fries. Guacamole Guacamole is a delicious dip often considered unhealthy due to its high fat content. However, the fat in guacamole comes from avocados, a good source of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. These are good fats that help improve heart health and reduce inflammation. Avocados are also rich in fiber, potassium, and vitamins C and K. They have been shown to lower cholesterol levels, improve digestion, and reduce the risk of many chronic diseases, including heart disease and cancer. Greek yogurt Greek yogurt is a healthier alternative to other yogurts because it's high in protein and low in sugar. It's made by straining regular yogurt to remove excess liquid and concentrate the protein. This process also removes some lactose, making it easier for those with lactose intolerance to digest. Greek yogurt is a good source of calcium, important for bone health, and probiotics, essential for a healthy gut and robust immune system. Enjoy it as is, or add fresh fruit and a tiny amount of honey for a healthier and more satisfying snack! Salsa Salsa is a flavorful sauce often enjoyed with chips or as a topping for tacos. While chips aren't the healthiest option, salsa is a suitable choice low in calories, vitamins, and antioxidants. It's typically made with fresh vegetables like tomatoes, onions, and peppers. These veggies are rich in vitamins A and C and antioxidants that can protect against cancer and heart disease. Salsa sauce is also a good source of fiber and can help keep you full and satisfied. Edamame Edamame is a popular snack often enjoyed at Japanese restaurants. It's made from soybeans that are still in their pods and can be steamed or boiled and seasoned with salt. Edamame is a good source of protein, fiber, and vitamins C and K. It's also rich in isoflavones. These antioxidants can reduce inflammation and protect against certain cancers. Edamame can be enjoyed individually as a snack or added to salads and stir-fries for a healthy and flavorful twist. Hummus Hummus is a delicious dip made from chickpeas, tahini, and other healthy ingredients. It's rich in protein, fiber, and healthy fats that can help keep you feeling full and satisfied. Chickpeas are a good source of plant-based protein and fiber, which can improve digestion and reduce the risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Hummus can be enjoyed as a dip with raw vegetables or whole-grain crackers or as a spread on sandwiches and wraps. Frozen berries Berries are a sweet and satisfying treat that can be pretty healthy. Strawberries and raspberries are particularly good sources of antioxidants and fiber. They can help protect against cancer and heart disease, improve digestion, and regulate blood sugar. Freezing doesn't significantly lower the nutritional value of fresh fruits, so feel free to munch on some frozen berries when hunger strikes. It's important to remember that while these junk foods may be healthier than their traditional counterparts, they should still be had in moderation. A food plan rich in whole, unprocessed foods is the best way to maintain optimal health. Incorporating these healthier junk food options into your nutrition plan can be a great way to satisfy cravings without sacrificing your health goals.
  • All You Need To Know About Hot Water Heaters
    If you have ever taken a cold shower on a winter day, then you might know the importance of hot water heaters. Nowadays, there are a number of ways that are available to you to heat up your bathwater. However the choice must be made wisely. There are many water heaters that may not serve the purpose of an extended family, or they may consume too much power, etc. While two of the main things to consider while choosing a hot water heater are capacity and energy efficiency, there are a number of other things that need to be kept in mind. Here are some of the different kinds of common household hot water heaters. Storage Tank These are the most common types of water heaters you can find. Water is stored in large insulated tanks in which it is heated and stored. The tanks also come equipped with pressure and temperature control measures along with release valves. These tanks can be fitted with either gas or electric water heaters. Natural gas water heaters use less energy and they are also less expensive than the electric water heaters. These tanks are huge in size and are perfect for residential use. The life expectancy of a storage tank water heater is about 10-12 years. Tankless Water Heaters Instead of storing the water and heating it, these water heaters use intense heat jolts on water filled coils to quickly heat up the water. Although these heaters are more expensive than the conventional storage tank ones, they conserve a lot of energy. Tankless water heaters serve the need for immediate hot water demand and are best used when heated with natural gas heaters. Some models require a larger diameter of gasoline, and once a year all tankless water heaters need to be descaled of minerals. Heat Pump These work best in regions that are not too cold. Heat pump water heaters transfer the heat from the ground or air, to the water. They save huge amounts of energy compared to other water heaters. While these water heaters are costly, you will soon realize the value of your investment. A heat pump water