5 early signs that indicate appendicitis

Appendicitis is caused due to the inflammation of the appendix. The appendix gets inflamed when it is clogged with mucus, fecal matter, parasites, or bacteria. Although the appendix does not perform any important function in the body, its presence in the gastrointestinal tract is considered essential for the health of the immune system. Some experts consider the appendix important to fend off infections. When the appendix gets blocked and there is no immediate treatment, there might be an appendix rupture followed by an infection.

The infection due to a burst appendix may lead to a life-threatening condition. This makes it essential to diagnose appendicitis as soon as possible. An identification of early appendicitis symptoms can be useful for a timely diagnosis. Here are a few early appendicitis symptoms:

  • Mild abdomen pain: This is one of the most common early appendicitis symptoms. There will be a dull ache in the lower right area of the abdomen. The pain will usually start from the belly button. The dull ache turns into severe pain within a couple of hours. The pain is debilitating and intensifies pretty quickly.
  • Painful body movement: As the appendicitis pain becomes severe, it will become difficult to perform daily activities. There will be a sharp pain on the right side while walking, turning the torso, sneezing, coughing, and while performing other such movements. After a couple of days, the pain will spread to the legs.
  • Tenderness around the abdominal area: In some instances, there might not be an intense abdominal pain to indicate early appendicitis symptoms. In such cases, a person might have “rebound tenderness.” One of the early appendicitis symptoms, rebound tenderness is experienced before any of the other symptoms are observed. You can check for rebound tenderness by firmly pressing the lower right side of the abdomen. On taking the pressure off, there will be stabbing sensation followed by a dull ache.
  • Discomfort following bowel movements: One of the early appendicitis symptoms is tenesmus. There is an uncomfortable feeling to pass stools despite going once. There might be a pain, straining, and cramping along with nausea and bloating. Tenesmus may become intense, and there might be vomiting as well.
  • Pain while urinating: This symptom is not commonly associated with appendicitis. However, it has been observed that a lot of people who have appendicitis experience this symptom in the early days. The inflammation of appendicitis causes the abdomen to swell. This puts pressure on the area around the appendix and makes it painful while passing urine.


  • Tips to preserve the rich taste of Keurig K Cups
    The demand for coffee pods has increased significantly in the last few years. Whether you prefer a cup of cappuccino or like to take a sip of Italian roast coffee, you can find pods for almost everything. Though many of you may consider coffee pods to be the right choice for cafes or offices, pods like Keurig K cups can also be purchased for domestic use as well. Coffee pods can be an expensive item when purchased in lesser amounts for home use, it is therefore always better to go for bulk purchases. However, it is also essenttial that you are careful about preserving them or else the savings that you make by purchasing bulks will go in vain. Preserving: Preserving coffee pods is not something very difficult. If you follow some simple tips mentioned below, you can easily keep the rich aroma of the Keurig K cups intact. Package and storing the coffee pods: Best known for their excellent taste and aroma, Keurig K cups are packed in such a way that you can preserve them for quite a long period with ease. The professionals working at Keurig seal the cups in such a way that it does not allow any space for air, water or light to enter the package and affect its quality. To ensure complete freshness of the pods, every cup is nitrogen flushed before sealing. Therefore, if you do not tamper with the packaging of the cup, the freshness of the pods will remain unaffected, even after months. Though experts ensure the freshness of the coffee pods while packaging, it is also important to store them properly. Do not expose your cups directly to light or water. Also, protect it from cloudy weather. To retain the freshness for a longer period of time, it will be better for you to keep it in a cool, dry, and dark place. Check the dates carefully: Whether you are making your purchase online or from a brick and mortar store, it will be ideal for you to check the last use dates of the Keurig K cups and consume it before the specified dates. This will help in retaining the freshness of the coffee pods. When you are purchasing pods for your home, you should try to get the packages, which have the longest time period so that you can use them as per your need. Follow the dates when opening packages: When you are placing your order in a bulk, it is quite obvious that you will get packages of multiple dates. To preserve the rich aroma of your coffee, it is better for you to arrange the cups by date and use them accordingly. This will help you drink the pods before the last usage dates are over. Keurig K cups are quite expensive compared to the ordinary ones and making bulk purchases can be helpful in saving quite a few dollars. However, if you are ordering multiple packages for your home, you should ensure that you can finish them on time. The money that you save will be wasted if you fail to get the same taste by preserving them for a prolonged period. Just preserving the cups appropriately and using them before the date of expiry does not offer you a guarantee of quality. You also need to be careful about preparing the pods or else you might be disappointed. Like many products, several fraudulent versions of Keurig coffee are present in the markets. Beware of them when placing the order and verify every detail regarding the product you purchase, before making the final choice.
  • Home remedies for a cough
    Persistent coughing can be debilitating for you. Constant coughing can cause aches in your chest muscles and impede your normal life. Read on to know about the various forms of cough treatment which are simple to administer. Staying hydrated: Do you know that drinking lots of water and other fluids can help you overcome continuous bouts of coughing? When there is an upper respiratory tract infection like cold or flu, it causes excess secretion of postnasal fluids. These drips or fluids cause irritation at the back of your throat and cause coughing. When you drink lots of water and other fluids, it helps in thinning out the mucus in the postnasal fluids. Having adequate water and other fluids also moisturizes the mucous membrane which helps in keeping cough under control. Hot Drinks and Lozenges: Another line of treatment is having hot drinks and lozenges. Lozenges numb the back of the throat thus suppressing coughs. Having hot coffee or tea also soothes the throat. The effect is magnified if some honey is added to your hot tea or coffee. Taking a steamy shower: Many doctors advise their patients about taking a steamy shower to treat cough and cold. Doing so releases the secretions from the nose and this, in turn, helps ease cough from not only colds but also allergies. Using humidifiers: The dry air inside your house may cause your nasal secretions to go dry. In such a case, use a humidifier that adds moisture to the air inside. This can help your cough but do not over humidify your air. Doctors advise that regular cleaning of the humidifier keeps viruses and bacteria away from your nose. Get rid of irritants from the air: Do you know that perfume and spray particles can also cause cough? These substances cause extra mucus secretion that triggers coughing. This can be prevented by avoiding the use of perfumes and sprays in your bathroom or in the rest of the house. Cough is also caused by smoking. Avoiding smoking not only protects you from many respiratory diseases but also keeps lung cancer at bay. If the above treatments don't help you, then it is time to take the following medications. Decongestants: These relieve your cough by shrinking the nasal tissue and reducing mucus production. Decongestants also remove the mucus from the lungs and clear up the airway passages. Don't use these for more than 3-4 days else, they may cause rebound congestion. Expectorants: If your cough is giving you a bad night then use expectorants. This medicine thins out the mucus which can easily be coughed out. Expectorants work best during nights. Doctors advise against administering this remedy to children below 4 years. If you are having cough for more than a week, you must see a doctor.