heater requires some structural necessities including a 7 foot clearance from ceiling to floor. Solar Water Heaters These are basically solar panels that are mounted on the roof to convert the solar energy into heat energy. The best part about solar water heaters is the efficiency that they provide during summers. At the same time these turn redundant during cloudy days. However most solar water heaters nowadays are fitted with backup gas or electricity powered water heaters which kick in during the absence of solar energy. Although solar panels are becoming less costly they won’t be of much use if you live in colder regions. Condensing Water Heaters These water heaters serve best for family purposes serving up to almost 55 gallons per day. These work on natural gas heaters and they heat water just like the conventional water heaters. However its condensers capture the gas that would escape through the flue and it puts them to use in heating up the water. The gas is passed through a coil in the base of the water heater where the passing cold water absorbs the heat. This machinery makes the heating process efficient. Every type of water heater comes with its own set of positive and negative attributes, depending on your purpose. The key is to consider your weather and your needs, and then decide upon the type of water heater that’s best suited for you. Sources: https://www.rotorooter.com/residential/water-heater/types-of-water-heaters/
  • Picking the perfect pair of SAS shoes
    One of the most ideal choice for comfortable footwear is the SAS shoe range. You do not have to restrict your SAS shoes to one season and can wear it all year round. The best thing about SAS shoes is that you can pair them with your formal business attire or your casual day off clothes as they match well with any type of attire. The brand SAS has a unique choice of footwear that are versatile and compliment a hip style. SAS also has a wide range of comfy fit boots that offer you the needed support and stability for your various athletic activities. All you have to do is wear a comfortable pair of shoes and enjoy the outdoors in style. Combine comfort with a good color and texture and you have the perfect boots to wear for your jean and sweater days. What’s even better is that your suits and dress pants get a touch of rugged yet elegant look when you pick a pair of SAS shoes that are made of supple leather and a touch of metal hardware. With a pair of SAS shoes, you can go fishing, or hiking, or even go on a day of rock-climbing without a single pinch to your feet. SAS shoes create a style statement, be it a romantic dinner date, an important business meeting, or a simple game of football. SAS shoes are available in both stores and online markets in a variety of shapes, colors, and styles. If you are looking for a perfect pair of SAS shoes that will compliment your trousers or jeans, then the right casual boot would be one with the timeless lace-ups. When you pick SAS shoes, don’t just pick a pair that you like, instead think of all the perfect outfits that it would go well with. Any black or brown pair of SAS shoes is a classic. If you want a pair of SAS shoes that will last well with your outdoor activities and not strain your ankles, then pick one with ankle support of different types or one that has lots of treads.
  • Best way to use free local classifieds
    There are a number of ways in which one can promote products and services and seek out various options for personal use also. Apart from the traditional advertising methods, one can make use of tools like free local classifieds that can reach out to many people in a niche and within a certain geographical location. Here are various ways in which you can use free classifieds for your area and people. Property One of the best things that you can use free local classifieds for includes property. In case you have a property to sell or if you are into real estate, you can easily put up an advertisement for the same in the free local classifieds apart from the other advertisement methods. Also, if you are looking for a home or an apartment to buy or rent, you can find the same on the free local classifieds section. Personals It is not easy to find a friend or a partner when you look in the traditional way. If you want to keep things personal, you can always advertise for a friend or a companion or even a date on free local classifieds. This also gives you the option of keeping your information confidential with a PO Box number where one can communicate with you. Furniture and home essentials There are a number of things for your house that you can find on various free local classifieds. This will also help you in finding used items as well as brand new pieces for your home. You can look for kitchen essentials and utensils also, which are particularly useful for home owners who are setting up a home for the first time. This can be used by students who are living in student houses and on campus accommodation with kitchenettes. They can also put out an advertisement seeking sellers who may want to dispose their furniture and other items due to relocation or renovation. In case you are buying furniture, you will have to find out the dimensions of the piece and compare it with your home so that you know whether or not it will fit in properly.