  • Ways to keep kitchen organized
    A cluttered kitchen not only leaves the space looking chaotic and messy, but it also completely squashes the entire point of good, efficient storage. Having everything organized in the kitchen will not only help in locating things in and around the kitchen sooner, but also saves space as well as cooking time. Listed below are the ways in which a kitchen can become organized: Cleaning: A regular clean-up of the kitchen should be the top priority for the homeowners. Everything right from the floor corners to the dishwasher counters needs to be cleaned and scrubbed thoroughly depending upon the use of the kitchen. This helps declutter the kitchen regularly, clear bits and pieces from time to time and free up space to store things. Drawer partitions: Throwing all the kitchen utensils into one drawer sounds like a great, quick idea to put all vessels, utensils and ladles after they are washed. However, searching for them will be a gargantuan headache. Creating partitions in the drawer and creating groups of separate spaces to arrange vessels of different sizes, utensils and ladles and spoons is a great way to store. Storing knives: Having a magnetic knife strip is a great way to free up the kitchen counter space, keep the knives sharper for a longer time as well as keep the people working in the kitchen. Vertical shelves: It is smarter to store and stack items in vertical shelves rather than the traditional horizontal shelves. This enables one to utilize the maximum space inside the cabinets to store the containers. Stepping stools: If the cabinets are placed higher and are hard to reach, keeping a stepping stool tucked away in one of the cabinets will not only enable reaching the shelves but also declutter the kitchen area and not have a bigger stool left scattered around the kitchen all the time. Baskets: Use baskets to organize storage in the kitchen, whether it is for apples, herbs and condiments, used and unused sachets, takeout menus, etc. Cleaning supplies: Rather than tossing the cleaning supplies in a dark area below the kitchen sink, install a curtain rod (according to the inside cabinet size) below the sink which will help hang the supplies and keep the area clean and dry all the time. Wire racks: Wire racks within the cabinet are one of the best cheap DIY kitchen storage ideas that help maximize cabinet space. Open shelves: Open shelves are great for keeping cookbooks, antique artwork or any object of decor.
  • 3 common types of bail bonds
    It can be a difficult process for one to get themselves out of custody. The bail system acts as a savior and helps one to get their loved ones out of custody fast. There are a variety of bonds that can secure one’s release from jail. Below are the different types of bail bonds that everyone must know about to help get custody fast. Cash bond As the name suggests, cash bonds are cash payments that allow one to get out of jail. In most instances, only cash is accepted by the corrections department. However, in some cases, cashier’s checks or credit cards can also be used to cover cash bails. Most people don’t tend to have large sums of money readily available to give to the correction department as in some cases thousands of dollars in cash are needed to cover bail fast. In such cases, one may have to seek the advice of a bail bondsman for the help they need. Property bond Property bonds may not be accepted in all states. However, in states like California, they are used occasionally. Different types of properties can be used, but real estate happens to be the one that is most commonly used. These bonds tend to be quite useful, especially, when one does not have cash available in hand to secure bail. The only drawback of property bond is that it takes time to obtain the same. One can be released from jail within a couple hours with the help of cash bonds. Whereas a property bond is handled directly by the court, there is an assessment of property value that is needed along with court hearing in order to receive the confirmation of the bond agreement. Hence, the whole process takes a span of a few weeks. Federal bail bond If one has been jailed under a federal crime, to secure the release, a federal bail bond is needed. Both cash, as well as property, can be used to obtaining federal bonds and they don’t require a bail bondsman. Similar to the property bonds, federal bail bonds are handled by the court directly.
  • Home remedies to treat Cushing’s disease and its symptoms
    Cushing's disease is a condition in which there is an excess production of the hormone cortisol in the body. The adrenal and pituitary glands do not function normally. Usually, people do experience high levels of cortisol hormone at least once in their lifetime, however, in the case of Cushing's disease, the levels remain high for an extended period. Cushing's disease may be caused by several reasons such as tumors in the adrenal gland; this leads to a spike in the amount of cortisol production. This rare disease affects the body in more than one way and is extremely dangerous. One may suffer from excess hair growth, high blood pressure, swelling the neck and face, diabetes, etc. Cushing's disease symptoms develop over a period, and there are few ways to self-manage the symptoms and deal with the condition: Get enough rest - The body should receive sufficient time to recover and rest. Exerting the body to a very high level can boost the levels of cortisol hormone. This is because the time an individual sleeps is connected to the hormonal levels. Thus, people who suffer from Cushing's disease should ensure that they get a proper amount of sleep and rest. Limited activities - Although pushing one's self to do heavy workouts is not safe, engaging in a limited physical activity is essential. The muscles tend to weaken due to the condition and a slow approach towards fitness is safer. A reasonable amount of physical activity will ease the Cushing's disease symptoms and also help in faster healing. Nutritious diet - To recover, the body needs a nutritious diet. Eating a wholesome meal will fuel the body and fasten the journey of healing. Also, the nutrition in your meal will help strengthen the body and the immune system that is affected by the condition. Moreover, a healthy diet will assist in shedding extra pounds that is one of the major Cushing's disease symptoms. Treat mental health - Cushing's disease and its symptoms have a significant impact on the mental health. Thus, addressing this issue is essential. Depression is a major Cushing's disease symptom that can develop and persist during the treatment of the condition. The patient should seek help from a therapist who will help in effectively coping with the issue. The period taken to recover from Cushing's disease symptoms can take a while, and the process solely depends on the severity of the condition. It is essential to work out a medical plan with the doctor and continue treatment until the condition subsides.
  • Avoid these 5 skincare mistakes that can cause premature aging
    People begin to get worried about the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles as they age. Getting flawless skin is a common goal, and one can find plenty of advice online and in magazines on how to achieve it. However, one does not always need expensive products to boost their skin health. In fact, avoiding common skincare mistakes could help prevent premature aging. So here are a few things to avoid for youthful skin:
    1. Not using a sunscreen Skin diseases, including skin cancer, are brought on by over-exposure to harmful UV rays of the sun. According to dermatologists, about 90% of premature wrinkles could be caused by sun exposure. So, it is essential to use sunscreen even when one is outdoors for a short duration. Also, one should use sunscreen irrespective of the weather, i.e., even on cloudy days. One should use sunscreen that has a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30. Moreover, it is not just the heat from the sun that can cause premature aging, regularly using hot showers, saunas, and hot tubs can also cause skin damage. So, using lukewarm or tepid water to wash your face is the best solution.
    2. Unhealthy food choices Most health issues, including skin diseases, can be prevented by making better food choices. If one is regularly always eating junk and unhealthy food, then the body does not get the nutrients it needs. This deficiency is reflected on the skin surface, which might be prone to inflammation and acne breakouts. So, for improved skin health, one should opt for healthy and balanced meals. This should include food items that contain nutrients such as vitamin E, antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, and carotene, as these are good for the skin. One can find these nutrients in fish, berries, honey, nuts, and yogurt, among other foods.
    3. Not following a night-time skin routine One of the best ways to keep skin disease and other skin issues at bay is to have a proper skincare routine, especially before sleeping. This would involve removing all the makeup and cleaning the face. This allows the skin pores to breathe and prevents clogging. Washing one’s face helps eliminate the free radicals that could have accumulated from pollution and the environment during the day. Over time, these free radicals can cause the breakdown of the skin protein collagen, which causes fine lines and makes the skin age prematurely. So, one should try techniques such as overnight deep moisturizing to help the skin hydrate.
    4. Over-exfoliating the skin To make the skin softer, smoother, and even-toned, many choose to exfoliate the skin as it removes dead and dull skin cells. Regular exfoliation can also prevent dead skin cells from accumulating in the pores and reduce the chances of acne, blackheads, and inflammation. However, over-exfoliation can cause skin damage resulting in dry, discolored, and irritated skin. The number of times one exfoliates will depend on the skin type, however, one should not exfoliate more than once or twice a week. Also, one should avoid using harsh products with abrasive ingredients.
    5. Not sleeping or exercising enough A lot of people prioritize their beauty sleep, and yes, sleep is essential for skin health. Getting sufficient sleep allows the body to repair and renew itself, and it can make skin look healthier. Lack of sleep can result in dehydrated and dull skin, which can make people look older than they are. Exercise is also not only good for one’s overall health but also the skin. Physical activity causes the blood vessels of the skin to dilate, which increases the supply of oxygen and nutrient-rich blood to the organ. This can help to boost the health of the skin.
    In addition to avoiding the above-mentioned mistakes, one should also stay away from unhealthy lifestyle habits. Following a simple skincare routine and opting for overnight deep moisturizing can also do wonders for the skin.